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Could Prometheus 2 re name the monsters?

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MemberFacehuggerApr-16-2013 2:51 PM
Given that Prometheus has introduced us to the Deacon. I think it is safe to assume that it has been established to be a relative of the creature we call a Xenomorph. In which case do the Engineers actually have a name for these creatures that we have not yet heard. Is it possible Ridley could re-name the Xeno or would that really upset a lot of people?

11 Replies

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-16-2013 3:57 PM
Batchpool- you beat me to the punch! I was considering a "Xeno-Schmeeno" thread for re naming the Xeno! The name never bothered me but I've seen a lot of distaste for it here, and I thought it would be a cool task to propose to the members: Rename the Xeno! That said, I have no new name for it myself. I like the Deacon, and I'm cool with the Hammerpede and Trilobite, although those two names seem to have been arrived at very early on, before things "evolved", heh heh. Maybe we just call them all "Meta Xenos". *prepares for tar and feathers* All that said, I'm sure the Engineers have a name for it, something like Schminc- TOTHphTH or Bruno. Think its unlikely RS will alter their nick names though.


MemberFacehuggerApr-16-2013 4:33 PM
Thinking about this one carefully, there are actually two big points. One : As you have stated, What would you call a xeno if given a choice? ( might be worth you running that separate to this) @ Noob Or The Big Number Two What would happen to the franchise if the Xeno got re-named. Would this create havoc with merchandising. Would certain toys and other bits of merchandising become collectors items? Who would this REALLY upset. Would this make a big difference to all the fans out there? Would Ridley be allowed to do it?


MemberOvomorphApr-16-2013 5:21 PM
"Xenomorph" was never the creature's name, though. It was a generic term used by the marines to describe any alien threat. "xenomorph" - alien form. As was "bug".
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-16-2013 6:28 PM
Bruno gets my vote. But all joking aside, I do think Xenomorph has become its official name, though Im totally up for something better. It might be good for merchandising if a new name, a good one, were used in the next installment. Id love that. Also a sort of RS taking back what is his. I think that would be great. As to who or how many it would anger, probably plenty, though I've seen little evidence of it here.


MemberOvomorphApr-16-2013 6:41 PM
Well definitely could not be Ultramorph because the term Xenomorph is used by the crew of the Sulacco in Aliens (unless Ridley think that Alien and Prometheus are the only canon, though I doubt it). Then it must be Deacon.


MemberOvomorphApr-16-2013 6:51 PM
Thanks to this thread I got the following question: What is the real name of the Engineers? because "Engineers" is the name that Shaw gave them, but they are a civilization, therefore they must have a name in their own language. Plus In the alternate ending David says he knows the name of the home planet and then says that the most closest thing in our language and culture is "Paradise." Is there a concept that can approximate to the true meaning of the name of this race? and in that case, David knows?


MemberFacehuggerApr-16-2013 6:59 PM
The only problem I could foresee with re-naming monsters in the official language of the Engineers home world, is that it would open the door to the hyper geek who already has a degree in Romulan, and can recite Klingon opera’s whilst wearing a red Star Fleet shirt. Do Sci fi conventions really need another alien language to annoy people with. Then again, I would be curious to know the ways of the Engineers civilization . ( Think I’m turning hyper geek, oops)

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-16-2013 7:20 PM
Mr. Pool- well that would be up to Dr. Bitoo, with RS's input. Would be great, really. I'd love a scene where an Engineer hears a slither, looks up with unbelievable space monster knowledge and says in a throaty whisper something like: "Hupia". And then rises to face the threat with unknown Engineer knowledge of the unknown.


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 1:50 AM
Cameron, he's the guy who fostered a Queen Mother onto a 'perfect organism' with its own unique and valid egg-mogrifying life cycle, right? Riiiiiiiight, in a Brett-voice.
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MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 6:05 PM
He did do that alright, it took away from the cocooning-egg sequence and made it close to our version of a self-replicating creature.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 6:38 PM
" The creature's production name became known as "The Deacon" because according to Prometheus director Ridley Scott its head looks like a Bishop's mitre, the Christian church Deacon's pointed hat. [2] " ... according to: Wikipedia ( don't really see a connexion between this variant of xenomorph and (god forbid some weird) country bishop. RS was being ironical of course, tongue in cheek. we have LV-426 aliens (= xenomorphs) and LV-223 aliens ( = Deacons ? ), Tribolite (P1), black goo (P1), face-huggers (A1) and squid/Tribolite, humungous face-hugger (P1), goo-infected science team member, becomes "zombie" (P1), mother alien (A1), cobra-like water snake, oouuuch (P1), good & bad Engineers (P1) ... please add what's left out at will. Deacon or not? would rather opt for LV-223 aliens vs. LV-426 aliens ... Deacon? what is a christian bishop, a so-called "deacon" doing on a planet/moon in the neighbourhood of the Zeta 2 Reticuli galactic system ? let's name zehm aliens (ooops, gotta watch zee spelling) : aliens223 and aliens426 ? cold alphanumerical digits ... instead of localized religious reference to earthian sect member ?
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