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so what is the black goo ??

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MemberXenomorphMar-24-2015 8:55 AM

this is from another forum but wriiten by myself not copied from someone else


start quote


i agree that if the end justify the means then the end must be in the best interest of mankind.

what ultimately is in  the best interest of mankind ??

survival of the species ?? (corporate greed alsways wins)

going to higher plane of existence ?? (prometheus was there first)

what else could there be ?

will anybody look upon godhood and say : ' i wanna  become God and share it with everyone ??" (like in i can surround myself with millions of beautiful young naked woman who worships the air i walk on and will do anything i ask of them ?? Lucifer was many times more intelligent than humans and couldn't control himself . intelligence and beauty always ends up detracting from the the source it came from. the only solution is death and keeping those things hidden. what chance does a human man stand before this ?? no way any man will walk away from something like that. hence trouble in paradise. and shaw and david will probably find lots and lots of trouble in paradise. if there is anything still left.............

so paradise will have to answer that question . 

if it agrees what will we get ??

a super race who has come down to save us all and give us a better way of existence or did we get an offer to continue giving our undivided loyalty ??

or both??

perhaps xenos are gods wrath on those who try to keep these desired things for themselves. in liquid form the goo........the black goo.............

end quote


could this be a reason why the xenos and the black goo exists ??


the engineers messing with tech well beyond their understanding with black goo being programmed to misbehave if certain protocols arent in place like DNA sensing molecules not activated by SJ touching it prior to being released and the engineers not lnowing about this ??

they messed with the goo and xenos to try and find a way to make suits that can help them interact with the SJ tech and was destroyed. Bob ultimately was one engineer already in stasis and the engineers was in the process of dropping black goo on the earth to start this process of replacing humans whon was disloyal and to test different aspects of the goo so that they might learn more about it and integrate it into their genome and so learn more about how to use the SJ tech.

that may be what david meant when he said: in order to create on must sometimes first destroy. the engineers somehow had to benefit from it.

20 Replies


MemberDeaconMar-24-2015 10:30 AM

Interesting comments...

There really is no set in stone answer to how things are, they are all open to interpretation and there is a lot of clues and counter clues that makes it a puzzle that is hard to solve.

So when you have such complicated things, maybe the best answer is the simple form.

I shall attempt to start the whole thing from the Begining.... from first movie Alien.


The term used to descibe the Alien Monster from the series, trying to make this as simple as we can the movie shows us that there is a crashed Alien Ship (Derelict) that was holding aboard it or beneath it, a chamber full of Alien Eggs.  The ships Giant Pilot is dead with a hole in his Chest... as we later find out from the Organism within the Eggs.  This Giant Being (Space Jockey) had managed to set off a beacon warning his fellow race that things have not gone to plan and the ship and its cargo is now compremised.

This signal attracts the attention of a Human ship, that sets down and we see one of the crew get infected with the Organism (Facehugger) which then grows and goes on a rampage on the ship, before it is finally sent out into space.

We see the Xenomorph as a Organism that starts off inside the Egg, then a Face Huger stage that finds a host to implant a embryo that then gestates to produce our invant Alien (Chest Buster) which grows quickly to become a large Alien Monster that is Agile, Strong and Inteligent the Perfect Organism for its purety and in how perfect it is to its function.   This Organism has Acid for Blood so its a ideal defence mechanism.

Alien does not sugest a clear purpose for the creature, but that it is a survivor, that hunts down the crew of the Nostramo.... But Alien DC shows us that some of the crew is kept alive after it captures them and it was in the process of turning one the of the crew into a Giant Egg and the other is Cocooned to the wall, to become the Host for what ever Organism will eventually come from that Egg.

Thus showing us the Organism indeed is the ultimate survival specialist, and has the ability to procreate itself and this seems to be the creatures main purpose.

Aliens the sequel shows us that the place that had these Alien Lifeforms (LV 426) had been colonized by some Humans, and they had came across more of these Xenomorphs and this time we are shown that they can have Queens who then lay Eggs in mass.

Again showing how perfect the Organism is to its survival and procreation.

The Human Company (Weyland) throughout the Franchise had a conquest to get their hands on these Organisms at any cost, for use for their Bio Weapons division.  Do they see the Organism as the ultimate Bio Weapon?  Or maybe its Genetics can provide of some use to their Bio Weapon devision.

Surfice to say optaining the Organism always proved to be a failure as far as being able to contain and control it...

The Alien Race (Space Jockey) that had storage of these Eggs on board its ship (Derelict) had also met the same fate as the Humans who tried to contain and optain the Organism for Bio Weapons....  Why did this Race have such a Organism and what was its purpose was never really known but all indications seem to show that it was a Organism that has a use as a Bio Weapon to be let lose and wipe out life on any world it is let lose on.

Ridleys comments on the Space Jockey take us down the path that indeed the Space Jockeys ship was a Cargo Ship for transporting a deadly Bio Weapon, that proved to hard to contain and cause the Pilots Mission to fail.

We see the Organism has a lot of interesting traits, the Organism has a interesting Life Cycle and it seems to fit a main purpose of Procreating its own kind, by using the Bodies of other Organisms to allow for the procreation of its kind.

The Organism is evern shown througout the Franchise (inc AVP) that when it implants the Embryo into its Host the Organism grows and takes on traits of its Host.  It keeps some of the best traits of the said Organism so as to be able to habitat its enviroment while replacing a lot of its DNA with that of the Xenomorph.

The Organism also has a ability to produce some kind of material resin, that it uses to produce like a Nest Like Structures just as Bees to with their hives, and these Xenomorphs seem to use the same substance to cocoon any captured Organism so that it can be used as a Host to procreate its species.  This substance also maybe acts as a insulation barrier to keep tempreatures warm.

The Xenomorph is shown to thus be a Organism that seems to have a prime natural purpose of Procreating its self, and the use of such a thing as a Weapon seems to be something that will mainly overthrow a worlds indigenous life.

But is that all the use the Organism has?

A lot of the above is well already known, but in a nutshell the movie seems to show us that this Organism while being a perfect organism for its purpose, it shows its purpose seems to be to procreate itself and in order to achieve that, it needs a Organic Host in which to incubate its Embryo stage...  we are shown that the Organism has the abilit to mutate and create a Egg from a Host (Alien DC) in which we can only assume that this restarts the whole Life Cycle of the Organism, it uses a Hosts Genetic Material to morph it into a Egg that we can only assume maybe holds a Face Huger stage Organism to then restart the entire cycle again.

But this Egg seemed larger than the smaller ones that the Original Alien Xeno came from in Alien, and how did those Eggs get on that ship... Aliens shows us a Xeno Queen can lay Eggs that are the same size as those found on the Derelict

So what was the Original Alien doing by morphing the crew members into a Egg, and a Host for the said Organism that would come from that Egg and why would that Egg appear bigger?  And surely laying Eggs is a faster way to procreate!

Its is thus possible that the Egg Morph route was the way to produce a different kind of Organism that becomes a Queen that can then start to lay endless supply of Eggs... Thus part of a yet even more Perfect Procreation Cycle.  (although Original idea was the Egg Morphing is how Eggs are made).  The later idea was the Queen if we see Alien did not show us the Egg Morph.. only the DC cut did.

But logically it would make sense that to use both concepts in a way that the Egg Morph creates a Queen makes perfect sense and Ants and Bees can do something similar when they arive at a new location without any Queens they can change one of their Eggs to beome a Queen.

This shows us that the Xenomorph Organism not only perfectly procreates, but its life cycle shows us that the Organism can take on board DNA of its hosts and also that it can manipulate the DNA of a Host to produce a whole new Organism (Egg Morph)

Thus maybe there is some more use to the Organism than just as a Weapon, and also we have to consider its ability to produce the silicone based resin that it uses to build its hives...  

How useful could this material be for other purposes..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-24-2015 11:29 AM

Now we know all the above, its common knowledge....

So now we move to what Prometheus showed us.....

This movie went on to futher explain who maybe this Space Jockey was, what kind of race was he, what was their purpose.  Was that a Space Suit and why, and what was the purpose of the Ship and was it really a Bio Weapon Cargo Ship or Bomber....

Prometheus went the route to show us the Space Jockey was a race of giant humanoids, who at some point played a part in our creation, and that these Engineers as they are known are a advanced ancient race, that seem to be involved in a lot of genetic manipulation and the Creation of Life on Worlds and the upgrading and evolving of life on worlds..

What purpose... this is something that has many possible explantions that we really are left in the dark with, apart from the David 8 comment "sometimes to create, one must first destroy" but we shall come to that last!

What connection is there to the Space Jockey and Derelict and our Engineers and their ships the Juggernaugts?

They appear to be very similar, only smaller in size.... The Space Jockey is most likely indeed a Space Suit as the Engineers where a suit that is very similar and they sit in the Pilot Chair of their ships in the same way that the Space Jockey was found in his.

These Engineers ships do not carry Eggs, they instead carry Urns, Bio-logical drums, that store a substance that we known as the Black Goo, or a Bio Former

The human crew of the mission Prometheus find via a Star Map the location of a outpost that these Engineers appeared to have come from, as far as visits to Earth from.

The find a temple complex, that inside have a room with a huge Head Statue that is very representive of one of the Engineers.  Beyond this statue there are in rows, hundreds of Urns that contain the Black Goo Substance.

We are shown these Urns are stored on the Engineers Ships, the Jugernaughts that are very similar to the Space Jockeys Derelict ship from Alien.  The movie tries to send us on the route and path that this outpost on LV 223 is a place that these Engineers are producing and experimenting with a Bio-logical altering substance and that the faclility could be some kind of Bio Weapons Factory.

Thus the connection between the Engineers ship and the Space Jockeys and how they are both carrying Bio Weapon Cargo, that are different.


The movie shows us that the  Black Substance stored within these Urns, is somehow activated by differences in attmosphere and also that maybe how they are stored has something to do with how they remain inactive.

Once activated the lids of these Urns which are kind of a Ceramic Material, yet the they then start to show signs of the lids of these Jars, somehow starts to disolve and maybe they are some kind of Resin that is hard but then like Wax they can under certain conditions melt (heat for Wax).

These Urns then leak out a Bio Logical Black Goo, that seems to mutate Organic life that comes into contact with it, the level of mutation depends on the volume and time the Organism is in contact with the Goo.

We are show that Worms, that could be native to LV 223, some of them become covered and crawl into the split Black Goo, we are latter shown these Worms have now rapidly grown in size fast (a Xenomorph trait) they have a different appearence and look more like snakes that worms, they actually had bodies that are very similar to that of the Original Alien Face Hugers, only these Hammerpedes as they are called have different heads.

We see from the Hammerpedes that they seem to have some mild Xeno DNA to their appearence, and when one of them latches onto a crew members arm and this results in his fellow crewmember cutting off its head, we see the Hammerpedes head is cut and it sprays out Acid Blood, this again is a Xeno trait and we then see the Hammerpedes head raidly grow back. A trait that worms have but now highly evolved.

It would appear the Black Goo has mutated the Worms so they somehow become a new Organism that has Xeno traits, and yet also has some of its own Worm traits only they are dramatically evolved. And the Organism becomes more agressive.

The second victim of the Black Goo, is the other crew member Fifield, he has the Acid from cutting off the Hamerpedes Head, splash in his visor.. it burns his visor of his helmet so that it starts to melt onto his face... The pain and shock of this makes him fall over face first into the Black Goo.

Latter we are shown a Mutated Fifield turns up at Prometheus ship and he then attacks the crew, we see that he has elongated limbs and his head is a bit swollen, he is veru strong, and agressive and agile.

But the other alternative scene shows a more elongated head, and other concept works and even animatronic prop that never got used, shows us more of a Xeno DNA connection.

The 3rd effect of the Black Goo stored within these Urns we are shown occurs via the Android David who had frozen and taken one of the Urns on board the Prometheus, he studies the substance inside which seems to have a number of components.

He looks at the Substance and sees it is Organic and then says "big things have small beginings"

He then applies a drop of this substance into a drink which crew member Holloway then drinks, he is thus infected with the Substance. He then has Sex with his Girlfriend Shaw, and afterwards she is in pain and finds out she is pregnant, yet there is something wrong with her that prevents her to be pregant so she says she can not be.

It is at this point that David informs her she is not having a normal baby fetus, she is to be put to sleep and taken to Cryo Deck where they can remove the fetus from her when they get back to Earth... she escapes and uses the Med Pod to remove the Fetus from her.

This fetus has the appearence of a Octopus/Squid and she removes it and then locks it in the medical pods room..

We are thus led to the fact that the Goo infected Holloway who via Sex with Shaw led to her becoming pregnant either by his infected Sperm fertilising one of her Eggs, or that either the Goo contained micro organism that passed through via Sex, or even the Goo muated some of the cells inside of Holloway into something that fertilised the Egg.

We are shown after Sex that Holloway finds a worm like organism in his eye, could this be a micro-organism contained in the goo? that grew, or is it some cells of Holloway that are infected to evolve into the worm, or is the worm some of his infected Sperm..

We dont know...

We are latter shown that Shaws baby now called the Trillobite has grown to a huge size in a short space of time (trait of the Xeno)  the giant Squidlike Octopoid Organism then latter is realsed by Shaw as she is attacked by a Engineer.

The Organism then wrestles the Engineer to the ground after it forces a tupe down his throat and implants a Embryo into the Engineer.

Latter we are shown this Engineer then gets Chest Busted to produce a Organism that has some similarities with the Xeno as far as DNA, and thus in essence Shaws Baby was a variation of the Face Huger and performed the same purpose.

The Chest Buster that is refered to as the Deacon, has a pharyngeal jaw just like the Xenomorph, it however is more enamel like Mamals and not Metalic looking like the Xeno, the Organism has a more Organic kind of Shark Skin texture to its skin than the Xenomorph and it looks more like a endo-skeleton than exo-skeleton like the Xeno.  It also has hands and feet that are like a Humans, and even a Placenta and it seems to be almost Adult like in appearence and not in stages like the traditional Xenomorph Chest Buster.

All in all it shows us that the Goo in  the Urns seems to somehow be connected Genetically to the Xenomorph, but how? We can be 100% sure..

But by next post will try and make sense of the connection, and how the Goo and Xeno may be connected...

There is off course another varient of the Goo that we see at the start of the movie, where it has a different effect and my next post will adress that and try and tie in how that and the Urns and Xeno could be connected.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-24-2015 11:29 AM

Nowe we know all the above, its common knowledge....

So now we move to what Prometheus showed us.....

This movie went on to futher explain who maybe this Space Jockey was, what kind of race was he, what was their purpose.  Was that a Space Suit and why, and what was the purpose of the Ship and was it really a Bio Weapon Cargo Ship or Bomber....

Prometheus went the route to show us the Space Jockey was a race of giant humanoids, who at some point played a part in our creation, and that these Engineers as they are known are a advanced ancient race, that seem to be involved in a lot of genetic manipulation and the Creation of Life on Worlds and the upgrading and evolving of life on worlds..

What purpose... this is something that has many possible explantions that we really are left in the dark with, apart from the David 8 comment "sometimes to create, one must first destroy" but we shall come to that last!

What connection is there to the Space Jockey and Derelict and our Engineers and their ships the Juggernaugts?

They appear to be very similar, only smaller in size.... The Space Jockey is most likely indeed a Space Suit as the Engineers where a suit that is very similar and they sit in the Pilot Chair of their ships in the same way that the Space Jockey was found in his.

These Engineers ships do not carry Eggs, they instead carry Urns, Bio-logical drums, that store a substance that we known as the Black Goo, or a Bio Former

The human crew of the mission Prometheus find via a Star Map the location of a outpost that these Engineers appeared to have come from, as far as visits to Earth from.

The find a temple complex, that inside have a room with a huge Head Statue that is very representive of one of the Engineers.  Beyond this statue there are in rows, hundreds of Urns that contain the Black Goo Substance.

We are shown these Urns are stored on the Engineers Ships, the Jugernaughts that are very similar to the Space Jockeys Derelict ship from Alien.  The movie tries to send us on the route and path that this outpost on LV 223 is a place that these Engineers are producing and experimenting with a Bio-logical altering substance and that the faclility could be some kind of Bio Weapons Factory.

Thus the connection between the Engineers ship and the Space Jockeys and how they are both carrying Bio Weapon Cargo, that are different.


The movie shows us that the  Black Substance stored within these Urns, is somehow activated by differences in attmosphere and also that maybe how they are stored has something to do with how they remain inactive.

Once activated the lids of these Urns which are kind of a Ceramic Material, yet the they then start to show signs of the lids of these Jars, somehow starts to disolve and maybe they are some kind of Resin that is hard but then like Wax they can under certain conditions melt (heat for Wax).

These Urns then leak out a Bio Logical Black Goo, that seems to mutate Organic life that comes into contact with it, the level of mutation depends on the volume and time the Organism is in contact with the Goo.

We are show that Worms, that could be native to LV 223, some of them become covered and crawl into the split Black Goo, we are latter shown these Worms have now rapidly grown in size fast (a Xenomorph trait) they have a different appearence and look more like snakes that worms, they actually had bodies that are very similar to that of the Original Alien Face Hugers, only these Hammerpedes as they are called have different heads.

We see from the Hammerpedes that they seem to have some mild Xeno DNA to their appearence, and when one of them latches onto a crew members arm and this results in his fellow crewmember cutting off its head, we see the Hammerpedes head is cut and it sprays out Acid Blood, this again is a Xeno trait and we then see the Hammerpedes head raidly grow back. A trait that worms have but now highly evolved.

It would appear the Black Goo has mutated the Worms so they somehow become a new Organism that has Xeno traits, and yet also has some of its own Worm traits only they are dramatically evolved. And the Organism becomes more agressive.

The second victim of the Black Goo, is the other crew member Fifield, he has the Acid from cutting off the Hamerpedes Head, splash in his visor.. it burns his visor of his helmet so that it starts to melt onto his face... The pain and shock of this makes him fall over face first into the Black Goo.

Latter we are shown a Mutated Fifield turns up at Prometheus ship and he then attacks the crew, we see that he has elongated limbs and his head is a bit swollen, he is veru strong, and agressive and agile.

But the other alternative scene shows a more elongated head, and other concept works and even animatronic prop that never got used, shows us more of a Xeno DNA connection.

The 3rd effect of the Black Goo stored within these Urns we are shown occurs via the Android David who had frozen and taken one of the Urns on board the Prometheus, he studies the substance inside which seems to have a number of components.

He looks at the Substance and sees it is Organic and then says "big things have small beginings"

He then applies a drop of this substance into a drink which crew member Holloway then drinks, he is thus infected with the Substance. He then has Sex with his Girlfriend Shaw, and afterwards she is in pain and finds out she is pregnant, yet there is something wrong with her that prevents her to be pregant so she says she can not be.

It is at this point that David informs her she is not having a normal baby fetus, she is to be put to sleep and taken to Cryo Deck where they can remove the fetus from her when they get back to Earth... she escapes and uses the Med Pod to remove the Fetus from her.

This fetus has the appearence of a Octopus/Squid and she removes it and then locks it in the medical pods room..

We are thus led to the fact that the Goo infected Holloway who via Sex with Shaw led to her becoming pregnant either by his infected Sperm fertilising one of her Eggs, or that either the Goo contained micro organism that passed through via Sex, or even the Goo muated some of the cells inside of Holloway into something that fertilised the Egg.

We are shown after Sex that Holloway finds a worm like organism in his eye, could this be a micro-organism contained in the goo? that grew, or is it some cells of Holloway that are infected to evolve into the worm, or is the worm some of his infected Sperm..

We dont know...

We are latter shown that Shaws baby now called the Trillobite has grown to a huge size in a short space of time (trait of the Xeno)  the giant Squidlike Octopoid Organism then latter is realsed by Shaw as she is attacked by a Engineer.

The Organism then wrestles the Engineer to the ground after it forces a tupe down his throat and implants a Embryo into the Engineer.

Latter we are shown this Engineer then gets Chest Busted to produce a Organism that has some similarities with the Xeno as far as DNA, and thus in essence Shaws Baby was a variation of the Face Huger and performed the same purpose.

The Chest Buster that is refered to as the Deacon, has a pharyngeal jaw just like the Xenomorph, it however is more enamel like Mamals and not Metalic looking like the Xeno, the Organism has a more Organic kind of Shark Skin texture to its skin than the Xenomorph and it looks more like a endo-skeleton than exo-skeleton like the Xeno.  It also has hands and feet that are like a Humans, and even a Placenta and it seems to be almost Adult like in appearence and not in stages like the traditional Xenomorph Chest Buster.

All in all it shows us that the Goo in  the Urns seems to somehow be connected Genetically to the Xenomorph, but how? We can be 100% sure..

But by next post will try and make sense of the connection, and how the Goo and Xeno may be connected...

There is off course another varient of the Goo that we see at the start of the movie, where it has a different effect and my next post will adress that and try and tie in how that and the Urns and Xeno could be connected.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphMar-25-2015 3:22 AM

i think the goo is many faceted and has many possibly outcomes or creatures perhaps stored at the same time. perhaps different urns have different creatures broken down into them.


and that perhaps different urns could have mixtures of multiple creatures in them. some only work on humans some only work on insects etc.


for the record:

i see the black goo as a result of what the engineer drank at the start of the movie - this substance was then given to a xenomorph to drink and the resultant virus was then collected in the urns. the substance the engineer drank brakes you down and turns you into a virus:



this video explains it. the substance the engineer drinks is a virus that breaks down and recombines to alter dna structure and then any creature infected with that virus will form mutations that will better them or change them.


MemberXenomorphMar-25-2015 3:48 AM

the goo therfore i see as highly complex and having protocols put into them for those messing with it not truly understanding it. like blades sword handle.


so it highly complex . like many creatures combined into one vase and some of it works only on insect anotherpart on humans etc


therfore its like a very complex bio weapon depending on who sets the protocols.


MemberXenomorphMar-25-2015 3:51 AM

therefore the engineers are trying to learn the protocols and they need humans to study this.


MemberOvomorphMar-25-2015 5:14 AM

Without goo their would be no life? 

What part did the goo take in the evolution or birth of the engineers???


\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"


MemberXenomorphMar-25-2015 7:05 AM

goo equals virus after some one has ingested the black substance the engineer ingested at the start of the movie

the engineer at the start did not drink goo

the goo can be used to mutate/upgrade lifeforms but i suspect that it has many more uses than that.

the goo in prometheus in the ampule room stemmed from creatures like xeno's ingesting what the engineer drank at the start of the movie.

but it is not dead certain.

if you mean black goo as what was in the vases in the ampule room then no they had no part in the engineers evolution


MemberDeaconMar-25-2015 8:42 AM

LOL Odudo...

You basically answered it exactly as i was going to in my next post....


The opening scene shows us a Engineer who opens a Cup/Bowl that has a lid and once this is removed we see a thick cake like, metalic and black wax substance that reacts with the Attmosphere and starts to become more liquid and black.

The Engineer drinks the substance and we see that this substance acts like some kind of toxin and virus and it travels along the insides of the Engineers body, as it does so it literally unravels and breaks apart the Engineers DNA, his Genetic Structure, his Genetic Building Blocks are being broken down Molecule by Molecule, we see this substance changes every stand of his DNA to Black before they break apart to molecules that are then dispursed into the Air and Water Fall.

We then see in the Water that these broken strands of DNA then start to re-form and then we see them become cells and then we see cells spliting.

This event shows us the Goo in the Sacrifical Cup breaks down the Genetic Code and Building Blocks of the Engineer, and then these reform in the water to become new building blocks and basic organisms.

The start of Life on Earth... the building blocks of life.... or so it seems..

However in order for the World the Engineer Sacrificed himself on to had appeared as it did (there was some vegetation) it may and well must have already had basic life on the Planet at that point.

Thus the scene could shown that the Engineers Sacrifice with the Sacrificial Substance was a rabid way to allow his DNA to become infused with basic Life on Earth and kick start the Evolution of Basic Life to Complex, and this life would carry the Engineers DNA.

The Engineers and Sacrifical Cup and Scene, aswell as the Urns was all a creation of Spaights that got evolved and changed by Lindeloff....  but Spaights idea was the basis for the whole Scene and Connection.

If we look at Spaights draft the Substance is replaced by tiny nana Scarabs, and these Bugs are what consume the Engineer peice by peice Molecule by Molecule so that nothing is left... The Engineers Genetic Code and Material is ingested and stored inside these Nano Scarabs.

We then see one of these Scarabs fly up to and bite a early primate, so in Spaights draft life was already on Earth the Sacrifical Scene was just a event that somehow allowed for a imprint of the Engineers DNA to Evolve Life on Earth.

This scarab that bites the Primate causes a mutation in the Primate, it bites and injects the Engineers DNA into the Primate and it starts to mutate, its DNA is being rewritten so that it has Engineer DNA and what we get is a Hybrid Part Primate and Part Engineer...  This Hybrid is what becomes our Human Ancestor.

Thus the Spaights scene shows the Engineers Sacrifice is what causes the evolution of early Primates to evolve into Humans... The Engineers DNA is the Missing Link.

If we take the ways Spaights Scarabs work and add it to how the Goo Works, and we then consider as the World had plant life, the scene could show the Engineers Sacrifice was the catalyst that allowed basic life to evolve into more complex life.

so maybe the scene was not the start of life.... but the event that caused the evolution of life.

That is what the Goo in the Sacrifical Bowl does....

Next i will tie in how this connects to the Urns and maybe just maybe the Mural, and it will offer one idea that i feel is very close to what is going on, or what was...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-25-2015 9:53 AM


If we now go the route of how i think the Sacrifical Substance works and especially how Spaights draft had his version working....

And when i losely looked at the Goo in the previous post and how it seems to pass on Xeno traits...

By connecting the Sacrifical Scene and Black Goo in the Urns, especially if we consider the alternative Fifield and concept works.

Then the Xeno DNA connection is evident... but how and why...

As i described with the Sacrifical Scene showing Engineers DNA is broken down into a new substance, well maybe down to molecules that may also be carried within the Black Liquid, regardless we see the Engineers DNA broken down and somehow this broken down Material either re-forms to create life or it mixes with and mutates/evolves basic life.  So that after evolution we end up with Mankind that can trace is DNA to the Engineers.

Why does life on Earth not have Xeno DNA or Traits like those that come into contact with the stuff in the Urns did?

I think we have to discount that the Urns do not contain the substance at the start of the movie, but maybe the resulting material that happens after the Sacrifical Organisms DNA is broken down.

For this we go back to the ORIGINAL IDEA Spaights draft, in his draft the only Urn that is exposed is one that Fifield knocks down, and breaks and the Nano Scarabs escape from within the Urn and they attack him, he swats one and as it is sqaushed it releases Acid onto his visor that melts it..  A Xeno Trait.... then a Scarab bites Fifield and he goes from the same Mutation process that the Primate does in Spaigts Sacrificial Scene...

Only the result is not nothing that carries Engineer DNA.... no Fifield mutates into something very related to the Xeno a Hybrid of Human and Xeno DNA.   But the opening Scene produces a Primate/Engineer Hybrid and thus Mankind.

Could this mean that the Scarabs in those Urns contain Xeno DNA?  looks likely but how would they do that?  Well we need to see how the Sacrab that passed on Engineer DNA to the Primate obtained its DNA.

Somehow the Scarabs in that Urn must have got the DNA from consuming some Organism related to the Xeno!

So the Xeno related Organism would have to had been infected with the same Sacrifical Scarabs as the Engineer did...

If we apply this to Prometheus then it makes better sense....  that is....

If we consider the Engineer Scene, what if that Engineer had taken the Sacrifical Substance while he stood in a room like a Shower or a Glass Room etc, and at the bottom there was a hole that would then allow the broken down material from the Sacrificial Scene to be collected and stored into Jars.

Would not pouring out this contents into a Lake  not produce the same result as the Sacrifcial Engineer falling into it while in the process of being broken down? 

I think it would.... so what if a Xeno or related Organism is given the same Sacrifical Goo and the broken down material is collected within those Urns, or collected into the ampules that are then added to form part of the Urns...

If the Sacrifical Engineers broken down material caused life on Earth to have Engineer DNA, then why not broken down material of the Xeno or related Organism cant then go on to give Organisms that come into contact with this material Xeno traits and DNA, as we seem to see with Prometheus and the Goo.

The Term Sacrifice is key.... if we look at the Mural it shows us a Xeno related Organism in a Sacrificial Pose....  does this mean it is God, because Jesus is in the same pose on the Cross.?

No... the only reason Jesus is represented on the Cross is to show Mankind that his Sacrifice was for us to save us from our sins, so its a symbol for Christians of the Sacrifice Christ made for Mankind.

The Deacon in the Mural is in the same Sacrificial pose.... it was Sacrificed for the greater Good or purpose...

In Spaights draft the Engineer took a Cruciform pose just as he was being eaten by the Nano Scarabs and so again this Pose was to show his Sacrifice for the greater Good.

If we look infront of the Mural their is a Altar that has lines comming off it at certain points, ontop of it is a Green Crystal that poses no real other function in the movie.. but it is something that Holloway casts his torch light on.

In the trailers, there was no Green Orb, but the Sacrifical Bowl that the Engineer had taken the substance from at the start of the movie..

Altar + Sacrifical Bowl + Mural of Sacrificed Deacon thus all adds up to that the LV 223 outpost was used to Sacrifice a Xeno related Organism that was either that Deacon, or for the intended creation of that Deacon.

And thus we have the most plausble explanation to the Goo and Xeno connection, that has the least holes in the theory that is more straigh forwards and what we see going on screen, that fits Perfectly to what Spaights Sacrifical Cup and Urns contain.  That if we look at the alternative Fifield and even unused Animatronic Prop they was working on that got canned. Never mind concept work.


But alas changes are made to the movie, and Fox released a File to explain the Goo and Urns that contradicted itself.... so while my theory i think is what is going on, i can not be sure why and for what purpose.. but i will throw a theory to it in my next post.

But it seems Fox and Ridley had a U-turn and different idea during post production, and they also then had another U-turn as far as the Engineers and now maybe futher evolutuion of that U-Turn for how they want the Engineers to be perseved in the future of the Franchise.... No more Gods and Dragons.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphMar-30-2015 6:13 AM



i have never actually responded to you on the subject. see i have been so obsessed making sense of prometheus.


why ??


well prometheus was a possibility a chance to see what was behind that door that was hidden from us in alien and i agree we dont have to see everything that's behind that. with ridley no longer there say 10 - 15 years from now it might never materialize.


see i am not a sci fi or a movie buff - not even remotely. i have no knowledge on sci fi as a genre or on movie making. for all intents and purposes my name should have been Major Noob.


i have never tried to or allude to being a sci fi buff and probably never will. i like the concepts and ideas being banded around and think of it as a form of relaxation and just a place where you can go to relax and chill and read ideas.


so in 1989 i watched aliens on vhs for about 10 times in one week(and about 20 times more:my sisters husband forgot to take the rental vhs back) and has been fascinated with where these creatures these aliens have come from. what are their purpose ?? they seem designed they seem so elegant yet lethal. where did they come from ? how does creatures like these come to existance.


i have seen aliens probably (60 times) with the directors cut making half of that. so i saw alien about 2 years prior of that and couldnt figure out why a movie that has a half naked woman and a very different feel and pacing to aliens ended up at the local library for viewing free of charge. so i it watched with a friend who borrowed it.


and then thought : what is so great about this movie compared to aliens ??


nowadays i dont know if i will ever watch aliens ever again - it a great movie but beat for beat it copies alien. thats just hollywood i guess and money making. so i read the scripts and began to see that aliens was just a more commercialised version of alien and who can blame fox. i probably would have done the same thing. like ridley said you know ripley is going to win: right there you are saddled with a problem.


and now there are people claiming that alien 3 is just a way destroying the hix noot ellen show that was aliens. a way to see off ellen ripley of while returning to some of the elements of alien . david fincher was in the midst of what i now understand was a desperate time for fox when i heard they were in a bit of financial difficulty and finch was chosen because he was young and more affordable and was basically forced to to step up the tempo and he reacted badly to this and was sometimes deliberately making shots over and over as he was dismissed by the production staff as being young and inexperienced with fox being desperate to get alien 3 out there to make money.


then the travesty of resurrection happened : i liked resurrection but it seems like it was a case of just doing another alien movie for sake of making money. i liked the cloning and ripley having some of the xeno traits and therefore becoming probably what WY always wanted. that should have been what aliens(alien2) was about . but not ripley someone she knew. perhaps this is what blomkamp is going for.


and then avp etc..


so when prometheus came out i was like: ok here is one more chance to do the alien sequel even if it was a prequel.


so everything after alien was just copies of beats that came out of alien or at least the starbeast script.


and then prometheus happened and i was like : WTF is this ? are you guys for real ??  did iq 's just drop while i was away ?


so i had to investigate and ask : what the hell was ridley/fox thinking when they made prometheus ??


there had to be some kind of thinking or logic behind it all ??


so reality tv showed me that derision and devision amongst people makes money . like big brother or the daily soapies. constant fighting and clashing of personality types sells. thats what real life is about. enter prometheus and we have clashing of personality types etc.


it was like it was just snatched from the closest shelf and shoved in your face with a big


FUCK YOU alien fanbase stuck on top of it.


sorry for the bad language but thats really what it felt like.


thats why i started my thread was lucky enough to get it stickied and then tried to find some kind of logic or reasoning behind it all.


needless to say the alien fan boy in me is starting to die a slow death.


wikipedia calls prometheus the 5 th instalment of the alien franchise.


so we might never actually see a tie in in to alien for maybe another 10 years . they will milk it if they can.


i was just hoping for a movie that explored some of that mystery again of alien.


in all of this i discovered alien the movie and not just the franchise. i have only seen alien 7 times the director's cut three times.


so i have a serious backlog .


so as far as alien and prometheus is concerned i hoped for some semblance of intent from fox as to exactly where they are going with this.


but i think they are doing what other studios are doing they are rebooting and then rebooting with someone else again to keep things alive in other word to make money.


you cant blame them i just hope we never see an alien reboot. that would be like rebooting the original predator and seems they are doing exactly that.


I like many sci fi franchises but alien is tops with the matrix second.


Prometheus has huge potential.


Cloning and nano tech will become the holy grail of science and Prometheus for all its faultsnods in that direction.



MemberDeaconMar-30-2015 1:10 PM

I will get back and do a big post in reply to some of the above ;)  But make a short one for now as watching Walking Dead in a bit lol

You are correct as far as making of money and sadly thats what happens i had in other posts said that the days of ORIGINAL Movie ideas are hard to come by nowadays.

companies give us sequel after sequel and after that they then re-boot it all, lucky for us thats not quite the case with Alien Franchise, but we dont know if Prometheus 2 and Alien 5 would go that route so as that in effect we see Alien 3 and Alien R as not part of Canon, or very little.

I will reply with the idea and thinking behind why they did Prometheus and how it has changed to maybe what the first plans was...

End of the day and sadly, Alien and Prometheus etc are not Ridleys movies, they are not Gigers.... those guys did put their mark and made them what they are... But FOX has the final say.

They could show us in Prometheus 2 that the Predators created the Black Goo and Engineers for same purpose as the Predators used Humans in AVP...

If this is something Ridley wants nothing to do with, Ridley cant say well there be no Prometheus 2.... Nope Fox can simply take Ridley out of the picture and produce what ever kind of movie and how many sequels they want.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-31-2015 11:47 AM

OK here goes oduodu

The purpose behind Prometheus was to answer those few things that the Franchise never adressed...

They was...

1) Who was that Pilot, what was his purpose, where did he come from.  Which could expand to what Race are they and what is their Culture and Agenda. 

Prometheus went on to show us that they was a Race of Giant Alien beings, or they are a part of the Hierachy of a Race of Beings that played a part in Genetic Manipulation and Creation and Mankind was one of their creations.  And that Ancient Mans tales of Gods, are inspired by our interaction with these Engineers.

They left clues to a outpost they had in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system that they seemed to had been conducting Genetic Experiments to create or re-engineer Organisms related to the Xeno...

Why... we are never really shown or told.

2) What was the purpose of the Derelict, why that Cargo and where was it going.

Prometheus went on to show that these Engineers/Space Jockey Race play a part in creation and genetic Engineering of many things, and for some reason they had been creating and experimenting on things that indeed play a part in Genetic Manipulation and the results of these are connected to our Xeno....  That the Ships seem to be used to transport these Engineers Genetic Experiments and Creations and especially some that pose a Bio-Hazard threat as far as being Organisms or creating Organisms that will have a effect on the life of a World they are released on, and that they can be used as Bio-Weapons.

The Derelict and Juggernaught thus connected, and the destination of the Derelict either to Earth or some other place to either drop off the Cargo of Eggs, or going to LV 223 in order to experiment upon those Eggs...   While in the Juggernaught was off to drop off its Cargo of Black Goo on Earth to evolve us into new Organisms that carry traits of the Xeno.

For what purpose... this is not yet known..

3) Where did the  Egg Cargo come from, what connection does the Space Jockey and Xeno have.

This is something that was very vague we can not be sure what the connection is, and why they have the Eggs, Prometheus was very vague but it does show there is a Genetic Connection to the Xenomorph in Alien, and the experiements these Engineers was carrying out on LV 223 are connected but we can not be 100% sure how.

But there is some Organism that either comes before, after or inbetween the Eggs and Urns we dont know what order this creation is in as of yet... it was left as a Mystery.

Thats basically WHY the movie was made, and WHAT we ended up with... there is a connection between the events on LV 223 and LV 426, there seems to be a connection between the Xeno and Urns and also the Engineers Bio-Tech and Xenomophs...

But we have not been shown 100%  How, What, When and Why as of yet..

And the above is maybe the biggest disapointment to the fans, they was hopping more of a Answer to the Xeno Origins than who the Space Jockey Race was and connection to Earth.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphApr-01-2015 3:02 AM

bigdave thanks

i am in total agreement with you but just feels like they left things hanging just like that. even the studios where the sets were that were used for prometheus was apparently broken down like they did not even care if prometheus was a success or not. like they were just trying to get people to buy the whole prometheus alien franchise dvd / blu ray etc.

so am just trying to put into perspective that prometheus represents a door into that space jockey universe. i sometimes think of the space jockey as a benign creature that isn't evil . i actually heard that somewhere a long time ago. you once said something that remains with me to this day: that the engineers are just bald guys that ends up being evil and wants to destroy everything for no apparent reason like when Shaw and David gets to paradise and finds a civilisation intent on evil and destruction.

i had hoped that prometheus was going to be different but it seems that only Contact and a space odessy 2001 seems to indicate being/s of higher intelligence that isn't just out for destruction. that there is some kind of intelligent or design behind it all.

this was my main gripe with prometheus.

we don't have to have everything spelled out. just references to the civilisation that was behind the engineers and there thinking and their own purpose- how they see themselves.

that there is perhaps something very powerful but beautiful and kind and generous that perhaps might show a better way for mankind.

something very mysterious.


MemberXenomorphApr-01-2015 3:54 AM

the substance the engineer consumes at the start of the movie

the  substance the engineer drank a the start of the movie is a virus: it breaks down dna strands and then reforms and re combines them. the exact nature of this process is never explained. 

the dna from the movie reform outside of the body of the engineer. how this dna then finds it way into other living organisms is never explained. perhaps through absorbtion through the skin or outer layer of the organism it comes into contact with. from the video on youtube it also seems to be disapating the body of the engineer and blows into the wind. 


so we dont really know the full extent of how this happens


the black goo–_15


from the above link


start quote:

Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15, also known as Agent A0-3959X.91 – 15[1] and referred to colloquially as the "black goo" or "black liquid", is an extremely potent mutagenic pathogen, composed of millions of small micro-organisms, that was manufactured by the Engineers as a biological weapon, presumably for military purposes. Due to its unstable nature at ambient temperature, the Engineers housed the pathogen within Steatite Ampules.


  1. Effects
  2. History
  3. Trivia
  4. Appearances
  5. References


"Bio-readings are...strange. I mean... off the charts strange. Never seen fluctuations like this. Look at this, Francis. Pure chaos. It's like this stuff can't make up its mind what it is"
―James to Francis

Once exposed to another organism, the virus begins mutating its host. The host becomes extremely aggressive and seemingly mindless as it attacks any living thing in sight. Geologist Fifield was exposed to the pathogen during the USCSS Prometheus' expedition of LV-223, mutating his appearance and causing him to attack his fellow crew members. He was also extremely resistant to physical injury, being able to withstand multiple gunshots. It took several shotgun blasts, being scorched with a flamethrowerand ran over twice with an RT Series Group Transport to finally kill him. The pathogen also mutated several worms found in the Engineer temple, turning them into the aggressive Hammerpedes. The Hammerpedes exhibited acidic blood and the ability to regenerate lost body parts, though the latter is an ability commonly found in Earth worms. However, the regeneration of Hammerpedes is much faster than that of normal Earth worms, suggesting that the pathogen can enhance a host's natural abilities.

Charlie Holloway was also exposed to the pathogen and began mutating before Meredith Vickers killed him to prevent the virus from coming aboard the Prometheus. The virus appeared to affect his reproductive system. Prior to his physical mutation (while carrying the virus), Holloway had sexual intercourse with his lover, Elizabeth Shaw, impregnating her with the Trilobite. It is not known if his sperm was mutated causing an abnormal conception or if he was simply carrying a Trilobite that moved into Shaw, though the latter seems more probable given that Shaw was sterile. Whether Trilobites prefer to move into female subjects or if Holloway would have naturally given "birth" to the Trilobite is unknown. Although Shaw was exposed to the infected Holloway and had sex with him, she was not infected with the liquid and only received the Trilobite embryo. This suggests that the Black Liquid itself is not sexually transmitted, but it affects the host's reproductive system.


It was shown that the Engineers created the chemical thousands of years ago on LV-223 for the purpose of wiping out entire planets. Somehow, the Engineers themselves were exposed to the pathogen, wiping out the entire Earth invasion force, except for one still in stasis.

In 2093, the USCSS Prometheus came to explore LV-223 after finding clues of the Engineers' existence in ancient cave drawings on theIsle of Skye and in the archeological sites of many other unrelated ancient Earth civilizations. A few crew members were exposed to the pathogen, and in the ensuing chaos most were killed. The remaining crew later sacrificed themselves and the Prometheus to destroy the Engineer's ship, with Elizabeth Shaw and the android David as the only survivors leaving aboard another abandoned ship to head for the Engineer's homeworld.

The lone surviving Engineer on the planet was impregnated by a Trilobite, resulting in his death and the Deacon bursting from his chest.

In researching the aftermath of Project Prometheus, Weyland Industries managed to uncover an information manual written by the Engineers concerning the chemical. Linguistic components from the original document were translated by a Weyland Industries' cybernetic individual. The document was later declassified.[


end qoute


the big issue for me is if the black goo as described above is also airborne. is it a virus also ? is it a bacteria ? is it a fungus ? i assume and cannot in any way prove that it is a virus but i am leaning to it also being a virus but this is only an assumption .


from the above link:


start quote:


pathogen (Greekπάθος pathos “suffering, passion” and -γενής -genÄ“s “producer of”) in the oldest and broadest sense is anything that can produce disease, a term which came into use in the 1880s.[1][2]Typically the term is used to describe an infectious agent such as a virusbacteriumprionfungusviroid, or parasite that causes disease in its host. The host may be an animal, a plant, a fungus or even another microorganism.


end quote


from the above link:


start quote:


In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutationsabove the natural background level. As many mutations can cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens. Not all mutations are caused by mutagens: so-called "spontaneous mutations" occur due to spontaneous hydrolysiserrors in DNA replication, repair and recombination.


end quote


so i cant really say for sure what the exact nature of the black goo is in terms of being a virus or a fungus etc. 


so what is the relationship between the black goo and the substance the engineer drank at the start of the movie ??


i believe the black goo is the result of a xeno type creature that was forced to ingest the substance the engineer drank at the start of the movie and this substance was collected in the urns. i do believe also that there may be different stages of the xeno and/or different creatures combined into one vase.

it may be that the goo could have say many creatures broken down and added into one vase


that how these creatures have their changed dna transferred and to what organisms it is allowed to be transferred is where the secret lies.

i believe that smaller creatures say the size of a facehugger could actually start changing into a facehugger. smaller creatures like insects could perhaps become sperm etc.

larger creatures like humans can become a xeno like creatures.

we never actually sees what happens to someone who ingests the goo directly. when fifield fell into the black goo with his face was it still active or not ?  was it still able to do its job ?? did he swallow some of it in his frantic breathing as the acid from the hammerpede burnt into his face ??


holloway ingested his goo after it was dipped into liquor and wouldnt the alcohol have destroyed it ?? or at the very least changed it somewhat ??


 therefore we have no real way of knowing what the black does by itself except for perhaps: 



so heres the problem with this infogram:

when the prometheus crew return to look for milburn and fifield they walk into the ampule room and walks into puddles of the black goo. now according to this data it takes 1 -2 lunar months for the the infection to spread 22 percent. was this from repeatedly dropping ampules or from the same time period was it from ampules dropped at the same time. if it is the how long after release does the black goo remain active ??

2 lunar months suggests at least 58 days. 


so what about it ??


well would shaw and co not all be infected as none of them were wearing their helmets or do i remember wrong when they went to look for fifiled and milburn inside the ampule room ?? 

wouldnt they all have been infected with shaw the only survivor would she not be changing on her journey inside the jugg she and david is on ??

maybe someone can confirm if their helmets were removed.


i therefore dont take this infogram seriously.



MemberDeaconApr-02-2015 9:17 AM

Well this is the problem with PROMETHEUS

They never thought out what was going on what the purpose was, not like how Spaights draft did.... but then Lindeloff has History with this sort of writting (see Lost TV Series)

Then what does not help is how the movie is Cut, and how some things are so ambigious they fail to make any real connection...

Then the biggest PROBLEM... They seem to have a Idea but then they go and try to change direction with said idea, that causes confusion and problems with how the idea was shown on Screen...

The Weyland File, does not add up to what we see going on Screen. there are so many holes and inconsistancies to pick on....   The Comics kind of blur a line between what the Weyland File shows and what we see on Screen.

But it is if we consider Spaights Sacrifical Bowl Contents and affects, and then apply that to what we see in Prometheus and then what we see in Spaights Urns and apply that to what we see with Prometheus ones, that the connection is more simple and clearer.

There is a Mutagen that breaks down Genetic Code and DNA, this code and DNA is stored within the Mutagen and the Mutagen then once it has Genetic Code from a Sacrifice it had broken down, this new produced susbtance that is part Mutagen and part DNA of the Sacrificed Organism, then mutates the DNA of Organisms it comes into contact with passing on traits and DNA of the said Sacrifical Organism and at same time Evolving the Traits of the Organism this new Substance comes into contact with.

There is a anomoly in the above, that is the eye worm in Holloways eye but i have a potential answer to that...

But Fox and Co are taking a different route that the Goo is more than what Spaights Nano Scarabs was, which is fair enough... but then they release the Weyland File on the Black Goo to push us in a direction they want to go that unfortunately had many holes to what we actually see on film.

The other U-Turn is in relation to the Engineers, the movie hints at a connection between Ancient Man and Gods or who we interpreted as Gods.. thus hinting our Engineers created and evolved us and spend a lot of time and effort to teach us stuff..

Then they changed their minds and wanted us dead.....

The Elder Scene, the full Engineers Speaks Scene, the Shaw vs Engineer Scene including the shot not shown where he finds a Book and tries to read it...

All lead to our Engineers having some culture and purpose, the Engineer seemed suprised and intrigged by Mankind and especially Shaw.....

But the U-Turn cut and edit and now comments by Ridley seem to be pointing to these Engineers are nothing more than David 8s for some purpose, they are nothing more than Biological Terminators and Prawns in some great Agenda we have yet to be shown.

No more Gods! as Ridley said.....

These Engineers and their creators are not Benevolent, and it would appear the creation of Mankind is not for purposes they may have originally intended... but a more sinister one...

But that dont explain some of the clues as to interaction with us......

This could be explained as a other faction of Engineers maybe teaching us stuff and thus being Prometheus and against their Gods will,  and their punishment was the Xeno.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphApr-04-2015 12:56 AM

then there is the nagging possability that: 


when dr shaw kept on injeting herself after the medpod removed the trilobyte she was maybe injecting herself with antibiotics amonst other thing which might have killed the infection she may have had. we are never explicitly told what she injects herself with.

so another unknown


their readings for showing how clean the air is was that from equipment in their suits of from the spectragraphs ??




therfore i conclude that if shaw stays the same on the jugg with david she never got infected or the infection was somehow eliminated.



posted 13 aug 2015

The stuff she injected herself with may also have had nanobots inside as there is evidence that it may have contained nanobots or something that may recreate synthetic muscle tissue.


MemberXenomorphApr-04-2015 1:07 AM

so i believe that the black goo has protocols and control meganisms built into it that makes it dangerous to those who doesnt know how to use it. so the goo is fire for those who doesnt serve the purpose of who ever is above the engineers.

therefore the engineers dabbled with something that they never completely understood and i believe that the destruction of the human race was because they wanted to remake so that they can test the goo and learn more about its protocols and control meganisms. they also need to do so to further learn the other tech that was left behind when a higher species left them unattended.

Ancient Alien

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2015 1:38 PM

"no more gods" Ridley said? Is that why he made that last flick, and cast ol' Turturro as the Pharoah?!

haha I couldnt stop thinking about "Do the Right Thing"!!


MemberXenomorphAug-13-2015 3:58 AM

Record keeping


this from another thread:




oduodu, big_dave,first_child, destroyah, do you perhaps think that the xenomorph in the coming films will take on a role as pawn in a battle for cosmic supremacy between humans and the engineers?



Well i think the humans dont stand a chance against against the engineers they are way ahead of us. 

as to them not being bright ? i believe that they are now working with tech that they have never worked with before as they might be a lower faction of engineers that was enslaved by the "super" engineers if you will. i think that they are slaves like we were supposed to be and for some onforseen reason it may be that who ever enslaved them has dissapeared for reasons unknown (maybe war with some one else). 

i agree with the statement but i also think that the black goo may actually be a genetic mutagen prgrammable via sub space frequencies by some unseen intelligence. that the real war is for control over the subspace freqencies that can control the black goo.

the engineers messed with this and got it wrong since i believe that failsafes in the event of a break of those subspace frequencies the goo becomes reprogrammable and thats when the outbreak occurs with an inconceivable amount of species "becoming available" via the goo - hence the diversity of things it was able to give mutations too.

so super engineers mighty actually be able across space and time to tell the goo have certain properties even passwords for protection. but the level of it is quite high so that perhaps david might be able to have some idea of what is going on.

so you dont need high tech just anything that can relay the subspace frequencies from whoever controls it. like a drone or something that just flies into range renders the subsoace frequencies which comes singel point outside time and space. this makes time travel redundant. 

so perhaps the xenos are pawns but they can be just one of many species that can be grown from the goo based on what the owner of the controlling subspace requencies want.

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