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The whole Prometheus experience review!

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MemberFacehuggerMar-21-2013 8:58 AM
[size=200][u]The whole Prometheus experience review:[/u][b][/b][/size] [img][/img] I never did do a review of Prometheus even though I had been around this forum even before the film was out (as a different user). So now that the dust has settled and all the truth (ehem) and all bits to the film have been released I felt I needed to finally do one so here it is :P (and remember this is just my opinion but it is based on allot of research and experience in the film industry as well) : [b]**WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD**[/b] I thought I had better say what I like first to balance it up a little: Engineers: Awesome, amazing design, feel, everything was very amazing with them – loved the final demise of the main engineer via giant face hugger (and that prosthetic head on the table was unbelievable!). The over all idea: I was waiting for a film like this for ages after many tv series touching on the goo religious overtones mixed in with some of the ultimate questions - were do we come from and what’s the meaning of life etc. etc. ...the basic main over all idea is superb!! David: The only character I loved – Shaw was OK but was no Ripley :( the rest of the characters could of left the film completely and it would have been for the best :P. The audio was pretty good. And there was amazing artistry involved with the making of the film... And a few other bit n pieces... [b]So what did actually happen?[/b] Well unfortunately allot of what I guessed would happen did! I say unfortunately as I am not a lover of this film – not to say I am a hater either. In fact its one of the strangest films ever in terms of love hate. I really did want this film to be a mind blower but as I said now that the dust has settled and we can see the full picture it clearly is not a game changer nor a mind blower for most people - of course one thing that it has taught me is that no matter how bad a part or whole film is someone out there will always love it! And I am guessing most of those people are the ones left over in this forum :S . So I am not expecting a pat on the back for everything I will say here :D ! So lets look at what went wrong...this of course is a hard one as we can never fully know everything that happened. But my best guess after watching the film in 3D, 2D, directors comments ,writers comments, interviews, full Blu-ray bonuses, viral campaign, forum, comments ,articles, news, etc. etc.. is this : [b]Viral campaign:[/b] This was visually amazing! And especially the happy birthday David video did really excite me as it just looked stunning – everything about it just oozed sophistication / intelligence and just left me wondering if this is the viral what’s the films going to be like / if its like this then its going to be awesome. I even wondered if this was the exact styling for the film / was how it would feel. But as we all saw it was not like this viral and that was a disappointment for me but not the end of the world. As the viral campaign unfolded I felt something was happening – this was a brilliant move and the campaign was going to reveal things that maybe the film did not - information. But alas no it was all hollow and as empty as most of the final film and started to fall apart at the seems ending up as a group of well made videos with virtually no meaning to them other than promotion and organized by some idiot possibly at fox that proceeded to mess it all up! The early website stuff seemed to be giving us clues and pointers and all seemed to be leading somewhere and felt great but ended up being 99 percent bits and bobs thrown in for the hell of it and had many pointless areas. What is 10 11 12 turned out to be the wrong date for the Blu-ray launch – DOH! Sparking everybody to think something good was going to happen like a mini short film or TV series or well just plain anything new! But like I said it was the wrong date and the what is 10 11 12 site disappeared revealing an advert for the Blu-ray on a new date in the form of a flash site that had broken links the wrong videos – quiet shockingly awful. So what was a brilliant viral campaign idea overall and in the beginning and visually expertly made in parts just got destroyed by no depth and almost no information adding to the film and awful mistakes. A huge opportunity squandered. [b]Blu-ray:[/b] This was probably one of the best parts to the whole thing – very well made with lovely interface and nice info on the film (very important in this case :D ) and actually tried to do some new stuff with a seconds screen app and other things. But again the idea was great but the execution just didn’t work – possibly the app was better on iphones but I was using an android galaxy s3. I used the second screen app in conjunction with the fox digital app for the downloaded film. It was nice when it worked but frequent crashes and bugs unfortunately made it almost not worth using :(. If this had worked perfectly it would have been awesome! The Blu-ray really helped in working out what happened to this film and ill come back to this later... [b]Film:[/b] Ooooh were do I start...eeek! Too much to say but I guess the first and biggest mess up was: Characters: My god Holloway was quiet probably the most annoying character ever written! A guy that according to Ridley is one of the cutting edge scientists decides to take his helmet off despite many many numbers of stupid reasons to take it off including: infection from viral / bacterial /nano / something alien we never seen before, sudden atmosphere changes, acid, traps around the corner etc. etc. etc. !! And if you think I am blowing this up lets listen to Spaihts from the Blu-ray commentary he did: “actors and directors wants helmets off....tug of war logic demands leave them on” so that’s Spaihts the original script writer of this film saying 'logic' demands leave them on and it was the director and actors wanting them off. And this is a key point that this was supposed to be a realistic film and therefore you would think logical as opposed to theatrical maybe no :O !? But I believe it was things like being theatrical not logical that helped bring down the film. Yes I know every film has some theatrical element to it but when is by the bucket load and over obviously going against logic it destroys instead of enhancing! I got the impression Spaihts was not happy with allot of stuff like this but tried to smile all the way through all the same. Holloway then later on proceeds to give up completely after checking only part of one of the many structures they saw as they landed :O and got drunk (made no sense)! The only good part he had was asking to be burnt alive :P . The other characters were all very easily forgettable and boring or just plain had no emotional attachment from me enough for me to care if they were dead or not. Except that is David – now he was a great character – thank god he was in it! Shaw was OK as well but was no Ripley for me – thank god these were the only two left as they were the only ones worth saving! The Guy Pearce part again – whhhy – OK so they were going to shoot the scene when he was young and they had already maybe paid him and had him in the red talk but even his amazing acting skills did not help how strange he looked in the film as the old man – it would have been better to just re-shoot it with an actual old man! Also Pearce / Weyland looks at Shaw and Holloway with no explanation to how he could know were they are going to be? If it was a way of hinting he was alive and close by that was awful too – so clumsy! A genius that accidentally looks at people giving a secrete away – dumb! Or its a slightly automated hologram that directs his face and eyes – again not explained at all! Anyway this as many things were was left open and so was not clear. He says he's recording the hologram years before – hmmmm. I could go on about how the sacrifice of the crew to stop the juggernaut was so badly made it made me laugh not cry or many other parts but you get the idea – the characters were mostly crap stupid and almost all acted completely out of character! I mean just look how good and convincing the crew of alien were! Even films like sunshine just had a much better more realistic feel and atmosphere to them! [b]Logic vs theatrics:[/b] Like I said before this film was far too 'theatrical' for a 'realistic' / 'logical' film pandering to the actors and director and possibly Lindelof. For instance the helmets : almost everyone I spoke to outside of the lovers zone in the forums said – why the f**k did they take there helmets off?! Holloway I understand was supposed to be a chance taker and general extreme sports type personality. But his job is an archaeologist (cutting edge apparently Ridley saying in commentaries :P) so even he would be able to grasp how monumental this find was and any contamination 'from' yes I say 'from' them could be catastrophic not to mention 'to' them. Then there’s the fact that the others did it too :O (so they all were supposed to be cutting edge scientist idiots?! Because last time I checked cutting edge scientists had some pretty amazing logic in their brains :S) Yes you can say they were scanning and knew what was in the air. Yet they had no idea this black goo was just around the corner that can turn them into monsters, or green goo on the control panels down the tunnel, none of which they had any idea what it all was, my god this was dumb! And like I say this does not stop them contaminating the place anyway! And what was that god awful part were Shaw and Vickers suddenly loose all basic intelligence and run in the exact direction of the rolling round shaped juggernaut :O (this one was Ridleys idea :( ). Again you get the idea – over dramatics messing up the story to a point it just does not feel remotely believable. [b]Ridley Scott:[/b] I am sorry to say that even with Ridley being probably my single most favourite director he was basically in the centre of the problems for this film. One way to help guess this is to look not only at his films recently other than Prometheus but all directors that are ageing! Ridley is 74 now I wont go into details but if you look at ageing directors and there films its safe to say there best films are all at earlier ages. What happens to them? Hard to say maybe they get too big headed – an island as such or they loose there sharpness as well all do with age – possibly. But it remains that pretty much in every area of expertise this happens (sport being an extreme one). But I am not saying he’s crap just that he’s fallen from the god like abilities he seemed to exhibit earlier in life (I think matchstick men was his last truly great film for me). [b]Lindelof:[/b] Yes the baddie script writer he did have allot to do with the problems but after checking all I can I actually think he's not as much to blame as I first thought. Some of the things I noticed to support this idea were: Lindelof said before the film came out in an interview that Ridley basically fed him all the ideas and he wrote them down now this was either Lindelof being polite but still distancing himself from the credit for the film or he really did just write down what Ridley said which points to Ridley doing most of the story telling. One such scene that was definitely Ridley was the rolling juggernaut – which was awful for me – sorry! And obviously many other bits that are not in the script were Ridleys too – not all bad but many cringe-worthy parts. [b]Spaihts:[/b] Now interestingly his script actually made sense felt more realistic and logical and was more interesting! People kept helmets on unless they were knocked off or similar. Vickers had stronger reasons for being so bitchy. In fact all the characters felt just more like characters instead of cardboard cut outs or acting out of character! Milburn and Fifield had reasons for doing such dumb things – map lost and supposedly bullet proof suits! It would have been a better film I am sure of this. But was not a master piece and I can see why they wanted to take it further unfortunately this ended up with a lesser film – it was very strange how this all transpired. [b]Other problems:[/b] Budget : Well $130 million dollars sounds like allot but in the top rated movie world it is fairly small and I did hear that it was cut from $200 million so I really think this hurt the film. If you read all the really cool extra CGI scenes such as David seeing all the Engineer technology read outs / fields etc. and other parts in Spaihts's script I reckon it would have been awesome to see them – they didn’t need to be massive – just a couple of shots here and there but there we go. Modern film making: A strange one but it seems the Hollywood film industry has been bought by pleasing kids and teens – its a simple fact of making money and unfortunately kids n teens rule this world – they are where most of the money is at – dragging there parents along to watch :P . Although Ridley did cut the film to make it a lower rating I must admit it was gory enough for me it was other things I didn’t like. And it wasn’t like it was a U anyway but it is obvious that they are writing these films to suit as many people as possible and so allot of them seem to become watered down and no were near as focused or brave as say alien was with its 18 rating and most likely less interference from executives who have no creativity at all :D . Build up and preparation and timing: If we compare alien to Prometheus. Alien just has much more preparation and build up – it feels like a solid universe were as Prometheus feels plasticky shallow and rushed even muddled as many people remarked on in reviews. Even the makers had different ideas about the universe of this film in the Blu-ray commentary : Lindelof saying basically the saucer and the juggernaut were part of the same time period just different craft for different uses were as Ridley says “there’s 10 million years in-between has changed” just one example. Ridley also comments on how “he better start thinking about what to do for the next one” :O ! This shocked me – my idea that he had been thinking about this film/s since alien 30 odd years before flew out the window. And there were many more hints that Ridley had in fact just begun with Prometheus at the start of the production, virtually no fore thought and it was made fairly quickly in film terms :O ! And its showed :( . Of course comparing it to alien is maybe a bit unfair as the timing was perfect – the combination of a prime Ridley with Geiger and O'bannon and a few others was a fairy tail moment almost as amazing as Star Wars. One more thing: I almost forgot as well – this does tie into the 'having a solid universe' idea as well : I think Ridley is way off here (unless he adds some ideas in the next few films to explain this) with all the timings of the things that happen in the Prometheus universe he mentions they are like 500 million years ahead of us technologically and there’s 10 million years between the saucer and the juggernaut?! And its obvious if they have been seeding life on planets and possibly made life on our planet that they really are extremely old. Now Ridley tries to show change with the naked engineer and the bio suited dark one later in the film (all of which I know is not fully explained – could be a different faction). But it seems that its Ridleys idea that after 100's of millions of years maybe even billions that these engineers have hardly changed there shape or maybe even technology. Which I don’t know about you kind of scares me because if I look at what we know about evolution this just does not add up. For instance say we take our own history and go back say 100 million years then look at how much humans have changed since then – and we are changing very slowly because there is supposedly no guidance / intervention. Also if you look at how fast our technology changes and its speeding up year on year! Then add on top the fact that engineers can play with life like its a toy – change there bodies in seconds with this black liquid and probably almost unlimited power to alter there own DNA! Then it leaves me thinking they could change dramatically in appearance and technology in say only even 3 years let alone a billion :O ! They could evolve into a god like ball of light in that amount of time and travel to any part of the universe work almost anything out and have no threat from a silly little bit of black goo or xenomorph :P ! I really hope they resolve this somehow. And that’s basically most of the main problems I feel – I have gone on a bit too long I know even thought there is so much more to say - so I will cut this short now and rate it: Sooo Overall score for 'The whole Prometheus experience' : [b][size=200]overall: 58/100(not an average)[/size][/b] [b]Film: 58/100[/b] [b]Viral: 45/100[/b] [b]Blu-ray: 75/100[/b] [b]APPs: 50/100[/b] [b]Spaights's script: 73/100[/b] [b]Lindelof's script: 60/100[/b] Just so you can compare I give Alien : 96/100 How could it have been better? It need more depth and detail – yes it is not deep! Leaving things out for the imagination is not 'being deep' in this case it is avoiding making any brave decisions which is basically a cop out. I view Prometheus like a piece of modern art – maybe with a bit of detail here and there – you know the type of paintings that have almost the entire canvas painted red or another primary colour. With people walking round it saying its so deep blah blah...Its a god damn red wall of paint for god sake :) . They need to really go for it in the next one – be braver (I know this is a word the Hollywood execs. Fear)! We need facts and details to draw us into this world. I expected Ridley Scott to have been planning this for ages (maybe even since alien). It should have been all layed out roughly in an idea for all 3 films if that is what the plan was for. And there should have been things layed down in the first film that maybe only get answered in the third. He should have had a stronger idea of the engineers were they come from how long they have been around doing what all the finer details of life like society civilisation purpose time frames etc. etc. . Yes they did this lightly but it was no were near solid / thorough enough and most of which was done on the fly as they were making it and it showed. We needed far better characters like in alien. We needed a few more CGI parts – yes what was done was amazing but if you read Spaights's script some of the structures were a hundred time bigger and more awe inspiring CGI could of sorted this out or even paintings with a few effects on top like in starwars and other parts like Davids vision of the Engineer control panels etc. . This film was half baked muddled and even with an amazing original idea it just did not get executed properly in fact it took steps backwards at points. Lindelof was probably a bad idea too it just took the wrong direction with him though how much was him and how much was Ridley and even pressure from actors etc. we will never fully know. It needed a re-write from Spaights's version but staying realistic / logical and not moving too far into the theatrical as Prometheus did (alien was far more realistic and not so 'theatrical'). Ridley always tries to do something new – this does not always work out. He could of stuck to a few old ways more I felt. Stick to realism - throw in more geeky facts almost like a wildlife documentary and throw in some cool shit, doesn’t need much just a bit more of the engineer vs giant hugger type coolness and maybe some more build up and awe – after all these are god like beings! Maybe even someone like Nigel Kneale to inject that amazing sci-fi mojo if only he was still alive. And space facts – the awe that I get from some of the stuff I find out about the universe blows my mind – why not integrate some of this in to the film in some way? Like facts like the observable universe would take 93 billion years to travel across at 186,282 miles per second and by the time you got to the other side at that speed it would already be another 50 billion light years wider or more and we now think that what we can see is less than 1 percent of this universe or it in fact may even be infinite :O. And what we can actually see (physically – planets stars clouds etc.) is less than 5% of the mass of the universe, there is something out there making up the other 95% which we call dark matter/energy of which we know almost nothing! Or say the fact that we have estimated there is a super massive black hole which is over 20 billion times the mass of our sun :O and our sun is about 330,000 times the mass of earth :O . Or little details such as the belief that there could be life forms made of elements that would make them burn or melt on our planet. Or that there is a 4000km diamond floating in space only 50 light years from us :O etc. etc. - if you know what I mean. To be honest just more of anything big or small would have been better! Something which Spaight's script had some of. I do still hold hope and am looking forward to the second one with talk of elders and a god like being above them I do believe Ridley can still do better films he just needs to listen more and not think of himself as a film god (well all the time at least)...and maybe leave the script writing up to someone hopes are low now...maybe that’s a good thing...I hope Prometheus has basically opened the door now we can get down to buisiness! There is another side to things and that is perception and society but this area is so complex I think I would have to write another 20 pages on it so I will skip this for now :S! Wow that was a bit longer than I expected – not even sure anyone will read all this but I had a few hours spare and I did want to put this out there. I suppose I am extra harsh on old Ridley but this is only because I feel he has fallen from his god like mantle (as he is probably my favourite all time director) it was just such a shame it wasn’t close to the level of his other films such as gladiator, alien, blade runner and so forth :( . And as I said before I am not trying to poo poo various aspects that was amazing about the film its just so strange how such brilliance sat next to such awfulness in one film. A turd with gold nuggets in it :D .

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

24 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-21-2013 10:02 AM
when i first see prometheus at cinema he left a bitter taste in my mout,but now i am hypnotized by the movie and grow every day in my eyes.


MemberOvomorphMar-21-2013 6:10 PM
Man you guys are just gonna over analyze the whole movie how many times can you talk about the characters?!.... Its like you cant get enough of the parts that you like or dislike. Thats where I disagree its a freakin Gold Bar to me. Im sorry that you guys had to analyze this movie to death but its still a great movie. I think movies over the years have numbed people and they just cant get enough til the franchise is over thats how mega-nerds always do it.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphMar-21-2013 7:20 PM
DJ with all due respect, your comment about " There's always someone who will love it" seems deliberately inflammatory. Suggesting I'm an especially rare sort of schnook who will eat any sort of glop with a smile is kinda short sighted. Aw, heck, it's an insult. I highly doubt there are only 8 or 9 people in the entire world who enjoyed the movie, all gathered here. I've been having the funny experience of loaning my copy out to all sorts of people who didn't bother with the film because of all the shrieking being done and, almost to a one, they loved it. WTV.


MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 1:06 AM
The movie grossed alot of money at the Box Office and it did pretty good on the review, even in my own state of Washington. I agree Major Noob even my friend whos a big movie critic , he loved the movie. Im trying to get my parents to enjoy as much as I have. The Engineers are my favorite aliens other than the Predators and alien creatures. This movie will become a classic like Alien with John Hurt and the first Predator movie with Arnold Schwartzaneggar and Jesse Ventura. My cousin who doesnt get into this kinda genre loved it as well. :)

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 8:02 AM
At least you bothered to give it a long and proper rewiev, ill give you that But i haveto agree with all the replies here. I cant understand why people who disliked the film still hangs around this site. Every other week i read either a post or an answer to a post, where someone is slagging prometheus off. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but how about showing some manners? I dont hang around AVP universe, bad mouthing the AVP films just becuase i dont like them. anunnaki@50 i agree, the engineers are one of the best movie aliens ever.



MemberFacehuggerMar-22-2013 8:44 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed 'Prometheus' and am hopeful that 'Paradise' will not only be a great film on it's own, but will make 'Prometheus' that much better... and maybe even "erase" some of the "negatives" that people find with it.


MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 10:40 AM
Perhaps DJ is disappointed like many other "Alien" purists - we were told to expect one thing and Ridley/Spaiths/Lindelof delivered something else. I still believe that the movie can stand on its own as a future "classic" sci-fi movie but time will tell.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 11:52 AM
OldGuy- welcome back! I know what you mean, but I do think they wisely determined that the Alien was played out, though maybe not as much as they assumed. For me, it was. I don't begrudge anyone their disappointment, I truly get it, but I do take issue with being painted as some kind of easily pleased schnook. Classic is a tricky word. For some, like me, it already is, but the sort of broad consensus that would render it a true classic is indeed a long time away..if ever. And by what yardstick is that finally measured? If its passion and controversy, it's already there! DJ, I wanted to come back and say that there are many aspects of your review I do agree with, especially with respect to marketing. The thing that killed me was the whole 10/11/12 thing with the buggy site and complete lack of sensitivity to the fans. I agree too that someone simply didn't know what they were doing, and the resulting let down only tainted an already vulnerable title. It felt not fully thought through. Further, I'll bet whoever is responsible does not get what the problem was. Talk about letting a title down. Done right, there would have been many more happy customers. I wanted more story, not a coupon. The virals were very cool and stylish and in the case of Weyland I think necessary, Guy Pierce was a great cast and with his younger scene cut from the script, we needed to see him and his talk did much to substantiate his position, and foreshadow later events. Logic is important if it serves the story, but lack of it can create tension and that's what I got from certain scenes. Humans are a flighty bunch, they do stupid things. They needed to be foolish and vulnerable, kids on a camping trip. That was the story. I didn't expect that either but it served, along with many other things, to keep me surprised and on edge.  Whether or not RS has succumbed to his own ego could be debated, but I think he's at the top of his game as a visual artist, and indulges in enough hubris that much of what he says about the science and timelines should be taken with a grain of salt. I also don't think it's out of the question that he's being deliberately contrary and confusing, he's a mischievous guy. And he worked very hard, here, to create something highly unusual, to weave so many great elements, influences and references into one package, only a truly great and committed filmmaker could or would do that.  Every Alien movie has been different, successfully or not, and that too is part of the canon, the aesthetic. RS simply took his place in the stack. On top.


MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 12:53 PM
Not all people who hate Prometheus are disgusted by the script, some of them just copied and pasted the details of the reviews from other sites, and everything to decorate. The real reason is that Prometheus is not full of Alien Queen, space marines and lots of action. I agree, some of the characters suck, but I can bet you anything that even with a better script and deep characters we would be seeing negative fan reviews. In fact in a sister site there is a general consensus that Aliens is the best movie of the franchise, and I've seen similar thoughts in other sites, then definitely they will never enjoy Prometheus as a true fan of Alien. Even here, there are still people who are not satisfied with the appearance and size of the Engineers.


MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 1:07 PM
but the The point of Alien purists is completely true...simply can not please everyone.


MemberFacehuggerMar-22-2013 3:20 PM
No I know there are at least 10 people that love this film :) - joke. I didn't say it was awful just that it could of been so much better. And that parts were even amazing. I too loved the engineers although the elephantine ideas in some of the sketches looked more awesome but i know budgeting for that was out of the question maybe...and no I am not a purist. I knew there was only going to be strands of dna from alien and I had even sneakily watched the opening scene before I saw the film so I was well aware of what was to come. Even with ridley not making any classics for a while I hoped somehow it would at least be pretty damn good but as I stated things just got in the way. The reason people analyse films like this is due to the fact they set themselves up as being 'real' as in our future. Now if you think 'cutting edge scientists' are all dumb and all the many other glaringly obviously not realistic parts to the film don't destroy your suspension of disbelief then you will love it. The funny thing is that almost everything made total sense in spaight's script! Which is very worrying. And like I say I still think the story can correct itself it just needs to go up a gear or 2 in the decision department! If we get more of the same it will start to flop in the next film. Which leaves me wondering what the budget is...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberFacehuggerMar-22-2013 5:02 PM
One of the many problems I have with Prometheus is the fact that it's made up of unused and discarded concepts from both Starbeast and early material from Alien. Basically, Prometheus is the movie Ridley couldn't make back in 1978 & 79.


AdminPraetorianMar-22-2013 5:10 PM
I personally preferred lindelof's script over Spaiths. I loved the Engineers, they were great, best thing in the movie imo. What really bothered me with the movie is that I felt like I was being pushed through every scene, the pace was so rushed you had to watch it 3 times just to take everything in. Honestly it wasn't the content it was the pacing of the movie that threw me off.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphMar-22-2013 6:50 PM
Xeno- yes, but I was happy about that, staying true to the original vision. I'll bet they thought you would be too. Svanya- yes, it could have used a little room to breathe. DJ- you know, cutting edge scientists are people too, and if you put them in an absolutely extraordinary situation, isn't it possible they would behave erratically? Wouldn't they be afraid, and wouldn't that, in some, manifest itself in bravado? One moment I loved was Holloways " Are you ready for this? I know you are!" line. Oh, he's [i]pumped[/i]. But isnt that exactly what would happen? Honestly, there were some off points for me but that wasn't one of them, diminishing these people a bit made them more human, fallible, overwhelmed, in way over their heads. IMO. I liked it. Besides, I never heard "Cutting edge scientists " ( not at all suggesting it wasn't said). My interpretation was that they were far from it, hired for their expendability, much in keeping with the spirit of the original, an example of the crass evil behind the entire mission (Weyland's desire for immortality and who knows what else). These are my own interpretations. I have many more, but I won't bore you and everyone else here with them, I'm like a broken record. You know how sometimes you get something you want when you didn't know you wanted it? That's what happened to me. One word that RS used that really did hit the mark was " Perverse ". The tone was perverse, a bunch of double crossing in-it-for-themselves eccentrics in the lair of sinister gene splicing "gods" 2000 years dead. Tech so powerful it's still active. An unexplored facet of the Alien story. A giant ominous soil dome with hostile Xeno worms. The JUGGERNAUT. All of this rendered with a crazy vivid mid century by-way-of-the swinging sixties yet oddly Japanese look, to [i]everything[/i]. Ok, I guess I wasn't through. Sorry! :D. One more bit of defensiveness and I'm done. I'm not a Ridley groupie. One of the biggest let downs of my life was Hannibal. The book rocks, I've hawked it here several times. Fantastic book. RS was a perfect match to direct the film. What happened? So I do empathize, believe me.


MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2013 3:59 PM
Yes I agree hannibal was a let down. And it was ridley scott himself that said cutting edge scientists in the commentary. I have already tried to force that camping trip idea in but it just doesn't work if it were there intention they did a bad job of it. I also sometimes think lindelof n scott tried to make it into some kind of new hybrid of slapstick b movie horror yet trying to be real which doesn't work either! But after reading parts of spaight's script you start to see how these moments made sense I.e. : fifield n milburn talking about having bullet proof suits thinking the worm couldn't harm them. And having a reason for getting lost. Which just disappeared in the final script etc. Etc. . Think it was also just the shear amount of stupid behaviour as well - even alien had some but it felt sooo real in comparison. And yes star beast...but this type of film did need to be done I wonder if guillermo will still do mountains of madness...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphMar-24-2013 5:32 PM
I have the last word on this topic. PROMETHEUS was awesome and your review of it sucks sorry that's my OPINION and just like anuses we all have them.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberFacehuggerMar-26-2013 4:09 PM
Erm yer ok... :D just sit down and breath... yes we all have opinions and forums are for debate not people sitting round saying how awesome everything is. I'm glad you utterly destroyed my review with your deep and well constructed argument there teehee !

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


AdminPraetorianMar-26-2013 4:12 PM
@Anunnaki50; Woah!! Harsh much??? Everyone has a right to their opinion....


MemberFacehuggerMar-26-2013 5:17 PM
Come on [b]Anunnaki50[/b] I know everyone's entitled to their own opinion but let's try to keep it friendly! Thank you.


MemberOvomorphMar-26-2013 11:12 PM
djamelameziane, although I disagree with your assessment of Prometheus I appreciate your efforts in reviewing the whole body of work surrounding the film. In the sci fi and horror genres, we are more often than not served up turds rather than gold nuggets, but imo Prometheus was one of those golden nuggets, even if not a 24k one. Your comments regarding the shallowness and stupidity of the characters have been echoed ad nauseum here and elsewhere. Frankly some explanation of the actions would have helped (how about the effects of 2 years in cryosleep for starters), but we are left to our own imagination. That being said, these genres require as part of the story that someone open the door that shouldn't be opened, push the button that shouldn't be pushed, or ignore that inner voice that says "don't go in there". Imo the spectacular visuals, the outstanding performance by fassbender, and the overall air of mystery deserves a higher rating than you have given. Furthermore, I thought the blu ray and special features was truly outstanding and added greatly to the overall experience. I did not attempt the apps so I have no opinion on them, but overall I found the experience enjoyable and thought provoking. I believe the final verdict on this film should await what happens in the sequel(s), as this was clearly intended to be only a first act.


MemberFacehuggerMar-27-2013 2:37 PM
Hmmm 2 years in cryo didnt seem to turn the crew in alien into idiots and god knows how long they were under. And these people were space truckers not even cutting edge scientists! Far far more realistic. Yes I too loved david and other parts but as the saying goes you cant polish a turd - no matter how good small parts are. :D To be honest most people I have talked about the film with put far lower than me they talk about how it was virtually impossible to mess it up but they did guy even tried to stop me buying the blu ray in the shop saying it was the worst film he had seen in years! And yes its just the first part thank god it will be interesting seeing how it unfolds its certainly a wonderful subject. I just hope they learned from the the first part and check out this forum :p ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Purl Halyk

MemberOvomorphMay-14-2013 6:19 AM
Long story short... I want to know if someone will give a storyline of xenomorphs history line of where they actually come from, and even though a simple lethal creature... why they get such little focus in any film or game of their existance or why from franchise no answer is ever given... I wish in the game their story was better. A long time franchise fan in CANADA


MemberFacehuggerMay-21-2013 5:40 AM
Yer games almost never have good story lines - pity I thought by now they would be on par with films...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberFacehuggerJun-21-2013 8:53 AM
Update: just noticed Damon's next writting job came to pass with the new star trek into darkness now the only difference in the writing was him so before it was two writers now its 3 with the exact same two from the original. This for me put a black mark by Damon as the first star trek was awesome this 2nd one took a bit of a nose dive but was ok. Hmmm anyway I guess I'll see if his next script is the same... :S

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

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