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MemberOvomorphApr-03-2015 1:16 AM

I've been putting this off for a while as i'm convinced that the writers of the sequel have absolutely no idea what they're doing and probably trawl these forums to steal ideas but anyway.... here goes: Towards the end of Prometheus Shaw says: "We were so so wrong". In my opinion, Shaw has relaised that the Engineers did NOT create mankind, but rather, stumbled upon earth thousands of years ago, whilst searching for the meaning of their own existence and purpose in the universe and found an indigenous sentient population in its' early civilizational stages. This came as a massive surprise to the arrogant 15 foot tall, celestial right said fred juiceheads, who immediately started to feel threatened in terms of their assumed cosmic supremacy. As such, they left the murals as bait for humans so as to track them down once more technologically advanced and essentially confirm the Engineers' deepset and darkest fears: That their galactic purpose and supremacy was NOT unrivalled as they had assumed. Hopefully Shaw annihilates Paradise in the sequel and sends these bald goons back to 1991 top of the pops/presenting the crystal maze where they belong!

54 Replies


MemberXenomorphApr-07-2015 8:30 AM


no i dont think you are rude and theres nothing wrong with being overbearing. you give plausable and reasonably explanations for your theories. 

from spaights original alien engineers draft the engineers visited earth every 1100 years and upgraded the humans.

that was watts (the character on whom shaw is based from the alien engineers draft) that did the research. 

at the weyland industries website you can find an entry for doctor shaws historical findings called project genesis and there is a viral video where she explains to weyland that she found something. 


actually that is wrong she says that she believes that there is a place that could answer all the big questions. not that she actually found something.

 at the above link you will find a link to dr shaws historical findings its called project genesis.

when you click on it nothing happens i know.


but now you have watts in the spaights draft findin evidence that the engineers upgraded mankind every 1100 years. weyland hijacked that information long before they spoke to weyland.

so lindelof rewrote the whole thing but dr shaw says in the quiet eye video that she still believes not scientifically but that she has found the answer. she never actually says she has proof (she never actua;y says she doesnt) but looking at the spaihts draft and the weyland industries website suggests that she had historical findings but what they were is not known.

this does point to perhaps the engineers visiting us and upgrading us over time but why would they do that if they did not create us ??


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2015 6:06 AM

"this does point to perhaps the engineers visiting us and upgrading us over time but why would they do that if they did not create us ??"


hey oduodu, just going to answer this point real quickly, been real busy and haven't had the chance to respond to the others either so apologies for that as well but to answer your question:


fattening us up in terms of a particular line of knowledge so as to accept their way of thinking, which is but a misguided worshipping of death, or, as we call it in the ridley scott universe, the xenomorph. the xenomorph is death, it is the bodily representation of the death drive which swirls in the unconscious like a viscous black liquid ;). how we come to understand and interpret such a drive is the difference between humans and engineers. the engineers have far too much pride in themselves. they think they have all the answers and understanding, but the very obvious worshipping of the xenomorph, to me at least, shows that they do not.




MemberXenomorphApr-08-2015 7:21 AM

when do you think they discovered us ??


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2015 8:11 AM

i would say they probably discovered us around the time those cave paintings started popping up. another thing about DAVID. weyland is depicted early on in the film in a stance with his dog talking asa hologram. That image is almost identical to the tarot card of THE FOOL. what is missing is the bag of the fool, whcih in the tarot card is not opened - it represents unending potential and the fact that the fool has everything that he needs should he just open his bag. There is no bag with weyland, but there is DAVID. david is the unopened bag to peter weyland's fool stance. DAVID could have offered weyland immortality had he just not gone on and on about all that ambiguous soul/human/robot stuff.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-08-2015 12:53 PM

THANATOS_CONTAGION - Oh, I very much like your tarot card analogy! Could there have been more such symbology within the film; perhaps the pyramids indicative of the Tower card? This is most compelling! :)


MemberDeaconApr-09-2015 5:22 PM

The Geneis part of that site would have been and im not sure if it was but is now broken? but worked before?

Anyway it would have been similar to the speach Holoway and Shaw did, i am sure one part of the website where it showed you all of those pictograms, but i have not been through everything on that site in a long long long time... well say 2 years plus ;)


Yes the Xeno could mean Death but it could mean other things and due to the Ambiguity we really dont have enough clues to make a 100% answer so we can all come to different conclusion, but which one is correct.... who knows.  hopefully Part 2 and indeed Alien 5 could point us in the right direction.

As far as the Engineers not creating us..... i think the whole purpose of the movie and both Spaights and Lindeloffs was that the Engineers interaction with Earth led to our creation and why they was trying to show a match in DNA.

Your idea is interesting mind, and they could be doing a U-Turn on what Originally they was going to portay our Engineers and Mankind connection so who knows...

I thinking how that DNA fits in with it all in another manner? Unless it can show us that we all share same DNA from a single original source of life..... so maybe our Engineers came across and stole this at a later date?

We cant be sure, the Sacrifical Scene could be any place at any time, but i do think Ridleys intentions was that we look Humanoid like the Engineers because they plaid some part in our genetic manipulation that had to include the use of their DNA.

Nice ideas mind ;)

Which way they are going only time will tell..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-09-2015 8:34 PM

Interesting topic. I'll put my 2c in... I will be really pissed if time travel has anything to do with any of the Xeno films.

I stand by my thoughts that the DNA infusion we see at the start of Prometheus is the spark of life a suitable planet needs to create life and or simply alter life. Perhaps it was another planet we saw at the start of Prometheus or perhaps its Early Earth. How early we can only guess. Perhaps it is Earth 50 thousand years ago and Life was already present or perhaps its Billions of years ago and Earth is barron. I prefer to think its only thousands of years ago and the DNA strains created by the sacrifice alter anything they make contact with and early Man gradually becomes the superior species. Over the ages the Engineers visit and leave messages as we know. I doubt very much it's so they can then kill them off once their tech is good enough. I suspect, and have done since the start, that the Engineers are simply cloned meat bags which are used by another race. Some of these clones perhaps aren't happy with their lot and visit the natives who leave messages in the hope that one day one of their creations will visit. Don't forget the map wasn't to the Home World it was simply to an out post.

It is this outpost inwhich something big went down. Perhaps the renegades who broke the rules and met early Man who left the messages were found out. Perhaps they were punished, perhaps the one surviver caused the punishment and was under instructions not to associate with other sentient Life and that is why he tries to kill everyone.

The pilot of the Derilict, whether a good or bad guy managed to escape the carnage and the rest is history.

Right or wrong this ties thing up nicely and leads a believable timeline right through to Alien 5.

Just my thoughts anyway. Keep it simple, keep it Giger, keep it creepy and dark.


MemberOvomorphApr-10-2015 1:11 AM

bigdave: for me xenomorphs are the gatekeepers of the underworld - the para - site, the space/place which exists parallel to our reality .for me the underworld in greek mythology is the psychic object of the unconscious, obscure, yet immanent, always threatening to undo immediate reality. it is here whereby i would invoke freud's theorys on todestrieb, the death drive, which is the will towards annihilation. indeed i feel like the workings of the human unconscious are ever present in the works of giger and the alien universe. the engineers in my mind are fallen. they were a race bestowed with many gifts and failed to appreciate them, they wanted to become Gods, but real Gods are not only creators of things and life IN the universe, they are creators OF the universe as well. Real Gods are able to both transcend and exist within the universe.



QUESTION: having read the spaights script, the part where the team meets the lone surviving engineer, if i remember correctly, the engineer says that "now you have awokened me i will die" or words to that effect. my question to you is, do you think there is a possibility that that last engineer had been facehugged and gone into cryostasis so as to not give birth to an ultramoprh? in which case, the deacon could have extra parameters to it?


also brego, it's exactly because the invitation was to the outpost and not to the homeworld that it makes me think that the engineers did not create mankind, as the invitation to that outpost makes me think that it was nothing more than a trap to annihilate humans, which is why it makes me question them creating us, for exactly the same reason you mentioned: why would you create a species and then simply destroy it when it progressed? my only logical explanation to that is because you didn't create it, but someone else, who you are at war with did.




MemberXenomorphApr-10-2015 5:55 AM


i have searched extensively and was never able to find anything. i dont think there ever was anything there in the first place. i think 10-11-12 is when weyland and yutani merged. 

october 11 2112


MemberDeaconApr-10-2015 6:44 AM

I did remember seeing on one of the sites the Pictograms, they appeared like in the Holloway and Shaw Speach to the Prometheus Crew, and you clicked on one and it showed the date it was discoverd etc....

As far as to the Agenda and Deal with Engineers, there really is any posibility as the movies clues are so vague and Ambigious, some theories i kind of feel the movie may show us against as it makes little sense.... those being we was created to be destroyed, when their is more than enough evidence that some Engineers or other Giant beings had came to Earth to upgrade us over and over.... i think the movie aimed to show a connection Genetically and why our Engineers looked very Humanoid was not just coincidence.

How did David learnt to communicate with the Engineers and maybe read their writting etc... David for how clever he is, he is not no Star Trek Universal Translator....  the movie showed him learning some ancient PIE linguistics, is this just coincidence?  I doubt it,  this Ancient Language was used by early Man,  and its not a coincidence that our Engineers use the same thing of can understand it... The only way the Engineers knew it would be if they learnt it off early Man or indeed they taught it to early Man.

The Prometheus Myth is no accident i believe, it indicates that some God like beings, or a race who we would perseve as such had came down and taught us stuff and given us technology that we was forbiden to had been given.

The Ancient Pictograms are there to show us that throughout many Ancient Cultures, Mankind had been visited by a Giant Biengs from the Stars who Mankind had worshiped and perseved as Gods, and these beings/Gods had given us information to futher advance our culture.

Do they spend thousands of years doing that so we can then be used to be replaced by Xenos?   Is really how advanced Mankind is or was 2'000 years ago, going to make a difference compared to 5'000, 10'000 etc?  And all we see the Goo do is simply evolve them into beings that seem to become Agressive and Hostile (Fifield) and maybe they would be mutated to become eventually nothing as the Weyland file says after 6 months a Worlds Life is eradicated... Fire and Stone shows us the Goo simply evolves life including plant life to take on traits that could be connected to the Xeno, but it basically regardless just re-encodes life to be something new.

We have to ask why?  what is there to gain from that apart from Spite and a case of a kid playing with his Lego and building something, that he is then bored, fed up with or does not like and so he breaks it apart so that he can create something new.

There is so so much going on in this movie, that can lead to a unlimited near enough explanations and reasons....  And yes Shaw thought the clues would lead her to the place of our creation.

I think maybe LV 223 was at one point this, but it is not the place these Engineers come from.... it could be like in Biblical Terms the Garden of Eden that we got kicked out of, and so it is not Heaven or Paradise.

The movie shows us our Engineers are genetic Gardners, we do not know the Agenda for why they created life, the opening Scene is to show how they create and seed life and so Earth is not the only place...  We are but a Garden these Engineers use to create a host of different Genetic Flowers, and Crop as far as Life on Earth being that....  LV 223 could just be a Green house from which they experiment with changes they wish to make to their Garden it is a place they can use as a outpost to visit us from.

But at some point something changed, or did it? was the Agenda always create the Xeno, we just dont know yet the 100% connection between it and Engineers and the when/how and why.

If we take Ridleys comments here is what he is saying.. well was prior to the now U-Turn... at the point of working on Lindeloffs draft and that to a shooting draft here is what Ridley had our Engineers down as...

1) A Ancient Alien Humanoid Race, who poses Advanced Technology, these Engineers are Genetic Engineers and they take part in creating life throughout the Galaxy.

2) They had came back to us over thousands of years, evolving Mankind not only Technologically but Genetically.

3) At some point and for some reason, we fell out of favor with the Engineers, we was a failed experiement in regards to how they had hopped we would have turned out.

4) And so they decided to eraticate us and replace us withing something Else....

Why we just dont know, the Goo in Prometheus has Xeno traits, as opposed to what we see in the start of the movie.... maybe they found some other Organism or some event from a Organism that had produced a Organism that they found was more Prefect to them..  This Organisms DNA was then something they wanted to use to upgrade us.

Why who knows....

But thats my take on it, i think that the Engineers saw a result of a first Deacon or something that led to a first Chest Buster and the result was a Organism that had part Xeno DNA and Part Engineers.  And they futher experimented on that DNA as opposed to their own DNA

The Engineers on LV 223 then saw this new Xeno/Engineer DNA as the better basis to seed and evolve life as opposed to pure Engineer DNA... they worshiped the Deacon as pure and perfect creation.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-10-2015 7:00 AM

As far as the Meat Bags comment..... who knows..... Ridley has now sugested they are not the Gods and there is something above them..

Throughout Ancient History there has been a Hierarchy to God/s to Mankind...  These include...

Titans = Olympians = Mankind

God = Angels = Mankind

Anunnaki = Igigi/Igigu = Mankind

The latest part of this is David....

Prometheus maybe we see..

Godlike Creators = Engineers = Mankind

And how can the Prometheus Myth fit in?   The Annunaki tale tells us that they had a servent race of lesser Gods, the Igigi who then revolted against them and so Mankind was created in their place....

In the Bible, after the fall of some of the Angels (Rebelion) God created Mankind as a new race that the Angels had to worship as Gods perfect creation....

Maybe the Prometheus Myth can mix it up and fit in to this and maybe Mankind was created by a faction of the Engineers without the permision of those on Paradise or their creators..... a stealing of the  Fire of Creation to create Mankind so that the servent Engineers now have a creation to serve them... just as we (Mankind) created David...

Maybe these Engineers are used to become Hosts for the Xeno.. and the Engineers created us so that we can take their place in being the Sacrifices... we just cant be 100% sure... The Xeno dynamic does add a lot of problems when trying to work out our Engineers Agenda... unless it was a new Organism not created by them or their ways of creation that they found as being PERFECT and Admired and this was a new Basis for Genetic Engineering as opposed to the DNA the Engineers had and used.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2015 2:38 AM

@BigDave - We may need to look at the similarities and differences between all the myths to make the story fit.  I think we might even need to look at other things, like Aesop's fables.

Weyland's MOTHER studied comparative mythology, however, the company seems to prefer Greek mythology for some reason.  It's possible Weyland chooses to filter things through the Greek myths because he's convinced they're closer to "the whole story".

I think Weyland corp named it the Prometheus project for a number of reasons. Also, Narcissus was chosen for the name of the shuttle in Alien, another greek mythological figure.  In Weyland's files, the code name of LV-426 is Archeron: the River of Pain in the Greek Underworld.  

This tells me that Lindeloff was being cheeky when he claimed they chose the name Prometheus just to sound pretentious.  There's a symbolic purpose for it.  It relates to the story in certain ways.

The earliest myths were passed around before cultures started writing them down, so it's a lot like the telephone game.  The symbol languages were in use before the written word was invented, and a lot of the myths are related to Sumerian mythology in a number of ways. Shaw calls them the Engineers. Everyone else might have a different name for them, including themselves. Symbol languages can be interpreted many ways... It wouldn't necessarily be that Greek mythology contains the true story. The company just has a thing for Greek myths.  They chose the name Prometheus for symbolic purposes, and it's best not to take the myths too literally. Well, actually, since the word "literally" has recently been changed in the dictionary to also mean metaphorically, I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. LOL.  Anyway, I think the source that emailed you is correct: we need to look at the myths in symbolic ways

"Prometheus, that potter who gave shape to our new generation, decided one day to sculpt the form of the goddess Aletheia [Veritas], using all his skill so that she would be able to regulate people's behaviour. As he was working, an unexpected summons from mighty Zeus called him away. Prometheus left cunning Dolus (Trickery) in charge of his workshop [who had recently become one of the god's apprentices]. Fired by ambition, Dolus (Trickery) used the time at his disposal to fashion with his sly fingers a figure of the same size and appearance as Aletheia [Veritas, Truth] with identical features". David represents Dolus, in a way.

“When he had almost completed the piece, Dolus ran out of clay to use for her feet. The master returned, so Dolus quickly sat down in his seat, quaking with fear. Prometheus was amazed at the similarity of the two statues and attributed them both to his own skill. Therefore, he put both statues in the kiln and when they had been thoroughly baked, he infused them both with life: sacred Aletheia walked with measured steps, while her unfinished twin stood stuck in her tracks. That forgery, that product of subterfuge thus acquired the name of Mendacium [Pseudologos, Falsehood], and I readily agree with people who say that she has no feet [to stand on]: every once in a while something that is false can start off successfully, but with time Veritas is sure to prevail." 

"A man was journeying in the wilderness and he found Aletheia [Veritas] standing there all alone. He said to her, ‘Ancient lady, why do you dwell here in the wilderness, leaving the city behind?’ From the great depths of her wisdom, Aletheia replied, ‘Among the people of old, lies were found among only a few, but now they have spread throughout all of human society!’" [Aletheia (Goddess of Truth personified) is Veritas in the Latin]    -- Aesop, Fables 530 (from Phaedrus Appendix 5)


MemberDeaconApr-12-2015 2:03 PM

Yes indeed i think the premise of Prometheus was that all those Myths and Religons in context to the movie, was simply all comming from a set of events that was the interaction of Engineers and Mankind...

However i think they are trying to steer away from going to deep with that connection,

No More Gods comment...

Whats interesting is the person well source that gave me some SUPPOSED leaks, sugested while steping away literally from the God and Ancient Alien aspect there would be some lose connections and more important the Prometheus Myth to some degree ties in, as far as Stolen Fire and Forbiden Knowledge....

How this works?  or if its true i just cant be sure...

But lets look at Literally what Prometheus stood for...

1) He was a Greek Titan

2) He betrayed his borthers (Titans) to take the side of the lesser Gods (Olympians).

3) He gave the Forbiden Fire of the Gods to Mankind... which was a game changer as far as progression of our civilization.

4) He was accused of betrayal against the Gods in favour of helping Mankind, like he did in helping the Olympians defeat their higher Hierarchy (Titans).

5) He is credited with the creation of humans, and playing part in our creation. some of the tales he did this by stealing Clay of Creation to create us.

6) He was the one who passed onto us all knowledge and free will.

We do see these things in a way in Prometheus the movie, and so if Paradise will show us some clues that link this Myth maybe we can look at the above 6 things and replace Prometheus with a Engineer or Faction of Engineers, and the Fire and Clay as the Sacrifical Substance? 

It would be interesting if this rumour i was told is true as to how they would fit the Myth in as within Context of the Engineers, and their creators and Mankind... and also they said the plot is about the Hierarchy of creation which includes the Engineers and Mankind, the Engineers creators and David is the latest part of this Hierarchy

I think what they was getting at was in terms of the metaphor for say the struggle between parents and their children and rebelion...

Engineers create Mankind, we Rebel Against them and no longer see them as Gods, then Mankind creates Androids (David 8) and we already see seeds of Rebelion in him and his comments "does everyone not want their parents dead" 

And so maybe who ever created the Engineers fits into this chain also, and our Engineers revolted against them or indeed some factions of them...

Prometheus had likewise betrayed first his fellow kind in favour of their Children and then futher betrayed the Children of the Titans in favour for Prometheus own creation Mankind.

Here is a interesting page on the Fire in other Myths and Cultures and connections that we can kind of see in Prometheus movie.

Theft of Fire

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2015 4:29 PM

Hey Thanatos. In answer to your question I think you could be correct that the last Engineer had already been hugged or poisoned. In my mind though he was simply a survivor who for reasons I mentioned in my previous post was pissed that these Humans (who he could be forbidden to meet) had found the outpost and woken him up and then dare to ask basically to make Weyland Imortal. Why he had put himself into hypa sleep in the first place is the billion dollar question.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2015 4:49 PM

BREGO - I have always assumed that the Engineer placed himself into hyper-sleep in order to act as a lone caretaker or sentinel for the facility. However, if he had entered into the hybernation chamber for another reason (such as the ones you sited), that would be truly interesting! :)


MemberDeaconApr-12-2015 6:36 PM

To answer your questions...

The infected Engineer was from Spaights draft, they was all infected only he managed to get to his Cryo Sleep Pod in time to prevent the Chest Burster from happening... the other 3 was not so lucky.. they got into their Cryo Sleep but was Chest Busted....

But Prometheus draft was different, we dont have any reason to think the Last Engineer was infected by anything... he was a Survivor....

What is interesting is in the Art work for the Chamber that the Cryo Pods was in, the 3 with Holes in was not labeled.... but the one with the Survivor was.. it was listed.. Hero Chamber.

Hero? Our last Engineer! how?

Well we have to ask how does he escape and how does this race get themselves infected with their own Bio Weapon at a point when they was preparing to Destroy us?

Clues could come from the full Engineer Scene, and also the Full Scene in the Lifeboat.. you see if you watch these then our Engineer is portrayed differently... he seems to be suprised and intriged by seeing us... Especially Shaw...

He is not agressive, he is puzzled and suprised... its only when he witnesses that only Weylands Questions matter, and he had his fellow Crewman hit Shaw to stop her asking her questions... at this point the Engineer would know that this old man Weyland is the most important one of the crew or sees himself as and that no other members needs are important compared to his own.

It is latter that the Engineer finds out this Man has come here, and forsaken the importance of questions the others would want asked, for his own Selfish Agenda and this was to be granded more Life and maybe to become Imortal... because he is a creator like the Engineers and so Gods should never die..

The Engineer then realises David is not Mortal...

At this point the Engineer would realise..

1) Mankind has been able to travel to LV 223 outpost, where the Engineers have a lot of Technology and Bio Weapons...

2) That Mankind has created Life in their own image, that can can speak and comunicate with the Engineers, and thus may also be able to read and use Engineer Technology.

3) Mankind is selfish Race where some of its own kind put their own selfish Agendas ahead of their fellow kind... and want to become as Gods.

Its at this point this Engineer realises that Mankind is selfish race, who want to play as Gods, and that know how to travel the Stars and get to this outpost... they via David can read and understand the Engineers Language and Writtings...

Mankind can not be allowed to get its hands on such Power, and with only One Engineer left only he stands between stopping mankind gaining the Power and Knowledge and Treasures that LV 223 has...

Failure to stop them would allow Mankind to get its hands on what ever the Engineers was working on, and that can not be allowed to happen..

So he set off to complete the Mission the others set off to do, that maybe he disagreed with.... but now sees he has no choice...

This is what i was led to... and then seeing the Cryo Chamber he was in labeled as the HERO CHAMBER.. made me wonder does this fit then?  did his action of maybe Sabotage save Mankind?

But alas..... they cut and edited the movie in a way to show us that this Engineer was just a peed off Biological Terminator... and i think this with the removal of the Elders Scene is a way to show us that they are changing the Engineers and how they fit into the scheme of things..

They are now merely Tools and Nasty Grunts, who are forfilling some role given to them by some higher being or race..


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2015 11:49 PM


The Engineer then realises David is not Mortal...

At this point the Engineer would realise..

1) Mankind has been able to travel to LV 223 outpost, where theEngineers have a lot of Technology and Bio Weapons...

2) That Mankind has created Life in their own image, that can can speak and comunicate with the Engineers, and thus may also be able to read and use Engineer Technology.

3) Mankind is selfish Race where some of its own kind put their own selfish Agendas ahead of their fellow kind... and want to become as Gods.

Its at this point this Engineer realises that Mankind is selfish race, who want to play as Gods, and that know how to travel the Stars and get to this outpost... they via David can read and understand the EngineersLanguage and Writtings...

Mankind can not be allowed to get its hands on such Power, and with only One Engineer left only he stands between stopping mankind gaining the Power and Knowledge and Treasures that LV 223 has...

Failure to stop them would allow Mankind to get its hands on what ever the Engineers was working on, and that can not be allowed to happen..

So he set off to complete the Mission the others set off to do, that maybe he disagreed with.... but now sees he has no choice...

This is what i was led to... and then seeing the Cryo Chamber he was in labeled as the HERO CHAMBER.. made me wonder does this fit then?  did his action of maybe Sabotage save Mankind?"


BIGDAVE, very good analysis of all that could have been. I too would have liked to have seen something pursuing this line of events. this is why i worte that they have no idea what they're doing. lindelhof usually overcomplicates things and ruins their interest, makes them confusing and just generally screws stuff up. my interpretation of events as i said previously is based on the parameteres of lindelhof being involved - prometheus 2 will essentially just be an attempt to clean up the massive mess that that man has created.


MemberDeaconApr-13-2015 8:43 AM

I think this is the problem with Lindeloff... he does not think about where a certain Plot would end...  He would have a idea and then drop it without explaining or finishing it off and run with a new idea, or change direction to a idea that contridicts the other ideas.

He says this is ambigious but half the time its lazy writting....

Spaights had a plan, when he creates something he knows it has a A-Z and while he does not cover every aspect his ideas still do have a A-Z so when asked he would known how it would connect... Lindeloff he just gives reasons for this and that, that simply dont add up at all...


If you try watch Lost season 3-4 then you soon notice what i am saying!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2015 9:58 AM

it isn't just lazy writing, it's uncreative writing. the man simply does not have an imagination, and i am seriously perplexed as to how and why he has got such a lucrative career in this field. he just does not know how to write.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-13-2015 11:06 AM

BIGDAVE and THANATOS_CONTAGION - Do you suppose it is possible that Lindelof created "trap doors" within his script in order to provide tie-ins within future films? I have often pondered this possibility, though, as I do not have a great deal of faith in the premise, I have mostly dismissed it. :)


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2015 3:10 PM

SOMETHING REAL you are seriously overestimating lindelof's abilities lol


MemberDeaconApr-13-2015 3:33 PM

I actually think Lindeloffs ideas are pretty good, some of them are improvements over Spaights, just someone else should then go over his draft and make changes, but i guess thats what Fox and Ridley must have done....

The thing is Prometheus added a few cheesy moments, maybe a few to many for a Plot that was trying to be serious makes you wonder if he was in full charge if he could have Cast Arnie as the Terminator i mean David and see some of those Cheesy One Liners...

Hey like to Shaw before she was going to be taking to Cryo Stasis after David informs her of the None Human Fetus she is carrying.......  "sleep tight now Dr Shaw, dont let the bed bugs bite"


Yeah i think the main problem is some of the stuff was never thought out.. not like they sat down and went..

Right this Black Goo what does it do and whats its purpose and so they brainstorm and put down what it does as far as they are concerned but then no need to show every aspect in the movie...

But just what we got was a series of things that kind of did not add up, then some hints in the movie that are supposed to link to the effects that again was really hard to fit together...

When say we try to for instance connect Sacrifical Goo, Urn Goo on Hammerpedes and Fifield and then Holloway.. to Shaw... and then what was happening to Holloway before getting toasted..

While its something we can make some clues of, they then throw in the Eye Worm, the Exploding Head and infection and Dead Engineer Bodies... with holes in.

But dont worry i managed to add it all up ;) 

The only real Enigma is the Eye Worm but i have few ideas on that...

Mind you there is so many other things that did not add up, including how Fifield and Milburn Got lost...

A bit more added to it, to give some reason for this would have made more sense... just tad more thought is all, like how people getting Lost in Spaights draft you can see a reason for it.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-13-2015 5:09 PM

THANATOS_CONTAGION - Hahaha! Now, now; be nice. ;)

BIGDAVE - I actually read Spaights' draft for the first time last night and thought it was quite interesting! There are certainly elements therein that I would have preferred to see in Prometheus - many of which I believe would have made the film much better! :)


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2015 12:30 AM

I hadn't really thought of "The Hero" last Engineer. Perhaps he was able to contain, Control or Destroy what ever was chasing and ultimately destroyed the others. I still believe that the Space Jockey and Derilict have a part to play in this though as well.

As the holograph seems to have been filmed automatically by the ship perhaps we will get to see more of what was chasing them. David I'm sure would be interested in researching what really went on all those years before.

In my mind at least one Engineer successfully morphed into something which was chasing the other engineers who simply seem to have been exposed to the black goo and therefore head exposions etc. Perhaps their bio suits contained the morphing of their bodies, yet all of the bodies piled up in Prometheus had explosive holes punched outwards. The decapitated head only popped once awoken. That could be a clue there.

I just really hope we get filled in to all of these secrets in some kind of prelude at the start of the film, ala The Lord of the Rings Sauron defeated scene.

Cant wait.

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