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The Sacrificial Female

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Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-21-2013 9:17 PM

Here is a painting I have recently finished. I have called it the Sacrificial Female.

The poster was good though!


29 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 12:22 AM
WOW!!! you have nice skills Necro! Your concept looks like something born from the minds of Giger, I hope you have more :)


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 1:16 AM
very well done!, I m working on another one, maybe I ll finish in two weeks.


Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 1:42 AM
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 5:06 AM
What inspired this and who is the overseer?
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Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-22-2013 7:14 AM
Thankyou Shambs, Al and Mateos. @Shambs; I have a huge library of artwork but most of it is not Alien or Prometheus related. @FREEZE!; Obviously Giger inspired, but I was also inspired by Pagan satanic sex rituals. We all know that the Giger Alien is a sex beast haha. I imagined that there must have been a time when there were female engineers, and that they were probably fertile at one time. What would the hybrid offspring look like? I imagined that the female would die soon after the ritual. The undeveloped, newly fertilised egg, is then removed from the female and cloned several times. The eggs are then left to develop under a blue light, in an underground chamber. The overseer is somebody of importance.

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconOct-22-2013 7:25 AM
lol Nice Work and nice to see how you may hint at explanation for the Xeno Eggs ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 9:48 AM
Very nice work necronom, wish I could do that too. When it comes to drawing on the computer, I'm like Alan Grant. I can probably do it on paper but I would still need an example. What program did you use? cheers!
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-22-2013 10:41 AM
Thanx BigDave and Gimmeafacehug. @GFacehug. I do most of my artwork with Sculptris now, but unfortunately, you only have so many polygons to use, so you can't do really detailed work with it. So I had to sculpt everything individually, (including the background,) then I merged everything together in GIMP. However, because I created everything separately then merged it all together in GIMP, it looked all wrong!..So, copying off my individual sculpts, I drew everything freehand with pencil and paper, went over it all with acrylic paint, scanned it in and then painted the rest of the picture digitally. It's taken me over 2 weeks to complete, from start to end. It was a lot of messing around. If I had ZBrush and Photoshop I could do it all without fuss and it wouldn't take as long. But needs must!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 11:51 AM
It looks cool man, and thank you for explaining the process. I knew this took a lot of time. Looking forward to more artwork.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberXenomorphOct-22-2013 3:52 PM
Wow interesting the process you explained. Its nice and somewhat scary. ! You should probably these on some alien wiki forum where they will be there for all to see. I wonder what ridley might say of this ?


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2013 10:00 PM
How perfectly terrifying for Gigers sexualised creature and its horrifying way of reproducing with Human or Engineer hosts.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-23-2013 6:31 AM
@Odu and Anu; thank you. Odu; "I wonder what ridley might say of this ?" He would probably say, "Actually, that's actually quite a good goddamn painting actually, but actually, it has no goddamn place in Prometheus actually." :-) Only jokin.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-23-2013 6:58 AM
^^ spot on ;)
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberDeaconOct-23-2013 6:59 AM
I started a thread the other week about what next for the Deacon, and by that i implied if we did get to see what becomes of the Deacon, then what kind of reproductive process would we want to see. As we have seen the Queen = Eggs = Face Huger = Xeno We had seen the Xeno Morph people into Eggs.. Now Gigers Artwork seemed to indicate that some how the Eggs could have been produced by the Derelict Ship itself... that was my interpretation. In my thread i pondered what if the Deacon was able to implant embryos into a victim itself, thus bypassing the Egg and Face Huger scenario. So what if the Deacon basically acts like the Face Huger, or i also pondered what if the Deacon instead produced a substance like the Black Goo and instead it could either implant that or spit it at victims... I think the plant Embryo route as more Xeno connected and disturbing. And this concept art is cool and Giger ideas and Artwork was very graphic in a erotic way, and does hint and not only these Giger Horrors having Sex with Women, but also some Artwork Giger shows them having Sex with well Machines, but Bio Mech Machines in which the Derelict Concept works was. Giger even said his concept for the Cargo Hold was the Walls had Pregnant Bellies that gave birth to the Eggs, that are then transported to the Cargo Hold.... Well the Artwork of Necronom 4, my ideas how to explore a different route of procreation and Giger ideas and concept for how the Eggs came to be... Well gave me a idea and one that is very disturbing if we see it put onto screen, one that indeed if Prometheus was a legit prequel could explain the Xeno Eggs.... But as the Xeno was around and Derelict for thousands of years this cant be the case... But we could still explore this idea i just had.... ------------------------------------------------------------- Ok our Deacon gains the ability to infect its hosts with a new parasitic Embryo one that has two different ways of Evolving depending on Sex of its victim. Our Deacon can also do a kind of Egg Morph, not like Alien but built of that concept it can Morph its victims but into something more disturbing and its done via Parasite injection. Our Deacon can also cocoon its victims... The Deacon infects its victims Orally, it grabs and holds down its victim or even attacks from behind and when they are unconscious it then proceeds to reveal a tube like tongue like its first part of the Cycle that being Shaws Baby Trillobite. so yes the Face Rape Scene lol This implants a Embryo/Parasitic Organism it produces these as coming from Shaws DNA the Deacon has a reproductive system, but does not have sex organs, instead its ovaries produce Eggs that are small that are implanted into a victims mouth. So as Shaws Child this Organism can have children of which Shaw until infected with Xeno DNA could not.... Whats more is that this Deacons Father could also not bear Children that being the Engineer as maybe they have no Sex, maybe they worshiped the original Deacon because it impregnated a Engineer with a Embryo, well the Face Huger type creatures on Mural.... So the Mural Deacon was the First Child a Engineer ever bared only not in traditional sense. The Deacon does not have one Mother/Father its a product of Shaws Egg being fertilized by a hybrid Holloway and Xeno Goo Sperm, that Sperm was the Father, Shaw the Mother, thus Shaws Baby was the Father to the Deacon while Engineer was the unwilling Mother. Back to my point, maybe thus the Deacon can carry traits from all of the above... So once the Deacon implants its Eggs into a victim, if the victim has no Ovaries then the Eggs becomes a Embryo that Evolves into a Chest Buster just as the Deacon was born from the Engineer. However if the Deacon finds a female, it captures her then Cacoons her to a Wall, then implants the Egg, and this Eggs then mutates and changes her Womb, the Embryo in effect bonds with her Womb to produce a hybrid Organ one that is part Female Reproductive Cycle and one that is Part Xeno... Basically this female then Morphs like the Egg morph but not into a Egg, nope from inside her reproductive Organs Grow and she Morphs into not a Egg but a Actual Living Female Reproductive System where the Eggs are Parthenogenetic. This Morphed Female then basically becomes a Egg making Factory as invisoned by Gigers orginal concepts. This is Gigers Egg Concept that the Ship had like Pregnant Bellies that produced the Eggs. [img][/img] These appear more Mechanical than Biological but if we cross these with the Alien Egg Morph Look and maybe mix in some of this Giger Idea.. [img][/img] The end product could be a very Gigerish and Egg Morph scene looking Large Pregnant Torso that produces and lays Eggs. What do you think?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-23-2013 10:02 AM
@Bigdave, Everytime I read one of your posts it's like half a mile long. Could you please summarize your idea. I don't feel like reading a book. So what's your point, in 10 sentences max? Again, no pun intended, just me being lazy and stupid.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberOvomorphOct-23-2013 6:03 PM
I like his ideas they explain all kinds of possible ideas.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphOct-23-2013 11:01 PM
Is it possible that when Giger was painting these that he and his girlfriend were competing in some erotic way. Like in Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me and him and the Russian spy are playing chess and then they start massaging the bishop and rooks?!....

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphOct-24-2013 12:23 AM
I've read what BIgDave had posted and it wasn't posible summarize it. ;) while I was reading my mind was imagining ... Writting and sculpting are diferent kinds of art, but both are beautiful.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberPraetorianOct-24-2013 1:49 PM
Love your artwork Necro! The airbrush effect is really cool! Your idea is spot on, the original Alien/Morb used more than one method to procreate & the Deacon most probably does the same. I say this because it's pretty obvious that the Alien had some form of sex with Lambert, in addition to the cocooning method! We never got to see the result of any of these methods simply because Ripley blew up the Nostromo. Keep the artwork coming, you ROCK!! :-D


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-26-2013 7:10 AM
Thankyou Lone... Yeah, the scene with the alien raping Lambert is horrifying! It's defo one of the most unsettling scenes in the whole film. We don't see it, but we hear it. It leaves it open for our imaginations to interpret. You rock too my friend! It makes you wonder what horrors befell Brett and Dallas. Were they raped also? Very disturbing stuff!

The poster was good though!



MemberPraetorianOct-26-2013 11:50 AM
Aww thanks Necro! :-) Yeah, I've always wondered about what fate befell them too. We know that Brett was killed by the 'tongue lashing', but was there more to it? Perhaps oral rape, as with the Facehugger and Kane! I have a theory, (well sure many others do too), that the Alien immobilises it's victims in some way. It didn't kill Dallas, there was no blood & as the deleted cocoon sequence shows, he was still alive when taken by the Alien, then cocooned alive! What on earth did it do to him? Could it inject some venom, which causes paralysis or maybe mind control! LOL Or perhaps that 'clear drool' was the carrier for some chemical/bio immobiliser? We see it's tail reaching up towards Lambert's back, (which was actually Brett's body) maybe a stinger? Or perhaps the tail is used to impale and drag the victim? Anyway, I think whatever method it used could be considered relevant for the Deacon too.


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-26-2013 1:27 PM
Yeah, we see its tail going up between Lambert's legs, then, we hear the screams. Horrifying! I heard something, somewhere, to the effect that there must have still been a part of Kane in that alien. It is obvious to see, in some scene's, the sexual tension between Kane and Lambert. I think they were both, sort of, a couple and the alien took Kane's sexual attraction from him. In other words, I think that their was still a lot of Kane in that alien. He wasn't just a host.

The poster was good though!



MemberPraetorianOct-26-2013 1:54 PM
Yes, you're absolutely right about that Necro! Also I've never understood why people think the Alien had limited intelligence??? Yes it had strong instincts, motivated by the need to procreate, but it knew how to navigate the air shafts, to head for the shuttle when Ripley threw the switches, etc, etc, all suggesting intelligence and a foreknowledge of the crew and ship, because it was Kane's son!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphOct-27-2013 4:24 PM
That's what I like so much from the first movie. Less is more, and it leaves a lot to the imagination of the audience. You know what happened but you can fill in the details for yourself. In prometheus it just pisses me off. But that's just me...
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberDeaconOct-27-2013 5:43 PM
@Gimmeafacehug Were do i start lol....... i covered many elements that connect in one big post... I think my point being that Gigers Original idea was the Derelict produced the Eggs, the Ships Cargo Hold Walls was Like Pregnant bellies and i am sure he said somewhere that the Eggs then come from these Bellies through a like Vaginal opening..... My point was linking to the Morph Ablity of the Xeno, could the Deacon be able to have a few methods of reproducing.. 1) Implants Embryo into a Male Host and it gestates into a Organism that Chest Busts... 2) Implants Embryo into a Feamle or a special Embryo into a Female and the Embryo fuses with her Womb and Morphs it, changing her into a Giant Womb instead of the Egg from Alien Morph Scene. And then this Morphed Female, becomes a Egg Producing Organism where all she has become is literally a giant Female reproductive factory.... Pretty much similar to Gigers idea... This idea Merges the Egg Morph, with Queen with Gigers into one horrific package.. It also means the Deacon Evolved into the ability to instead of lay Eggs like a Queen it produces Embryos that the Eggs Face Hugers contain... Thus Deacon has traits of the Face Huger... only like a Queen that laid Eggs, the Deacon can produce Embryo after Embryo... Thus a productive cycle that is new but borrows elements of all the Alien movies and also Gigers ideas into a single package. Thats as short as i can make it lol

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-27-2013 5:52 PM
I've read it all in the meantime, man. Who am I to say you should reply with shorter posts? You write down as much as you want. But remember, less is more ;) Then again, I'm probably just jealous that i can't reply like that, because English isn't my native tongue. It's difficult and frustrating from time to time to make my point clear without sounding like a jerk. Ciao man, I'm off to bed. Too bad it's sunday already.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberDeaconOct-27-2013 6:15 PM
Yeah Good Night.. Your correct the way i over explain things in depth, does seem to make people look and go, thats gonna be too much, and they then just quick scan certain points but then may not understand what i say. I also have funny sense of humor and like playing people up, so when i TXT Message people like 8 to 10 page texts, they get fed up of trying to read them all time and sometimes i had my friend, just scan through and only pick out bits.... now bare in mind with text i leave no paragraphs... Basically they sometimes thus end up taking my message out of context because they dont read word for word... Mind you would be a Eye Strain lol Anyway sorry to go off Topic.... Back to the Topic, again great artwork and maybe indicates something to the Lambert Scene lol.... If they did follow up with the Deacon i want to see something different and disturbing for sure, but not sure about seeing a full Xeno Tail Rape Scene that maybe Lambert had done.... Deacon ant got a tail anyway, so maybe the Face Rape like the Deacons Trillobite Origins did...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-21-2013 4:57 AM
Thanx BigDave, glad you like it. BTW That's the shortest post I've seen you make lol. Anyway, I like how you go into detail! Rape is a fundamental method of the Giger Alien's survival. My painting is directed more at the ALIEN world than the Prometheus world.

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-08-2014 5:32 AM

Thanx much for your appreciation of my work guys! I've just realised that this post is my 1000 th, so i think it's about time i did another painting or sculpt.

Any idea's for what i should do folks?

The poster was good though!


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