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30,000 year old evidence???

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MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 12:11 PM

In the first movie we see the team investigating ancient cave art. They are trying to prove a theory that ancient astronauts came to earth and interacted with humanity in some manner, from seeding the planet to helping mankind grow and expand by teaching them many things.

The Chauvet cave art, which is 30,000 years old, seems to have revealed some very interesting hidden images. These images connect to our more recent past in several ways.

Firstly, there is the ancient Egyptian connection. There is a lot more to all this than what I am posting here, so I am posting a few examples. In this first image we see a set of hippo's with their mouths open and their tongues sticking out. All of these hippo's can be found in ancient Egypt, except for one.. The one in the lower left corner is from the 30,000 year old cave art of Chauvet

But there is more to this hippo, it is part of a bigger image that is also found on the tomb ceiling of Seti the first..

Elsewhere, there is an image that resembles the eye of Ra that seems to have a few very strange connections..

eye of ra

This 'eye' is also part of a face .. look at the grey shading and you will notice the forehead above the eyebrow, the temple region, ear and top of the cheek. Very clever art.


35 Replies


MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 2:08 PM

As you go through the rest of the art in the cave you soon get to realize that there is far more to it than just simple cave art drawn by simple cave men..

Here we see a section from a wall..

This has two images which can be mirrored on the direct vertical.. in other words it was deliberately drawn like that.. the first is two 'lions rampant' guarding a chalice..or grail.. this same image is also found on a chruch in Austria and was created by the Romans

Then it starts to get really weird with the second mirrored image.. over on the far left of the main picture is another 'half of a face'..

when extracted from the main image we can see it a bit more clearly..

and when you mirror it...

That is not human.,.  It is humanoid, but not of this Earth..  what the heck is it doing in 30,000 year old cave art?

What's even stranger is that Leonardo da Vinci created something very similar in one of his paintings.. this too is a mirrored image..

side by side we notice many similarities..




MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 2:13 PM

Going back to the image that resembles the eye of Ra, there is another image recently found that also looks very similar..

The above is from the cave...

But this one is from somewhere far, far away..

This one is on Mars

notice the similarities..

There is an explanation of how close these two resemble each other here

It would appear that the ancient astronaut theory might possibly be proven correct through 30,000 year old cave art.. therefore, Prometheus is right in its theory too!

We are not alone, never have been.. we have been visited, helped, guided by visitng peoples not of this planet.. why we lost contact or why they are not known publicly is the mystery we should now consider.



MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 4:10 PM

Dude thats not the evidence that I have found and its got nothing to do with mirror images and the ancient didnt really use that in works of art only Leonardo DiVinci used it to hide things from prying religious eyes. But your not wrong just only on how you applied it. Here are actual 30,000 year old evidence of flying disks. Seriously its Anunnaki/Nefilim in origin not the so called "Greys" and most stories about these big headed being are said to have been very robot-like.,Palaeolithic%20UFO-Shapes,FSR69V15N6.pdf

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 4:58 PM

You're missing a connection.. you don't put all your eggs in one basket. I'm fully aware of other ancient art around the world that points towards artistic impressions of flying craft, but to find a face of, what could possibly be, one of the inhabitants of such craft, then collectively the evidence supports itself and becomes stronger and can only be used to prove the correctness of all evidence gathered..

The mirror method in the Chauvet cave art was used more than twice, proving that it is not just a fluke or a was done with deliberate intention. Just as da vinci used it. secret knowledge passed down to those who were given access to it.. You had to know what you were looking at in order to understand it.

Here's another example, a map..

what, at first, appears to be just a lion is more than that.. it's part of Europe and north Africa...




MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 5:23 PM

Thats interesting I can kind of see the continent of North Africa with the cave bears' bodies. Its very cool to find things like this. I am just a very cautious ancient astronaut investigator I got to be skeptical a little bit. Im just worried that people will fall for sensationalists than actual evidence. The Space Jockey/Engineers are based in part by Giger but also by the stories of giant men from the heavens coming down to teach us how to live. They pretty much inspired alot of Old Testament claims, it was them who came to Mt. Sinai and to Moses 3,500 years ago.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 5:27 PM

If you read between the lines on why we have monotheism is because in Genesis its written as Elohim which is plural not singular and they are from the Hebrew word for Heaven... Olam. To me is like they were also very faithful beings and were also monotheists who infact taught us about the one and only Creator of All. Whats strange is that in the Kabbalah it speaks about a planet or Olam that it returns every 3,500 years thats only 100 years off of what the actual return is 3,600 years to the Sumerians.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 8:00 PM

What surprised me the most was the mirrored image that reveals the face. Before I even read down to DaVinci I went right to him. There is a great amount of his famous paintings, including the Mona Lisa, when mirrored produce a face that is frightenlingy familiar to the one in the caves. Then I read further and saw you posted an example.

There could be one of two explanations to this similarity, both stemming from a period of The Great Inventor's life that we, historically, know very little a bout. There was a time when Davinici wandered off, not heard from, no art produced, he all but vanished from the history books (some time after his apprenticeship and such). When he returned, he started to become the Leonardo we all know and love...some Ancient Astronaut theoritists believe he had connections with alien life. 

This could be a possiblity. They could have shown him the mirrored art form, inspired the creationist in him (should I mention his functioning robot he built for a noble/royalty?). He very well could have had contact during this time and that is why he was inspired to delve into investigating the human anatomy, etc. 

Or, quite possibly, he came upon these caves and simply took inspirationg from the cave art upon noticing the mirrored art forms. 

There is a lot to our history that is being changed recently - whole blocks of time lost now intruding on the established time line of humanity. Gobekli Tepe in Turkey...12,000 years old...that's a good handful of time older than the Mesopotamian world. Sunken cities off the coast of India located exactly where "mythical sunken cities of the gods" was said to have been. Metropolitan Mayan cities, larger than the core of down town LA long buried beneath the very jungle its people once thrived off of....

The thing is, with all these new historical sites popping up further and further into antiquity (deep into a period where the tools were radically inferior to what even the egyptians/greeks/romans were using) it becomes harder to objectively claim these ancestors built these structures. In some cases, human population may not even have reached the numbers needed for such construction of these vast sites. 


MemberOvomorphJan-18-2014 8:43 PM

It's all very interesting.  There are far too many things like this that begin to add up. I think it's like the old saying goes, the victors of the battle write the history books a certain way. Or, like Rage Against the Machine said in the song 'Testify'. He "who controls the past, controls the future"; "who controls the present now controls the past, and the future". I wouldn't even say that archaeologists are hiding things,it's often people in the arcaheological community who are ignored, or have their interpretations and data swept under the rug, to fit with the historians' version of recorded history...

A lot of archaeologists will tell you the pyramids can't be accurately dated, and we simply don't know if the propaganda about a certain pharaoh building them at a certain time was true. Some added themselves to the royal/godly bloodline, and created their own propaganda. Written history can be almost as hard to really figure out as the artwork, because leaders back then were already using their own propaganda to tie themselve to their ideas about the god-kings. That's why archaeology has to rely on ALL the sciences, all methods of collecting and interpreting data, and must sometimes even consider the myths. It's a holistic discipline. Anthropology encompasses and bases all its theories on other sciences, it relies on other scienctific data. It needs the other sciences to work with it to be effective. However, many scientists are afraid of what archaeologists have to say. It's the study of humanity. Our past, our present, our future, where we were and where we're going, our technologies, the environment, how we interact with it all etc... Some so-called scientists want to keep their long held beliefs, they don't want to have their beliefs analyzed fully for fear of being wrong.. Even though archaeologists are more or less proving them wrong on many things to do with mass psychology, how states arose, and evolution. It's about so much more than just digging up bones/fossils, they understand more about class divisions across time that sociologists, because socio focuses on only a narrow part of humanity's existence. Still, some of their modern day insight into how cultures think as a whole is important. Shaw would know things about every one of the sciences. Especially things relating to biology and forensic sciences, not only the social sciences. As an anthropologist she might hold grudges against some perspectives from psychology and biology..But uses parts of what they study in a much bigger thesis about humanity that her and Holloway worked out.

David represents psychologists in some ways and brings up the whole "doesn't everyone want to see their parents dead" because of Freud's beliefs.  However, much of Freud's psycho-analytic theory was just that: a theory and a belief. By David asking her that question, he's testing her on her own beliefs/theories and interpretation of the data..Obviously not all children wanted to see their parents dead, Shaw didn't. However, David uses an almost outdated mode of thinking in psychology, to prove a point to Shaw. Psychological theories can be incorrect, or only have parts right.

Historians go by only what was written, they often don't listen to archaeologists.. Archaeologists suspect the priest classes were using languages of their own on papyrus scrolls that might have disappeared, prior to the wriiten word becoming part of the cultures and recorded history. Before cuneiform/archaic cuneiform, the priest classes of many city states had their own oral, and possibly written languages for communicating with other kingdoms...This may have been based on earler artwork/forms of expressing ideas, before the standardized symbol languages were used. Some are only looking at the written words and not looking at the writing on the wall.  The writing on the walls of many ancient temples are all done in images corresponding to ideas, more so than images corresponding to syllables or letters. Many of the ideographic/pictographic languges can lead to many differing interpretations being drawn. It's hard to tell what people really meant with the early artwork and some of the pictographic languages... Perhaps David can't actually read the writing on the wall. In the Happy birthday viral, they ask him what he sees.. Shaw knows how difficult it could be to decipher the ideograms. That's the only reason she asks David.  Maybe David can't actually read the hieroglyphs, they don't correspond entirely with any syllables, ideas or letters he knows.  The engineers' spoken language contained vowels and sounds corresponding to letters and syllables that represent ideas, but that's different...That's what David was prepared for...David can only "perhaps" read the writing on the wall. Not completely prepped for these hieroglyphs that predate Cuneiform. He can't answer yes or no, he could only work out "the broad strokes"...and was forced to say "perhaps".

We know from recent fossils that Homo Erectus, Homo Ergaster, and Homo Rudolphensis could all be variations of Homo Habilis. Not one after another from smallest to biggest. The typical straightforward view of man evolving to be more upright, that everyone has seen at some point in their life, is completely incorrect...The order is nothing like that at all. It was a branching process. "Big things don't have small beginnings in that case..." it's a misinterpretation that has been proven to be incorrect, a true myth. Yet scientists and our culture hold onto this myth/idea of linear evolution. There's no missing link, the so-called missing link is a thing of the past, right now it's nothing more than a belief some still hold.  What we found is far more interesting. Evolution is a branching process, it isn't straightforward. It became hard to tell when one species of early hominin begins and ends...This is a problem for the typical Darwinian model of the evolution of man... Ridley must know this, it's the only way the challenging of Darwin makes sense...

There are splitters and lumpers in anthroplogy. Lumpers like to try to classify it all as one evolving line of hominins, and try to fit things into Darwin's system for the evolution of man, but the fossils are starting to show that this was NEVER the case, a branching process occurred -- the splitter camp is looking to be more correct. We look for last common ancestors now, not missing links...There are too many things the archaeologists have discovered that don't mesh with Darwinian evolution, evolution happens but it's far more complicated, natural selection does occur but can be even more sudden than Darwin believes. We actually haven't changed much anatomically in the last 200 000 years, we're still the same as we were when we evolved a 200cc increase in cranial size/brain volume from archaic homo sapien to modern homo sapien...This causes problems...Also things can split in different ways, convergent evolutions have been looked at more and more.


MemberOvomorphJan-19-2014 5:32 AM

Thanks for the replies.

I'll try to cover what you've all said in a way that, I hope, will sheed some more light on what is in the cave art and how it relates to everything.

Firstly, the ancient Egypt link. There is more in the art that suggests it is the origins of the ancient Egyptian culture (and very possibly 'secret societies, knowledge and religion). I've already mentioned how the hippo is found on the tomb ceiling of Seti 1st.. here are the two images for comparison;

And here is a rough guide as to how and why these two images are the exact same thing. Remember that the art has been created in such a way that only those with the knowledge of how to read it can understand it..

Notice that the outline for the crocodile in the cave art is nothing more than a scrathced line on the surface of the rock. The deliberate attmept to hide the full meaning of the image. Just one of the many techniques used.

Another thing the Egyptians did was to 'stagger' images in the art in order to represent more than one.. We see this in the cave art first though.. Again, a strong indicator that Egyptian culture is far older and from something else;





MemberOvomorphJan-19-2014 5:54 AM

So we can now see how anicent Egypt connects to the cave art over a time span of approximately 30,000 years.. this knowledge was passed down over all those centuries.

It even appears that the Romans had some knowledge of it all too in order for them to have created the 'lions rampant guarding the chalice' image on the austrian church, which brings us forwards in time yet again.. then we have the da Vinci link which seems to suggest that there is a 'da Vionci code' after all and it is the knowledge that he learnt whilst he did whatever he was doing, especially as he was involved with some very high ranking people of his time, including the church who are believed to be holding onto their secrets very, very closely.

From what I can see, a lot of our ideas and theories about secret coded images and an ancient past that nobody wants us to learn about is indeed very real.

There are Masonic images appearing in the art too

But now i want to touch upon a few points of interest that I noticed in the cave art that made me think of the film and its representation of a few things.

Firstly, the Holy grail, the cup that contained the blood of christ (in this case the opening scenes where the alien drinks from a cup and disolves into the river) We see this in the image previously posted.

This very same symbol is still used by us today to represent family lines in the form of heraldry. The shield (cup) containg the family links whilst some form of animal is placed on either side.

Now I need to jump forwards into the film where we see the room full of sealed jars where one is opened and all hell breaks loose, so to speak..

Pandoras box

Problem with that idea is that we do not see a box, we see a sealed jar or vase. When you translate the original Latin for Pandoras box it comes out as a sealed jar or vase' so the film is correct.. so is the cave art..


Now I need to go back to the 'lion rampant' image that has cropped up everywhere, including in one place io did not expect to find it..

The cave art led me on a journey and I had to use Google Earth in order to follow that journey and find the places that the 'map' shows us.. On this journey I found a lion that i was only able to see at a height of 150kn's above the Earth.. This lion is in the lower right corner of this image bleow (top left is from Gobekli Tepe, top right Seminole country park, Texas, bottom left ancient Egypt)


MemberOvomorphJan-19-2014 6:06 AM

The thing with the cave art is that if you think you see something or can read a bit of it, then you need to find something else that confirms what you think you see.. So just as a little reminder about the technique of mirroring that has been used, I found there was a way to test it.. through the image of a horse..

notice this horse in the upper part of the picture has no ears.. Look on its neck, a dark oval shaped object that seems to have no apparent business being there.. Notice how the rest of the image is splattered with other random lines that don't help with the overall imagery.


Now, when I mirrored this section of the art, I found something quite incredible. Not only do you get profiles of the horse, now complete with both its ears, the image confirms the exat point the mirroring was crated on by presenting a bird in flight below, a swallow, a resident of the region.

Notice we see the left profile, right profile and full frontal images of the 'earless' horse;

All of this, and more, has been keeping me really busy since the 21/12/12 and I firmly believe the cave art is far more than simple art and is the origins for a lot of our ancient cultures leading up to now and I feel there is far more to unravel in the art that will tell us exactly who this face belongs to and where he is from and why he was here..



MemberOvomorphJan-19-2014 6:12 AM

And I've just noticed something about that full frontal image of the horses head..

Notice it is lower down than the left/right profiles.. it's ears are stuck up..

notice the shaded area around what would be its mouth..


It's drinking..


The art is showing the horse doing something..


MemberDeaconJan-19-2014 6:39 PM

That Alien head is similar to many faces seen in a number of Sci Fi and Cartoons including Ben 10, i remember seeing a Alien race similar lol.

it also reminds me of some Warhammer Beastmen Gor Art Work.

Anyway i cant really say anyting much regarding using mirrored images of selected parts of Art or Cave Work to Form Images, but i cant take that to knock your work.

But i cant argue that indeed their are clues that seem to show Ancient Mankind and how many civilisations that were seperated by not only great distances but also time periods seemed to share a lot of common themes and art work and drawings etc.

Also yes Darwinism is flawed and i dont want to go into detail but yes we do find many inconsistancies with his theory, especially how there are some gaps and then all of a sudden records show some species  just spring up like out of the blue, well in such a short space of time that goes against Darwins laws of Evolution.  And the creationist use this to well explain that Evolution is a Myth and thus Creation and especially the Bible is True... but for every hole in Darwinism there are many more in the Bible Creation and other things...

So maybe who knows the Truth is a mixture of the two, indeed Evolution took place but it got a helping hand sometimes and with some species, and so maybe yes the Idea Prometheus is trying to show that connects to Ancient Astonaught theory and tales like Annunaki could after all have some degree of truth to them?

We may never know for sure, and all things we find could be purely coincidence.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJan-20-2014 2:23 AM

Thanks for the reply BigDave

a point to note about the mirrored images.

They are all on the direct vertical. No form of image manipulation was needed to create the mirrored image. In other words rotation was not required. The fact that they are all found on the direct vertical means that they were all planned into the art.

No doubt, though, that more could be found if we were to rotate, change, manipulate the images in some manner, but if we did that then you have to find more of ther same in order to prove that these other methods were actually part of the planning ands not just random things that people think they might see.

I noticed that confirmation of what you think you see is needed for most of the important images. It is either another image of the same stlye or meaning (for example there are two images that are the left hand side of a face, there is not a right hand side)

I have found one image that looks like a half man half fish type creature but I have not included it here due to needing to find more that it could connect to, plus the image itself is not exactly as clear as i would like it.

Ideally, i would love to go into the cave itself and do a whole new set of HD photos/video as some of the art appears to only make sense when viewed from the correct angle and/or with certain amounts of lighting/shadow.

As for coincidence, I thought that with the very first things that I saw that made me think. It was not until I saw the hippo that I realised I may not be wrong in my thinking so investigated further.

I do feel that the entire set of art work is a story. I am also sure that IO have not yet uncovered everything that is in the art. I found that if it was not for our current level of knowledge, i may never have found anything at all. If there was some form of far higher intelligence that drew all this, then we still have a way to go to unravel the entirity.


MemberOvomorphJan-20-2014 2:36 AM

Actually.. just so you can see it for yourselves, I'll post the fish/man. It looks as though it is crawling out of a pool of water.. but this is one of those things that needs further proof but it is rather an unusual image to be found in the cave art.

One other reason as to what makes this unique is that the slope it is crawling up is actually an edge of the cave wall. They have used this technique in other parts of the art so this is partly why it stood out for me.

On the left is the original, the right is enhanced for clarity...

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerJan-20-2014 11:11 AM

@Chauvet - Absolutely amazing work!  Please continue!

Big things have small beginnings!


MemberOvomorphJan-20-2014 11:44 AM

Thank you very much for the comment CB  :)

Much appreciated.

I believe I am correct on a vast majority of what I have found in the art.. and as I have mentioned, damned sure there is a heck of a lot more to uncover in the art..


MemberFacehuggerJan-20-2014 1:30 PM

I'm afraid the gaps that creationists call a problem with dawinism are completely explained through mutation and the fact we have very few fossils in comparison with the actual amount of living creatures there have been in history! Think about it... Mutations are happening all the time imagine what happens if that mutation gives the creature an advantage over the surrounding creatures be what ever they may be then that creature manages to reproduce and so on its all explained. 


As for the other stuff... :O! 

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphJan-21-2014 4:26 AM

There are several pieces of the cave art that leave me guessing. Many techniques have been used to create all this art and some of those techniques are as simple as cleaning off bits of the cave wall itself, whilst others seem to be using the shape of the wall to aid the design of the art. Other bits are of pure art that just leave me baffled as to what it could be, shich is something that we may not yet be able to decipher.

So firstly, going to show you one piece of wall that looks as though it had been prepared for something.. but it also does show you something that could be the very first bit of writing!

Here is the section..

Then I have outlined the prepared area...


And finally to show what might be the writing which is remarkably similar to Egyptian text although I have not been able to work out what it might say. It does resemble some text images but I simply am not capable of working it out.,. perhaps you know someone who can...

It is almost like a cartouch.. seems to be the only area that was prepared for something, but that preperation was all that was needed in order to leave behind this mark!


now to grab another bit of the art that reminds me of a knights helmet.. yet I have no idea as to what it is.. It is yet another one of those out of place parts that just simply doesn't fit... can you work it out?


MemberOvomorphJan-21-2014 7:28 AM

I am aware that these images have multiple meanings as the art has been created in a way in which one message overlaps another.. I had recently been talking to a rather special lady who has helped me decipher one of the images I found.

We need to visit the 'chalice' image again.. notice at the bottom of the cup, where it meets the stem, it looks as though you are looking down onto the top of someones head and can see their brow, nose ridge and tops of their cheeks.. Sorry if it's hard to spot from my description but I hope you get to see where I mean.. I'll crop the section a bit later..

Anyway, the person i was chatting to is a member of the United Nations forum of art and culture, Catherine Achonolu.

Here is the image and below i will post what she has to say about it. This, to me, is confirmation that I am right in everything I have found, its connections to Egypt and that we must seriously rethink our current historical situation and our position in the universe.


The leopards/tigers in mirror-image are very very intriguing. They are witnessing the birth of Atum/Amun – the Son of the Mother Goddess in the Egyptian Zep Tepi (First Time)!

The mirror leopards, watching, witnessing represent The Watchers – the Cosmic Gods. I see two humanoid beings in the center, the one above is a Father/Mother figure wearing a crown with arms outstretched like a BAT, legs outstretched, giving birth. He/She is giving birth to the lower figure who looks like the SON.

This lower figure is also with outstretched arms. He is lunching forward/thrusting his arms and shoulders forward like a swimmer in water. His head is bent down. His face is partially hidden, looking downwards, while the crown of his head is showing very clearly. He also looks like a BAT or BATMAN coming out of his Mountain Home. (The Bat is the animal that lives in the Dark, and it is a Black animal, just as it is portrayed in Batman movies. It is the dweller in all dark Caves everywhere. It dwells in Hiding. It is thus the metaphor for the Hidden God of the Egyptian Duat Atum-Ra/Amun/Tmu).

A flat-topped phallic Mountain (monolith/lingam) is located directly below him on the ground, shaped like an inverted U. It is the Egyptian Primeval Mound or Benben where Atum stood to utter the original Creative Act after he emerged from the womb of the Chaotic Waters of NUN. Thus this lower figure is AMUN-RA (Atum/Tmu) rising from the Womb of Chaotic Nun at the moment of First Creation.

The image also represents Osiris resurrecting from his Tomb in the Underworld DUAT in a future time, wch is NOW – the new Age of Enlightenment.

All in all the image captures the Egyptian First Time (Zep Tepi) when Atum rose from the Abyss of the Primeval Waters to begin the Creative Act. The only witnesses to this event were Cosmic Beings, represented in the Art with the metaphor of animals, for man had not yet been called forth (created). The animals represent COSMIC beings (the so-called KAs or KASHIs of the Egyptian Zep Tepi, who were companions of Atum in the Moment of First Creation (Zep Tepi). Leopards are totems of female cat-goddesses of Egypt, such as Sekhmet and Wadjet. Their presence indicates that only goddesses were in existence when Atum was born. They were the midwives of his emergence from the womb of Nun. Goddesses were the mothers of the gods. And God (Atum) was born by a Goddess, who is called Nne Chukwu (Mother of God) among the aboriginal Igbos of Nigeria. By the way, the famous NUN River of Egyptian mythology is a Delta river physically located in the Lower Niger area of Nigeria, so too is the celebrated AN/On (Igbo ONU) – the Opening into the Bottomless Pit, wch leads into the Underground Duat in the mythical Land of the Dead which the Egyptians called AMANA, BUT WHICH IS ALSO A PHYSICAL PLACE IN IGBOLAND – A VILLAGE OF THE DEAD CALLED ‘AMANA’ BY IGBO NATIVES.

[end quote]


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 12:25 AM

Alot of ancient Egyptian culture is distinctly original or from the heart of Africa even Anubis and his jackal form is from early African animism or shamanism. Jackals are scavengers and often will hang around human cemetaries looking for food. Soon the people realized that these animals were associated with death and embalming. I think the truth is in DNA and in ancient writings yes cuneiform is the worlds oldest official system of writings from kingdoms like Eridu and Shurupak of Mesopotamia. Although the king Scorpion macehead and his tomb have been discovered along with ancient trade tags with pictographs of their locations. Its odd to me that this king and Narmer have the rosett symbol along with Horus to show their kingship. Now, the rosett has an origin thats not Egyptian its Sumerian and its dedicated to their high king god An. There is a place in Egypt called On/Heliopolis in ancient times its significant because it was named in honor of An or Anu. There is plenty of cave art in Africa that makes these petroglyphs seem esoteric. A place in Niger where the the Sahara used to be alot greener and had rivers along with crocodiles, elephants and giraffes about 5,000 BC to 10,000 BC. There are also men with suits on called by locals the "Tassili astronauts" and some look like mythical monsters while others look surprisingly familiar with bubble shaped heads and belts with gloves and boots on. The oldest Sumerian and Olmec Indian sculptures have men with wings and oone showing a man with a torch (not a flashlight to our UK readers) coming out of a device and wearing a backpack with a hose to it.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 12:33 AM

@ Chauvet

Zep Tepi is the same story of the orignal Sumerian texts about the waters above and below the firmament. Its the same story just from Africa but using actual locations to show somekind of underworld, where nothingness lies. Duat and Amduat where the souls of people must traverse the underworld Nile to reach heaven. BTW did you know that Ra is not from an Egyptian word? Marduk and Amun have a similar story to them except the Babylonians changed the story a little to fit their version of supremacy of their "god"/ET.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 1:56 AM

Thanks for the info.

Problem is, though, you're giving me info form a timline that is from about 15,000 years to the last 3,000 or so, roughly...

The chauvet cave art is 30,000 years old..

And then there is this..

something is very wrong with everything we thought we knew..


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 5:01 AM

Interesting article and its possible but why do we as humans still have that African DNA most genetists still find the Out of Africa theory still plausible. Well the 15,000 year time frame is when we had our intelligence get us through and make civilization. A site off the present city of Dwarka in India show us the our civilizations go back at least that far back and its older than Gobekli Tepi in Turkey. Cave art has plenty of Anunnaki or Greys visiting us and maybe tampering with DNA look at modern day "alien abductions" today its always about upgrading somehow. Seriously the ones who were indeed here point to giant men with white hair and larger blue eyes with tremendous strength and knowledge. The Book of Enoch speaks of these beings called the Watchers and in southern ancient Iraq, we have the Shumerians which was called Land of The Watchers. Nefilim, Malachim, Rephaim, Seraphim, and Anakim. Anakim comes from the word Anaku which in ancient times has a direct linguistic connection to the word ANU-NNAKI. In America my American Indian brothers the Hopi believed they were visited by men from the stars called Ant-Friend and in Hopi its ANU-NAKI. Im Cree and Chippewa Indian descent.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 10:43 AM

I tend to follow the multiregional hypothesis. There's a lot of reasons, but i also think hybridization between hominin lines was more prevalent than we believe. We have neanderthal genes in our DNA, this indicates we were able to interbreed. It wasn't until recently that this was discovered. What we consider separate lines of early man might have been able to interbreed during the time homo sapiens arose and replaced the older hominins. I think we basically outwarred them, became smarter with our tech, and many groups were interbreeding at the same time, as many changes took place and as homo sapien became the most common phenotypic expression of the genes..

The environment plays a crucial role in shaping things, Some hominins interbred, some stayed isolated, and when modern humans arose diversity in different environments continued, early man migrated all over the world after the second major push out of Africa...Even the peopling of the americas might have happened far longer than 12 000 years ago, as northeast asian coastal groups began to cross Beringia into north america to become the North American circumpolar people. Sinodonty shows Native Americans originally came from Asia but then continued to diverge. Circumpolar people actually had shorter, stalkier bodies, so that they could conserve heat. Thier bodies had many adaptations that allow them to maintain core body temperature better, diets that promote insulated layers of fat, and high energy intake through fish/marine life. When the coastal and Beringian peoples began to move either along the coast or interior ice-free corridor down North America you get the peopling of the Americas...However, there are still qustions about exactly how some of the south american groups originally got there, there may have been trips even earlier. Bone tools and what could be tool marks on bones have been found at some sites dating to over 20 000 years before present in some locations.

Many aboriginal groups talk about knowledge passed to them, or knowledge about these strange beings, the red haired giants are one of my favourites. The Ant people etc. What were red haired giant legends doing in North/South America? That to me implies a lot of strange things. Even if you're looking at it in a mythical sense, where did this idea come from? On top of that we have all the stories mentioned above, skinwalkers etc the Anasazi, the people that the Olmec and Toltecs claim came before them, passed their legends down etc.  Many strange things...I believe some artists/musicians know things about the true nature of our world, mainly because of their connections to the world's current power-elite etc, that's a whole other story, it involves artists and shamans being able to possibly tap into collective consciousness more through the subconscious, Thinking that's based more on archytypes and symbols, easier to remember oral traditions if a framework of symbols connects it.  What should be mentioned is that some aboriginal groups didn't use written languages, we find the same pictographic type of languages in North America, hieroglyphs etc in south america. I feel this type of symbolic thinking, thinking in pictures, communicating in pictures/symbols and archytypes is very important. Something we've almost lost, that many aboriginal cultures were able to hang onto for a while.

We know adaptations arise due to certain changes in clmate/environment. People born in the Himalayas are barrel chested and have lungs developed for higher altitiudes, take in more oxygen. We see these types of adaptations in many cultures. Adaptations to the environment they stayed in/moved to after we all became modern homo sapien. African body types are taller/slender on average to distribute heat in the dry, arid climate the body plan evolved in. The amount of melanin in the skin allows for more heat absorption and circulation to the extremities. By nature a lot of the African cultures stayed relatively isolationist.  Nubians were aware of/interacted with China, India, Egypt mid-east etc, but a lot of African cultures found subsistence patterns that worked,stayed relatively isolated until much later, continued to adapt slightly and change strategies over time. They hardly needed help from others in the way of trade goods etc.  Formed connections with other nomadic bands and pastoralists, follow herds and cycles of nature. We've started becoming a culture that is almost all about consumption and transformation, instead of gathering and producing.

We all would have originally came out of africa (multiregional approach still holds that Homo Erectus was the first to leave Africa to move into Eurasia).  Migrations are something that will occur, and are hard to be tracked, modern homo sapien eventually leaves Afrirca but moves many different ways, different adaptations to the environments we ended up in etc. I believe phenotypic differences are differeneces in environment, climate etc, and reflect adaptations to different regions.  The environment shapes us, and we in turn eventually shape the environment in our image. We transform the environment, and the environment is constantly in motion and transforming us...Natural selection etc. Some aboriginal groups have far better concepts about how to live at one with the environment (there can never be harmony, one species is always consuming/producing more than another at a time)..  We tend to view native cultures, pastoralists and nomadic tribesman, hunter-gatherers etc, as less sopshisticated,even today, but their methods of subsistence worked for them and a lot of the isolationist leaning groups didn't have to change much until Europeans started arriving. Most of us have interbred already, or all sprang from the same place, and had chances of all interbreeding, some groups remained more isolated than others.

In essence we're all related, all archaic homo sapiens were eventually replaced as modern humans continued to spread out, many things got mixed, hybridized, while some groups stayed isolationist, didn't migrate as much, and continued evolving in their own ways(i think a big part of this movie series is this too, the hybrid theory, as we would have seen early man hybridized with the goo in the spaight's script...). Many groups migrated to new environments. New environment alone would ensure we were a little different from Engineers, yet genotypically the same.

There are questions about possible convergent evolutions, why many hominins overlap/are contemporary with each other, we have a few other problems..Spliters and lumpers can't decide if hominins are actually separate lines, or different variations of the same continuing line. Homo Ergaster, Homo Erectus, Hobo Habilis, Robust autralopitheecines, and homo rhudolphensis were all contemporaries with eachother in some parts of Africa, Even Neanderthal man was still around then. these probs are nothing compared to some of the artistic representations of things, the sunken cities in India, and what the myths are telling us. When we add a lot of other context to things, and re-analyze a lot of the myths in a cross-comparative sense, it's truly terrifying...

In many myths there's talk about the gods hybridizing with us, or literally interbreeding with earth women, the stuff about the fallen angels interbreeding with the daughters of man. The Dogon tribe of Africa and their knowledge of Sirius, the dog star. Many ancient cultures having knowledge of the movement of the stars. The Indian Vedas, which recount an astonishingly epic history/mythology. The stories from Inidia go back like 70 000 years. And they've got what seems to be an instruction manual for building ancient flying vehicles called Vimanas. Many pyramids follow the same sort of patterns for the base, same angles and same layout, cornerstone etc. It starts becoming clear the Pyramids all over south america share some basic features with those on the other side of the ocean. We can see that the mound builders attempted to make Pyramids out of earth, but there are way too many questions about some south american cultures. A lot of them are all saying the same things other groups from all over the world say in their traditions.

Also many of the groups that lived in central america, north america, and south america make reference to these beings, the Anasazi, in one way or another. Some even going so far as to depict some groups as blond haired...A trait that would only develop in a certain environment...possibly mountainous areas. Basically red hair and blonde hair could be throwback traits...that's why blonde haired people and red haired people will eventually be gone..Neanderthal man left us the red haired trait...While blond hair might come from cro magnon man, or maybe a little later or earlier, it's still not going to last, because it's not actually a dominant trait. Blonde and red hair are slowly dying out. Maybe some alien groups were blonde haired or we're looking at the fossils all wrong, and maybe misguided humans looked at the blonde haired thing all wrong in the past. It seems nature never intended for blonde hair to stick around because its recessive, and will eventually die out over time. Whatever blonde hair helped for, it's not really useful to us anymore...


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 6:43 PM

I have small blonde hairs in my hair but my hair is dark brown almost black hair but I do also have white ancestry too from my grandfather and grandmother on opposite sides of the family. Blonde hair is a rarity now I only see it in Scandinavian peoples like Nordics and Swedes. Even blue eyes are recessive and mine are blueish gray sometimes they change color to greenish. Anyways as the Lakota Sioux put it Mitakuye Oyasin and that means" We Are All Related" as the human species.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-23-2014 11:26 PM

Yeah a lot of anthropologists don't even really talk about ethnic groups as significantly different anymore, it's an outdated concept, race doesn't really exist, just different phenotypic expressions. We're all clines of the same family tree. People now talk about clines instead of ethnic groups or race.

We're starting to understand that evolution is almost a branching proccess, and it's more like we're all different branches of the tree of life...In a symbolic sense this ties in with what some of the mystery cults of the past might have already figured out. The tree of life concept is something that appears in many mythologies. Prometheus is dealing with fire/the tree of knowledge, more than the tree of life, but i thnk the fPromethean fire can represent aspects of both the tree of knowledge/tree of life. I've tried comparing Weyland to Hades in the Greek myths...I believe Weyland represents Hades more than Zeus or Prometheus...or even Hephaestus (although some of that is tied into his limp in the ted talk). I think Weyland's subconscious control of the dreamstate is almost the underworld...That Weyland was actually able to talk to David from Cryo and control the dream is something weird, I think the realms of the subconscious might represent the underworld, although I do believe in some subterranean legends as well. The Engineer in the beginning represents Prometheus to me, or the speading of the fire. Sped up evolution and caused life on Earth to start branching out. Later on they interacted with our cultures...There had to be some level of interaction in the past, during all their visits, if David can trace the roots of our languages back to theirs. Also, the cave painting show us worshipping them...Interacting with them. They landed on earth and walked among us for a time to even leave us the star map.. I think the Engineers only hybridized themselves with preexisting single celled organisms in Earth's ocean...

I think the original Engineers actually represent the Igigi class, as well as the Raphaem/the Atlanteans. At certain points when they returned to Earth they spread culture and watched over us for the gods and Titan class. A lot of clues point towards more than one Engineer faction, many of the myths involve multiple groups with complex relationships. i think think another faction represents their creators, the Annunaki, those who Shaw is now searching for answers about.. Atlantean concepts are very mysterious, yet still somewhat connected to the Prometheus myth and the Gods/Titan class. The Greek myths tell us the gods and Titans got in a war, the Atlanteans vanish around this time, yet Poseidon shows up a few more times.

Poseidon is actually responsible for a lot more terrible things than Hades. Hades wasn't such a bad guy compared to a lot of the other Greek figures. Zeus went around having sex with many earth women, Hades took persephone for half the year, but at least gave her back so the cycles of nature and the harvest could continue..Maybe Weyland acts like Hades, and inside his dreamworld, the girls who would have been on the yacht have been dragged down there, and are in cryo too somewhere.. Basically a huge theme to do with separating children from their family, mother/daughter themes, and the whole Persephone idea. Dragging people to his underworld, being able to communicate with David from there are able to trick his mind into coming back to life/staying alive longer with technology. Weyland would represent Hades, who loves a good trick. deals in souls etc but is not really the equivalent of the devil, or satan ideas... He doesn't strongly oppose what Zeus is doing, although Poseidon might have.

It depends how you look at their actions if you view them as good or evil, Zeus is almost the worst of the 3 brothers born from Titans with some of the stuff he does to people to punish others and overthrow the Titan class.. but Poseidon created monsters and hybrids, giants as well as humans to fight in the massive war between the Gods and the Titans, sorta like Enki or Prometheus, Prometheus has some ties to Poseidon, Prometheus wasn't the first to create humans...Because Poseidon was the first to actually create humans...Or the first round of humans in the Greek myths..According to the Greeks, atlanteans got here first, and a mythical golden age, or Paradise once existed on earth in the past...Prometheus comes later and re-creates us as the fourth round of humanity...Greek lengends talk about how the gods already wiped the slates clean three times. Poseidon holds the trident, which is associated symbolically with the devil's pitchfork/lucifer ideas...Hades runs the underworld, but his actions aren't really as bad as some of the other greek characters. The Atlanteans were said to possess extremely advanced science, and were tall white men, before hybridized with fish and becoming mermaids. The mermaid legends come way later, the Greeks actually describe them as a lost race of advanced man who sank themselves and then became monsters, mermaids and hybrids, some things suggest they created the minotaur/centaurs and cyclops. As well there are other giants mentione


MemberOvomorphJan-24-2014 12:17 AM

The Greeks borrowed heavily from the Near East especially Ningishzidda and Enki they are the first ones to arrive and make man. The only problem with that hybridized theory is that the Greeks like most European folks love monster stories and hideous things that lurk in the night. When a high priest of Babylon named Berossus wrote down all the prediluvial gods and kings  he spoke of a fishman named Uanna or Oannes and he came out of the Persian Gulf. The issue I have when people bring up Greek mythology is that its NOT the first so why would we go by a third hand civilization to find facts?...It never makes any sense to me and besides when Berossus told that infact he is a giant man but wore some kind of gear that made him appear like a fish and is a metaphor from where he came from.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-24-2014 12:23 AM

Enki is Poseidon both have their homes in the water and both have these guys called Telkines which are very knowledgeable and they are the original Sumerian Uanna. Hermes has a staff called the Caduceus which is found in the earliest Sumerian temples and palaces of kings (Lugal) and shows a serpent intertwined with another serpent. Its all connected mankind was born a slave and became a joint partner with his "gods" and "goddesses".

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphJan-24-2014 12:26 AM

Leave it to the ancient Greeks to fancify every tale and story but yet they had great philosphers and mathematicians like Pathagoras and his triangles.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

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