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MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 6:27 PMThe equal opposite of life is death!
That is the black liquid organic, that is what is in the pots and that's what that protected both Engineers!, Just death and will understand it only when stop thinking about Death, as something metaphorical
If Life has its essence, why not Death?
Shaw said it and I never understood, had to do the movie verbatim, Shaw said "the ship carrying Death and heads to Earth"
View Organic Death as something made me understand all the Movie
The First Engineer (the Sacrifice) is an example of Organic Life, (all living things are examples of organic life)
The First Engineer had to drink Death (Because in the beginning of the world there was no Death), this caused the absence of Life (Death), but the engineers knew that the (Death Organic or Organic Liquid Black) was also affected by other elements (like water) thereby causing the continuation of life!
And if they see it in this way will give answers to all questions not answered on Prometheus!
I have responded to mine and now it all makes sense!
*Edit; Added extra thoughts*
Just imagine that!
The Engineer of Sacrifice has eternal life, and this idea lies in one fact, (cell regeneration in your body), technically this works well, the passage of time does not affect it, because your body is constantly regenerating your cells, if the it hurts "guess what happens" is regenerated. Now you think, "but you can get sick"! and I say! Wait a minute. Can not Get sick, because because its quality protects your body, (but there is another more powerful reason)
Diseases do not exist!
Do not forget that we are talking about the beginning!
They now have an idea of a world without death, but that does not mean there is no death. They manipulated Engineers also Life and Death!, Tabi Engineers knew that these two "entities" by nature worked together! (They, Life needed to create Death, and Death to create Life!)
Now, Let the Engineer of Sacrifice (and you will tell me "but if he has eternal life" can not die "!)
The engineer put her directly Sacrifice your body in contact with the "organic essence of death" on a cell battle, he knew, was going to lose!, But also knew that the clash between these two "entities" (life and death) was also conditional on the interaction of the elements, and Physical laws existing in the environment or ecosystem Planet which developed the "shock" of these "entities" (life and Death) Water speak!
Well, we all know that proliferates in water scientifically Life, and more! Biblically there is also this reference, the Bible tells us and tells us about the Rivers of Living Water or just (water is life!)
Engineers, also knew this!
That the interaction of the Engineer with death, in contact with an element like water, would have resulted Life! A kind nascent genome derived directly from engineers! But the clash of these two "entities" (Life and Death) cost, the new breed created, did not possess the same qualities organic, (quality of limited regeneration) and also there is the fact that part of the essence of the death, was widespread in the plant at the time of sacrifice!
Ebola, Cancer, AIDS or simply cold (all are remnants of the essencia of Death in the beginning) Now began the existence of Death in the world! Add to that, the new breed lacks the quality of regenerating, (now we are mere mortals)
Be Very course, in the context of this idea!
"Eternal Life, Immortality does not mean"
We are Extensions of life and all living things so is every organic entity in this world that has life, is an "extention of life" (something like a tool of Life) and logic, our main function is "create life", somo capable of that because life itself gave us this gift! and this is the meaning of the "sacrifice of the Engineer"
but death can also do the same (but in the opposite direction to life) generates death death!
Worms and fifield are a clear example of this! they were in contact with Death and Death's turned into an extension of it, transformed into tools for creating death, (this is very clear in the film), and the highest expression of this "extention" is the xenomorph! "
The xenomorph is the opposite version of an Engineer. The Engineer is the ultimate expression of life, and by nature a "creator of life." The xenomorph is the ultimate expression of Death, and by nature a "creator of Death".
Engineers created us a very powerful reason, and this reason leads to this question.
Are we as a race, worthy of eternal life? Engineers created us like them, but not equal to them (do not forget that we are a race Mortal) Created went well, so we could live and understand the above concept, of Life and Death "of the extensions and the nature of them". Somehow, we had to reach a collective maturity as a race, to make us worthy of eternal life, so that the human race had to be aware of its nature and environment of life and death in which they had been created, understand and comprehend the interactions of these two "entities" (life and death)
How to become worthy of eternal life, if we are not worthy of it?
Engineers hoped that we, our understanding convirtieramos wisdom!, 'But we must first understand the concept of eternal life does not necessarily mean literally what the word says.
The engineers needed our race we passed this test, to be worthy of a "Life Eternal Knowledge"