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I predict that alienDerilict ended up onLV-426because,likeJanek,someone crashed into it

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MemberOvomorphDec-17-2013 1:01 PM

'Questions will be answered' the actions of Janek are a hint of what may have gone before with regards to the crashed Derilict Juggernaught.



20 Replies


MemberOvomorphDec-17-2013 1:04 PM

By the way, I haven't been on here discussing for a while so it will be interesting  to see what people have been talking about.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-17-2013 6:27 PM

Well, i think that is what happened in Spaihts' script, which was set on LV 426, however, it was then re-written into Lindelof's final script which is set on LV 223. I honestly don't think that they would explain the SJ's fate as being the same as that of the juggernaut from Prometheus, that would just be lazy.

I mean, TWO juggernauts rammed? I'm skeptical!

All we can go off at this point are the words of Ridley Scott. He explains that the SJ from ALIEN left LV 223 around the time of the "outbreak" give or take a couple of hundred years and that his cargo got out of control, resulting in him falling victim to it. That's all we've got.  


The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphDec-17-2013 7:32 PM

Yeah, Ridley say that. But even if Him and Fox change their minds, with one collision is sufficient; two would be a bit monotonous.

I think the emergency landing would be more likely. But for some reason, I think that the Juggernaut of Shaw and David could become the future Derelict, that ship or another from the home planet of the Enginners (as long as they change their opinions, of course :p)



MemberOvomorphDec-18-2013 5:35 AM

Well it may become the future Juggernaught but it would have to be by time travel or something because it is most probable that the Derilct has been upon LV 426 for hundreds, if not, thousands of years before the Prometheuss even came to its mission on LV 223.

It would mean that it would only have been on LV 426 for say around thirty to forty years so its either a much older looking ship that crashed and weathered even more in its short time languishing on LV 426's surface or its been there for much longer was old looking anyway and being there for much longer has added to its decay or there may be a time-loop phenomenon as with the Terminator that brings a Juggernaught to the small planet to meet its fate and become the Derilict eventually - and perhaps it was old looking to begin with which only added to it overal decayed appearance. Not sure about the inclusion of Interstellar themed concepts to Prometheus or not. It would take on aspects of Stargate series then and would people still go for it? It could work maybe.


MemberOvomorphDec-18-2013 8:46 AM

I honestly think that we will probably never know why the deralict ship is on LV-423.

At this point I am counting on moving ahead much further with the plot. I want to see where the Engineers come from and see Shaw and David kick some serious elder behind.


MemberDeaconDec-18-2013 8:46 AM

I dont think the Time Travel aspect should be explored...


in a nutshell i would go with that the Engineers are a Engineered work force created by the Elders in their own image, so that this race could go on to perform tasks that otherwise the Elders would have had to...


Basically the Engineers was created for the same reasons David was by Mankind.

But then these Elders may be redesigned to be far taller than our Engineers to explain the Space Jockey size, or indeed maybe they created another race by mixing Engineers and Humans thus like the Nephilim.  And this taller 15ft race was tasked with carrying out even more risky work... Hense transport Alien Egg Cargo.


So i am still on the side of that some other variety of Engineers or race created by Elders.. (Engineers, Humans and a Taller Race) was carrying the Eggs either from or to LV 223 and it fell victim to its cargo and thus the Elders/Engineers then went back to the drawing board in order to Re-Weaponize the Xeno for Safer Storage and Transport and more varied application and thats when the Urns came to be.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-18-2013 9:55 AM

The idea that the SJ in the Derilict is in fact a taller humanoid-looking being underneath that elephantine-like helmet is a really thought-provoking idea! That would be a good road to go down and explore in more detail.

The fact that they were potentially bullied and pushed around much like the Engineer at the end of Prometheus is overbearringly trying to enforce his will upon Shaw. A taste of their own medicine!

And also how the interiors from the Prometheus Juggernaught becomes internally entombed in potential skelletal secretions or 'secretions' because we don't know as yet if they are or not.



MemberDeaconDec-18-2013 10:06 AM

Well while they had made their bed they have to lay in it...


By that while they have gone the route of the Space Jockey being a Space Suit and not the Skeletal Remains of some Elphantine Race (now Ridley has said a long long time ago it was a suit even before Aliens).

They had better not do a U-Turn to please some....


Yes some was disapointed with the idea of the Space Jockey, but for me the only disapointments was they never fully explored these Engineers as good as they could have and the deleted scenes should not have been removed.  For me the disapointment was that the size was well off, they tried to create a illusion of a 9ft race in Prometheus but failed to pull that off just as they did with a 22ft+ Space Jockey. 


We can now accept our Engineers to be 8-10ft and they vary in height but we cant get them to the Space Jockeys 12-15ft sizes...

This does not mean we have to go the route of changing who the Space Jockey was, we could be shown taller Humanoid Engineers that are 12-15ft in Paradise etc.


And i think the Space Suit idea should stay but that does not need to mean the Humanoids who are beneath the taller Space Jockey Suits have to appear more Human like the Engineers and Elders did.... nope they could appear none Human but be a race in Space Suits all the same.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-18-2013 10:31 AM

I would like to see the 15ft elephantine race idea pursued also if they chose to do that. I hve always been interested in that line of inquirey as well.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-18-2013 12:14 PM

@Redant; "I honestly think that we will probably never know why the deralict ship is on LV-423." - Redant.

Well, since FOX have the production rights to the whole ALIEN franchise and their main aim is to make as much profit as possible, i think it is only a matter of time before they decide to tell the story of the Space Jockey and his cargo of eggs. Infact, i'd bet my life on it!

Can you imagine how many people would want to see that? It was the main reason why there was such a buzz around Prometheus when it was first anounced has a prequel to ALIEN.

I just hope and pray that when they do decide to tell HIS story, that it will be great, awe inspiring, deep, dark, horrifying and a true classic! But, unfortunately, FOX are not that great at releasing true Sci fi classics. Not since ALIEN.

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphDec-18-2013 12:57 PM

What necronom4 said X 100000 times !!!

Would just like to add can you imagine if that was left completely to ridley scott - given unlimited funds and freedom to do as he chooses - I can only wonder how magnificent the outcome would be !!

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphDec-18-2013 9:54 PM
They should send somebody back in time to find out.


MemberDeaconDec-19-2013 6:55 AM

Well lets go back in time and take a look at what is known of the Space Jockey and even before Aliens...


We see that the crew of Nostramo find a Alien Ship Crashed on a Baron Moon, after the ship was told to infestigate a Signal comming from LV 426 that they believed was a SOS.

They go on to find the fossilised remains of some large lifeform that was piloting the ship with his ripcage area bust open.   One of the crew ends up in the Egg Chamber Cargo of that ship and falls prey to a Face Huger that then sees a Chest Buster burst from his Chest and go on to grow into the Alien Xeno.


From this we can see that the Derelict was carrying the Cargo of Eggs and somehow one of them got to the Pilot (when and how we dont know) and this Pilot then ended up having to crash on LV 426 and got Chest Busted, how and when we dont know.

But we basically know the above, we did not know what race this Space Jockey was or why he had that Cargo i.e was it a Weapon (as the Xeno is indicated as such in the movie, but thats because Weyland want it for that purpose).  Or could it be something they found and are shipping it i.e it was not intended to be used as a Weapon.  Or are they carrying the Weapon somewhere to carry on and use its Life Cycle i.e infect some destination with the life form for some other purpose i.e DNA/Genetic Extraction.


We just never knew...


Prometheus set out to try and show us that the Space Jockey was a suit, which Ridley and Cameron had said it was ages ago.  And that under the suit we have a Humanoid Race. 


This Race not only created mankind, but they have this outpost that is shown to be some kind of Bio Weapons testing faclity with a Weaponized Goo that has a connection to the Xeno, and the Juggernaught was in effect a kind of Bomber well a Bio Weapon transport.  And these Engineers intended to us it on Earth.


This adds to one mystrey with Alien, and that is confirms that the Derelict was intended to carry a Bio Weapon,  now that leaves us with the Xeno being either a Bio Weapon these Engineers used, or that it was a lifeform that they was in the process of taking to LV 223 to re-weaponize.


And Ridley had gone on record to then say what exactly happened but not in oo great detail and that was that around the time of the LV 223 Outbreak some 2000 years ago, the Derelict within a few hundred years of that outbreak was carrying its Cargo to a undisclosed location when the Pilot had become infected with the Bio Weapon and knowing this and what was about to become of him, he set a course to the nearest baron place to Qaurantine his Cargo and set off a Warning Becon for his Race.


We dont know the exact way he got infected and when, we do not know the destination of purpose of the mission.......


The only things to add to what is know is...


1) How did he get infected at what point, soon after take off, or a while after, did a Face Hugger get to him in gthe Pilot Chair, or did he go wandering off and maybe without his mask to investigate something on the ship (maybe a problem with containment field) and then got Face Hugged?


Sure he knew he had been Face Hugged and chances are it may had been when he was not in his Pilot Seat?


2) What exact year did this happen, as Ridley hints its between 1800-2200 years ago give or take, so was it few hundred years prior or after the LV 223 outbreak.


3) What was the mission and destination, where was the ship going and where from, chances are it was either heading to LV 223 or heading from LV 223.  Depending which way and what year, could answer if the Ship was carry the Eggs to be used as a Weapon on some place, or if it was carrying the Eggs to LV 223 to be tested on and maybe Re-Weaponized.


4) Show us the actual crash landing, and point of Chest Busting, did it happen when ship landed or before, or during the last few minutes of the intended landing.  And ultimately show us what Chest Busted... was it a Xeno, a Deacon or a Queen etc.


But do we really need to know the above? I think the questions could be answered without being spoon fed or shown that event....


We have been shown hints that the Engineers created mankind and visited us, but we was never shown mankind Evolving, or Engineers interacting with Ancient Man.... just clues.

We are led down the path of a outbreak on LV 223 from clues Shaw found and the Dead Engineers and Hollogram, but we do not know and was never shown a scene of the actual event of the outbreak.

Likewise we could get more clues about the Egg Cargo and Purpose and LV 426 without being shown a spoon fed scene.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterDec-19-2013 6:08 PM

@Necronom 4 

AHHHHHH YES!! The nerd in me would explode and fall in love if i saw a dark, horrifying, and well-told story following that SJ through his journey(s?) on the big screen. A true epic is my wish IF that movie ever happens

Not a map, an invitation


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2013 8:34 PM

I wanna see the Engineers in a creepy dark fascinating world of theirs but like Big Dave said.. "Lets notturn around and do a U-turn to please some".I was happy either way to me just to be shown a Space Jockey was cool enough for me. The original Ganesha-like ones were cool in all but how the hell would you go about doing that especially if their ridiculously 25ft tall it would be like Avatar all CGI and I dont like that. I think they reweaponized and tried to back to the drawing board but still something got in and infected the LV223 lab/temple.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2013 8:37 PM

They are giants but not the fee fi fo fum Jack the Giant Killer ones. Nefilim, Ish Gadol, Seraphim, Rephaiim, Malachim, and Anakim.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberDeaconDec-22-2013 10:18 AM

Well Ridley has all along said the Space Jockey was a Suit, well he had done for a long long time... i think the Orginal Giger Idea was he was stuck to the chair.

But if we looked at his Mural for Alien we see beings with Space Suits that have a hose like breathing apparatus that is not to dissimilar to some of the concept Engineer Suits we had for Prometheus but they ended up using ones that are a bit more organic looking... The Alien Mural had a alternative of bald headed beings instead so maybe back then there was the connection of Bald Humanoids in Space Suits with a trunk comming from the mask.

As far as size goes well this is a comon Ridley mistake, the Space Jockey was intended to be 25ft but the illusion by using child actors in Space Suits was about 22ft... but then close up scenes we could see the Space Jockey was not near 22ft....  The actual Space Jockey prop was 13-15ft tops, but as i have said over and over 15ft is massive.


The main failure for me was giving us a race of 15ft beings that the Drafts and Concept work intended, so they came up with trying to give us 9ft Engineers but again our Ian Whyte did not give us that scale... not his fault the only way to get it would be via Lord of the Rings Trickery.

And lets hope they use that for Paradise so we can see one set of Engineers being 12ft at least and other 8-10ft that would then make some sense.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2013 4:59 PM
supposedly the starship that took off from LV-223, could be the same one who appears on LV-426 of ALIEN movie?, that's my hypothesis, but over last interviews, as Scott well said: "that starship is thousans years older than Prometheus mission. It may be that the ship David and Shaw are driving will crash on Lv-223, that is my plot to bind Prometheus to Alien.


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2013 6:58 PM

Couldn't the ships (Juggernaughts) from LV-223 be thousands of years old abandoned already until The Engineer awoke and attacked everyone before taking off in one bound fo Earth. If Shaw and David end up in another Juggernaught that becomes the one that crashes and ultimately is revealed as the origins of The Derilict if it is thousands of years old any way before they both then got in it and it ends up upon LV-426 and in addition gets weathering on top of things to its hull then it stands to reason that it was inevitably described as a couple of thousand year old derilict ruin. A gigantic ruin of a space craft or something like that. 

One possibility the sequels may go.


MemberDeaconDec-23-2013 8:33 AM

The idea seems to be that these Engineers and Space Jockey are related the Ships are Related, ok the size difference needs explaining as the Space Jockey was 13-15ft and our Engineers supposed to be 9-10ft but ultimately only appear 8ft tops (originally the Space Jockey was intended to be 26ft which we can see he is not).


We see there is a connection between the Goo and Xeno which logically means one of.

1) The Goo in Urns is made from Xenos or Ancestor to Xeno.

2) The Xeno is made from the Goo somehow i.e via experiments with Goo on Lifeforms.

3) The Xeno and Goo come from some other Organism but not each other.


So these Engineers have these Bio Weapons be that Eggs or Urns, and its said that the Derelict crash landed on LV 426 after its Pilot being infected with its Cargo, this happened shortly into its journey.

This puts LV 223 and LV 426 connection as being close to each other, it does not have to be the same planets moons, or even in same star system but one very close and both near Zeta Reticuli. 

The event also occured a few hundred years within the timeframe of the LV 223 outbreak.


This Logically gives us our date and what went down...

You see its most likely from Ridleys comments that the Derelict was not heading to LV 223, but cant rule that out... As Ridley said that the Mission was interupted shortly after it began and we have to mean by Short as in Distance from LV 426 and LV 223.

So this could mean the Ship departed LV 223 with its Cargo to go to some undisclosed location but one of the Cargo got to the Pilot.

As far as timeframe, well a few hundred years means most likely about 200 years, but how can this be 200 years after the outbreak, if we are left to beleive it took out all but one Engineer?

Most likely this Ship left LV 223 some few hundred years prior to the outbreak but again it could be after.

Maybe this would tie in with my theory that they was using the Xeno Egg but after many failed attempts to use it as a Weapon Sucsesfully they tried to Re-Weaponize it for safer storage and deployment.

We cant rule out that something Evolved on LV 223 after the Outbreak but few hundred years latter and that another Engineer Ship (Derelict) Collected this evolved Bio Weapons and went to take them to some undisclosed location? Maybe Earth or Paradise or somewhere else.  But the Mission failed due to infection with the Xeno.

However the Murals show the Xeno Egg and Life Cycle and we have to asssume these Murals and Frescos was created before the outbreak 2000 years ago and not after...




So do we have..


1) A Ship Attempting to Carry Eggs to LV 223 to be tested on and Re-Weaponized but one Ship never made it and crashed on LV 426.


2) We have a Ship that was carrying Eggs from LV 223 to a location but only got as far as LV 426 before it crashed....


And was the outpost where these Eggs was created and Evolved, or where they was eventually re-weaponized into the Goo... these are the biggest questions that need answering rather than show us the Derelict Full Story.


Maybe we will never know how the Xeno came to be..... or where its Predessor came from.

But hopefully we would find out what connection the Engineers/Space Jockey had with the Eggs and its connection to the Urns Goo.


I do recon they would never tell us where the Xeno or its Ancestor came from, and all we would get is they was a Organism these Engineers came across and attempted to re-engineer and borrow tech from and use as a Weapon just as Weyland Yutani wanted to also do, and ultimately failed and suffered at the hands of this Weapon just as the Engineers did also in the past...

Thus keeping the Xeno true orgins (well its Ancestor) a Enigma.




R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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