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Ripley's Return?

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Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-10-2013 8:09 AM
As some of you may know by now, I like to come up with strange idea's. Pushing the whole Matrixy thingy to one side for the moment, I have another idea which may just appeal to the masses. We have all heard that Morse (Danny Webb) from Alien 3, MIGHT be making an appearance in P2. If indead it is more than just a rumour, what role will he play? My idea will involve the return of Helen Ripley and maybe some of the other characters from the ALIEN universe. Imagine this. At the beginning of P2, we see someone drifting in and out of consciousness. We see a blurry image of Morse standing over the patient. He is dressed in a white doctors uniform. We eventually see that the patient is infact Ripley. How could this be? I hear you all shout. I got this idea from Fleshvessel, when he jokingly made a comment on my Prometheus Awakened thread. He said "I wouldn't mind if Alien Resserection had all been a nightmare." I can't argue with that! so; What if, Alien 3 and Alien 4 was all a bad dream, from Ripley's perspective? This would mean that, on her voyage home from LV 426, onboard the Sulaco, she fell into a sort of coma. She, Hicks and Newt get picked up by a rescue team, and she gets taken to a hospital ward where she is looked after. All of the characters from Alien 3 and Alien 4 are actually medical personel who are treating her. She gets glipses of all these characters whilst she is drifting in and out of consciousness, therefore, they become characters in her nightmare. She eventually recovers and is persuaded to accompany a team to a distant planet, where the company believe Shaw and David are. Of course, this would take place after the events of ALIENS, so Shaw and David would have been in cryo sleep onboard the juggernaut, for almost a century. If you like the idea, please feel free to add to it in any way.

The poster was good though!


22 Replies


MemberChestbursterOct-10-2013 10:36 AM
Well, I would only say that they somehow forced Ripley to go to this planet because I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't willingly go to some planet at the companies orders or request considering what they have already put her through. Now, in general, I don't necessarily think this would be a great story. Well, I do like it, but I just don't think this will happen. If Morse is actually the one from Alien 3, then I am thinking that that character will just be in a cameo type of role. Like, he will be in one scene hat has to do with a look into the future(I'd be willing to bet that the engineers or at least one of them, can see into the future by now in the storyline or something like that, it could even be a dream Shaw is having and it has to do with the Xeno and she kind of has a prememinsion(sorry about the spelling...haha that word has me stumped. I hope its spelled well enough to understand!) So that is really how I would see Morse being back in this movie working out. oh! And if Ripley was to be in the movie, I'd say she would basically have that same type of appearance where it is Shaw or David or the engineers seeing into the future. Or maybe Ripley would be a human representative in Paradise. Also, if Paradise is somehow, actually a place for deceased people to go in the movie(I'm not saying they will be walking around and living life there, but you can come into contact with them if you try or something, that's how Ripley could be onvolved also if she were to be involved at all. I could imagine her soul's attention being aroused if Shaw or David let it slip out that the Deacon is on Lv223. Haha she Ripley would probably be very upset to hear an Alien-like creature is alive somewhere!

Not a map, an invitation

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-10-2013 11:35 AM
@Cuponator3000, yeah good point..You would think that after all of her trials and tribulations with the Aliens, that she would want to steer clear of them like the plague. But, if Newt and Hicks did die, then she would have no reason to stick around in this place that as now become foreign to her. Maybe she realises that the aliens are now a big part of her life, and they have inadvertantely turned her into a warrior. Maybe she wants to find out where they came from and what is there purpose? Maybe she becomes obsessed with them?

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2013 1:17 PM
I don’t know what everyone else’s perception of time is, but I would think that to the engineers a century here and there is a mere drop in the ocean, when compared to the time it possibly takes to engineer planets. I say this with special regard to Ripley. We know the “Company “ are prepared to lie to anyone to get what they want. Lets say that somewhere, some time between Alien and Aliens Ripley had been cloned. By the time we get to Alien3, Bishop the designer already knew Ripley was carrying a magnificent specimen. Ripley landing on an isolated prison planet may have been planned. Lets face it, a perfect location where to put an alien and who would know? Just like the Nostromo. Keeping to the sleep idea, by the time Alien Resurrection comes along Ripley seems to have some sort of ESP connection to the queen. Suppose that same connection were to occur between clones. So, could we have another Ripley somewhere who thinks she has dreamed the life of the Ripley we know. There are gaps in the whole alien timeline whereby cloning could have gone on and then people gone into hyper sleep to come back later. When we get to Shaw and David, what we do not know is where in time will they will be.


MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2013 1:31 PM
The only other possibility I can think of for now, is that Paradise happens after Alien Resurrection, and that something happens to Shaw and David at the start of their journey that instigates Alien. That way their story forms the beginning and the end of the Ripley /alien saga


MemberOvomorphOct-10-2013 3:44 PM
I'm honestly just hoping that the second movie brings it all together for the most part, I heard it was originally supposed to be a trilogy so i'm hoping if anything they'll be able to tie it together with the second movie considering how stuck they have been with coming up with a continuing story line for the second film. Its an interesting concept you have and I can't help but agree with your point on Alien Resurrection...I try to ignore the existence of that horrid!!! >_<
[img][/img] I named him Waggleton P. Tallylicker...but I never got the chance to tell him *sniff*. He will be remembered.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-10-2013 4:04 PM
@Nemphisis, welcome to the forum. Yes, it would be a great opportunity to bring back the most loved character of the entire franchise and also, at the same time, delete that Alien 4 monstrosity from our much loved Alien universe. I for one, really like ALIEN 3, but I would be willing to sacrifice it in favour of bringing Ripley back for P2!

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconOct-10-2013 4:19 PM
Well could do that, as a way to pee all over Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection.... But we would then be left with a 60+ year old Ripley, and how she going to interact with a Shaw who should be like what 50 years older than Ripley? The only way i would have Sigourney back would be in Flash Back Dream of Shaws, and i would have her play either a elder sister to Shaws Mom or Shaws Grandmother on her Moms side, who we are shown became the Legal Guardian to Shaw after the death of her Father. This would work, it would allow Sigourney to make a cameo for some nostalgia but also add to the story as it would then imply that Ripley is related to Shaw via Shaws Grand Mother is Ripleys Great Grand Mother or that Shaws Auntie is Ripleys mother or Grand Mother. If you catch my drift..... It would give a genetic connection to both heroines from both franchises...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-10-2013 4:46 PM
Well BigDave, I definitely wouldn't have Ripley has a family member of Shaw! That would be way too on the nose for my liking. How I would explain the age difference is this: Ripley is around 30 years old, physically wise, in Aliens. At the beginning of ALIENS, she has been drifting in space for 50 + years. Which would make her around 85 years old. But physically, she is still approx 30 (due to her spending most of that time in cryo sleep.) After the events of ALIENS she spends the journey back in cryo sleep. In this time, she doesn't age physically. She gets picked up by a salvage team and taken to a hospital ward, were she is in a coma. She spends approx 30 years in a coma. When people are in a coma, they still age physically. I think we can agree on that. When she eventually comes out of the coma, it will be approx 2200 AD and she will be around 60 years old (physically) That would mean that Shaw was in cryo sleep aboard the juggernaut for just over a century. (Sorry. I was wrong about it being just under a century.) Now i'm assuming that whome ever is in the engineer cryo pods, will not age physically? Is that plausible? So, it could work.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-10-2013 5:19 PM
I love space-time it makes you an old person but with a body of a supermodel. Like the Engineers they have technology that keeps them the same age physically for eons of time making them seem immortal.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberDeaconOct-11-2013 11:44 AM
I would assume with advancements that people being in Coma would be rare in the 22nd century and also if so maybe they would kind of put them into a kind of Cryo Coma... I just think really though that Ripley should be left out of Alien Universe unless they make a Alien 5... but then again if they did i would like it do go a new direction and so no Ripley in any franchise movies unless only as cameo.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-11-2013 1:19 PM
@BigDave. Why would you leave Ripley out of the Alien universe when she is such a huge part of it? Ok it's understandable that she wouldn't be in P1, as she would have just been a baby then (I think?) But if there is a plausible way of bringing her back into it, then why not? IMO any film in the Alien universe without her in it, is just not right! Like a hot dog with no sausage or more accurately, like The Dark Knight without Batman! I think the fans would absolutely love it if she was brought back for p2!

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2013 2:54 PM
Personally I would like to see a xeno queen put Ripley on trial for acts of attempted genocide against xeno’s. Maybe this is where the dream idea could go. It is the engineers technology being used to put forward the case for the prosecution by accessing Ripley’s memories and dreams. Then we can have Shaw coming to the rescue shouting “Get away from her you bitch!”

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-11-2013 2:56 PM
Hahaha Batch i'm assuming you're being sarcastic :-) I think it all comes down to whether or not we would want it to happen. If they want it to happen then they will find a plausible way to make it so. But those who wouldn't want it to happen would find problems to stop it from happening.

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2013 3:17 PM
I think what pisses me off the most about A4 is that it finished more or less by just deserting Ripley. I never felt that there was any closure on her character. It would be good to bring her back if they could at least give her a good finale. I wonder what the chances would be of having Call playing against David?

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-11-2013 3:24 PM
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean Batch. The thing that irritates me the most about it, is that they have effectively closed the show on the whole Ripley story with Alien 4. Because where does her character go from there? I really would hate to see a clone Ripley in a sequel!!! After ALIEN 3, FOX could have gone down this dream scenario route instead of creating the Alien 4 abomination. They could have created something like the idea in my original post. That would have been much better!

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-11-2013 3:38 PM
I might be wrong here in saying this, but, the way I see it, there was only two ways that Ripley could have been reincarnated for a sequel after Alien 3. Either by way of cloning her (Alien 4,) which means that she is not really Ripley. Or by Alien 3 all being one bad dream. It would be interesting to know whether FOX ever considered the dream route!

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2013 3:38 PM
The one thing that has'nt been done is to turn her into a goddam robot, but that would really be scraping the barrel of desperation.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-11-2013 3:44 PM
Haha yes I defo agree! What would you think if they created a similar scenario to my idea in a sequel? Would you like it or do you think they should let Ripley RIP?

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2013 3:52 PM
You can take this with a pinch of salt if you like, but I do remember hearing about a dream idea just before A3 was released. Back then the theory I heard was that 3 was to be a dream and 4 a resolver. If you can at all go through the quadrilogy of Alien, particularly the making of Alien DVDs, there are a couple of references to the dream idea. Unfortunately the DVDs don't really back up my claim because of when they were produced and the context of how they are put together. What I have seen about Prometheus, and comparing back to the whole A1 to A4 saga leads me to believe Ridley is following a rough story line idea that pre dates A3. Anyhow, that's my take on things, but I do believe the dream idea does hold a lot of water. I just wish I could find an article or something from way back, just to prove my point.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-11-2013 4:07 PM
That's interesting! I never heard anything like that before. Mind you, I've only attempted to watch the ALIENS documentary twice and both times I drifted off (Haha I fell asleep would you believe.) I started watching Alien 3 documentary once but lost interest half way through. Never even bothered with the A4 documentary. Prometheus Doc was/is great. I will force my self to watch the ALIEN 3 doc to see. Maybe my idea could be good for an Alien 5? I would work on the idea some more and do some artwork to go with it and then pitch it to Brandywine or who ever deals with it now. BUt I wouldn't have a clue how to go about it. I know it would be difficult though!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-11-2013 11:30 PM
Here's what they should have done with Ripley. First of all we wipe A4 out with using a Neurolizer JK, no just make it like a nightmare whoever brought the nightmare up is a good idea like in Aliens. I think thats the only thing standing in the way is Jeunets dumb dark comedy style is stupid and typical of his films. I really do think Alien 3 should be canon because it makes more sense than Ressurection does and its serious. Secondly, when she went backwards into the furnaces on Fury 161 with the Alien queen bursting out killing her should have ended that particular saga. I think we need a new Ripley-esque person but maybe a male this time even though Ripley is awesome. There has got to be a way to make that Alien series comeback whether it be changing the gender or the career of that person and personality.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2013 5:04 PM
Maybe cloning has been around for a while, and it's more so about the power of the subconscious, mind control on the company and the aliens' part, hive-minds, the collective consciousness, collective unconsciousness, the singularity, and stuff like that, rather than it all being a dream if Ripley returns... You know how rich people are getting their pets cloned now? If not, it's pretty crazy... Some people say they just aren't the same. They don't have the memories/experiences of the old pet, although they look like them. This makes them act in totally different ways. In Alien Resurrection the clone of Ripley had a subconscious connection to her past life. She experienced the dreams of the first Ripley, and even may have had a telepathic sort of link to the alien through her altered genetics. She could feel the alien behind her eyes, in her mind. In her dreams she dreamed of newt, in the special edition. if there is such a thing as a soul does a clone have a soul? What is a soul if David can't have it?... Would Ripley 8 have a soul because of her connection to the dreams of the original Ripley, through some sort of genetic memory? Does the Queen alien have mind control over her subjects? Could king Weyland have had some mind control over his subjects? We know the aliens are based on a combination of insect traits and other creepy traits from animal all over, for example the bottom of the ocean. And Ridley has talked about how some insects use a form of mind control to kind of turn ants into zombies... Maybe the xenos are more like the parasitic wasps than ants, in that regard, and the characters in Aliens described how the hive functions all wrong... maybe we're the ants and Morse helps explain that.... We get turned into zombies by the Queens and Kings and serve as their hosts sometimes. I think there is much more going on with why David was watching Shaw's dreams, but that people are being manipulated through their subconscious, and it's not all a dream. Memories/dreams would sort of be edited, like a movie. And David likes watching movies, which are part historical fact and part fantasy. The things that occurred in Alien resurrection, and Alien 3 would occur, but there would be much more to why they occurred, because the company is manipulating people in ways we can't even imagine yet, and looking into the concept of the soul through the subconscious. And what it means when memories are edited/altered/implanted, and David cuts off the feed to certain parts of the transmission/movie/data stream that Yutani may have been monitoring..
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