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Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-31-2013 4:04 PMThe following is my ideas for Prometheus 2:
Don't show the Shaw and David juggernaut in the opening scene, just show them both (David's head back on body) fighting their way through a snow storm on the engineers homeworld, before eventually stopping on a cliff top overlooking a very strange, alien city.
Then, back on Earth, we cut to another main character looking out over a very futuristic New York City from his balcony, with cars flying past him, (like bladerunner.) He is a detective, and a very good detective at that. He looks up at the night sky, a space station catches his eye. He receives a call on his wrist mounted mobile/cell phone, the person on the other end tells him to rendezvous with a company boss on the space station, so off he goes. He will learn that he will be part of a 6 man crew that will travel to LV 223 to investigate what happened to the crew of the Prometheus. They eventually arrive at LV 223, enter the temple, discover that there is a passage way to a huge underground bay. The crew come across unspeakable, deformed creatures that have been dead for a long time. But, something lurks in the shadows which makes the crew very nervous. After answering some of the many questions from Prometheus, all but one of the crew are killed by the now adult deacon.
Meanwhile on the engineers homeworld, Shaw and David are investigating the abandoned Gigeresgue alien city, David becomes increasingly creepy as the story unfolds, he interagates Shaw by asking very inappropriate questions about her sexual activities, he becomes more and more obsessive towards her as the story goes on. They walk through the abandoned engineer city for days, but in this place there is no way of telling because there is only night.
David gives Shaw answers to some of the questions she has, he tells her that we humans were created so that the engineers blood line could go on. A long time ago the females of their species lost the ability to conceive, so they had no other choice but to recreate themselves in a way that would not go against their moral laws. They could have easily cloned themselves in labs, but this would go against their moral code, so they seeded other planets with their DNA and let nature take it's course. He goes on to tell her that we were targeted for destruction because we had become disobedient and murdered one of their miracles (Jeebus.) Jeebus was their first attempt at cross breeding, he was half engineer and half human, but that wasn't the main reason. The main reason was that they knew where we were heading and that we would eventually become too powerful for them to control.
He goes on to tell her that the mural in the ampule chamber of an engineer beside a strange creature, is a depiction of an ancient engineer trying to get away from what he once was, like a human trying to get away from the ape inside him. The creature is what the engineers evolved from, but they were not alone, just like Neanderthals and homosapiens, the engineers had a close relative, but their close relative didn't die out.
They eventually come across engineers but they are far from friendly. David tries to rape Shaw but she escapes him, She then spends the rest of the film running and hiding from the engineers
At the end of the film, we are left wondering what happened to Shaw.
The poster was good though!
9 Replies

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2013 9:21 PMI'm sorry. Does that say 'Tries to rape her'...?
Rape her?
David, the android, tries to rape Elizabeth Shaw?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-01-2013 4:04 AMYes he does the swine. Like Ash in Alien tries to rape Ripley, well his version of rape.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-02-2013 3:39 PMI get it now.......

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2013 10:56 PMNot digging it sorry. Ash didnt try to rape Ripley BTW, he wanted to kill her, albeit badly.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-05-2013 6:04 AM@brego, sorry you feel that way mate. Quote "Ash didn't try to rape Ripley BTW, he wanted to kill her, albeit badly."
Yes, he may have intended that to be the final outcome, but not before he had his wicked way with her. It is made clear on Alien documentaries and film commentaries that in that particular scene, Ash is basically having sex with Ripley in a freaky, android way, it's basically oral rape. He doesn't have a male sex organ, so he uses a rolled up porn mag, he is acting out what the facehugger does to its victims.
On the ALIEN Quadrilogy box set, Ridley says the following on the Alien commentary:
"I figured robots had to have, if they're really sophisticated, had to occasionally have the urge. So i'd said to Ash, "How do you feel about sexual drive?" He said "Great." So I said "Rather than just beating her up, isn't it more interesting that he actually has always wanted to?" And here's his opportunity, but he doesn't have that part, and therefore it's a magazine."
Ridley makes statements to a similar effect, regarding that scene on other commentaries and documentaries.
It definitely has Freudian overtones to it!
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-05-2013 12:37 PMIt is one of the best scenes in the film for several reasons.
1) It appears to the average audience member simply as a beating.
2) It taps into our fears of the unknown.
3) Rape is scary! Alien is full of cues that lead to our primal fears, the dark, tight spaces, the unknown, being trapped etc etc. Rape is a reoccurring theme throughout ALIEN, Kane gets orally raped by the facehugger, Lambert gets raped by the Giger Alien and Ash tries to rape Ripley in a messed up android way.
4) The ambiguity is placed where it should be placed. It tells us what we need to know, Ripley is being attacked by a malfunctioning robot, but leaves enough ambiguity for us to think, 'Why didn't he just strangle her if he wanted to kill her? What the hell was he doing?'
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-05-2013 12:56 PMCome on people discuss! Debate, argue, tell me i'm a nob, whatever, just say something! This site is going REALLY quiet!
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-26-2013 7:05 PMHaha it's annoying when you google something that you really want to see and you get a list of unrelated stuff isn't it? :-)
The poster was good though!
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