interesting youtube video that provides real answers on some of the ambiguity issues.
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MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 5:34 AMInteresting video. what do you guys think ??
*Video embedded by Svanya
MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 6:49 AM
a screenshot of where they explain from info from the fake weyland website why it was safe to take off their helmets
MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 7:05 AMso maybe they weren't as stupid as everyone says they were.
i wonder WHAT website they got it from ??
MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 7:23 AM
is this a scified website ??
interesting article.
dont bother thats just me being behind the times as usual. have internet access now that is reasonably fast. hope it lasts.
this links to a pdf article called prometheus demystified. interesting article.
MemberDeaconSep-23-2014 7:36 AMSeen this video before a long time ago, and it does not answer everything as the movie has a lot of elements left unanswered a lot with minor clues that each person will come to a different conclusion and this is what Lindeloff was aiming for i.e Ambiguity but some stuff does not correspond or contradicts other elements of the movie, but again if you have seen Lost well you get to see similarities. Lindeloff style of writing is usually not very coherent at times, he has creative mind and many awesome ideas but then he sometimes fails to plot how these will mesh with each other and we get contradictions... but then again even God is not perfect as the Bible does this too.. lol
As far as this trying to explain some plot holes and stupid goings on, yes it does go some way and if we take the Helmet Scene yes its still rather silly for the crew to had done such things, even though yes the readings was that the Atmosphere was cleaner than Earths, you would still not take your helmet off, not for a fully trained Science Crew...
There can be work arounds this... that is some of the crew was far from the best at their jobs, Vickers did hand pick some and maybe if she had a Agenda she would pick some well not suitable characters to sabotage the mission... but then Vickers would care more for her own safety and on other hand would not want to employ people who well are not good at their job because this can put her Safety in Jepody.
More coherent thought like Spaights.....
They should have had some of the crew warn against taking helmets off, i.e Ford saying we do not know of any air born contaminants or other cotangents yet just because the air is breathable and cleaner than Earths does not mean its safe... Then we could have Holloway like go screw that, you gain nothing without chance and take his Helmet off.
They could also have had David and Ford scan the Atmosphere and detect no hostile bacteria elements found. Etc..
Just a little more dialog and depth to the script would have done better to explain some of the silly elements of the movie....
Its a movie, its a Sci Fi movie so it does not have to be Scientifically Perfect and its movie where they are on a Alien World, where some Alien Race has been creating something very nasty... And as with most movies be that Sci Fi, Horror etc there is a thing called PLOT DEVICES..
And if every person in every movie as such, behaved well using their brain a bit more, i.e don’t go outside into the woods knowing something killed two of your friends.. don’t go into the water knowing two of your friends got attacked by a killer Shark etc...
These silly moments are needed to drive the plot, had they all behaved in a better more cautious manner, then we would not have seen the Hammerpede attack Milburn and get to see the connection with Xeno i.e Acid Blood, because Fifield would not have had to try and cut it off, and thus lead to Fifield fall into the Goo in which was another plot device to show us what this substance was capable of.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberDeaconSep-23-2014 7:42 AMLindeloff did say that the movie does not have unanswered questions and that the movie has all the answers if you look for them, and even said they are spelt out..
And i think he means not what we see but what we hear in the movie, for instance comments made by Janek about the Mission he had to make when he had to Nuke/Blow up a Compound because some Scientist split something, and how he said these Engineers created something they should not have. These comments by Janek are in a way giving us narative to what had occured.
I dont think comments like Holloways to the Mural as "just another Tomb" Milburns " is that God" to the Head Statue, i think little comments like this that are trying to give us clues, while instead we try and only go by the visual clues.
so yes Lindeloff had left clues, but they are not spoon fed, and sadly yes some of the goings on do not add up, only when we take stuff from Spaights draft and realise Lindeloffs was based off that, that some things start to add up.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 7:54 AM
well this site just goes to show that are info provided that might explain the seemingly dubious behaviour of the crew.
MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 7:59 AMAgreed big Dave
Taking your helmet off on an alien planet without perhaps scanning with probes or sending an android to check might be considered stupid or UN scientific.
Simply put according to Holloways scans there were nothing bigger than 500 nanometres in that air. Scientific it sounds to me. But that doesn’t mean that it would be like that everywhere in the pyramid. That wasn’t very scientific - which is why the rest of the crew should have kept their helmets on and Holloway should put his helmet back -
MemberDeaconSep-23-2014 8:02 AMThat is correct the movie was designed to have the Viral sites be visited by fans to get a better understanding.. why those who follow the movie in depth have better understanding.
Why casual film fan who did not know the movie was conected to Alien Franchise at all or those who never really watch Alien Franchise much i.e seen it once, or only parts.
These viewers mainly watched the movie and was left with the WTF! was that moments..
When i watched LUCY, the people i was with and many in cinema did not get or understand what was going on and especially the End of the movie.... where as i did.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberDeaconSep-23-2014 8:06 AMWell oduodu just like that weyland site you linked, that provides information of how accurate the technology they had was.
"Our bio-sensors can detect trace amounts of toxic contaminants, making workplaces safer."
So this shows that the scaners they used should picked up any contaminants, but yes there would still be the risk of unknown ones... i think having some other crew member show caution and not take Helmet off like Ford, or have it explained by David that he detects no Bio contaminants too would gone a long way to make the scene not seem as stupid.
But again this Scene was a PLOT DEVICE....
Its ok saying the Engineers have been terraforming, and making the environment cleaner than Earths.. but why? Well having the crew take off their helmets and suffer no ill effects, when combined with the deleted Engineer Scenes of him running across LV 223 without the need for his suit.
All add to the Answers.... why was LV 223 being Terraformed...? if the Engineers did not need to be able to have clean air as need for us, and we know the Xeno does not need same environment as we do.
Its all there as a clue to suggest... oh this place may have been Terraformed to support Human Life but why? So its so we ask the question why go to that effort, then this is when why leave the Head Statue and Star Maps could be combined to paint a bigger picture.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberDeaconSep-23-2014 8:17 AMWhat i am saying and by that going off topic is...
We see these Engineers seed worlds with the Sacrifice which in Lindeloffs draft hints at the start of complex evolution and not simply a upgrading of a early primate to lead to us.
I always see the Engineers as Genetic Gardeners, Earth was the Garden, LV 223 is well the Engineers Shed/Green house where they watch over the Garden from afar, where they maybe grow saplings, and experiment with new lifeforms first before then planting them into the Garden.... Maybe at some point they created something else or something else was created by mistake or due to experimenting on something they found but never created.
What i am saying is over time, maybe they created and tested Organisms on LV 223 before giving them the Green Light to be planted on Earth.. Maybe indeed the Engineers in past captured some Primates took them to LV 223 to carry out other upgrades and then sent the resulting creation back down to us...
Ridley said the Engineers came back over and over upgrading us over time, maybe the best way was to to that first to get some test subjects to take to LV 223 to make sure they get the desired effect right and thus why maybe LV 223 had to have some places that could support life that would eventually be put back on Earth.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberXenomorphSep-23-2014 8:33 AMAgreed big Dave
The point here is that there is a website that explains the technology used by the weyland company and its crew and if the suits had this scanning ability then that would go a long way to show why they (the crew) were so "unafraid" or "bold" into just going not waiting until the next day. This is a homage aliens where the marines thought they were ready for anything like so many wars that people go into thinking they were ready. That is mankind thinking they have all the answers kind of attitude and them stumbling something they have no concept of.
That puts a different spin on lindeloff's writing for me anyway.
i never visited the site because I assumed others would have noted something that was worth mentioning. Actually the site never loaded on my blackberry 9320 and now I have pc based access on a 2 megabit connection- hopefully it will last!!!!! LOL)
But now I have and I am quite surprised no one has mentioned (the scanning ability) that on this blog. Maybe I missed it.
Maybe the suits stops scanning the air if you removed your helmets.
Hence why they wouldn’t have detected the virus released from the ampules if it was airborne
Don’t know......
The video above also indicates that weyland was put in to cryo sleep when he was 75 years old but he did deliver a speech 2 years to them arriving at lv 223
Don’t know it that is the truth
MemberOvomorphOct-02-2014 3:08 PMThe problem with the idea behind viral sites including information that helps understanding of a film is seriously flawed. You would have to hope that movie goers will go to the sites and read up on the extra information within the site to piece together the elements left missing. Since you cannot garuntee enough people will do this, it is silly to hold specific information on these sites. The general viewing public end up not getting a whole picture which in turns spoils their enjoyment of the film.
It's been stated a couple times throughout this thread, but if just minor little elements were added to certain 'trouble' scenes then things would have gone a little more smoothly. That and the inclusion of the deleted scenes as they also help smooth out the crinkles in Prometheus. Also, I very truly feel the CG Fifield should have been used as it made the whole scene more terrifying, as well as showcasing what the Goo was truley capable of.
MemberXenomorphOct-03-2014 12:17 AMIt makes the movie more intriguing for me. But you make a good point that people will most likely never visit the weyland industries site and have an in depth look at it.
It was after watching the above mentioned video that I wanted to know: where did these guys get this information??
I google the text that they showed in the video and got to the weyland industries website.
I am satisfied with all the so called plot holes being solved.
Future technology will be nano/nanite based and if you read between the lines you will eventually realize that these people grew up on earth around 2060 - 2070 and nano tech is probably commonplace for them.
The main mystery remaining is what happened to the engineers.
Not likely to be solved. They purposefully choose a planet where infection outside the temples were very unlikely due to temperature and lack of running water. So whatever happened inside those temples.
The ampule room was purposefully kept closed and the atmosphere was rigged to preserve and keep the goo inactive.
Whatever happened happened elsewhere and i suspect it was the cargo hold.
And perhaps sabotage
Remember the water was - 12 degrees. Perhaps the purpose of the cold water was so that it would kill the virus. Thereby keeping the engineers safe. I assume that they added something to the water so that it wouldn’t freeze at -12 degrees.
Who knows?
THAT MYSTERY WILL REMAIN and hence the over ambiguous nature of all the elements(heap of dead engineers - cry pods seemingly face hugged - xeno deacon like creature hunting the engineers - what burst out of the heap of engineers) - it simply not solvable and perhaps for the better.
Like the space jockey was that might be a good thing say until 2044 when everyone will again need a new direction.
And then why the engineers wanted us dead to recreate life on earth
But to what end ??
MemberXenomorphOct-03-2014 12:47 AMSo just to make the point: it was the spectragraphs did the checking of the atmosphere ??
i assume it was from the info they provide and as they have already scanned large sections of the temple there was overiding evidence of something generating an atmosphere.
which is why enter David
And all the tech in the world cannot save you from that.
yes the spectragraph did scan the room but the ampules started secreting the agent well after they left.
So this was a very critical bit of information.
so who broke the protocol ?
who should have advised the crew not to open the door ?
who refused to elaborate on the writings outside the ampule room ?
who has the ability to translate basically any language ?
who studied the ancient langiages and was able to take what was known from the ancient proto languages since he has unlimited memory and had a very good idea of what was going on ??
the only way he could ensure that the pyrimids arent properly scanned and investigated was to get everyone inside that room.
who scanned shaw and asked her if she was sexually active ?
he asked the question And only then did he initiate the scan expecting her to be pregnant.
he probably knew what the agent was doing all along after reading the hieroglyphs.
this a hal9000 moment with an ending also warning not to come there
Ridley a fan of space odessey 2001 ?
i believe so ............