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MemberOvomorphFeb-01-2014 10:41 AM


Made for fun enjoy.

Bring back life form. Priority One. All other priorities rescinded.
6 Replies


MemberOvomorphFeb-01-2014 10:05 PM

Hey I really like this a lot! very cool! can you do some more please.

Have you been thinking about a fifth Alien film? I wrote a small synopsis 
of a fifth Alien in screen play in the "Alien evolution theory" post and no 
has commented on it....I don't know what to think actually.

Really do like your post a whole lot though very cool!


MemberOvomorphFeb-03-2014 6:53 PM

Nice work. Interesting design.




MemberPraetorianFeb-05-2014 12:51 PM

Love it, another fine design Lagrie!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberDeaconFeb-06-2014 8:21 AM

Nice design......


I would think that we should see 2 new Alien Films... i would love to unless we get the explanations by the time the Prometheus Franchise is done.. see the Orgins of the Xeno explored.

A movie that shows where they came from, and how they interact with the Engineers and Elders.

I would like this movie to be like a Alien Alpha.... meaning the begining.

And a Alien 5 set after the other Alien movies i would love maybe if we are to explore the Xeno again to explore something a bit different a different organism, slightly...

And maybe this movie to be a Alien Apocalypse but maybe that sounds too much cheap Sci Fi channel knock off name..

But a movie where they think that all that remains of the Xeno and related experiments is gone and lost, but somehow there is some traces out there and mankind falls prey to messing with something they should not...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphFeb-07-2014 4:43 AM

Another Alien movie in my opinion wont happen again and I dont think Ridley will do another space monster horror movie like Dan O'Bannons awesome ideas. To me the Alien is worn out and thats why its origins will be explained in this hopeful trilogy.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberDeaconFeb-07-2014 7:40 AM

I do kind of agree, and its as i have said before in regards to when Paradise will be done, i have said a number of times that Ridley lost  controll of how the Xeno Evolved after Alien because he was not part of the sequels.

And that in doing a prequel series he now has the chance to control the orgins of the Xenomorph, and while he may want to keep things unexplained a part of him must know its best for him to put his Stamp of his ideas on this topic as if is left unanswered then long after Ridley has Departed this Earth, there would be nothing stopping Fox and who ever has creative control then to explore the ideas and explanation of where the Xeno came from.

Which could result in a Alien Prequel about the Orgins and it could even be explained as something that Ridley would totally disagree with and so would make him turn in his grave.

But while no explanation is given, then there area is open for exploration and if in what 10 years or 15 (15 being the 50th aniversary of Alien) and should something like a Alien Orgins movie be done, because the answers are not given by Ridley, and such a movie does well ... then we could then see Fox go and explore the Xeno more and see more and more Alien movies like it or not....

Like Disney with Star Wars, its opened the doors for a Star Wars EP 7-9 but then also Disney could now cash in on Star Wars and see movie after movie after movie...

This is why we can only hope that be the time Prometheus Franchise is done that Ridley has answered the questions in a way he sees fit, and with time against him i recon he would want to have this project concluded within 5 years from now.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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