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The female Engineer

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The First Child

MemberOvomorphOct-26-2013 8:06 PM
Hello Everyone! I wanted to ask if you all believe that there might be a female engineer in Prometheus 2/Paradise. While looking through the Prometheus artwork on the Weyland mobile app, I discovered that artists on the Ridley team had come up with an idea for a woman space jockey. (Plus other fan artists have come up with drawings as well.) Let me know what you all think.
16 Replies


MemberDeaconOct-27-2013 6:18 PM
Well it could be interesting..... But hints seem to be maybe the Engineers do not have a Sex, they may appear Male but he said they have no signs of reproductive organs. Maybe they are just created clones to perform task for the Elders, maybe they are younger Elders and maybe the whole race has lost the ability to reproduce or all there Females died? Who knows. The Movie is open to explore their culture more and History and maybe show if there ARE.... or WAS Females and what became of them now.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-28-2013 4:55 AM
Agree to disagree but I think there's no evidence of them being or having no gender. That doesnt make sense to me and its the fact that no aesexual being that looks like we do would have such a masculine form. They probably do have less female engineers because of something happening in the past. It doesnt make them genderless as a whole species. Besides there is no early script or anything to elude to such a misconception. Just because we didnt see them in the nude doesnt assert that notion either.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphOct-28-2013 4:59 AM
Sorry about that I just had to throw in 'my two cents/sense' into it. There are however many sculptures that many people have created that do indicate speculative information about them having female Engineers as fellow leaders.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-28-2013 5:55 AM
I had a thought last night (don't laugh.) According to Spaihts script (which he says, remains mostly intact, even after Lindelof's re-write,) the engineers lost the ability to procreate by natural means, a long time ago. If this IS the case, then, it would stand to reason that they would become obsessed with natural procreation, conception and birth. Maybe they do worship the Giger Alien for it's strange life cycle and procreation abilities? Maybe, like Giger, they worship sexuality and sexual organs? Maybe, they (the engineers) are trying to harness the alien's ability to procreate, and are somehow experimenting on themselves and us in order to regain that ability themselves?

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconOct-28-2013 6:39 AM
@Anunnaki50 Indeed yes it does not indicate either way, as we never saw the Engineer Naked... now if we did and we saw he never had any reproductive Organs.. so say his groin area was a plain as the Last Engineers in his Suit, then maybe that would answer that. Spaights draft indicated the Sacrificial Scene he was NAKED so no Lion Cloth and said with no signs of reproductive organs... They could have done this by producing a Silicone Underpants like the Silicone Suit they made for the Engineers, so that it is crafted to mold to the Engineer and thus he would be Naked but with no Private Parts, they had the technology to create such a scene.. But because the actual movie did not, and showed our Engineer having under garments on, we can not say if he was Male or if he never had no Sex... i think indications are they are Male, and again i think Bible references may be key, as Ridley hinted they was fallen Angels. Now Angels in the Bible are all MALE! and some even reproduced with Human Women.... Prometheus is loosely trying to tie the Bible with other Ancient Beleaves as them all being different cultures interpretation to the Engineers.. Maybe this pose a twist........ Maybe the Space Jockey whos mission would have been more suicidal carrying Eggs as opposed to Urns could hint at something... Maybe the Engineers are not so tall, maybe they could vary in height like Humans can and thus a Engineer can stand a average of 8-10ft tall but actually be anything from 7ft-11ft? Maybe the Space Jockey was a product of Ancient Engineers breeding with Humans to create Giants.... as described in the Bible? Who knows as there is potential for almost any connection.. @Necronom 4 Likewise when i look at the Deacon Mural it gives me two ideas i can conclude. 1) It represents a Sacrifice of the said Deacon Organism to produce the Xeno or Xeno Ancestors, that via various ways of experimenting with said Organism or its DNA lead to the Xeno and the stuff in the Urns for sure... 2) They worshipped this Life Cycle of the Deacon, because the Engineers either could never.... or had but lost the ability to bear a Child. Basically long long ago they could no longer... or never been able to reproduce as we can.... its something they lacked.... and the only way to seed their Gene pool was via the Sacrificial Goo. One time a Engineer Came Across a Organism that Face Hugged him, this Engineer was carried back and then they discovered he was carrying a Embryo that was growing inside.... This intriged the Engineers as finally one of their own had a Fetus growing inside of them.... they then gave birth to the Deacon in the Mural and ok its not like a traditional Birth but hey its as close as any of their kind ever have or have for a long long time.. Thus they then worshiped this cycle as a way that a Engineer can create new life from within side of its self... Maybe they then then performed ritual Sacrifices to these Organisms they found.... Or they indeed tried to experiment and find out how exactly the Engineer had managed to grow a Organism inside and performed a all manner of experiments that lead to the Xeno. There definitely appears to be a great significance to the Mural, which to me either implies something similar to the TWO points above.... Or a 3rd... that is the Mural is a Prophecy of the Events of Prometheus...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-28-2013 7:08 AM
@BigDave; I originally thought that the mural might be a prophecy. However, since then, I have heard Ridley say that the SJ from ALIEN left LV223 two thousand years ago, give or take a few hundred years. So, for me, that rules out the mural being a prophecy. :) It defo is a depiction of an important event. But, how do we decipher it's meaning?

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconOct-28-2013 9:51 AM
I mean a Prophecy of the events in Prometheus... i.e Shaws Baby to Deacon at the end.... But as you say and as i also said, i dont think this is the case to be.... But if so i am not saying its a Prophecy of what leads to the Xeno, but of the events that lead to the Deacon at the end. But again yes i always felt the Derelict had been there for a long long time, and Ridley confirmed it was within few hundred years of the LV 223 Outbreak... Lindeloff dont help with his comments which seem to indicate both Human DNA in the Xeno and link with the Hammerpedes.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-28-2013 2:35 PM
What, oh I'm REALLY CONFUSED now, "Is Prometheus a total Alien reboot, or what?" I can't answer anything until I know if Giger-sexuality's being ditched for this reboot. I can't bear to think it might go all Star Trek Borg... What do the experts say?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberXenomorphOct-28-2013 3:54 PM
You see for me p1 isn't such a problem as it only lays the platform for the rest of the prometheus franchise . It when p2 and p3 are done then we will really know the answer(is it a reboot ? (Or wil it really tie in with alien and aliens ? ) OR WILL WE ??? That's the scary part...... Will we really know by the end of p3 if its a reboot or a prequel ??

The First Child

MemberOvomorphOct-28-2013 6:11 PM
On the Prometheus Weyland mobile app it includes a drawing of a female engineer. I do not believe that the species lost their ability to procreate. They probably wanted to colonize and take over every planet. The fastest way to do this was to send sacrificial engineers, who would produce billions of humans and other organisms.


MemberDeaconOct-29-2013 10:34 AM
First of all, Ridley has hinted the movie is not a Reboot and they are not rebooting the Franchise... All comments by Ridley seem to imply when you look at Alien we have 3 things... 1) The Alien Xenomorph... where did it come from etc? 2) The Dead Space Jockey, who was he, where was he from and why did he have that Cargo? 3) Weyland Yutani Organization from where did this company come from. Now Prometheus was started to answer in part Number 2 and 3, it does give hints to the Xeno as far as related DNA in the Engineers Urns, and we find out more about the Space Jockey Race. I feel any future movie we would explore the Engineer Race more, and maybe we get a link to the Space Jockey but its kind of all ready been done only thing is why is there a difference to the Cargos and why the Space Jockey appeared larger... Maybe we can get a explanation to the Space Jockey size by seeing taller variety of Engineers in Part 2 but i dont think we would get answers to the Urn/Eggs or the Mural etc. As Ridley said the main purpose of this movie was to explore the Engineers who they are etc and that the Space Jockey was related to them, yes Spaights draft also had a lot of Xeno connections but the latter drafts by Lindeloff toned this down. Essentially Ridley also said any further movies would span away from the Xeno and Alien movies... This does not mean we wont see any horrific monsters.... but hints are Ridley is not going for a Horror or Action type story but one of Mystery and Sci Fi so more of a Blade Runner than Alien/Aliens.. The other part we saw was Weyland, and the Androids and i think we would by the time we get a 3rd movie see more on how Weyland Yutani formed and why the David 8 model was never used again by time the Ash and Bishop models came out. But then doing this there is a potential plot hole well not so much hole but surely Weyland or Weyland-Yutani would want to go and find out what happened to Prometheus and as we know by the end of Prometheus the LV 223 outpost and all its horrors and other temples and Juggernauts are all intact.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-29-2013 10:41 AM
@The First Child Indeed Ridley hinted that the Engineers performed the Sacrifices for Ritual Purposes for the greater Agenda and Good of the Engineer Race (or their creators) and that the Sacrificial Scene is not the only way they can seed there DNA, it is just the way they choose to do it. As far as it being a efficient method, i think they would be advanced enough to do it another way and if they can seed DNA another way then why this.... As all clues seem to suggest the opening scene was on a World in its Early stages, before Advanced Organism and that the actual Sacrifice is what kicked started basic lifeforms to become and Evolve into advanced ones.. Thus the process to Mankind would have taken Millions if not over a Billion Years. Very odd way to go and create beings in their likeness...... Only unless they are the Space Gardeners they take Worlds Terra Form them and then to allow a vast variety of life to begin to Evolve on said Worlds, the Sacrificial route is the only more easy way to kick start Evolution process on a World that has no life or only microbes etc. The point your trying to make does make sense as far as Spaights draft, as in his the planet all ready had basic primordial Sapiens and it was the Scarabs in the Sacrificial Bowls process that Evolved that primitive Sapiens into Mankind.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2013 7:16 PM
I see the engineers as being the same to the elders/gods as David is to us. A tool to be used and abused as seen fit. The enginners either rebelled or attempted to and sought to remove a threat or creation of their former masters earth. David and his kind will ultimatley play the same role against humans, hence why the enginner caresses him with a look of wonder before ripping his head off.


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2013 6:17 PM
On the topic of female (feminine) Engineers. If humans and engineers share a high percentage of DNA, then I can only assume that they reproduced sexually at some point in their past. That just makes sense to me. It's possible that over the course of millions of years they transitioned from sexual reproduction to something else, such as cloning, but somewhere there should be female Engineers. The only theory I can put forth for there being no female engineers is that only certain male engineers can be cloned. In that case all the females would have died out at some point in the past, and the entire engineer civilization consist of a few individuals clones over and over. I imagine individual engineers as being extremely long lived. If they have extremely long lifespans (tens or hundreds of thousands of years), then the need for procreation is severely reduced. I have a lot of different theories on why the Engineers created humanity, but one fits into this topic well. Consider the idea that the Engineers have evolved, and lost the ability to reproduce naturally/sexually. They are using some technological process to reproduce. Perhaps they have gotten to the point where their DNA is becoming less and less viable for cloning. Errors in the DNA sequences are becoming more difficult to repair (like a copy of a copy of a copy), and they've finally reached the point where no new Engineers can be created. They seed a planet with their own DNA to create beings that were much like themselves millions of years in the past. They visit occasionally and give humans knowledge while increasing our mental and physical abilities. They might even do some Terraforming to create a more hospitable environment for us. But humans are like a soufflé, and timing is everything. The Juggernaut that was to drop black goo on the earth 2K years ago was not to destroy life, but to finish the what the engineers started. To create a second population of engineers that are more like they were in the past, before they lost the ability to reproduce.


MemberDeaconNov-20-2013 6:11 AM
Nice Idea... But as far as we see the Black Goo would most likely mutate life on Earth to become Xeno DNA like the Hammerpedes and mammals would become Aggressive Mutants. Now the changes in the concept was to the effect of the Fifield we got who looked like Toxic Avenger than Xeno..... And some of the production staff indicated that Fifield would have exploded like the Engineer Head. And Holloway would have broken down like the Sacrificial Engineer. So basically all evolved and advanced Mamals would go berserk and kill each other off before exploding.... Mamals who consume the Goo instead of touch or inhale it would break down like the Sacrificial Engineer and thus would reform to start basic evolution again. While more basic lifeforms would simply mutate into new creatures that bare Xeno Traits... The result would be a world where basic evolution would start again and more complex lifeforms but not as advanced as Mammals, Birds and Reptiles etc would evolve into organisms that would carry traits of the ~Xeno. Thats how i see the Goo would effect from what Fox are trying to suggest the effects would be and what we see in the movie... (not inc drafts, deleted scenes and unused concepts) as they lead us down another path.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconNov-20-2013 6:24 AM
As far as female Engineers the answer could be nope.... And are they male.... nope! To me they appear male but have no sex.... i think they are merely more advanced Organic Davids. The movie franchise could be hinting at a connection to religions and cultures on earth and if we take the Bible/Koran and the Sumerian, Greek, Norse etc and combine them then we can make some educated guess as to the connection. That is the Engineers are beings created to serve a purpose, and one of those is to Sacrifice themselves to seed DNA. These Engineers are created in the image and using the same DNA as the Elders.. The Engineers could be thus Angels, or maybe the Elders are Angels and Engineers a first creation in their image. The Anunnaki Tales could fit better, with maybe the Elders as the Anunnaki and the Engineers thus the Igigi a creation of the Anunnaki and Mankind was a latter creation. Which means there could be female Elders but maybe not female Engineers.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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