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Prometheus Infographic - Accurate Or Not?

6213 Views23 Replies
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MemberTrilobiteMar-27-2015 2:59 PM

Hello fellow Prometheans, sorry its been a while but journalism, graphic design, site development and general admin duties keep me quite busy these days. Anyhoo, I came across this and spotted a couple of errors straight away, and the realized you gus would love to pick this apart, so enjoy yourselves...

Open the pic in a new tab to view full size.

I may use your corrections to create a more accurate, better looking infographic combined with the official black goo infographic (you know the one).

P.S. Bigdave, please try to keep the walls of text and 'ambiguity' to a minimum on this one - we love you bro but sometimes less is more!

23 Replies

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-27-2015 5:30 PM

BigDave, please do continue with your long posts! I love reading them mate!


The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphMar-27-2015 5:33 PM

Got the 4 and the 2 in LV-426 wrong order.

The Runner is a name attributed in video games, the xenomorph of Alien 3 is more widely termed the 'Dog Alien' or 'Ox' for Assembly Cut. Golic also dubs it 'The Dragon' in the film.

Protomorph is called 'The Deacon' by Ridley Scott and the filmmakers. As is the 'Giant Squid Facehugger' called 'The Trilobite'.

There is no reference to the Space Jockey using an Alien Queen to produce the cargo on board the Derelict. A likely reasoning, but not confirmed 





MemberOvomorphMar-27-2015 5:40 PM

Plus the details on the black goo is misinformed. It clearly contains a derivative of xenomorph dna but not in its entirety. It does not produce xenomorphs of the Alien franchise but a new strain that echoes them in attributes and traits. There is no evidence of the black goo being a seperate chemical that congeals with xenomorph dna as an 'excellarator' (typo- Accelerator).


Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphMar-27-2015 9:35 PM

On the three things raised here.

@Gavin , I'm glad you can do all those things for the Chris's site, of course you are free to use that time because here the staff and mods are watching all forums 24/7 in the best way. 

As for the infographic, it is longer than any comment Or read here before so, Ill take a look in the next days that Im getting some time off.

@BigDave , Im aware of your post is long, but after all this time, I've never had a complaint about you ( from other members ) or in their place, and I encourage you to remain yourself.

We always encourage members to follow the rules, and that's all we can and we must ask members to do.


The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberXenomorphMar-28-2015 1:46 AM

look i make many mistakes when posting etc. but there are mistakes in this infogram as gavin pointed out. lv 246 probably being the most prominent

thing is :


this is going take an inordinate amount of typing and reasoning to resolve. 


where to begin ??


MemberDeaconMar-28-2015 5:51 AM

"P.S. Bigdave, please try to keep the walls of text and 'ambiguity' to a minimum on this one"

Gavin come on me Ambiguity ;) 

I rarely leave any lol, part of the problem with me is i like to explain stuff and leave little Ambiguity, i am like it with everything.. when i txt people they are like 8-10 page txts on any subject and sometimes it causes people to not get what i am saying because well its a chore to read every word and so i often get misinterpreted lol..

But yeah i always have a problem going into too much detail, even did it with Essays from School, where we was told had to be at least 3 pages, i ended up doing 10-11 page ones when really teachers wanted 3-5 pages lol

Will post next post about this OT ;)  ..... Hope you got got screens that dont strain eyes


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-28-2015 6:13 AM

Well having a look its pretty straight forward and there are just a few errors that are mainly assuming something as fact when it may not be the case, but could be most likely.

Alos LV 246 instead of LV 426 ;)

Keep these Short...

Alien First...

1) The unkown event that leads to Face Huger, it kind of is unknown and Ridley added a lot of confusion to the subject with his comments of recent (last few years) Originally the movies clues showed us that one of those Eggs may have released a Face Huger that got to the Space Jockey.  At the moment we can not be 100% sure but points to that the Space Jockey was infected as Kane was with a Xeno Egg (Facehuger) how is open to debate and i have covered i before and may mean a ESSAY ish.  But in nutshell i would assume he gets infected and then heads to the Pilot Chair. Maybe he inspected the cargo hold or area near by after a alarm or something.

But Ridley added in his comments recently that maybe something Evolved on the ship, so this could mean something evolved into the Eggs and then we see the above happen, or something evolved from some other cargo and we see below happen.

2) The Flow Chart seems to point to something that Chest Busted from the Space Jockey then going on to Lay all those  Eggs....  With Ridleys last comments on the matter this cant be ruled out. And so a scenerio as above in 1)...

But we have to then ask how does something lay all those Eggs in such a aranged patern, and is it just coincidence that the Eggs are protected by a Layer of Mist that could peform some purpose.. be that to keep the Eggs in stasis so they are not effected by anything that occurs outside the Layer... i.e presence of a Host that could trigger the Eggs.

Or that the barrier is a warning barrier that when broken the Crew of the Ship would know that one of the Face Hugers had escaped.

But if we go to the assumption of something evolving and laying Eggs, i would rule out the laying of them but something could have evolved and then contaminated the Urns and they changed over time into Eggs... this is not impossible to rule out..  As the movie Alien DC was trying to show us that the Xeno some how changed Brett into a Egg, that was larger than normal but before the idea of a Queen, could this Egg Morph somehow shrink in size.. so the ability for the Xeno to manipulate matter to create Eggs can not be ruled out and the Top of the Urns did seem to start to melt away, could the material of the whole Urn become changed in such a way too?


The rest of the Alien franchise in that chart seems good enough to me..   I will add that yes the Queen had Ripleys DNA and a Womb, but that scene did seem that taking on these Human Traits was a step backwards as far as efficient form of reproduction compared to laying Eggs.

Mind you with the Xenos rapid growth and re-production, the Birthed Newborn could have grown in size and reproduced in a similar way and we cant rule out have fast the Queen could become pregnant again so it could produce a New Born at a fast rate maybe a day or days.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteMar-28-2015 6:16 AM

LOL, Bigdave I was the same, English teacher wanted a 3-5 page short story and I turned in 11 full pages - at the time I was reading 400-500 page novel so 11 pages was, to me, a short story.

I've since learned to divide such walls of text with pictures relating to what Im rambling on about, much like the good old average blog or news post, hence all the news posting I mostly do now, but occasionally its good to put my feet up and chill in the forums for a while.


MemberDeaconMar-28-2015 6:45 AM

Prometheus related seems quite solid too...

Again there are a few assumptions but then are likely to be acurate but with the movies Ambiguity there is not much Factual being shown so again we cant come to 100% conclusions.

The effects of the Goo 1. is pretty much accurate, and 2. also aside from the Urn could contain a mixture of elements but one has to be Xeno DNA or related genetically. It is a harbinger of life but not as the stuff at the start of movie, maybe it can be as far as one component.   but 3 there are a few maybe inconsistancies.

It assume that the stuff that Holloway was infected with is Xeno DNA, which we can maybe agree but its not quite as straight forwards as to be mutating his DNA to carry Xeno Traits onto Shaw... the process of Shaws Pregnancy i would say the person had got Spot on, as this is what we are seeing and that her Baby is a Hyrbid Human/Face Huger.

But and while not the designer of that charts fault but more some confusing elements of the movie... What happens next to Holloway is a bit confusing and we just dont see what the end result would be from his infection.   As Vickers Torched him.

But it logically seems and confirmed by Lindeloff that he was going through the same as the Engineer Head that exploded, and that is he is infected in a way that its likely his body is being broken down by the Goo but at a slower and  less violent rate than the Sacrificial Engineer due to a lower amount of the substance consumed...

But how can one Goo break down the Engineer and the other cause Xeno DNA Mutations, and how can Holloway suffering both fates... only logical reason would be that the stuff in the ampoule is related to the Xenos DNA, how well this for another topic as there are a few ways this could be.

And so logically this substance when consumed starts to effect Holloways DNA, mutating some of his Sperm.. (but there is another possibility) and the substance must also contain maybe some part of the Sacrifical Goo, as how else does it appear Holloway is being broken down?  Thats assume this is what is happening at a slower rate.

The Urns seem to comprise a of a few components but i wont go into too much detail, but it seems inside the ampoules that contain something related to Xeno DNA, and the Glass Structure is to store and protect this substance from contamination, and that differences in temperature and enviromental changes, causes a reaction between the Slime Substance on the outside as the Glass Vials break down to allow the Black Substance inside to mix with the outer slime material and it causes a chemical reaction that somehow allows the Black Substance inside to grow as far as quantity, maybe this slime is some kind of accelerant?

There are still some holes in any theory as far as few points...

1) Holloways infection aside from passing on DNA to impregnant Shaw.. i.e what was happening to him, it seems like his cells are being changed and it could be either.

i) He is being broken down like Sacricial Engineer but this leads to some inconsistancy over how he passed on Xeno DNA, unless he would be broken down while also his DNA is being mutated with Xeno DNA.

ii) As he was subjected to the Xeno DNA Goo, without it being infected with the other component of the Urns and that being the accelerant slim material, Holloway could be having his DNA recoded with Xenos, but at a slower rate that Fifield and Hammerpedes because they came into contact with the Xeno DNA mixed with the Accelerant that makes the process faster...

iii) Or again the slower rate could be down to simply lesser quantity of Xeno DNA mixed with the Sparkling Wine, as opposed to mixed with a Accelerant that maybe multiplies the DNA Cells.

Oh then we have the Eye Worm.... which is a odd thing that dont add up but i have 3 theories that are logical and one of those, will impact maybe what the ampoules actually contain as far as broken down DNA or something else.... i.e nano organism related to the Xeno.

But thats for another post ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-28-2015 6:51 AM

Yeah i seem to sometimes use Images to make a point more simple, but i do always seem to explain every detail a bit too much...

The draft i was doing for Prometheus 2 was not so bad, as i was doing a script with some supporting parts to explain things losely...  then a accompanying peice that would explain elements of the draft....  which well would been massive and as was all time consuming i never finished it, just have mainly draft ideas about certain aspects...

One problem for me was the Engineers/Paradise and Mankind Connection and Why.. thats a very tricky route and why i think Ridley and Co have changed things to make it more simple.

Anyway sorry for being off topic on that ;)

I do think that Chart does kind of give us the broad strokes to what is happening as far as the effects of the Goo and Eggs.... and while it has some errors and some things are assumptions.... it is more clear and coherent than the Weyland Files.. Black Goo and Urns ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-28-2015 5:54 PM

BigDave; Imo, you shouldn't feel as though you have to apologise for expressing yourself mate! That's what living in a free society is all about! Freedom of speech and freedom of expression. You type your heart out my friend!

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconMar-28-2015 7:10 PM

No im not apologising for my ideas or oppinion, just that maybe the way i over explain stuff in too much detail can be hard to take in and especailly with my Gramar being a bit sub par...

But i am like that in the real world, i am a bit over the top i talk a lot and i explan and rabble a bit to much only so there is little or no ambiguity and in life im like that, i am a open book and what you see is what you get there is nothing hidden etc..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-28-2015 7:33 PM

I can for instance explain things in a quicker way... a bit lol

For example this flow chart if the person who made it set it out into paragraphs of text, it would cover it but in a more maybe harder to explain way... which is why i understand Gavins point of the Walls..  And that a Flow Chart like the OT is a more simple way than say a number of paragraphs..

But my way usually is to go that route but go into depth and sometimes reapeat certain points because in the volume of words and sentances my ideas and comments may get lost, so i repeat some points.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-29-2015 11:40 AM

But that's what makes you you mate! If people don't like it, F**k 'em! You're not breaking any rules of the site. Like i said before, i love reading your posts dude!

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconMar-30-2015 12:37 PM

Thanks ;)


My shortest post? lol

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2015 1:17 PM

"Space Jockey leads to Alien Queen" "Queen lays eggs"~ That there is pure assumption, it's totally NOT accurate!

The Queen was never a part of ALIEN. Ridley Scott has never, ever mentioned a Queen resulting from the SJ face hug. Nor did he ever intend for us to draw that conclusion! The eggs came about due to cocooning, resulting in egg-morphing.

.....and I don't give a f**k about James Cameron and ALIENS. There is no connection whatsoever between ALIEN and an egg laying Queen.

*Deep breath*....rant over! :)



"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberDeaconApr-05-2015 5:31 PM

LOL Lone...

You get some who share your horror.... not everyone does mind its all a case of personel preference and personal Canon..... some who refuse to accept Prometheus as Canon....

But as far as generally, then unfortunate for some it is pretty much the way things are as far as the QUEEN..  The Queen in the Franchise is a way the Eggs can be created... but it does not have to be the ONLY way!

Yes Ridley was following the route of Star Beast and the Organism basically restarts its Life Cycle by Morphing a Host into a new Egg/Spore basically the starting point container that contains the Face Huger.

There are some inconsistancies however and that is the size of those Egg Morphs, unless the Eggs Shrink down?  If they dont then how does the smaller Eggs get explained unless a smaller Organism was Egg Morphed?

Problem 2 is what is the purpose of the Protective Myst Barrier... this for me surely rules out that a Queen Chest Busted the Space Jockey and laid those Eggs, in the way they was lined up and also why the Myst?

Ok yes the Larger Chest Bust Hole could mean Queen... but then we see the Xeno takes on traits of its host in the franchise, so a Face Hugger plus Jonesy would make a smaller hole and organism than a Face Hugger plus Lion... if you know what i mean.

Yes we see the Acid Burnt Hole above the Egg Chamber as if the Organism burnt its way down, this assume the Xeno can release Acid at Will now some of the Comics of old showed us they can Spit Acid but the franchise on film shows us only a injuried Xeno can produce Acid..... could a Organism self harm itself to cause such a hole?

We cant rule out that the resulting Chest Buster did that hole, the movie hints that way and so maybe they dont need to be wounded to produce Acid.. we cant be sure.

I had a theory on the Egg Morph and its larger size and that fitted in with the Perfect Organism as far as Purpose of Procreation..... and that was that a Drone AKA Big Head Chap Xeno has a mission to infect and create a Queen Face Hugger via the Egg Morph, this is why it only needed 2 Hosts, as otherwise why not do the same with Lambert and Parker?

So is the Egg Morph Canon? Again it depends on personal choice and if we take into account the  Alien DC...

The Good news is while Ridley i dont think itends to discredit the Queen, i mean if he did then why is he going to be involved in Blomkamps Alien 5 sequel to Aliens?  Ridley only record said the Queen was a Logical Step of Evolution, and he and Cameron was pondering doing a Alien 5 a while back.... this could be a rumour mind...

The Good news is i think Ridley would be showing us a Organism related to the Xeno, that is a more fresher look, that may incorpirate Ridleys vission for how he wanted the Xeno to pro-create.. i,e he is not trying to re-boot the Xeno... but give us alternative one that he has full control over its life cycle etc.

If we go to Star Beast the Giant Race whos dead boddies was found, they was in the process of moving the Urns/Eggs to their Derelict ship.. this evolved in Alien to them having the Eggs in a Cargo Hold and not a Temple they got them from...

We are never shown how they get there, its a assumption the Queen Laid them.... a Queen could have laid them at some place and then somehow they are transported to the Cargo Hold... how? who knows...

Then if we take Gigers idea, he had it that the Derelict actually produced the Eggs itself, these was produced from Pregnant like structures in the Walls that gave birth to the Eggs.

His Alien Mural seems to hint at this too....

The Latest idea however is Ridley could have done a U-Turn on the Derelict and Eggs Cargo that he proclaimed for years... his last comment on the Derelict and Eggs was that something had evolved in the Cargo Bay...

A hint that maybe the Urns evolved an Morphed into Eggs? How? this could happen we cant rule it out, it makes sense as far as the Blue Myst and that being a protective barrier to prevent the Urns from bieng Activated by environmental changes as we saw in Prometheus...

But how does this happen?  what process starts the evolution? also this would have to be fast process as we are led to that the Derelict did not get far on its journey before the Pilot was infected with the Cargo?  We can assume this is either from LV 223 to LV 426 or maybe a shorter LV 426 to LV 223 journey..

We cant be sure mind but this does not leave long time for the Urns to become Eggs...

Unless something evolved from one of the Urns, this then infected the Space Jockey who gave birth to something that maybe then somehow interacted with the Urns to cause them to evolve into the Eggs...

or simply that over time those Urns evolved into Eggs after the Derelicts crash landing.. so at the time of infection to the Space Jockey the Cargo hold had Urns...

This evolve into Eggs from Urns does not fit well with me, however we see he lid of one of the Urns in prometheues melts away as if it is no longer solid and ceramic...

Another thing to consider is the Mural, this shows us Face Hugers, ok different but still shows them and it shows us a Xeno Egg in the fresco....

Ridley confirmed the Derelict had crash landed etc on LV 426 within a few hundred years of the outbreak on LV 223.... if this was after the event then how would they know Urns would evolve into Eggs.... if it was prior then maybe the Derelict had Eggs or it could had Urns that evolved into Eggs somehow and the fresco was created after they found that out?

So many ways this could be explained...


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteApr-08-2015 5:09 PM

@ Big Dave, you mention a lot of ideas I too have envisioned over years. Many vets of this site will have already heard them but for a recap for the newer peeps I'll summarise 3 of them...

  • IMO the Jockey was facehugged by the eggs he was already carrying in his cargo - A Juggernaut leaves LV-223 drops a bombardment of urns onto an unknown world and waits in orbit. Once the urns and goo have done their job and wiped out all life, all that should remain are xenomorph eggs. Juggernaut lands and gathers the eggs before setting off to the Engineer homeworld. En-route it passes through Zeta II Reticuli and picks up a distress beacon from the outbreak on LV-223 (later turned off by surviving Engineer Bob). Engineer drops out of FTL, leaves his chair and checks the holographic orrery display, alerting the closest Facehugger in the cargo hold, which hatches, spits acid on the panel, climbs up and facehugs the Engineer as his protective armor in his chair closes around him. With the Engineer unconcious the Juggernaut autopilots down to LV-426 (pictured above), Engineer awakens and sets the distress beacon before Alien rips through his chest and hides in the Juggernauts undamaged and unexplored arm.

  • An alternative idea stemmed from my idea that Female Engineers and Juggernauts are one and the same (the vagina entrances and Gigers mural pictured above for Alien inspired this idea). Thus an Engineer connects phsically, emotionally, mentally and sexually to the Juggernaut when he enters the chair. The cargo hold, would act as the womb - with offspring being born within as male Engineers (like bob), female engineers (Juggernauts) or as a result of contamnation from the urns the womb cargo could could lay eggs.

  • In Alien, in the deleted scene, Brett is being morphed into an egg (pictured above), with Dallas cocooned beside him. I had envisioned a psuedo-sequel in which it is revealed that Ripley was interupted by the Alien before she could burn Dallas and Brett (a simple edit could easily achieve this), and that as Ripley escaped in the Narcissus MUTHUR ejected the Nostromos core (star trek style), meaning the resulting explosion didn't destroy the Nostromo. On Board, once the morph was complete egg-brett opens up and a Royal Facehugger (as seen in Alien 3 Assembly Cut) crawls out and onto Dallas' sreaming face. Months, if not many years later, the Nostromo drifts by a populated system whom tow it into their nearet space station and open the doors, unaware of the thousands of eggs inside, laid by the Queen born from Dallas, made possible by turning Brett into an egg.


Of course I've had other, crazier and even further out there ideasthat ma or ma not work but that a little taster to bake your noodle


MemberDeaconApr-09-2015 4:34 PM

Yes Gavin those ideas are for most part what i also came to the conclusion of, apart from the first..

Indeed the Alien Egg morph that leads to a Queen makes good sense, i did a topic on this subject before because best case scenerio otherwise for the Xeno would have been.. 3 Eggs and 3 Xenos..... One Xeno Kane... 2nd Dallas 3rd Parker..... Eggs Brett, 2nd Lambert.. with Ripley as Egg 3 that awaits who ever comes across the Nostramo....

But then surely why did the Alien not go that route, why only see Bret and Dallas, but the  who is to rule out Parker and Lambert are elsewhere?  The none DC cut showed no purpose for the Xeno really apart from perfect killing Machine...

So if a Queen comes from that process and hense why the Egg is Larger this would explain a lot and make more sense, as well one Queen can lay many Eggs...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-09-2015 4:39 PM

As far as the Derelict goes, indeed Gigers ideas was that the ship produced the Eggs, his artwork for the Cargo Hold had like Pregnant Bellies that would give birth to the Eggs.

Before Aliens this was his vision and the Mural he did for Alien seems to fit into that, as it hints that the Egg is somehow born or created from the Derelict this assumes the Xeno Bent over in shape of Derelict is supposed to be as such... which i think it evolved into. like our Engineers in that Mural evolved into our Space Jockey, its funny that the Humanoid and Space Suited Race that is Sacrificing its own to the Organism do look like our Engineers and the suits are similar....

So Prometheus Engineers borrowed off his early concepts...

We cant be 100% sure of how Ridleys vision for the Xeno Eggs was at the time, Star Beast Draft did sugest the Organism just goes full circle i.e Egg Morph to a new Egg and Face Huger.

But how they are now going to show, or if they ever show the connection of the Eggs and how they came to be is another question we may not get our answers for.

PS forgot to add....

The Space Jockey in the chair used in some kind of Sexual Reproductive way i.e his DNA or Seed is needed for the ship to produce Eggs is interesting....

Another one could be that maybe Urns could be loaded into the ship some place and they are changed into Eggs... the end of the Pilot Gun/Scope does look like it could fit Urns down it..?

But is that the case, we can be sure..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-09-2015 4:49 PM

As far as the Jockey and his mission and why they use Urns, i cant be sure their are a number of possible explanations but each could carry a somewhat in-continuity or not add up correctly or pose more questions than answers.

You idea that the Goo = Eggs eventually and they are harvested, is a sinister one and we could be seing something slighly based off that in future.... but for me there would be a few questions to that, which include how can they safely transport them and then how does the  Goo lead to Eggs, it could do but i think it would create a lot of things also like we saw in Prometheus.

If we was shown that a Xeno can morph itself to a Egg as its final Stage then maybe its possible if Xeno DNA altered Organisms can do so too.

There has to be a connection to LV 223, LV 426 and the Xeno but how and when we cant be 100% sure,  it depends on if Ridleys comments are to be taken as FACT, or Red Herrings.

Two most likely scenerios are however... without going into how and why or explaining but keep it simple.

1) Goo Experiments on LV 223 produce Eggs as a process and these are then shipped off to some destination... the Derelict did not get to its destination...

2) The Derelict was carrying Eggs from some undisclosed place with the intention for them to be taken to LV 223 where experiments would be conducted on them, maybe leading to the Goo in the Urns.

Ridley hints there is however a few hundred years difference between LV 223 Engineer event and LV 426 Space Jockey...

Which of these we apply to the above as in occur prior or after LV 223 incident by few hundred years is something up for debate....  Maybe a likely one was 2)  i.e a re-weaponizing of the Original Weapon

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteApr-10-2015 2:58 PM

Actually for the urns-eggs route I think the process is more linear somehwat imo at least, I'll summarise...

  • A Juggernaut enters the atmosphere of a target world; this would have been Earth 2000 years ago if it wasn't for the outbreak on LV-223. From high up in the atmosphere the Juggernaut drops the urns like bombs, which shatter on impact and spreads the goo across the planet, contaminating water, being ingested by wildlife and inevitably getting into our ecosystem through the water we drink and the crops and livestock we eat. Oblivious to the contamination we continue our daily lifes. Some fall ill (like Holloway), some become violent (like Fifield) and those that will have fornicated give rise to Trilobites (like Shaw), which in turn impregnate others giving rise to many, many deacons. Deacons then egg morph a victim and coccoon another, a royal facehugger is born which impregnates the coccooned victim whom incubates a Queen. The Queen bursts free and matures laying thousands of eggs, the facehuggers within subverting the planets native lifeforms into Aliens (a la Hadleys Hope in Aliens). In time the supply of hosts gets exhausted and slowly the Alien drones/warriors die off, following eventually by the queens, leaving only the eggs, of which the Juggernaut acquires before heading off to the homeworld.

Of course, this is only my opinion of how to link the Juggernauts seen in Prometheus to that seen in Alien and Aliens. And unsurprisingly my dark imagination has developed it further...

The Aliens biggest strength, and its greatest weakness is its reliance of using hosts to propogate its numbers. Thus I envisioned a means beyond the egg morphing and the queen, in which the Alien could self propogate without losing its advantage...

  • We know the Queen is obviously female, beyond this I envision that the Aliens seen in 1986 Aliens, the ridged headed variant are also female, but completely infertile and that the Aliens seen in Alien, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, the smooth headed variant are likewise male but also infertile. Now, Imagine the scenario as explained above, whereby the urns have been dropped, the xenomorph has flourished and the supply of hosts is running low. What if the Queen first produces females, then evolves to produce the males before again evolving to lay an egg incubating a royal facehugger, of which would be used to transport a fertile male embryo into its host - a King Alien.

Granted, in and of itself this is not an original idea, but wait. Once matured said King would fight and kill other Kings within its vicinity (being naturally aggressive), conquering those hives as its territory and claiming the Queens within as their prize, of which they get to fornicate with, impregnating them with its seed. The Queens then return to their hives and continue as before laying eggs. However only half the eggs laid from this point onwards would contain facehuggers, the other half would incubate a soft tissued, weaker subservient sub-species, that once 'born' from their eggs would be used as hosts thus allowing the Alien to self propogate...

Now here comes the twist - originally I envisioned this host sub species to be Predators, but I know a lot of people wil be rolling their eyes at the mere mention. So I changed it, and envisioned the host sub species as the Engineers. We came to be because of the Engineers, whom in turn came to be because of the Aliens, but the Aliens cannot be a naturally evolved species, so whom created them - something beyond dark I will no doubt imagine.


MemberDeaconApr-11-2015 1:50 PM

some nice ideas....  and thats the beauty of the franchise and Prometheus is there really is no set in STONE way this movie should logically go forwards so anything is open....

As far as the first point, yes the sequece of events that led to Shaws Trillobite was a set of events...

These could be replicated on Earth as you said surely if Water Supply got infected, and was drank by a Male Human then we could see the potential for similar to happen... or even what about what kind of Organism would come from a Male other kind of Animal that drinks contaminated Goo.

The thing that is not for certain and so its left open to endless posibilities would be how would such infected Organisms evolve...

How would a mutated Fifield had ended up, had he not been killed... does he go through futher evolution, or breaks down?

The same goes for Holloway..

What becomes of the Hammerpedes how can they procreate and the same goes for the Deacon.

And  so on Earth a infected worlds Organisms we cant be sure what would become of them, the Weyland file showed Life Eradication but can we take that as FACT?  Is it a case of they are simply evolved into something new and so the Original Life on Earth is destroyed but replaced with something new?

The Fire and Stone Comic seems to show us thats what happens.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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This Alien Movie Universe community is part of the Scified network. Scified hosts a network of online fan-site communities containing 405,942 posts by 48,252 members (6 are online now). The Alien: Romulus Forum is the most recently active forum. The latest Forum topic added was: Alien: Romulus VFX breakdown by ILM
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Alien: Romulus Spoilers Updated 2024-08-18 08:33:57
Alien: Romulus Movie Trailers Updated 2024-07-18 11:51:15
Get Tickets for Alien: Romulus! Updated 2024-07-11 12:11:21
Everything we know about Alien: Romulus Updated 2024-06-15 10:35:44
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Alien: Romulus Discuss the new Fede Alvarez Alien movie here
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This website provides the latest information, news, rumors and scoops on the Alien: Romulus movie and Alien TV series for FX! Get the latest news on the Alien prequels, sequels, spin-offs and more. Alien movie, game and TV series news is provided and maintained by fans of the Alien film franchise. This site is not affiliated with 20th Century Studios, FX, Hulu, Disney or any of their respective owners.

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