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Prometheus 2: Hell on Earth

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MemberOvomorphMar-29-2014 12:49 PM



So I was over at EW, scrolling through the comments section, when I came across a comment that reads as follows:

"I have actually talked to Ridley when we met in London three weeks ago for an interview I did with him. Off the record he claimed that he was disappointed with the story of Prometheus but when the company pitched the sequel he agreed. Indeed the sequel is going to be better but it will NOT focus on the space engineers planet but on planet earth. Characters from earth will be introduced as signals from the spaceship Noomi is on will prompt Wayland sponsored military to go after it before it reaches earth. Noomis character will die in the middle, but a woman hero (military) will take her place. We will not see the engineers planet until the third installment known as Paradise. The second is known under it's working name as "Prometheus: Hell on Earth"

Simpo Brinkflake
Swedish journalist"

My first instinct was to be skeptical -- this was probably some internet troll -- but the name rang a bell.  I headed over to Nimrod Antal's IMDB page, and realized that this journalist was very closely connected to him (he directed "Predators"), so it might make sense that Ridley would talk to him about certain things off-the-record.

This also follows the style of posting that Simpo Brinkflake generally posts in, and he's so obscure that I can't imagine why anyone would impersonate him in the comments section of EW.

Ridley has spoken before about the possibility of doing TWO sequels to Prometheus and this seems to fit that idea pretty well.  However, I sincerely hope this isn't true as this is one of the worst possible stories I could imagine for a Prometheus sequel.  It would be lovely if one of these fan sites could run a story on this to see how 20th Century Fox reacts.  Because I would really like to see this story discredited.

Potential reasons why this could be fake:

1) Noomi Rapace's character was pretty insistent about NOT going back to earth, but to the Engineer's home planet.

2) It's a terrible story.

3) If the movie actually has to do with Earth, and they actually SHOW the planet, things could get expensive (budget-wise).

Potential reasons why this could be real:

1) If there's going to be three movies as Damon Lindelof and Ridley Scott have both suggested at times ("one or two" sequels), this fits the bill and we all know that Noomi Rapace won't survive a sequel (assuming she does appear, which I hope she does).

2) This would explain how there is "multiple" copies of David.

3) This definitely sounds like an ALIEN movie/sequel.  With only one and a half characters alive at the end of Prometheus, they need another ship to intersect with their mission.

4) Casual moviegoers might be surprised at the death of Noomi Rapace and bringing in a new, less obvious hero, much like they were with the first ALIEN movie.

5) Past fans have wanted to see what happens when Weyland gets their way and succeeds in bringing one of their monsters to future-earth (not AVP).



40 Replies

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphMar-31-2014 1:44 PM

@ Necronom


It is aye, Tom is a great laugh.

"Father........I've killed a man"

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-01-2014 3:00 AM

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-01-2014 5:17 AM

@HiveMinded; Great analysis!

We first have to attempt to answer the question, 'What is a soul?' before we can answer the question, 'do clones have souls?'

So, what is a soul? Is it spiritual energy or is it physiological energy? Or is it just myth, that was made up to make our ancestors feel "special?"

If it's physiological energy then there is no reason why a clone cannot possess such a thing. Matter is made up of energy and energy cannot die. This energy is what is now widely accepted as being "the soul."  

However, is Prometheus attempting to show us that the soul is infact something else that is completely different to physical energy and spirituality?

The poster was good though!


Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2014 12:20 PM



Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-02-2014 3:40 PM

Hahaha Quality!

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphApr-02-2014 4:00 PM


The Dent

The poster was good though!


Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphApr-03-2014 2:08 AM

@Necronom  hahahahaha.

King of the sheep

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


MemberOvomorphApr-04-2014 12:50 AM

@Necronom 4

It's interesting to consider some of these questions. 

I think Weyland had a weird set of beliefs. "Weyland was a superstitious man". He wanted a "true believer" onboard.

The other side of this statement also implies that Weyland wasn't really a "true" believer. Shaw was a "true believer", and he needed her onboard. Just in case.

Weyland wants his immortality too badly to completely believe that his soul would move to some higher plane of existence. He has his own vague beliefs and/or concepts about what the soul might be, but he's too obsessed with avoiding death and what might/might not come next.

Weyland was afraid of dying...He wanted immortality just in case there's nothing after death. Part of him believed, or chose to believe, "there's nothing". David didn't perceive the Hammerpede re-growing its head, so there are some things he doesn't know. Sometimes "big things have small beginnings", and the small things are hard to perceive. Or happen too quickly to be recorded by the cameras.

This Hammerpede's ability to regenerate its head would be the "perfect" genetic adaptation in a movie full of recurring decapitation symbols. Or in a series that has a lot of "head" symbolism. Neither David nor Weyland got a good look at the Hammerpede regrowing its head; if they did they would realize like Ash, that this organism has AMAZING regenerative capabilities. It would be an amazing trait to transfer into a new body, the Engineers never had immortality....The Hammerpede can regrow its brain and continue its objectives, David needs help reattaching his head...Being able to repair, reattach, or regrow your own head, and "tricking" your own head/brain back to life, might be advantageous.

Weyland was facing the fear of the unknown and wasn't really a believer in the same way as Shaw. Everyone has a different set of beliefs/agenda on that ship.  When David said "doesn't everyone want to see their parents dead?" he's referring to Freudian psychology. Shaw's puzzled because it's kind of like bringing up partially outdated theories on psychology/behaviour. David watches/analyzes Shaw's dreams about her father, sort of like how psycho-analytic theory examines the subconscious.

David's collecting data and analyzing, he's not just watching her dreams...He's analyzing her way of thinking/behaviours. Part of why David takes the cross away, only to give it back..

Weyland's mother studied cross-comparative mythology, so perhaps Weyland has a hybrid mixture of beliefs about what the soul might be, should it exist. Possibly combined with ideas about collective consciousness/collective unconsciousness..

However, on some levels, Weyland uses the "big questions" to manipulate Shaw, and doesn't really care about her questions. He shuts her up when she tries to ask her questions to the Engineer. Weyland was basically afraid that the soul doesn't exist, and that he would just die, and his consciousness energy would just disappear into the quantum realms or something. He has to obtain his immortality, because a big part of him chooses to believe that nothing happens when he dies, Shaw doesn't matter, his main goal is to escape death, and not answer those big questions right now. He cares only about his own survival, prolonging his life. He'd do anything to obtain the immortality. I think he only agreed with Shaw that the starmap was an invitation, she tried to tell him they were wrong. He doesn't actually want to answer the question "what happens when we die?". Weyland was afraid there would be nothing.


MemberDeaconApr-04-2014 1:29 PM

Wel gonna make it short and sweet and reply to the OP rather than comment on some of the comments as it could be a long debate lol..

I thought the whole concept of Prometheus was to steer away from Alien, and the movie set up its main objective for a sequel to be going to the Engineers Homeworld.

Lets hope these rumours are just that and they have not done a U-Turn....

Now i am all up for a Human Mission or Androids but better with a mix... to go to LV 223 and we see a whole lot of more connections with the Goo and what it does and maybe what became of the Hammerpedes and Deacon, and maybe we find out more clues to what went down 2000 years ago in the outbreak  and some clues to the Xeno.. you know answer some of those questions left by Prometheus as far as the Xeno/Goo and LV 223 and Engineers.

But i would like to see a fair share of the movie to be about Shaw and David and what they find on Paradise...

To kill Shaw off i think would be silly, at least not untll after the 2nd movie, or if there will only be a sequel so no Part 3 then yes maybe have Shaw die but in some kind of Sacrefice to Save Mankind.... but surely not at the start of the movie.

And to concentrate on or go back to Earth... nope i dont want to see any of that Black Goo being shown as used on Earth... not unless they plan to set the Sequel after the events of Alien 3 at the very least...

I think doing differently would be a mistake and i dont want them to fit in Time Travel... nope leave that to Dr Who..  although maybe if the Engineers was Time Lords it would explain why the Derelict was bigger on the inside lol ;)

I also dont want to go the M-Theory alternative route... nope.. we should have a movie that is set as direct Canon to Alien and Aliens etc....

Leave the ALTERNATIVE dimension storys to the Dark Horse Comics addaptions of Prometheus, Alien and AVP Comics...


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-04-2014 1:41 PM


I think with regards to the Hammerpedes, this simply is a trait that it inherited  from the Worms that Evolved into the Hammerpedes... thus study of why and how the Worms and how worms can grow back there body is just as important as the Hammerpede, the only difference the Hammerpede has that the Worms dont is the Xeno DNA enhanced its infected Organisms Abilities and thus the Hammerpedes can regrow at a faster speed, and instantly.

By that i mean if a  Chameleon was infected with the Goo i would assume that not only would we get a larger and more agressive Xeno/Chameleon Hybrid but is ability to camouflage would vastly improve to the point it could blend in with its surroundings and be near invisible.

I think thats what Goo does, it like enhances natural selection and evolution by evolving DNA to enhance usefull characteristics, and at a accelerated rate of Evolution and thats why Engineers use the Goo.... My theory is still that the Urns Goo contains Xeno DNA so it passes that on with what ever Organism it infects and borrows what ever DNA it finds usefull of its infected Organism to create a new Hybrid.

The Goo at the start has no Xeno DNA... just my theory mind and others think likewise.

Anyway sorry for going off Topic lol

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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