The First Child
MemberOvomorphMar-02-2015 12:04 PMHello everyone, I wanted to know whether aliens colonial marines is canon since Neil Blockamp was going to possibly remove alien 3 and resurrection. the video game is suppose to take place after alien 3.
*Moved to ALIEN forums by Svanya

MemberXenomorphMar-02-2015 12:44 PMSvanya
What authority on earth decided that ?? Did fox say so ?? Wow
That's news !!
Well does anyone know what the story line of A:CM is ?

MemberOvomorphMar-02-2015 2:42 PMFox will deny the canonicity of Aliens: Colonial Marines if they think responses from Alien fans will cause Alien 5 to make more money.
Basically, it is canon until it isn't canon, and it all depends on if they think it will hurt revenue on their current Alien project.

AdminPraetorianMar-03-2015 5:05 AM@Ouduodu; I believe it's Fox that stated it's canonicity. Either way, it sucks Fox made it canon and hopefully Xenotron is right and they revoke it. ACM was a horrible game, I played it and it was the most disappointing thing ever. I can link you the canon lore parts, people have posted them on YouTube.
Basically, Hicks is alive and the company revived him and captured him, replacing his body in the cryo-tube so no one thinks he survived the crash becausde they want info on the Xeno. The planet didn't blow up after Bishop nuked it and everything was a lie designed by Weyland Yutani in order to capture a Xeno. Bshop is there too, I can't remmeber if he is the original or not though.
Here, someone posted how ACM messes with the lore:How Aliens: Colonial Marines Seriously Screws Up Alien Lore
Here are two videos I suggest you watch to get the story (Can't embed them yet, chris will fix that later): Needless to say there are some major spoilers here, in case you or anyone else wants to actually play this shitty, shitty game... (Hicks and Bishop are both in a lot of these cutscenes)
1- How Hicks Survives In Aliens Colonial Marines: Stasis Interrupted

MemberXenomorphMar-03-2015 5:27 AMthanks Svanya
why has so many bad choices been made after aliens ??
i sometimes get the feeling that someone somewhere deliberately made bad decisions. from my perspective looking at star wars george lucas directed all three of the original ones.
they should let ridley direct the alien sequel. but cameron made the headlines with terminator and apparently alan ladd junior left fox and new management at fox wanted to put their mark on things.
my issue with aliens is that it is by and large a copy of all the beats in alien. read that somewhere - will never clever enough to word things that way by myself _ LOL_
anyways it never told its own story really other than that of ripley and introduced the queen.
sp i think that after asliens any story that ends in hix and noot and ripley being happy would never really have been successful.
so if alien 5 does happen to succeed it will have to be very well crafted and will have to show us something new and tell a different story.
alien 3 never suceeded at that.

MemberPraetorianMar-03-2015 1:10 PMGuess I'm wrong....I thought only movies in the series could be considered canon?
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberPraetorianMar-03-2015 1:57 PMHahaha...Hi Odu, it's not just me then! XD
....and I don't give a hoot what Fox say about Canon....the only thing they recognise is ££££££ or $$$$$$!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberFacehuggerMar-03-2015 2:20 PMI remember the talks for Colonial Marines saying they even got a draft of Prometheus to see if they wanted to use anything from that.
Fox recognized it as cannon before it even came out, probably as a way to hype the game and increase sales by adding another chapter to the actual cannon. I'm sure upon seeing the reviews for it they wished they had released the game first before declaring it was part of the cannon.
I'm sure this movie will completely ignore it though, much like every one else has been trying to do since the games release.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphMar-03-2015 2:43 PMIn the 80's i saw a debate between authors and filmmakers discussing cannon and what can be considered cannon (on good old tele.) They eventually agreed that works from film are cannon and novels from which the film as been created are cannon. Then some years later came the video games which is another type of media and only a matter of time before they started using this media as a way to tell a story.
But, as far as ALIEN 5 is concerned, i get the impression that it will sort of erase everything after ALIENS, even though it will still exist. Therefore, it will be upto the individual which he or she considers cannon, i think?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphMar-20-2015 3:40 PMIn my own personal canon, Colonial Marines is only canon in the sense that it's a holographic virtual reality training simulation. It's best not to go into detail about those, or for the marines to perceive Aliens as more than just another bug hunt...
The Marines are fed an altered version of reality while sleeping. Their minds are tricked into becoming more confident. I can't go into details about why or how. Too complicated. Human perception is limited and the android consciousness has already hacked reality. Employee/prisoner Morse's mind was hooked to the machine, and after that point the big deletions start happening.
Basically, Colonial Marines isn't part of the real timeline/universe. It's also not a dream. Some nightmares end up being viewed as real. This is just a training simulation. The difficulty of the Aliens was cranked down to manipulate minds for the real battles. The Marines only stand a chance when they think they can win. Most occurrences of AVP are happening in a holographic virtual reality training simulator as well... However, if Hicks dies in a training simulator, then there's a chance it's "Game over, man". The end.

MemberDeaconAug-13-2015 4:47 PMR.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphJun-05-2016 3:39 PMSo far as I know
Alien isolation and
The WYR and Fire & stone
Is canon apart form the