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What Did the Predator Want on LV 223?

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Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2013 11:54 PM
We see the predators' signature red-dotted-triangular laser targeting system pointed at Janek in the temple room when he comes there, and we can hear a predator in the background. What do you think the predator was doing there? Have they been there before? I think it's most likely they couldn't open any of the doors, so when David did they entered to check out those areas.
29 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 3:22 AM
Dear Visionary Alpha, after I read your comment I watched the scene about 20 times and im sure that it's only some kind of light reflection. Sorry for that! Before the scene cuts you can see the laser moving to the right and short behind it a "weaker" second one. This is typical for light reflection (e.g. sun reflections). And second Ridley Scott doesn't like the AVP - Universe so it would be strange if he added a Predator. Well, I would be glad if did so but im really sure he didn't... And please tell me what you exactly hear ^^ NibbiX

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 3:40 AM
I don't think it's a trick of the light. I am no expert, but I doubt the predator's red triangle would be made because of lights in the background, particularly considering the level of professional editing this film underwent. They would certainly have seen it and if was accidental for whatever reason, they left it in knowing the impression it would leave with the discerning viewer. I hear some kind of "hi-kerr" like growling or undertone in the background, and while this isn't obviously attributable to a predator it suggests something was indeed there which shouldn't surprise us. One other time when we can hear things that aren't shown is when the first hologram of the engineers running is played, and in the background we can hear screams like from the deacon at the end. There are other sounds there, too, as if from different creatures, which again isn't surprising. I also consider it very plausible a predator was on LV 223 when the "pup" of Fifield malfunctions. For a few moments, it detected life, and what I imagine happened is the predator walked down that tunnel and looked at the door and left when it couldn't open it. The message I believe we're supposed to get from what was said about it at the time, that it was an intermittent signal, also says to me that it was only partially detecting the alien and that follows if it was a predator in their camouflage. Another poster, zzplural, said a long time ago the predators could be heard in the background, and I suspect this poster might know how to describe those sounds very well because the way he or she talked about it was with a lot of confidence. This topic, I believe, was pointed out first by Tankgirl, who works for the site. To your thoughts about Ridley Scott disliking the AVP universe very much, I doubt he does so to the point where he wouldn't provide for it. James Cameron expressed a similar view before seeing AVP, and liking it, and Scott is first the business man and he will let the franchise go in every direction it will based on fan writing like AVP. For all intents and purposes, I believe the predator in Prometheus was a nod to AVP fans, just as the deacon was a nod to alien fans at the end. Prometheus goes in its direction, though, developing its own mythology where it is the center story and the events of alien are just a tiny event in the same universe. And also remember, that if the intent is for AVP to be "canon", then the predators were big players in the beginnings of humanity, to such an extent that they might have been the giant beings pointing to the stars instead of any engineers. This is all food for thought, and I started this thread to fish for some creative ideas because I'm working on a script for a sequel.


MemberDeaconJul-03-2013 9:59 AM
Also... The Markings on the Urns are not like those on other engineer markings i.e those on the Doors, on the Head Statue, on the Engineer Cryo Sleep pods and on the Walls etc... The markings on the Urns look kind of Predator...... Does that mean there are Predators on LV223? Nope maybe these things are just Easter Eggs and Teasers just for us to speculate over... Or they are purely accidental and thus mere coincidence. Could the Predators be brought into as Canon.... YES.... and i think they would fitted in very well..... However after the way they was introduced in AVP, and then the mockery that is AVPR i dont think it would be wise to do so... AVP was a waste of great potential... Saying that so was Prometheus in regards to its plot...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 10:14 AM
Very humorous, guys... I thought this forum was for serious, commited Alien/Prometheus fans - who, it goes without saying, can only laugh when people try to fit the damn predators into the Alien canon.


MemberDeaconJul-03-2013 10:20 AM
I am not sure Ridley dislikes AVP Universe.... Much like he dislikes latter Alien movies... I think ultimately he is disapointed to how it was done, it was basically done as just a money maker and in a more lazy way and also ties in Weyland into well something that then contradicts the Alien timeline of events. Ridley has gone to lengths with Prometheus to ultimately cast the Weyland of AVP as none canon... Mind you again, Prometheus for me did not take as full advantage of how to use a connection between Xeno and Space Jockey. And it also has many inconsistencies and contradictions. for the record AVP Universe worked well with the PC Games, and latter Console.... Just the way Fox did it for the movie was bad, it should have been set way in the future after the events of Alien 3 i recon

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 10:59 AM
@Cremildo: I'll tell you why I try to fit the predators in. Anyone who sees the movies, AVP and even AVP2 which I would say is very bad, has a right to expect it to be canon. I believe the right thing is to find all the advantages you can, and as a fan of the original predator movie, I am always "blown away" by them wherever they appear. My only concern for them is that there have been no sequels with Arnold yet, and that they were portrayed as foolish and weak compared to the xenomorphs which they should be able to make mince-meat of. There are people who feel the same way about the books and comics, and computer and video games, and I totally agree with Big Dave here who says what many others have said, that AVP wasn't done nearly as well as it could have been. The concept is solid, and it's a natural question of a viewer to ask which species would win against the other. There is nothing "smarter" about aliens and prometheus. I am working on a sequel that would knock your socks off, and I know that because of the intelligence I am putting into it.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:08 AM
It comes down to the fundamental question of "what out there (in space)", and "how do we prepare for it"? Predator began with a quiet little ship passing by Earth and depositing a landing pod. Where did it go? Ridley's universe is populated by countless species, some horrible and some of greater threat to us than others. In that struggle, I wonder if the predators will not be our allies, and our only saviors.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 11:32 AM
Predator is not canon. Nothing in Prometheus intimates predator involvement. End of song.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 1:02 PM
They're as much canon as Prometheus itself is canon to Alien.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 1:03 PM
And they're obviously in the movie as Easter eggs, as Big Dave said (at least). The clues or signs are there to be fun to look at, like the Weyland logo, and like the deacon.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 3:30 PM
@Visionary Alpha First your Predator-interpretations are a really good explanation for lots of open questions I asked myself after watching the film. [quote]Scott is first the business man and he will let the franchise go in every direction it will based on fan writing like AVP.[/quote] Yes, you're right ... I remember old rumours about the Juggernaut being a bomber and it really is. And so I'm convinced you might be right. And maybe it wasn't at least an Easter egg but a way to fit the engineers into the whole AVP-universe. Next step could be that (also old fan-rumours) the Engineers and the Predators are at war. Maybe the Predators destroyed the "Paradise" and the Engineers were forced to create the ultimate weapon to stop the Predator. Why else should they bring life to a planet and infect it later with lethal biological weapons (David)? In that case I would agree Predator is canon, same as alien is.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 4:34 PM
I like the idea, anyway. I will try to use subtlety whenever I can, to start small and build when revealing this.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 5:34 PM
I'm with JoeyJoe. AVP (both) was just a silly Hollywood Mashup. If i was a die-hard fan of the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise, would i consider Freddy Vs Jason to be 'Canon'- Shit no. Furthermore, nothing in the countless hours of extras, The Art of Prometheus or any interview about this movie EVER even feign so much as a hint that Predators are involved. I have seen Prometheus 50 times now, and pledged myself to it like a religion; yet i promise you, the day a Predator appears in Ridleyland- I'm out.


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2013 6:10 PM
I'm a hard fan too of Alien and Prometheus and I dont want any kind of AVP nonsense in these great movies. I'm a Predator fan too but they have their own universe and Prometheus has its own leave it be. The Predator movies are really good except for AVP and AVP2. Leave the genre alone.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJul-04-2013 12:04 AM
The writing in prometheus is a mixture of ancient sumerian and ancient persian. Where as the writing in predator is just chicken scratchings.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberFacehuggerJul-04-2013 9:48 AM
Ridley Scott has his own universe. Which concludes Alien Prometheus Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2, Prometheus 2 or maybe the Forever War. Predators don't fit into this universe.


MemberOvomorphJul-04-2013 1:17 PM
While I don't recall a SPECIFIC Predator instance in Prometheus, to think these characters aren't in the same universe is silly. Even if you don't think AVP and AVP:R are canon, well Predator 2 certainly is considered canon and the ending to that film made it rather clear there is a shared space. All Anderson did was expand on that in AVP and give it a back story. That back story imo is pretty similar to Prometheus'. Because of this I do think the Preds stumbled onto the Engineers' weapons bay and as a result brought viles to Earth to pretty much begin their rule over people by showing them that they are their protectors. I actually think we are going to find that the Engineers in Paradise had the same idea, Preds just beat them to it. The preds in 1,2,3 are simply a species whom are trying to stay current with present day human technology by improving hunting techniques, weaponry, and more in a Universe that has some pretty advanced tech already and with an Earth that is continuing to expand theirs. No one forced these franchises together, the blue prints were set afoot 20 years ago in Pred 2, we are just NOW seeing the result. Remember the ending to AVP-R? It's no stretch of the imagination that Weyland - Yutani were able to develop a bunch of the technology that we saw in Aliens on as a result of having that Predator gun. And what happens when you make a fortune in technology? You become a company that can afford a bunch of space missions which included but was not limited to colonization.

Adam Kadmon

MemberOvomorphJul-04-2013 4:24 PM
Take this Predator crap and the all the Alien crap, minus the First Alien, Take it all to another forum on another website. Prometheus/Blade Runner/Alien 1979 are the cannon.... END OF DISCUSSION.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-04-2013 6:40 PM
Predators. The Red Hot Chili Peppers of science fiction.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-04-2013 8:59 PM
@JayBladder: Thanks for the post! I am disgusted by how many hate-posts there are for anything predator here. I created this thread because I thought it would be fun for fans to talk about why there may have been a predator on LV 223. I'm so happy to see someone did so.


MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 12:50 AM
I know the Predator language isnt based off of real writing but you still have to give the people who created it some credit. Just like the fake Klingon language some guy came up with all of those Predator symbols and put sounds and verbs and meanings of these symbols. He made an actual fake (oxymoron I know) language system.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 5:52 AM
I don't hate the Predators at all, they just, to me, reflect a very different universe. I have to admit I never saw the AVPs, but not because the idea of them offended me, just never got around to it. I do get a flashier sort of rock and roll feeling from the Predator movie style, and have a hard time seeing it dovetail with Prometheus. No intent to insult with that last post, just having fun!


MemberDeaconJul-05-2013 9:31 AM
Well we had the AVP Games which i think are very solid and the Story of AVP Movie should have followed the events of the PC Game AVP2 and its Primal Hunt Expansion pack.... You know introducing the Predators into Alien Franchise as a connection with a War between them and the Engineers could have worked, if done correctly. But with the Mishap of the AVP Movies, there would be too much Stigma due to those Movies to maybe allow Ridley to go that route, and maybe he may even set clues that would in no way leave a connection to Predators as far as any future Canon. But i would like to see another AVP Movie, a Original one i.e Reboot, in that its not Canon to AVP Movies that have been out. I would like to see one thats well done and planed and based on the Games series that may then be allowed to link a Canon to Alien, while at same time then relegating the AVP Movies that are already out as purely non Canon waste of License..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJul-05-2013 9:52 AM
Visionary- People have their opinions. When you pose a question on the internet, people are going to express themselves accordingly. This does not make them 'hate posts'. That being said; personally i do HATE the idea of Predators in this franchise.


MemberOvomorphJul-06-2013 1:11 AM
In Primal Hunt there is something called "The Artifact." [img][/img]

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 7:59 AM
@Fleshvessel: Instead of making the post being fun, however, now I feel like making the post means digging out of mud. Saying you hate something is a little too tough for me, but being told the post isn't welcome or that the discussion itself is invalid, is very harsh.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2013 10:17 AM
Visionary- I just read this thread all the way through and have to apologize for my part in it, we all have our very personal things we hold dear and things like validity and canon are nowhere more personal than in the Alien universe.


MemberOvomorphJul-11-2013 9:38 PM
I cant imagine a Predator holding a pen.... or building a spacecraft with those monster hands...


MemberOvomorphAug-18-2013 7:33 AM
Actually the reason for that triangular light was, If you observe the torch which Janek holding is a triangular torch light. it's not any predator laser, its just the torch's flare.
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