MemberFacehuggerMar-26-2014 8:34 AMResearches of the poem 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton brought me to an graphic artist called John Martin (1789- 1854).
When I saw his drawing, I was fascinated. I really like the epic and powerful scale of them.
Here some artworks of him.
Just imagine all those drawings a bit gigeresque.
Here is is shot in Prometheus which is similar to a drawing by John Baptist Medina.
What do you think?
Do you think that we will see more shots in the sequel which are similar to these drawings?
MemberOvomorphMar-26-2014 2:01 PMThat is an exceedingly interesting find.
I tried to read PL myself in English and, Gawd help me, couldn't finish the first page. Much too much for my soft little brain.
One of the best Prometheus analyses, published at CHUD, alluded to the influence of Paradise Lost on the film's thematic undercurrents. It is not such a stretch to imagine the art department researched illustrations related to the poem in order to find some inspiration.
MemberDeaconMar-26-2014 3:46 PMThose scenes do seem like they reference punishment by God...
Maybe when Shaw and David find the Engineers on Paradise they could be shown Murals of such a thing or some writtings or maybe even a Engineer could tell them that as the Engineers visited us over the years at different intervals they then also tried to destroy us a number of times and each time saved a few to start again.
This is one of the ideas i had for when i was working on my draft for Paradise, and that eventually they (well the faction on LV 223) had found a new Organism they could favour as there new perfect creation and decided to replace all life on Earth with the Goo to not only punish us but then also see what wonders a seed of Xeno DNA could produce when mixed with the World of Seed provided by the Sacrificial Engineer.
Maybe to then see what mass effects would be, as maybe they could then use this to then try on themselves.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphMar-26-2014 6:00 PMNow that is the right direction. Just imagine this combined with dark elements of Giger, could be Epic! thanks for this thread!
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMar-26-2014 8:10 PMI like the last picture particularly, reminds me of the movie "DUNE", with all it's Spice In Iraqus. Pillars on firey Earth, how inspiring! Yeh for sure perpetual infinite metemorphis fractal loops on the Giger style...IN SPACE: http://youtu.be/zCkNu9OxThc
Something Real
MemberTrilobiteMar-27-2014 9:37 AM123Engineer
MemberFacehuggerMar-28-2014 1:23 AMhttp://josephzentil.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/gustave_dore_crusades_celestial_light.jp
Here you can check some other a little bit similar shots:
by Gustave Dore (1832-1883)
by Gustav Dore
MemberDeaconMar-28-2014 8:33 AMVery Interesting....
i had a look at many of his work just as there are some that could connect to the potential Prometheus movie Mythos...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017