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Why Prometheus was an Epic Fail-My thoughts on where Prometheus went wrong

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MemberOvomorphApr-11-2015 12:06 PM

Why Prometheus was an Epic Fail.

I recently watched the blu-ray of Prometheus and the 3 hours of bonus features and I remembered how excited I was when this movie was announced (Alien prequel, Ridley Scott, Space Jockeys) and how I left the cinema feeling totally disappointed. This was the movie I had been waiting to see since Aliens. It always bugged me that they never tried to explore the Space Jockey/Alien origins in any of the later movies. Alien 3 was just bad and Alien Resurrection was utterly terrible, let alone the Alien Vs Predator movies (the Dark Horse Comics series they were based on were quite good). So, Prometheus, what went wrong? I really wanted to like this movie but it is just bad on so many levels. I won't go into the illogical plot points and script inconsistencies as they've been dissected and autopsied many times, a great blog on these: The Prometheus Code by 11thCommandment on the Fan Fiction site does that brilliantly and is also very funny, check it out I'm just going to touch on the points where I feel they dropped the ball. First up though, as my dear old Da used to say "If you can't say something good about someone, say nothing". There were some things they got right.

The Cast: Pearce, Theron, Fassbender, Elba, Spall, Harris, all great actors doing their best with substandard material.

Production Design: The Prometheus (had a Ron Cobb feel to it's design aesthetic), LV 223, The Rovers,

The Prometheus approaching the ringed moon (based on a Ron Cobb painting, though it always puzzled me a bit as the rings appear to be made up of cloud and I thought planetary rings were made up of ice and smashed up moons and such).

The Preview: Creepy noises from Alien, a sense of mounting dread and terror (that the actual movie failed to deliver). Shivers of anticipation down my spine, when at first I viewed it, how was I to know that Scott and Lindelof, would royally screw it. (sorry, bad poetry).
Now what I feel they got wrong.

Production Design: The Pyramid (this was based on an H.R. Giger design but it was one he did for Jodorowsky's aborted Dune, not the one he designed for Alien, which would have been much more suitable for this film). The Spacesuit design (looked ridiculous, and inconsistent with this universe)
The Space Jockeys: Big, buff albino dudes in suits, not some ancient, eldritch, alien species as they should have been. Too frickin' Star Trek.
Not Enough Giger.

Body Horror: What these movies were mainly about. Instead of the Chestburster scene we get..... A woman giving herself a C-section, not at all iconic or particularly horrific, you can see this sort of thing on T.V. these days. Instead of the Facehugger we get..... a guy performing fellatio on a snake, and he swallows!

Damon Lindelof: Forgive me if you're a fan, but the man is a hack. He can't write his way out of a wet paper bag, e.g. Lost, for the first 3 seasons this was must watch T.V. I was expecting an awesome, apocalyptic, science fiction resolution to this show, but I had to stop watching after a few episodes of season 4, as there were no answers to the mind bending mysteries set up in previous seasons, it just got more and more idiotic. He writes himself into corners he can't get out of, he even apologises for his bad writing a number of times on the Prometheus commentary. He also really, really, sucks at math: "LV 223, how far away from LV 426 is that? It's about 185 LV's away" W.T.F.??? Dude it's EXACTLY 203 LV's away, 185 only gets you as far as LV 408, methinks he should return to a place of learning and brush up on his mathematical knowledge. I had to listen to this one a couple of times as I couldn't believe he said it.

The Lack Of The Lovecraftian Feel Of Alien: Human beings are nothing but insignificant insects in the face of The Elder Gods from the Void.

The Make Up: Guy Pearce in totally unconvincing Old Man make up. The Fifield mutant looked like bad zombie make up from a z grade zombie flick. Shoulda got Greg Nicotero, he produces cinematic quality zombie make up for The Walking Dead on a T.V. budget, just sayin'.

Ridley Scott: The man is a brilliant visual stylist but he's no writer, leave the plot to those that can (just make sure you hire someone who can actually write). For the record I don't think Spaihts is a bad writer, he was just hamstrung by Mr. Scott. His original Alien: Engineers screenplay was far superior to Lindelof's rewrite. I don't think it quite captured the feel of the Alien universe (squishy, gummi bear Aliens sounded a bit ridiculous), but I don't put that down to Spaihts failing as a writer, he's just not that familiar with the Alien universe as he admits on the bonus features. If they had got a writer who was more familiar with Alien canon to work with him they could have had something pretty damn good.

The Heavy Handed Religous Allegory: The engineer sacrificing himself for humanity, the Prometheus arriving at LV 223 on Xmas day, 2000 years since the engineers visited Earth, Shaw's beliefs ( I can't see why any scientist whose life's work is based on finding logical, rational answers to questions religion was invented to answer, would believe in God).

My first big disappointment with Prometheus was: I was expecting to see Giger's design aesthetic from Alien taken to the next level (massive biomechanical cities, people being mutated into hideous Alien/Human hybrids, cool new variations on the classic creature designs. With todays special effects technology imagine a planetary scale Gigeresque biomechanoid society, what a wasted opportunity). They had some awesome concept artists working on this film who understood this (one even says about one of his creature designs, "I Gigered the hell out of it") yet anytime they produced something cool along those lines Ridley Scott would turn his nose up at it and send them off to re-do it. Every concept he went with was far weaker than those he rejected (the CGI Fifield Mutant, the Gigeresque Babyhead version of the newborn Deacon). He states that due to the later Alien films and the abysmal Alien Vs Predator films, he felt that they had ruined the Classic Xenomorph, "It was played out, too on the nose" or some bollocks, so instead of reclaiming it and making it cool again, he decided to move away from it and try and come up with new creatures. Yet all he managed to come up with were limp caricatures of the very creatures he was trying to move away from.

For the Facehugger we get some sort of lame cobra thing that looks like someone designed it in about 5 seconds. No Imagination there. The Octopussy (literally, freeze frame the movie, that thing is just a mass of vaginas).

For the Chestburster we get something like a giant sperm with tentacles, yet again no imagination there. (I think Ridley Scott really needs to get laid).

For the Classic Xenomorph we get the Deacon (which also doubles for the Chestburster) which is born fully formed, (this is one thing that pissed me of about Alien 3 too, the Dogburster was born as a miniature version of the adult Alien. The Chestburster from Alien was a snakelike version of the Alien that gave you no real clues as to what form the final creature would take, except for a mouth full of nasty looking teeth. It had to skulk off and metamorphose somewhere in private, this makes the first reveal of the adult creature more poweful. If you establish something in your franchise stick with a consistent vision).

Finally my biggest disappointment with Prometheus: The Space Jockeys being big, ripped, albino humanoids instead of an alien species as they should have been. From the bonus features you can tell that most of the creative team thought this was a BAD IDEA, but they didn't have the bollocks to stand up to Ridley Scott and say " You're going to alienate (hah) most of the fanbase if you go ahead with this" PITY.

Maybe Prometheus 2 can rectify some of these problems, maybe the engineers in Prometheus weren't the actual Space Jockeys but some sort of cloned slaves that serve the real creatures, and when Shaw gets there we see their true society in all it's hideous, biomechanical, Gigeresque glory. Or maybe the events in Prometheus were all just a dream Shaw had whilst in hypersleep (now that sounds vaguely familiar) but I aint gonna place any bets on it. This also doesn't bode well for Alien 5, unless Blonkamp can reclaim the space Jockeys and put this franchise back on the rails, (I'm a bit dubious about him being the right person for the job, As like Ridley Scott, he is an amazing visual stylist, but his movies don't cut it for me, District 9 was a schizophrenic mess, Elysium was a good concept poorly executed, and I hope to hell he doesn't cast Sharlto Copley in it, I'm sorry but that guy can't act for shit, e.g. his outrageous overacting in Elysium, why do people keep hiring him?). I also think they should excise Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Alien Vs Predator 1 & 2 and Prometheus from the canon (or shoot them with one) and start fresh from Aliens, and I really don't care wether Ripley and Hicks return (aren't they a bit old for a continuation of Aliens anyway?) these movies are called Alien not frickin' Ripley. For a taster of what

Prometheus should have been check out the Dark horse Comics series Aliens: Apocalypse, The Avenging Angels, they shoulda got those guys to write it. Anyway I do tend to ramble on when I get started, so I welcome feedback positive or negative, let me know what you think.

For me Prometheus = EPIC FAIL.

R.I.P. Hans Rudi Giger - A True Visionary.


(*Post broken up into paragraphs by Svanya) 

40 Replies


AdminPraetorianApr-11-2015 1:01 PM

I agree with you the story wasn't great, but the rest was really beautiful. I really liked the design choices they made with the movie. The space suits were inspired by drawings the artist Moebius made for Heavy Metal magazine, I thought they were gorgeous! (His designs were also used for the suits and other things in the first Alien movie). The giant facehugger was also inspired by Moebius artwork. A lot of the what we see in Prometheus and Alien was inspired by Moebius. Giger gets a lot of the spotlight and attention for Alien, and rightly so, but Moebius was also a huge influence on the designs of that movie. Visually speaking, Prometheus was a stunning movie, Ridley Scott always delivers in that area.

Did you watch the 'Furious Gods' documentary? Is that the bonus material you are talking about? Anyways, I thought that documentary was the best thing about the whole DVD. You can see some baffling decisions being made by Fox and trickled down to Ridley Scott in it, like the part where you see Ridley talking to Giger about the monsters/aliens but not using his designs. I really would have loved to see more of Giger in the movie as well.  I think a lot of the problems in the story were due to choppy edits, and having so many writers, a "too many cooks spoil the broth" scenario. Parts of the movie feel like they are missing and I can't place my finger on what exactly it is, it's annoying. I think the biggest fans of this movie read more into it than what there is, Ancient Aliens and all that. For regular Alien/Aliens fans, it was very disappointing.

I too loved LOST then lost (no pun intended) interest during the 3rd season. I didn't realise until years later that Lindelof started writing the episodes after the 2nd season. Still, I don't blame Lindelof for Prometheus, there were too many other fingers in that pie for it to be his fault entirelyand I do like the ideas he added to the script over Spaith's ideas. At least Lindelof tried to be original. 

I am a bit worried for Bloomkamp's Alien movie as well, I loved District 9 but thought his other movies had some major problems. Hoping he gets his act together for Alien5. I won't lose any sleep over it though, this whole Pronetheus debacle has taught me to be very wary of any hype surrounding a movie. I refuse to go see a movie on opening day/night now. I wait until many people have seen it then look at the reviews and talk to my friends and then decide. Only then will I watch a movie in theatres, if not I skip it. 



A lot of the script re-used ideas from the original Alien script called 'Star Beast', read it and see: Star Beast / Alien -Script 

This Blog is awesome at explaining the Moebius connection and other Prometheus/Alien related information : Strange Shapes- Moebius


MemberDeaconApr-11-2015 2:25 PM

Welcome aboard.... and wow.. i got competition ;)   (i do big essays too lol ).

Production Design:

I think the movie looked wonderful, fitted well with the Plot they was trying to tell, only disapointment was we never got to see enough of the Grand Endure of it all.

The Space Jockeys:

This is one of the touchy subjects that still splits fans, like the Alien Queen.... likewise a lot have came to accept our Engineers as they have the Queen.

I think the idea is EPIC, a little bit to EPIC maybe, certainly a lot of Scope but maybe a Poisoned Challace.... maybe why they could be doing a U-Turn on our Engineers Culture, Hierarchy and Agenda.

My disapointment?  The Scale, in Spaights draft our Engineers was 15ft tall, Ridley then knew they cant pull that Scale off not how he planned to shoot the movie and so they was re-sized to being a 9ft tall race (10ft in Space Jockey Suits) But alas what we ened up with was really 8ft Space Jockeys and 7ft 3" Engineers. In the hope we would not notice the Scale...

A mistake made with Alien where the 25ft Space Jockey was actually 15ft

Body Horror:

I thought the C-Section was very good, yes it lacked the Original Chest Buster scene but then since that, how many Chest Bursts have we seen in Alien movies in AVP they dont stand out so not special no more...

But Spaights sex scene Chest Burster... wow that would have been gruesome far more than Alien one... shame we never saw it...

But Ridley was not trying to go a Alien Horror or The Thing Gore fest, or a Aliens Action fest.. he was trying to set this movie up to be something more like a 2001 Space Odyssey

Damon Lindelof:

Pretty much agree, this guy is a Genius as far as ideas... however he does never give it much thought as far as being coherent and having a plan of how things work from A-Z... so yes i agree and you are spot on...

Prometheus had a very Lost feel...

The Lack Of The Lovecraftian Feel Of Alien:

Not so sure you know, Shaws Trilobite is more Lovecraftian than anything in the Alien Franchise.

The Make Up:

To be fair i have seen worse... Weyland did not look the best Old Man make up but i have seen worse... but seen better too lol

But as for Fifield.... yeah never liked it, Toxic Avenger is all i can say and actually on par effects wise... a big let down for me this was.

one of my Worst Scenes for many reasons.... Inc the quality of the effects, the lack of connection to Xeno DNA where as the unused prop looked ace and concept work some of it awsome...  Then also Fifield killed too many Crew, they should have saved 1-2 for something else.

The Heavy Handed Religous Allegory:

Agreed a bit, but this was to go with the connection to Engineers and Ancient Mankind... they created us and evolved us and taught us stuff..

Sadly this could be a ball they have dropped (No more Gods Ridley comment!)

The Octopussy (literally, freeze frame the movie, that thing is just a mass of vaginas).

And you wanted more Giger... lol you dont get more than that lol... to be fair i thought the Hammerpedes and Trillobite looked very Good, i did think the Fifield and Deacon was a disapointment.

For the Classic Xenomorph we get the Deacon (which also doubles for the Chestburster) which is born fully formed.

This was odd to people but for those who have studied the movie and the Goo and what was going on they would then see the Trilobite was not a 100% Xeno Face Huger, it was meant to be a part Human part Xeno Face Huger..

Thus the Embryo implanted was not Xeno that takes on hosts traits, it was 50/50 Human/Xeno Embryo that takes on a Hosts Traits, thus it was born as a Mammal gives birth to a Baby, this is why it was bigger and near fully formed as a Adult because Mammals are like that... a Puppy, Baby, Kitten and Cub are all baby and cute versions of a Dog, Human, Cat and Tiger...

The Deacon was born with a Placenta, that also points to above and it had Human Hands and Feet.. not like the Xeno.. and it also had Enamal Teeth and not Metalic.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-11-2015 3:03 PM

As far as the change of direction... with regards to the Xeno...

This is a tricky one, Ridley liked Spaights draft, some clues add to Fox bringing Lindeloff in and not Ridley, others seem to show Ridley liked to do some more Gigerish Alien stuff but Fox was not keen and wanted something different, this is when Ridley then also added there is only so much you can do with the Alien and it was kind of been done to death.

some of the concept work and ideas had enough of a Alien link, and sadly some of it was changed and dropped even after production had started.

I think that Part 2 would show us some Gigerish creations while stepping away from the Xeno a bit, i am sure Ridley and Fox had listerned to critism and they are either going to go ahead with what they want to do and not take a bit of notice about the fans, which Ridley said he makes movies for him and not the fans.

Or are they going to take some of it on board?  They know Prometheus did not get as well recieved as they hopped for, they would know that some fans had gripes with certain parts and so maybe they would try to please the fans more, but not go the route of a full on Xeno related movie and save Alien 5 to tie in more of the Xeno DNA and Black Goo and Lv 223/LV 426

Ridley said they are working on a new Monster, on that would be a fresher take on the ORIGINAL, so maybe we would get something we can trace to the Xeno or maybe not we would have to wait and see.

As far as the Engineers, again lets look at Gigers work... if you see his Alien Mural which predates the Space Jockey we see Humanoids in Space Suits, there are a few verions of this Mural i am sure of it?   Anyway the main one if we look at the Masks these beings who are Sacrificing one of their own to the Face Huger, if we ignore the section above the Hose of the Mask, the rest of the Suit looks similar to the Engineers suits..

Check it out and you will notice this, then we have the other Face Huger Concept works that again show them Face Hugging Victims, these Victims are Bald and Humanoid yet their suits have a more Alien look to them....  You will notice the Suits are the same as those in the Mural for 1979 Alien.

so maybe the Engineers was based off Gigers work on the Mural of the Xeno Life Cycle that was never used in Alien and his other 2 alternative Face Huger concepts.... notice also the Prometheus Mural features these two concepts in it.

As far disapointments about such things.... you are in luck, our Engineers are not the creators and they are indeed slave race, thats the way it looks like they are going..

As for if the Godlike beings they meet would be more like the Space Jockey, i dont know, i doubt it.. they may go the route of more like Larger Engineers who may have a slight less Human apearence but i doubt it would be like the Space Jockey as in assume it was a Skeleton... nope the Space Jockey is a Space Suit... thats what they have gone for and have done since Aliens.... Ridley all that time ago, said it was a Space Suit.

As far as Alien 5 fixing things and Alien 3 and R, this would be interesting... Alien 5 looks to give us a connection to the events in Prometheus or Part 2 and may even be the movie to show us how LV 223/426 the Xeno connects.. it would also have a lot of experiments on Xeno DNA and Alternative Xenos too.  But as for Alien 3 and R well they are being taken as Canon but Alternative... so who knows how they are going about this..

PS i agree to why does every Alien movie need a Ripley! i think it does not....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-11-2015 4:00 PM

Prometheus a Epic Fail?

For some yes, but in general not really, some really liked it but others not so and some hated it but for the most part the movie was a Disapointment!

Why? Here i will adress why in General it was...

1) Hype and Anticipation... Part 1 Space Jockey and Xeno Origins

The movie had been nearly 30 years in the making as far as Two Questions never answered before in the Franchise...

i) The Space Jockey, who was here, where was he from, why did he have that Cargo, where was he Going etc.

ii) The Xeno, where did it come from and how did those Eggs end up being on that Ship.

These was the premise for doing Prometheus, it was to answer those and to a degree Spaights draft did so, it was set on LV 426 and indicated the plight of the Space Jockey, it did not show us exactly how the Xeno came about but that the Space Jockeys did indeed create many versions of them but it was never shown if they was responsible for its Origins.

Lindelofs draft and the movie changed and tonned down some of these elements and it fleshed out some of the Plot... Changed location to LV 223 a near by outpost.

Many fans wanted Answers, they wanted to know about the Space Jockey and those 2 questions and even if we never saw the exact Space Jockeys Story.... as long as we find out about the Space Jockey Race and what connection and reasons for having those Eggs and the Derelict.

And the Origins of the Xeno, where did it come from.....

Sadly for those who wanted those answers... they did not get them in a way they wanted them...  some was disapointed of how our Space Jockeys are Giant Humanoids in Space Suits but Ridley had sugested for years this was the case...

But i think the biggest disapointment was that we did not get explained to us in a bit more detail of How the Xeno came to be and those Eggs. There are clues but they are vague and they are clues that leave us with more Questions that seem to be touching upon a explanation and connection that we was not shown but hinted at something that could be bigger than a simple explanation....

The same route is true with the Space Jockeys/Engineers creating mankind etc..

2) Hype and Anticipation... Part 2 Ridley Scott

The movie was also going to be Directed by Ridley Scott so those disapointed with other movies in the Franchise had something to look forwards to as far as a movie that goes back to the routes of Alien and gives us another dark and horrifc tense paced Alien movie.

Sadly Prometheus was not the Tense Horror that Alien was, and it was also not the Action movie like Aliens that others may had wanted to see.

3) Hype

The Trailers, the way they was done and comments by Ridley and others surely left those waiting the near 30 years for this movie breathless, the Trailer painting a picture of something Epic and Sinister....

Sadly Trailers can do that, they can mislead and be cut in a way that adds to the Hype.

4) Expectation and Raising the Bar

So fans had a high Anticipation for the movie, they had waited nearly 30 years for those answers left from Alien and also for Ridley to enter the Sci Fi directors chair...

Sadly Anticipation and Hype of Movies and especially those that have not been done for ages so long over due Sequels and Prequels and even to a degree Re-boots all have the Hype and Expectations of the Original, and Sadly many movies that were so Classical and Cult, have such a HUGE BAR and futures movies would always be up against it and the Originals used as the Yard stick to measure the movie by and rarely have it taken on its own Merits.

The Star Wars Trilogy set before the first 3, so EP 1-3 had a massive task to live upto EP 4-6, they also a Prequel story to explore the Story of Darth Vader a massive massive expectations... and Phantom Menace failed to deliver big time, but Parts 2 and 3 made up for it and we have to have high hopes for Prometheus 2 and 3 if its made... but with the  New Star Wars Trilogy Parts 7-9 they will face a even larger task, especially with returning cast from Parts 4-6...

The same goes with every major movie sequel, prequel and re-boot they would always have to live up to the Original... Often while doing a decent job, they never seem to re-capture that Magic (Robocop, Total Recall, TMNT) but then you also get some set as a Prequel to Answer and to show us the what happened before..... this is what many had hoped Prometheus would have done... but alas even if they went directly this route its tricky and can lead to massive disapointment.... The Thing 2011 anyone?

So yes Prometheus did not give us what we wanted, it was floored in some ways, but wonderful in others...

I think the biggest disapointments are the Hype and Potential

What i am saying is if Prometheus was a stand alone movie, if the Juggernaughts was not same as the Derelict, if there was no Weyland in it etc.... but a different company...  then maybe the movie would have been viewed as being better?

There are other disapointments yes, and not meaning the Space Jockeys being Giant Bald Muscle bound Humanoids, or how there was no Xenos, or Eggs or anything as related to them as some would have hopped.

The movie had few other problems but i think most would stem to how those 2 main questions (Space Jockeys and Xeno) was handled and also the hype of a Alien movie directed by Ridley Scott are all the main reasons people was disapointed because of the expectations and POTENTIAL other ways these could have been done.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-11-2015 7:48 PM

I'm sorry you found Prometheus to be such a let down.

Many were disappointed by the vagueness of it's connection with Alien, although the connections were quite clear. Still more complain of plot holes as if no other film, including Alien, isn't riddled with them.

But to complain about the visuals is especially surprising, Prometheus was thoroughly, brilliantly realized by hugely talented artists, and every frame is graced with their passion. Say what you like about the writing, that Prometheus is a visual tour de force can't be argued.

The ship itself was well beyond anything Ron Cobb has done, while certainly paying homage to his aesthetic.

The dome finally put up on the screen what many would call a classic Giger concept.

The space suits were indeed inspired by Moebius, and by several decades of classic Sci Fi design, every bit as unique and memorable as the ones in Alien, while fitting well with the more athletic silhouettes that are appropriate today.

The Hammerpede was fantastic, the first original space organism in a long time that truly looked spacey without looking absolutely ridiculous, and finally an Alien lifeform that is not a Xenomorph!

And I wonder what TV show you saw that featured a self inflicted C-section? That scene was brilliant. There is little or no way you can top the impact of the chestbuster from Alien. They tried, and did it with a flair you're unlikely to find elsewhere. There is no shortage of body horror here.

A lot of stellar imagination, talent, and heartfelt love of science fiction and the Alien universe in particular was poured into Prometheus, with the result being an unique and startling break from the norm. Of course, I do recognize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but to call Prometheus an epic fail is overstating things more than a bit. 

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-11-2015 10:18 PM

JAMIETHEB@$+@RD - Welcome to SCIFIED! It is always agreeable to see new faces! As for your opinions: I can certainly understand and appreciate your standpoints. For me, there were some let-downs; however, I do not feel that the film was a complete failure. At certain points, I felt that Prometheus reached interesting heights. At others, the film seemed to collapse under the weight of its own ancestry and the expectations of its fanbase. As a woman, I found the C-Section scene to be utterly horrifying! The concept of having to remove an alien organism from your body after your body has registered it as an infant (and subsequently developed an umbilical cord to feed it) is, in my opinion, nightmarish! Regardless, I found your topic to be quite interesting to read! Once again, welcome to SCIFIED! :)


MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2015 6:17 AM

Gotta agree with the OP on this one, for the most part anyways. Whie I will agree with fans of Prometheus that it is a visually stunning film, beneath its highly glossy shell Prometheus is a haphazard mess in terms of its narrative, its characters, its logic and its delusions of grandeur. Lemme add my two cents...

  • The crew travel nearly 40 light years over the course of 2 and a half years, jump off their ship the moment it lands and immediately explore the dome/pyramid. Why then is this eagerness to explore the dome/pyramid dropped the moment a storm approaches. Wouldn't such tenacious and curious characters as Shaw and Holloway have demanded to remain inside the dome/pyramid, making for a better, darker, more suspenseful movie closer to the original.
  • Upon finding a 2000 year old corpse of an alien the teams biologist runs away scared with the teams geologist and mapping expert whom gets them both lost.   
  • What purpose does the Hammerpede serve? - absolutely none. While it shows that goo is xenomorph related the creature itself is used to kill two characters and is never referred to ever again. Why did it deepthroat Milburn only to leap out hours later seemingly unchanged.
  • Why is Janek oblivious to the fact that he can clearly see the dozens of engineer corpses Milburn and Fifield are looking at
  • "Vickers, are you a robot?" ... "My room ten minutes" Why is this scene even in the film, a waste of 5 minutes that could have been used to further eplore some of the fims more important narative threads.
  • Engineer drinks goo and seeds life an an ancient world. Worm exposed to goo becomes an aggresive deep throating snake. Guy exposed to goo (Fifield) becomes an aggresive zombie. Guy drinks goo (Holloway), falls ill. Guys girlfriend gets pregnant, gives birth to an octopus which facehugs an Engineer birthing an alien that looks like something from an Alien rip off movie.
  • How did Holloway not see David spike his drink?
  • Why did Vickers not roll to the side out of the way?
  • Where did the Engineer get burn marks on his face from?
  • Why was the final confrontation between the Engineer and Shaw cut so pathetically short?
  • Why was the cup changed to a green crystal?
  • Why was the Engineers conversation with David cut from the movie entirely?
  • Why was the long limbed Fifield monster cut from the movie?
  • What painkillers is Shaw on at the movies end?
  • Why hasn't the original cut of the movie not been released? And whats the bet it is better than the release cut?


Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2015 11:49 AM

GAVIN SINGLETON - The points you have made are extremely interesting - and eye-opening! I had not taken into account some of the information you have presented! Thank you very much for giving me something to think about! :)


MemberDeaconApr-12-2015 12:49 PM

Gavin i agree with some of what your saying...

some parts of the movie was cheesy, but this maybe is Lindeloffs writting, but we cant blame him for everything for me the BIGGEST problem was that there seemed a better cut that would have flowed better and added more together and added more depth to the movie, it would take me ages to go through them all mind ;)

But yes looking at many scenes that was cut, others that was re-edited and re-shot if they was added in would have helped i feel to have gave us a movie that kind of flowed and added up better.

The movie had some good concept work, had some areas used these and maybe been slightly less ambigious and given us a few more clues or dialog about certain things it could have left us with more clues....

Some things have been changed to go with a change of direction as far as the Goo Goes and Engineers and who created them...

The Goo was not as well thought out as Spaights version which had a A-Z to it, but when looking at Spaights draft we then do make more sense of it all, but yes there are a number of things that kind of can be difficult to peice together as far as Goo effects, especially when they are trying to now say the stuff at the start and Urns is the same...

I will for now answer two of your points...

  • Where did the Engineer get burn marks on his face from?
  • Why was the final confrontation between the Engineer and Shaw cut so pathetically short?

My Friend this is a simple Answer..... The Engineer must have in a full scene he must have got Acid Burn off the Trillobite, we see him struggle with it in the Full Scene, and then as it is about to Win the Battle i would assume the Engineer gets Burnt after he Bites the Trillobite...

You see he was wrestling with the Trillobite that had a good hold of his waist but could not get a good grip around the Engineers Head, the Trillobite was attempting to wrap its tentacles around his head but it could not do so as the Engineer but up a good fight and we see the tentacles come close to his face.... when a animal be that Human also, is in a fight and situation it can not free itself from, in most cases we would bite as a last desperate attempt to escape...

Could this have happened? what if it did, there would be Acid Blood, this would spray on the Engineer and this would then pose a advantage to allow the Trillobite to Finally get the upper hand and then have the Engineer in a position it can then unleash its Embryo implanting tongue...

Is there any evidence for this apart from how it seems a logical explanation and would also show our Trillobite has Acid for Blood and thus a XENO Connection?


You will need to play Prometheus on a Computer and a media player that has a slow down function.... you will notice the deleted Engineer scene he has no Burn, but no soon as he gets to Shaw and she UNLEASHES the Trillobite  the Engineer has a Face and Shoulder Burn, but slowly you see this occurs before the tentacle even grabs him.. this scene then goes to him struggling a bit and cuts.

The scene in the actual released cut shows our Engineer already has this Burn.. Job Done...

However.... proceed with slow speed and the Burn Vanishes, yep it goes away..

01:50.53 Burnt Face

01:50.57  next shot Burnt Face

01:50.59 shot of Engineer fall to floor ontop of Shaw  Burn Face

01:51.00  strugling with Trilobite  NO Burnt Face

01:51.14  still strugling with Trilobite  NO Burnt Face 14 seconds worth

Then cut to Shaw escaping and getting her Helmet..

01:51.20 back to Engineer struggling with Trilobite inc close ups.. NO Burnt Face 4 seconds till 

01:51.24 shot of the Trillobites Mouth

01:51.26 Engineer face shot with BURNS

01:51.29 back to from behind then to side where he is lifted off floor and using his feet to prevent him from being pulled close to the Trillobite  NO Burnt Face 4 seconds until

Shot of Shaw going to the exit after collected supplies

01:51.40 to 01:51.44  Back to final struggle Engineer with what seems NO Face Burn is being pulled very close, he has his mouth open showing his teeth the Tentacle is right by his mouth on the side of where Face Burn happens...

What would be last Logical desperate move..... BITE?

01:51.44 shot of Engineer with BURNS

01:51.46 Shot of Trilobites mouth as it unleashes its other Tentacles to wrap around the Face of a Burnt Engineer, and the rest is History.. he is BURNT from then on.


Seems to me the Scene went as follows... Engineer gets up out of his Chair, No Burns, runs across the surface to LV 223 to the Lifeboat No Burns or Mask, this would show us they dont need Mask to breath outside, so the Temple was Teraformed for us or life like us.

He enters and we have the full Scene where he finds a book and kneels down to read it, then notices the Voilin Girl... before Davids comunication with Shaw reveals where she was hidding....

We get the deleted fight Scene, then when Shaw opens the Door must have been a latter shot.... but Originally there was another and we get the Engineer and Trillobite fight....

The Engineer Bites the Trillobite.....

Then Ian Whyte has to have Burns make up applied, they then continue with the final part of the fight, untill the Trillobite wins due to injuries via Acid Burn maybe caused by being Bitten, causes the Trillobite to finally gain the upper hand....


They was not happy with that scene well the part where Shaw and Engineer fight, i remember Ridley said it felt that the scene undermined the Engineer as far as being a big bad ass, vs a small Female... er... Shaw had a Axe lol

Now by deciding to re-shoot a scene where the Engineer over powered Shaw, would they remove the Burns make up?  

Nope to save time they decided to re-shoot the Scene the way we saw it in the actual Cut we had released, and it kind of worked as we could be led to believe the Burns was from the Crash....

But in doing a Re-shoot with the Burns make up, they had to go for that explantion as they could not use the others shots from leaving crashed Juggernaught to when he discoved Shaw as he had no Burns....

And that Gavin is the explanation to those two points.... its never been OFFICIALLY credited that the Engineer caused a wound to the Trillobite but as you will see if you check out the evidence this seems to be the case!


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-12-2015 1:05 PM

for me it s the best science fiction movie ever see!i study for hours day mounth years this movie,it s most interesing movie!!and you speak very much about this every day and expeting somthing new and now you say it s a fail???need years to grow this movie



MemberDeaconApr-12-2015 1:11 PM

The above shows how some of the editing of the movie helped to confuse it...  the Re-shoot of the Fight Scene, was a way to explain the Engineer got burnt during crash and he was well peed off with Shaw..... Very Nasty Bugger....

But the full shots scenes would have answered and showed us a few things...

1) The Engineer did not need a mask to breath on the surface of LV 223, could they breath for a length of time we dont know, but it would show they could for a period...  This could lead to some of the questions about Tera-forming and breathable atmosphere inside the Temple and Juggernaught.... could it had been for US?

2) The Scene would show the Trillobite produces Acid for Blood, just as a Face Huger does and thus help peice the connections to the Xeno DNA. And Goo Connection.

3) The Scene would shown how intrigged the Engineer was with Mankind, and not just some hell bent Biological TERMINATOR, The full Sacrifical Scene (inc Dialog and Translated) and Full Engineer Speaks Scene (in Translations) paints a different picture to how some of our Engineers are... as opposed to Biological TERMINATORS

It also allows us to maybe get some Clue as to how did the Outbreak Happen and why did the Last Engineer Survive... and lead us to maybe some kind of change of mind and  SOBOTAGE?

There are many other changes that may have helped to make the peices not fall together correct.... The Green Orb vs Sacrifical Bowl is another.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-12-2015 1:15 PM


Its a Bold Movie it is in a sense a Jig Saw, that has missing peices, where we have trouble to build the Big Picture, one where we put the peices together as best we can and we have gaps, where our minds wonder...

What goes into that area of the puzzle,  does this section need moving this way or that?

So we study it over and over, never quite managing to get it....

But once Parts 2 and 3 if its made or Alien 5 come out and give us the final peices, then it would all fit together and HOPEFULLY give us a truely Epic Movie Franchise that fits perfectly to Alien..

Regardless i think Prometheus is one of those movies that may not had done that great, but it will over time become a Cult movie and in 20 years when we look back at it, it would go down as such a movie.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2015 12:02 PM

First up just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback. As I am a noob at this, forgive me if I miss touching on your replies. Svanya thanks for reformatting the post for me as I have been having some PC issues and have tried to post this a number of times and when I try and preview it freezes on me. Any tips on posting would be appreciated e.g.  double spacing for paragraphs, responding to individual replies etc. also can't seem to access my onsite inbox.


Did you know that the brilliant Jean(Moebius)Giraud actually worked on Alien as a concept artist? those designs were done by him specifically for the film and the ones in Prometheus were only vaguely similar, (I kept expecting them to fall over because the suits looked so top heavy with the big helmets and skinny little bodies), and I'm sorry but the Prometheus spacesuit design was ripped off blatantly from an old 60's Russian Sci Fi flick (Hollywood  bought up a load of Russian Sci Fi films and redubbed them, Francis Ford Coppola did one of these in his early career) Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet if I remember rightly. 


Now I don't think your man Lindelof is entirely to blame for Prometheus shortcomings, Ridley Scott has to take his share.You say that you can't quite put your finger on where the screenplay went wrong, but to me it seems fairly  obvious, I think it's just down to lazy scriptwriting. Is the man so in love with his own writing that he can't see the problems with the script? It's not hard to go over the script and fix up any points where it's not making sense (scientists behaving very unscientifically, idiots getting lost: why, when they are in communication with the ship, which has a bloody great holographic map of the pyramid complete with icons showing each team members location, do they not just radio the ship? "Prometheus we are lost can you tell us how to get back to the entrance" ???? ludicrous) If Lindelof can't recognise where the script needs fixing, bring in a script doctor to fix it up. Lindelof's final draft screenplay felt more like a working draft. To see where it went wrong I really urge you to check out The Prometheus Code blog as it points out every stupid plot malfunction perfectly and hilariously. 


Ridley Scott,  if you announce that you are making a prequel to Alien why get cold feet at the last minute and try and move away from it? If you want to make a movie based on Von Daniken's (who was accused of dodgy resarch,    blatantly making shit up, twisting historical facts to fit his theories etc) Chariots of the Gods, make an original film, not some half arsed hybrid.


I am also very dubious about going to see any film these days, whether it be an established franchise or an original film,  I never believe the hype because you end up disappointed, time and time again. You can make any piece of crap look good in a preview. Though this has robbed me of the oppurtunity of seing some good films on the big screen (Gravity, Interstellar) where they should be viewed for maximum effect. Although I will be at Mad Max: Fury Road on opening day as this also a film I have been waiting many years for, If George Miller drops the ball like Ridley Scott did I think I will stop going altogether, but for now I will give him the benefit of the doubt, as all reports on this are encouraging. Hype?


On the issue of the Lovecraft themes. Whilst I do agree that stylistically the Octopussy is Lovecraftian in it's execution, the themes in Prometheus are not. In Lovecraft's work, the idea that human beings are just insects in a cold, dark universe, less than nothing to the Elder Gods, fit only for facilitating their eldritch agenda, Alien captured this perfectly. In Prometheus we are the main focus " It's us, it's everything" reinforcing a very narrow minded, humanocentric view of the universe, propounded by religion. We are the pinnacle of evolution?, It's a pretty lame universe if we're the best it can come up with. We're still really just monkeys flinging crap at each other, (killing each other off in the millions over little bits of paper with numbers on them, letting ancient literature that is contradictory, of dubious authenticity and open to infinite interpretations rule peoples lives, create artificial diviisions between us that shouldn't exist and yet again causing a torrent of bloodshed and misery, watching millions starve to death whilst others get fat and bloated, etc). As you can tell I'm not overly impressed by the human race, and we really need to grow up and get our shit together or face extinction. Sorry this wasn't meant to be a philosophical rant, I just got sidetracked. To me Prometheus felt more at home in the Star Trek universe than the Alien universe.


On the subject of plot holes in Alien.


I'm really struggling to remember any major plot holes in Alien. Whilst Prometheus resembled a piece of Swiss cheese, nothing in Alien really made me stop and think W.T.F.? But if you can point any out to me I will go back and watch it again and see if I agree. I really don't think Prometheus has what it takes to become a cult movie, and would be seriously surprised if it did. Yes it did look stunning, you can always count on Scott to make a film that is a visual feast, even if it's script is an incoherent mess. It's just the wasted opportunity, as I felt that with today's SFX technology, the realisation of Giger's design aesthetic taken to the max would have been totally mind blowing, and this is what I expected when I  heard the announcement that Scott was making an Alien prequel. I wasn't expecting a retread of Alien, but a dark, terrifying horror film based in that universe. Alien squared as it were, and just can't understand why Scott got cold feet. Prometheus also doesn't fill me with confidence for the Blade Runner sequel either, I just fervently hope that Scott doesn't spend the rest of his career shitting on his own legacy. I know it's a bit off topic, but does anyone have any info on Blade Runner 2? I assume that it's not going to focus on Deckard as Harrison Ford is too old to play the role (especially if Deckard is a replicant) or will Ridley Scott re-cast the role, as George Miller did with Max Rocatansky.


Anyway thanks to Svanya, Big Dave, Major Noob and everyone who replied to my post, again sorry if I missed anything  or anyone, It wasn't deliberate just my noobishness.



Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-13-2015 12:55 PM

JAMIETHEB@$+@RD - There is absolutely nothing for which you should be sorry! We are always extremely happy to welcome new members to the site! Your topic was thought-provoking and very interesting to view! I hope to see more of your topics in the future! :)


AdminPraetorianApr-13-2015 1:48 PM

@Jamiethebastard; No problem! Helping members is what I am here for! Onsite Mail can only be accessed via the main site, Scified. Just login there to check your mail. 

Yep, I know Moebius designed a lot for Alien, i mentioned it and posted images in my response. :P

Here is a link to Scified:


MemberDeaconApr-13-2015 3:56 PM

Did you know that the brilliant Jean(Moebius)Giraud actually worked on Alien as a concept artist?

Yes i did notice that and its also of note that they seem to use a lot of old concept work, the Engineers we already saw them in Gigers Alien Concept works. Prometheus also used a lot of ideas from Star Beast as far as the Urns too...

Gravity.... tried watch it but i never felt it was amazing i thought it was B3!"$!" lol..  the effects was not out of this world, no way.. Prometheus Space Scenes was better IMO

Also the Science was flawed especially seeing Sandra being spining round and round arms flaying at those G's the Human Body would not take that.

And also i have never rated Bullock as a Actress, some movies so so, others well she like a female Arnie lol  Thats just My oppinion mind, dont mean i am correct ;)

On the issue of the Lovecraft themes.

I think you would be pleased with how the sequel seems to be going, it looks like it could be very sinister and none of this Ancient Alien creates and nurtures Mankind, then wants us destroyed because we no long please or serve them...

as you can tell I'm not overly impressed by the human race, and we really need to grow up and get our shit together or face extinction.

Are you sure your not a Engineer lol .. i think they kinda had same view on us and maybe why we had to go ;)

Alien Plot Holes... every movie has some, but i felt the execution of the Plot and how the Cast responded to the threat they was under was very well done...  Ok there was some silly moments as far as spliting up when you got a unknown Organism on board... tut tut Brett and Dallas, no wonder you ended up being used for a Egg and Host in the DC.

But sometimes these things have to be done, because they are Plot Devices.. if it was not for these then every Horror Movie etc would have hardly no one die ;)

Star Trek?  Yep i think maybe the idea may have been that the Engineers and what they do and create could open the door to open up a spin off Franchise and it would have got a bit Star Trek, Babylon 5 etc...


I dont think Prometheus was narrow minded in the scope of its plot, i felt it was HUGE these Engineers could have created and seeded life on Earth, upgraded and taught us stuff and also done the same on God knows how many other Worlds, they also have a hand in the Xeno creation and so opens up a Whole Universe of possible creations...

But yes this would have led to a bit of a Star Trek

Where as Alien seemed very Dark, you had to wonder about that Space Jockey and why he had that Cargo and the every Dark Nature of the Xeno.....  so i think people would have rather seen the movie go more for a sinister Plot and Horrific one, a bit like the Lovecraft themes you pointed out.

It does now seem that they are going that kind of route and away from a Star Trek kinda movie...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-13-2015 7:57 PM

JamietheBastard-Im sorry, I never welcomed you! Welcome aboard, I hope you have fun here, hopefully we'll all have a new Prometheus movie to tear apart soon!

I loved Moebius as a kid and still have The Black Incal and Airthight Garage books in my collection. I was blown away to learn he was among the production artists behind Alien and it was one more reason I absolutely had to see the film, which was every bit the amazing experience I had hoped it would be.

But even at a tender age I found some things just didn't work. The egg chamber, for one. Absolutely gorgeous and terrifying and way, way too big to be part of the Derelict. Yes, we don't know if it was part of the ship or something the ship was docked to, but it's certainly popular to believe it was part of the ship and I don't think Ridley ever suggested it wasn't.

We understand that it was meant to function as a different element of the story, the interior of a pyramid, but was edited for economy's sake and that's what we got. And it's great. And spatially off putting, with no mention of this in the film itself.

If we continue to apply plot hole logic, we could question why Kane, who spent X amount of time with an abdominally intrusive acid bleeding yellow spider parasite from space attached to his face, was invited to dinner without concern for his or his fellow crew's health.

We could assume a computer, or Ash who is also a computer, said Kane was ok. Just like David said the air was breathable, for example, endorsing the removal of helmets.

Why was the acid bleeding spider carcass then just lying around dead on a tray? Did they ever dispose of it? That would be a good idea. It was in the script, why wasn't it filmed?

Theres plenty more. I don't really care all that much about these questions, I just wonder why it's more important to ask them of Prometheus? It's fun, spectacular and intelligent Sci Fi. Not genius Sci Fi. But neither was Alien. Alien's perfection came from imagination and tone, which are my favorite elements of Prometheus as well, and why I'm inclined to defend it.

We're all aware of the visual history and references in Prometheus. I guess it's a matter of taste then, when talking about the suits. I love 'em. If we wanted to, we could accuse the filmmakers of "ripping off" dozens of sources, but I do think it's questionable to accuse this particular bunch of stealing anything. They are simply too talented, too experienced and competent to need to steal. There are clever, loving references and homages throughout the film, to practically the whole history of popular Sci Fi, industrial design, pop art, you name it. What is wrong with that?

This whole Ancient Astronauts thing bugs me too. Who cares? The Engineers are scary and cool, there's interesting stuff going on there and I can't wait to see some more of their mischief. The religious stuff is really only there if you care to dig for it, and its cool if nothing else that there's stuff to dig for. All kinds of stuff.

Last, I didn't get that Prometheus was calling humankind the pinnacle of evolution, but rather the bottom of a very steep ladder, taking baby steps into that very cold, enormous universe and cocking it all up in the name of vanity. They stumble upon what looks to be a rather defunct campsite of some long dead technological titans and still manage to get their asses handed to them.

If you haven't already, give Furious Gods a look. It will entertain you, for sure, and it might improve your assessment of those involved.

milo name

MemberOvomorphApr-13-2015 9:23 PM

It verry usful,

u can go:



MemberXenomorphApr-14-2015 6:29 AM

One mans's trash is another man's treasure! :-)

I loved Prometheus and I understand your problems with it..but because we get so few space movies, I tend to overlook the problems and embrace them like the last  day of summer! 

@MajorNoob....You are very right about Alien. One quick X-ray of Kane would have revealed the alien in his belly. Ash should have instantly put him in deep sleep and let the corporation study him.... and if the crew was expendable, then once Ash had the facehugger on board, he would kill the crew(turn off life support/poison/ect..), then simply call the corporation and wait to be rescued. The corp would send a fleet of ships to loot the derelict and recover the pods.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-14-2015 7:26 PM


MemberOvomorphApr-16-2015 2:13 PM

Some More Food for Thought to Chew On.


Vanya, sorry I wasn't actually sure from your reply that you were aware of Moebius work on Alien, "the Spacesuits were inspired by drawings Moebius made for Heavy Metal magazine". But I missed the fact you then state "His designs were used for the suits in the first film". My bad. But one thing I have to say is really annoying me about posting on this site is: 




All the bloody advertising! As I hadn't checked this site out in over 12 months, due to being too fuckin' exhausted at night after doing the hard slog 10 - 12 hours a day (if you're ever thinking about a career change and your're the type of person who doesn't react well to stress, don't go into catering) but as I am between jobs and actually have the time to get online again I thought why not, I'll join up and add my two cents worth into the mix, give me something to keep my brain occupied and stimulated. I wasn't prepared for the increase in fucking advertising on the site, I don't recall it being this obtrusive before and I gotta say: it's driving me BATSHIT FUCKING CRAZY! 




Right, now I've got that out of my system, I just want to ask does anyone else experience the difficulties with posting that I am experiencing? The pop up ads that constantly bombard you when you are trying to read a reply, If you try and close them that just takes you to their page, the page is constantly jumpiong up and down randomly, and doing a simple thing like trying to post becomes a real chore, you miss bits of information ijn the replies, miss seeing some replies, and trying to read a post or reply can be a nightmare and a headache and a major stress, I really don't know if I can keep posting as this was meant to be a way to shut out the bullshit and stress of modern living, and here it is right in your face yet again. 


I choose not to deal with advertising in my life as best as I can. I try and avoid commercial TV or channel surf when ads come on if there is a show or documentary on I wanta see. Advertising is aimed at brain dead idiots who need to be told what to think and what they need to make their lives better, and what really piisses me off about it the most is: advertising is ruining some very good music. For the sake of selling you headache meds or botox enemas or mega caffeine bloody energy drinks! (Fry: "I used to drink 20 cans a day right up until my third heart attack"). I have heard some classic Rock and Roll, Folk and Hip Hop songs used to sell all sorts of rubbish, for fucks sake they even once used a Dead Kennedys song (Holiday in Cambodia) to sell Levi's jeans (still scratching my head over that one), I've also heard them rape Creedence, Bob Dylan, and many, many others, I used to despise some of these artists for selling out their art for such trash when I was younger, but have come to realise that most of 'em don't actually own their music or have any control over how it is used, record companies in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's were all FASCIST BASTARDS  What is tragic about this is a whole generation of kids (some of whom might actually like some of this music, not all young people have shite taste) are only going to know this music and associate it with some product or other and that might not inspire that small percentage of kids that would have gone on to: picking up a microphone, or a guitar or a pair of drumsticks, and that is just a damn shame. One Direction, Miley frickin' Virus and Justin Bieber will inherit the Earth, pass the vomit bag please. New idea for Crossover Franchise: Alien Vs Cyrus. 


Anyway I'm starting to rant again so Back On Mission.


On The Plot Holes in Alien.


Why didn't they just X-Ray Kane?


Ash does actually X-Ray Kane. In the scene where Ripley goes to the Med Bay to confront Ash about letting them back in the ship, Ash is actually studying the embryo inside Kane, when Ripley comes in he switches off the monitor. She isn't aware of what she's seen, as she asks Ash "What is it?"


Why do they let Kane out of the Med Bay and have a meal with them when he has just had an alien parasite on his face? 


Well I figure these people are truckers not scientists, so they probably wouldn't think about it that much, and Ash knows vaguely what will transpire, but I figured that the company were only peripherally aware of the Alien and he is probably not sure exactly what will happen or when. He is surprised at how quickly it all happens, check out how he reacts when he realises what's happening ("oh shit, it's happeneing now") he even mutters "shit" under his breath, definately a surprised reaction.


Why don't they freeze him until they get back to Earth?


I believe that this would have been Ash's intention all along, they were going back into Hypersleep after dinner. As a robot programmed by the company surely they wouldn't have just let him use the Nostromo as a weapons testing lab, they are after all towing a refinery processing millions of tons of ore that represents multi billions of dollars worth of profit to the company and I can't believe that Weyland Yutani would throw that away unnecesarily, especially if they are not 100 percent certain exactly what will happen to Kane. As above I think Ash is caught unprepared by the speed of the embryo's birth. The crew are expendable to the corporation, but the cargo sure as hell wouldn't be.


Why did they split up when searching for the Alien?


Well from the crew's perspective all they think they are looking for is a creature the size of a snake, it's obvious they expect nothing like the full grown adult, they even mistake the cat for the Alien. On seeing Brett taken by the mature creature, Parker says in a state of shock "The son of a bitch was huge, it was the size of a man" again I don't think that even Ash was aware of how the creature could grow so large so rapidly, and from this point on has to handle the situation as best as possible, and he wouldn't have told the crew even if he knew or suspected.


On why the Egg Chamber appears to be much larger than the Derelict.


To tell the truth I was so caught up in the visual spectacle when you see the Egg Chamber revelead in all it's Gigeresque glory, in the wide shot, that I never really noticed or gave it any thought. On quick inspection of the scene, I agree it does look much larger than the Derelict, but if you look closely the chamber does sorta curve off in the distance, seeming to follow the contours of the ship. Doctor Who? maybe the Space jockeys have some sort of Spatial Dimension buggering technology and use this on their cargo holds to increase the load capacity of their ships. Or it could well be that the ship is docked on a storage facility (though I'm going to discount this for reasons I will explain shortly). I don't consider this a plot hole as such, but more a part of the mystery behind the Sapce Jockey race, Ridley Scott has always maintained that it was a weapons carrier carrying the eggs, he seems to think it was in the ship. Thanks for pointing it out as it is something I never really noticed. So in my opinion, none of these really count as plot holes, and I feel all of them are adressed in the film (except the Egg Chamber size thing). I feel insulted when films blatantly spell out these things for you, It's much better when they infer bits of info with little hints in actor's performances (watch Ian Holm closely in the Chestburster scene) or lines, little subtle hints from the director etc Just my opinion I know, not everyone will agree and thank the Great Spaghetti Monster in the sky for that.


On The issue of Human Space Jockeys.


Yeah I know Giger depicted humanoids in his mural for the pyramid in Alien, but his humanoids were clearly not human.  The Promethean engineers were just tall, white, Schwarzenegger clones with black eyes. If they had stuck more closely to Giger's original design they wouild have been a lot more suited to the Alien univerese, instead I could only think "where's the Gym located on the Juggernaut? do engineers have body building competions? maybe their demise was due to rampant steroid abuse" to me they were laughable. Also if it's not used in the film, it's not part of the canon. Ridley Scott had the Idea to end the 1st film thus: The Alien tears off Ripley's head, and sends a message back to Earth imitating her voice??? Sure glad cooler heads prevailed over that one, or the Idea they had that: The Alien only kills whilst immature and once it reaches full maturity it settles down to a life of learning, art and literature??? these Ideas would have robbed the creature of it's power as an almost indestructible force of nature, and goes to illustrate that 1. Don't let Ridley Scott try and come up with story Ideas coz they suck and will ruin the movie, and  2. If it aint on the screen, it aint necessarily so. On my first viewing of Alien and subsequently I never thought of The Space Jockey as anything but an "Alien life form, looks like it's been dead a long time". Every Alien fan I know hates Prometheus for this.


On Dodgy Science/Plot Holes/Logic Malfunctions in Science Fiction Films.


Yes Gravity didn't spend much thought on scientific accuracy, and Interstellar definately had some plot malfunctions concerning science and logic e.g. Planets Orbitng Black Holes : I thought that a Black Hole's gravity was so strong that nothing, including light, can escape it (they destroy stars), so by rights those planets should have been torn to shreds and sucked in. In Sunshine, the Crispy Critter bad guy ending: if a human is that badly burnt and survives that long without medical assistance (impossible), he probably aint gonna be up to running around trying to kill the protagonists (I thought that this just went too far and wrecked the movie totally). So for the sake of dramatic licence you have to accept the odd bit of dodgy science here or there, no SF film is ever 100 percent scientifically accurate, but as long as they try to get as much of it right as they can, you just gotta suspend your disbelief.


 Even Alien/Aliens had some plot holes in places e.g. In Alien: what happened to the xenomorph that hatched from the Space Jockey? The computer seems to decypher the signal very quickly? an Alien language/code that has no antecendents in any known human language? The franchise doesnt seem to acknowledge relativity (if they're traveling for years at light speed, wouldn't Ripleys daughter already be long dead before the events in Alien?) In Aliens Ripley: (I think) asks "how long once we're declared overdue can we expect a rescue?" Hicks: "17 days" Since it was established in Alien that LV 426 was 13 months travel time to Earth, and allowing for tecnological innovations in FTL space travel and Colonial expansion over 57 years, he didn't mean it would take a team 17 days to arrive from Earth, but obviously from a colony much closer to LV 426 (they wouldn't have been in Hypersleep if it was only 17 days to Earth). So, if they had people who could get there in 17 days at the start, would they not have sent them out to check on the colony when communications were lost, rather than waiting for a team from Earth to get there many months later? Yes, but dramatically they had to get Ripley back there (one way of adressing this in the script would have been for them to find an abandoned dropship when they land, no clues to what happened but establishes that the company DID send a team out as soon as they could. It's really not that hard to spot these problems in a script and come up with solutions to them). Also, how long is it before they are actually delared overdue? 17 days? 17 days + mission completion time + 17 days = 34 + for rescue, Hudson doesn't factor this in to the equation "17 days? we're not gonna last 17 hours..." but I suppose he's slightly stressed out so you can forgive him. Another small point about Aliens is, why do they deduce there is a Queen laying the eggs? In her interrogation in the boardroom at the beginning, Ripley states "Kane, the crewmember who went into the ship said he saw thousands of eggs" now the military would have been briefed on all Ripley's disclosures before the mission, so by rights they shouldn't even be wondering about the source of the eggs. They know that there is a bloody big ship out there with "thousands of eggs in it", why signpost the Queen's appearance? Why does it take Bishop 50 minutes to pilot the 2nd dropship from the Sulaco? "30 minutes to prep the ship and about 50 minutes flight time", on the 1st flight they got to the colony from orbit in about 5 minutes, Is Bishop a slow driver? These small points have always bugged me a bit, but it doesn't jar me that badly that it takes you out of the film, you just accept it and enjoy the movie. It's just when the science/plot is so dodgy as in Prometheus and other films, it makes you stop and go W.T.F.?  Even a film based on historical fact such as Apollo 13 has to take some liberties with scientific accuracy for the sake of drama.


 Lastly, the major offender against any remotely accurate science has to be Star Trek: Aliens are just lumpy headed people who conveniently all speak English and all seem to have very similar societies based on ancient human cultures (Romulans = Romans, Klingons = Mongols, etc). The human race matures in the future and everybody is nice to each other (bullshit, greed and lust for power aint gonna go away in 200 years), Space travel in Star Trek is ludicrous: even when they are thousands of light years from Earth, as soon as the Borg or whoever turn up to assimilate it, it seems to take 'em about 10 minutes to get back to our solar system and join the fight and even though I am not a Physicist, it seems to me that a ship dropping out of warp speed suddenly would be a catastrophic event and the ship and crew would be toast, but they pull off this maneuver regularly. Beam Me up Scotty: would you really want to disassemble your body and transmit it's component atoms through Space? what about Cosmic Radiation? you would reassemble hideously mutated if you survived at all. The approach to Interstellar communication varies greatly in response to the needs of furthering the plot, it sometimes takes weeks to communicate with base and sometimes they can talk to Earh in real time. Humanoids are the dominant species in the Universe. So despite being a huge fan of the Original series re-runs when I was a kid, the later movies and shows didn't impress me at all, I suppose because by the age of 12 my interest in SF films and shows was maturing and I was Into stuff like Alien, Soylent Green, Aliens, Planet of the Apes, Logan's Run, The Omega Man, 1984, Mad Max, The Road Warrior, Blade Runner, The Thing, Rollerball, Silent Running, etc. and my interest in the kids stuff like Star Trek and Star Wars just dropped away, I have a slight nostalgic fondness for them but that's it.



On Gravity and Interstellar.


I didn't think Gravity was a Great movie, but it was OK, and when you keep seeing films that consistently let down your expectations I suppose you lower 'em a bit. After being totally unimpressed by: Alien 3, Alien 4, Avatar, The Matrix sequels, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Tron: Legacy, Judge Dredd (the Stallone piece of crap, not the new Karl Urban one which I was pleasantly surprised to find I liked, that's Dredd done right, new, more realistic version of Mega City One, which bothered me a bit before I saw the film, but now think was a good design choice. The Stallone one certainly looked the part and had all the right elements in place, Rico Dredd, Chief Judge Magruder, The Angel Gang, ABC Warrior, Judge Hershey, A good cast, well, apart from Sly and Rob Bloody Schneider, it had Ian Dury which was a brilliant bit of casting. But they got the character totally wrong and the story sucked). The Hobbit, Elysium, Oblivion (not A Tom Cruise fan but can stomach him in small doses, thought he was good in A Few Good Men and I liked The Last Samurai)  SPOILER ALERT If you liked Moon, haven't seen Oblivion and are thinking of watching it, DON"T BOTHER It's just a Mega budget rip-off of Moon, thousandses of Tom Cruises my precious. Sam Rockwell can act the arse off the Cruiser. Shit, sidetracked again.


 So Gravity not too bad, Sandra Bullock and all, I was entertained. Interstellar, a much better movie. A good attempt at making a 2001 for the 21st century. Far from perfect but entertaining as hell. Loved Matt Damon as the bad guy, cowardly scientist who fills the HAL role (I figured he was driven insane by his ordeal),  Hands up who else thought it  was gonna be one of the robots who sabotaged the mission, I think that was a good bit of misdirection on the part of the Nolan Brothers. I thought that's more like what a spacesuit should look like too, extrapolated from contemporary suit design.



The bonus features documentary was the Furious Gods, I didn't remember the title is all. this was better than the actual movie and did give an insight into Prometheus and what went wrong. I realise studio interference had a big part in it, you would think that a with a director of Scott's stature, that a studio would just leave him alone to get on with the job, yet no, according to Scott they still bug him mercilessly over evey little creative decision. I wish Hollywood studios would just leave the film making to the creative teams, and stick to what they do which is financing the bloody things. I suppose they feel they have a right to protect their investments, but most of the disappointing movies I mentioned earlier probably would have been much better without studio interference, and they end up screwing themselves over anyway when these movies don't do well financially. But Mr. Scott did make some rather poor creative choices with creature design (compared with the much better ones he chucked out) and script, so isn't entirely blameless. I understand why Guy Pearce was in Old man make up, I just didn't think it looked very convincing. You can see all sorts of horrific true life surgery on TV these days (maybe not self inflicted C- sections) on the hospital reality shows.


Finally, I am getting a bit Prometheused out. If I can overcome my difficulties with the site (I do need to upgrade my PC when I can afford to, and hopefully this will rectify the issues with the page jumping around on me, especially if there is some way to block the fucking advertising as this seems to be causing the issues, I need some technical assistance and a mate has said he will check it out for me) I am wondering about the rules for publishing fan fiction on the site?, as I decided to put my money where my mouth is and write a story that I would have liked Prometheus to be. I have had some ideas kicking around in my head for years, after being disappointed in the later Alien films, but could never get 'em down as I struggle with narrative prose. Recently I thought: Do it as a screenplay and It's been pouring out, much easier to write. I decided to meld my ideas with Prometheus and thought about a few questions:


1. How does the company know about the Alien?


2. How much do they know about the Alien?


3. How was the Nostromo re-routed to LV 426?


So, from there I have written the ending (A conversation between two Weyland - Yutani executives: Melkonis and Roby), and have written 50 pages, the first act. Would anyone be interested in reading this? This is why I have discounted the theory of the derelict being docked on a storage facility, as my take on it is, the derelict crashed there, and my story is set on LV 427 (that's about 1 LV away from LV 426 Mr. Lindelof) the Sapce Jockey's weapons facility a moon also orbiting the giant ringed planet.



Re: the pic at the bottom of the page (spacesuted figure, Shaw? standing in front of the Juggernaut). I assume this is photoshopped as I don't recall any scene in Prometheus looking that dark and foreboding, might not have been quite so disappointed if there had been, the movie was too bright and sunny. With the Furious Gods doco and info from your replies I at least now have an insight on Prometheus many problems, but the one question still remains: Ridley Scott, why did you announce you were making an ALIEN PREQUEL then not do it? Lack of confidence in his own abilities? I don't buy the excuse that Alien Vs Predator ruined the Alien, that's just a cop out, and he would have been aware of this before he made the announcement. That should have been a challenge. Maybe he's getting too old and is well past it and should retire before he buggers up Blade Runner as well. (Everyone's a replicant. The human race died off after the war mentioned in P.K. Dick's original story and the replicants recreated society in their creators image, then erased their memories and replaced them with artificial ones) actually, thinking about that it could make sense and would be a hell of a twist ending. Replicants build replicant slaves and then build replicant bounty hunters to exterminate them when they come to Earth, thinking they themselves are human. Ridley, call me and we'll do lunch. 





Also interested in discourse on Sci Fi and realated movies and literature in general, but I realise that this is not the focus of this site. I apologise again for my long, rambling discourses and tendency to go off mission, but I writes it as it comes out and if people don't wanta read it they won't. If you do cheers for your time and feedback, muchly appreciated. I hope I can overcome site difficulties as this has been mentally stimulating, and would like to continue with the fan fiction angle etc.


The Dead Kennedys/Giger connection.


Back in the late 80's, The Dead Kennedys released an album with a print of Giger's Penis Landscape as the insert poster. They were subsequently sued for distribution of pornography, but won the case when they proved that Giger's work is art not pornography. To me Giger's Art was definately "Punk Rock" compared with the mainstream art establishment, and I'm glad he was vindicated in the eyes of the law as being an artist not a pornographer. 


Hope I aint bored ya to death, Cheers.


MemberDeaconApr-16-2015 3:48 PM

LOL Ill get my Coat......... i bow to the New King ;)   Who can do even bigger posts than me lol, yours are easier to read because your grammar is better ;)


Pain in backside Adds and stuff, i never get any.... however this could because i use FIREFOX Browser and i have Add Block and No Script Add ons added to it, give them a try and a lot of anoyances would go away...  PS my PC is old too like 7 years odd Old..

Hope that helps ;)


Some very good points, i would have to try watch Gravity Again and be more open.. i only watched bits of it and lost interest but on that night i was not 100% in mood to sit down and concentrate on a movie...

As far as your explanations for Alien Plot holes, i think you are spot on with every one... Yes Ash would not have known that simply having a quick last meal would have led to the Chest Buster, i dont think Ash knew how long the Embryo would take to grow.

On The issue of Human Space Jockeys.

I am not sugesting the Space Jockeys was designed by Giger, just his Concept work showed Humanoids who was Bald, and whos Space Suits did not look like those from Earth.... 

By the time he did the Space Jockey it looked more Alien and at the time of Alien, regardless of if they saw it as a Space Suit or not by then, i dont think they thought it would be Human looking in a Suit...

I would say that when they was working on Prometheus such as Spaights draft they may have gone back through some of Gigers Concept work and thought... maybe we can base the Engineers on those drawings etc.

Each movie has a habit of borrowing stuff from Earlier movies unused concept work, or ideas and plot points.... Prometheus did kind of cover the Star Beast ideas that they had to drop in Alien  i.e Seperate Egg Chamber in a Temple, compared to Ship and a Ancient Race that was all but wiped out etc.

The also seem to borrow some of Gigers ideas as far as other works...... Gigers Dune Harkonnen Temple that was unused, the Engineers LV 223 Temple is surely based of this.


When news was first leaked on them doing and working on such a movie, indeed the ideas back then was a Alien Prequel... (Spaights Draft) and Ridley then did say the movie started as a more traditional Prequel but Fox wanted to change the direction a bit and so this is when Lindeloff came in and things got changed some what..

And a lot for the better as far as ideas.... i.e LV 223 and not LV 426, and how the movie does not lead to the Space Jockey which in Alien looked like it had been there for hundreds if not thousands of years and not just decades...

Sadly the way some of his ideas was executed and also left to a well Ambigious as he calls it nature....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerApr-17-2015 6:39 AM

Yes I too am with you terrible plot holes messy muddled film but for me it did look amazing in parts some of the creatures were very good and over all the look of the film was perfect fine for me if it had been made well. This over all idea as well was a " bloody about time ! " I thought when it first got announced and I do still feel the other two parts could save it by explaining why they were acting all so dumb as educated scientists ok well maybe apart from millhouse and fifield they were at least portrayed as dumb from the start although they took the word dumb to a new level. I vote for mind control from a god like being possibly held prisoner or locked in a never ending battle with the elders and needing assistance :O . And so they were all being pushed into getting infected except for david and shaw the only two it needs blah blah... Ok well its a bit of a punt I know but that sort of shizzle...and yes the viral campaign was almost as messy as the film and is still incomplete today so much like the films plot its scary. Oh yer just remembered one bit that never got finished : check david post - coming soon since before the film came out hmmm lol! And that site for the blu ray with the wrong videos on the wrong buttons....loved that happy birthday david though I think that single handedly boosted my expectations too far...sorry if I missed something u n dave do fill up the screen a bit and I only have a few minutes :P ... 

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberXenomorphApr-17-2015 8:43 AM

Who says Fifield was a scientist? I doubt VERY much he created the 'pups'....probably stole the tech or killed his smarter partner......or he was the janitor in the firm that created the PUP tech. and the bosses didn't want to spend 4 years of their life in cryo. so they taught him how to use the PUP's and sent him on his way. 

A 'Lost' style flashback of Fifield sticking a knife in his partners back and taking the tech, or a flashblack to Fifield hacking the pup tech from his firm( and blowing the building up to cover his tracks).

Not everyone wants lose 4 years of their life traveling in space....probably hard to get the right people. Millburn might have been the bottom of the barrel.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-17-2015 9:18 AM

I always figured Fifield was a Yutani spy.


MemberXenomorphApr-17-2015 10:31 AM

Yeah, I could see Fifield taking a little extra cash for keeping Yutani in the loop. Not so much an agent, but more a consultant.

*flashback* Yutani represenative slipping Fifield a envelope filled with cash and a special secure sub space radio.


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2015 11:07 AM

Firstly thanks for the replies, I'll try and keep posts a bit more precise and focused.


First up a quick word on the issues with advertising, did a scan on PC and found some suspicious programs had been installed whilst online, removed these and the issues seemed to be resolved for about ten minutes. Then it all starts again, the Prometheus site is hijacked and clicking on the scroll bar, next page tab, discussuions and posts, trying to sign in etc. will keep taking me to advertising sites and crashing the page. I have to get some sorta add blocking software.


Naming the guilty. I know exactly where this sus software came from and it makes me sick. These people are maggots and I just think sometimes " Where's Rorschach when you need him?" he'd sort 'em out. Looking up a guitar tab site for a few songs, I was bombarded with pop up ads for hardcore pornography sites and made the mistake of trying to close them, taking me to their pages and getting hijacked with their software. What really pisses me off about it is, one of the songs I was looking up was the Inspector Gadget theme, what if some young kid who is learning guitar was looking at the site for a song and copped this? (do internet filters catch this sort of thing?)  I'm thinking that a guitar tab page would probably not be blocked by parents as it is innocent enough in theory and this might be missed. But maybe the site name should have set off the alarm bells  guitartabsexpert. I didn't put 2 & 2 together and just saw guitartabs expert when I should have seen guitartab sex pert. This is fucking disgusting and these low lifes will (Eric Cartman Southern Preacher Voice) "Burn in the fires of everlasting hell-uh", or better yet send 'em all to live in heaven with the mormons.


After looking around a bit (well as much as I can before the page freezes) I've noticed Prometheus sequel stories and fan art, so assume posting fan fiction/art is acceptable and will post my ideas and concept art, screenplay pages etc. Hope ya like it, let me know (positive or negative, never hurts to take on constructive criticism when you are working on any creative project) all comments will be appreciated.


MemberXenomorphApr-17-2015 1:40 PM

Cool. I Love screen plays. Bring it on!


MemberDeaconApr-18-2015 5:45 AM

I would do a few online scans like Pandascan for viruses..

I would download and run Malewarebytes, Spybot Search and Destroy and Trend Micro HijackThis  there are a few other things you can do by altering your start up sequence by downloading CCcleaner and search and suspicious file names you find for how to remove them... you can also stop most of the Start Up Programs with that CCCleaner..

Once you have done that i would reconmend Fire Fox Browser with No Script and Ad Block and these two programs on a clean system prevent so much viruses.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2015 11:41 AM

Cheers BigDave, I got Pandascan and that has fixed the major problems. The norton scan I ran detected 3 threats and removed them, which did fix the problem briefly, but the pandascan detected 4 and removed them. obviously some sort of virus that hijacked the Prometheus pages was still active, posting is a lot easier now, thanx dude.

I've started posting my story ideas and also my ending for my Alien Prequel/Prometheus rewrite: Alien: Evolution's Nightmare. Check it out if you are looking for a story that fits in more directly with Alien whilst also trying to come up with some new ideas that fit thematically.

Would be interested to know what you think. 

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