Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-24-2014 4:01 PMCheck it out!
It would appear that the March 2016 release date is correct.
*title edited for clarity by Svanya
The poster was good though!

AdminPraetorianMar-24-2014 4:03 PMNice Necronom!
Hmm, that's odd, because Micheal Green was brought on to do the Blade Runner sequel... And the news that this guy is writing the scripts came from the same source; The Wrap. Anyways, showing this to Chris.
Writer Michael Green to Pen 'Blade Runner' Sequel
This sounds almost too good to be true: "the sequel that Green will write aims to be much more “alien-y” and in line with the terrifying tone of past films in the franchise. Additionally, the sequel is expected to feature multiple ‘David’ androids'

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-24-2014 4:18 PM"Green’s script is said to be more “Alien-y” than the 2012 film and in line with the same horror tone of the previous films."
NOW i'm excited!
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphMar-24-2014 4:29 PMAnd I have the feeling that most people will return to these forums, as before :D

MemberFacehuggerMar-24-2014 4:32 PMyep great...finally some news...though March release is slightly strange and the green lantern writer hmm not the best film hero's wasn't to bad though u suppose...want to see the budget now!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-24-2014 4:42 PMGreen's writing the Bladerunner screenplay and rewriting Jack Paglen's Prometheus 2 screenplay, how appropriate!
I wonder if he will connect them both somehow?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphMar-24-2014 4:48 PMWell to be fair, Green Lantern originally had an excellent draft, which went to hell in the dark hands of the studio and DC Comics, and yes, the possible connection between the two universes is an interesting question for future debates.

MemberOvomorphMar-24-2014 5:17 PMIt's nice to get some news on this. Hopefully this film will be better than the first, which I enjoyed, but I felt it fell flat in the third act.

MemberXenomorphMar-25-2014 2:21 AMNecro
Great news and
Thanks for posting
Hope we get some
Reasonable indication where this
Novie will go. I doubt them
Completely moving away
From alien ? Who will watch
A movie aboit only the
Engineers ??

MemberXenomorphMar-25-2014 2:24 AMI wouldn't mind it if
It was only about the
Engineers . Love to see
Their world and what
Controls them.
But will that happen ???

MemberFacehuggerMar-25-2014 2:42 AMWell oduodu they say it's more alien-y so we could be seeing more of that but early days. And yes I like that idea of writer doing both films that does sound good.
The problem we have now is how much do you want to know and will it spoil the fun! March seems like another indication they are a bit worried about how well it will do as it's not blockbuster time of the year. Glad they are moving on with it all hope 2 writers is enough and this time it's not muddled! Damon is a nice chap but I just don't buy his work a clear indication part one was not a hit is Damon being sacked let's hope it's all awesome from now even the viral stuff...need more of that but this time again not muddled! Maybe the viral stuff could even give us more information than the film shows us properly this time!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberDeaconMar-25-2014 7:30 AMThe comments hinted that we could see Ridley wrap up the movie franchise in one movie, maybe? If so it would have to be a 3 hour at least. Especially with all that needs to be covered as far as lose ends to tie in with Alien etc.
We knew the Agenda of Prometheus was to give us slight hints on the Xeno, and not to tell the story of the Space Jockey or his Cargo but to tell us what kind of Race the Space Jockey was and what kinds of things these guys are involved in.
It seems that as changes was made the movie would now go and explore what they find on the Engineers homeworld where David and Shaw are off to, which makes for not much cast!
There are other elements to had been explored, like what becomes of Weyland - Yutani and at the very least why go to LV 426 when Lv 223 has much more on offer. Ultimately i said a number of times LV 223 must be no more by the Time of Alien.
Now these new comments about the movie being more Alien-y and Multiple David 8's i think can lead to one Logical Conclusion that is the movie must be set with two Plots at the same time.
On one had David and Shaw go to Paradise, which is a massive can of worms due to the potential and also potential lose ends this could cause.
The other is what becomes of LV 223 and surely a rescue mission would be sent to investigate what went down.
It is this 2nd plot point i hope we are going to be seeing the more Alien-y elements because LV 223 has shown us there is Alien DNA located there and also there is more than one Temple. We have a Deacon on the lose, Hammerpedes and off course surely this might not be the first time that the substance in those Urns has been uses to conduct experiments and even the outbreak.
We have many mystreys that tie in to Alien from LV 223, the Mural shows us two of the proto type Face Hugers that Giger created, yes i finally had a detailed look and noticed them Face Hugers on each side are not a mirrored image but two different kinds that are the same as Gigers Face Huger MK1 and MK2 and its his MK3 that is the one we see in Alien.
The fresco shows us a Xeno Egg, A Xeno-esque Organism that looks like it could also be the one holding the Fresco Egg.
All this points to this place was used to maybe test, experiment, create a varried different types of Organism that all have same traces of DNA.
It is this that i hope gives us more answers, as the Prometheus crews Agenda was to find out if there was life and indeed these God like Engineers, they did not pay no attention to the Mural, the Fresco or the Hammerpedes as once they found this place contained death they wanted to get away from it. While once they knew of a last Engineer then Weyland wanted his answers.
What i am saying is a 2nd mission may pay more attention to what happened to the crew of Prometheus and these Engineers, the frescos are gone but the Mural stands and whats behind that Mural?
This aspects also seems like what will happen as we are introduced to more than one more David 8, the only other way would be that some how more David 8s have already got to Paradise before Shaw and David..... but this opens a can of worms as maybe if so these David 8's had been on LV 223 before Prometheus. Then set off to Paradise.
As i cant see how after David and Shaw leave that a Earth Ship leaving after Prometheus would get to Paradise before David and Shaw...
i now do worry this movie will focus more on LV 223 the Black Goo and its connection to the Xeno, and we would be left with a movie thats more like Spaights and a Xeno-Esque Horror Fest...
Leaving not much to explore the Engineers and there History and Culture and how it ties in with the visits to Earth (Cave Paintings and other Clues Shaw and Holloway found).
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconMar-25-2014 7:30 AMWith Production to start this fall and a release of March 2016 this could mean that right now they are near finished with the draft and would be now working on concept art and how they will put the ideas in the Script into visuals on screen.
Then with them shooting the movie in the Fall we could be looking from start of Shooting to Release 16 month period, maybe this is because the movie would be worked on with other projects that Ridley is doing and thats why it would take longer.
But i doubt that and the rumours that Ridley may not direct the whole movie but will have a lot of input seems to show that maybe the longer production time could indicate this movie has more of a budget and will be more detailed and maybe thus a longer movie..
Fingers Crossed
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMar-25-2014 10:06 AMIt's the film that never ends...it just goes on and on my friends...Well, we just started watching it, only just because...Now those nausty Xenomorphes are eating us for lunch... Because it's the film that never ends...it just goes on and on my friends...Well, we just started watching it, only just because...Helmet bongs are awesome and they give a good buzz...Because it's the film never ends...it just goes on and on my friends...Well, we just started watching it, only just because...Alien fans are crazy and loving it is a must...because this is the film that never ends...

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-26-2014 3:38 PMNice poetry Ruh. Are you also known as John Cooper Clarke? :)
This news almost seems too good to be true!
I mean, Ridley Scott doing an "Alien'y" sequel.
He should bring Giger back to do some concept work!!!
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphJun-28-2014 7:13 PM@Ruhaniya; i posted that last comment before Giger died. Have you been on the old pipe of piece today? Anyway, i agree with you about bringing Giger inspired artists on board for the sequel, aslong as they don't do anything rude with the goats that is.
The poster was good though!