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Positive Prometheus Reviews

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MemberOvomorphApr-22-2015 5:08 PM

Due to the inherently solipsistic and self-contained world of internet herd (hatred?) mentality, there seems to be the misguided notion that not only was Prometheus a box-office misfire (despite its 400 million+ worldwide earnings) but also a punchbag by professionals writers - which is also untrue.


Fanboys who just wanted to watch a rehash of Scott's own claustrophobic and suspenseful Alien or maybe Cameron's actioner Aliens are convinced Prometheus has "weak writing", is "pretentious", "disappointing" and thematically null. Well, that's an opinion.  But it will hurt no one to provide a list of positive analyses by film critics and sci-fi writers as reference to those who might not want to limit themselves to superficial knee-jerk reactions by people who are still butthurt they didn't get what they wanted in 2012. 

28 Replies


MemberXenomorphApr-22-2015 5:52 PM

Very cool. Thanks for that!

I love Prometheus...never had a movie spark my imagination like this one.

(My brother hates Prometheus, Alien 3/4, Star Wars(all of them), Star Trek(all of them), The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter...hated Blade Runner(until about 5 years ago!) He is a pefectionist and can only see the flaws in things. He loves Sci-Fi movies(he says)but admits they haven't made one he really likes. I feel sorry for him and the rest.)

Myself?.....I can't wait for the Prometheus 2!!


MemberOvomorphApr-23-2015 5:55 AM

prometheus its a epic movie and grow like alien in the heart of fans

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2015 2:36 AM

It's hilarious how many people jumped aboard the hate wagon when Prometheus came out. To be clear, I know there are genuinely disappointed fans, but so many jumped in with such absurd derision you have to wonder if they even saw it. For a particularly disgraceful display of ignorant chest beating check out Adam Savage and his buddies:

The one guy was so offended he 'nearly walked out'. Really? But they seem to agree John Carter was good. :D

Lots of movies out there are massive let downs. And maybe I just haven't paid attention, but I've never seen one so reviled as Prometheus. I went to see it with very low expectations, based on the reaction. But what I saw in the theatre was the product of a group of incredibly talented people, pulling out all the stops to produce an uniquely artful blockbuster experience. A simple, easily understood storyline that bowed deeply not just to Alien but all the great classic science fiction that went before it.

It was so obviously done with imagination and love, and yes it dared to step away from established norms but that's what artists do. Honestly, with all that's gone before, why would Ridley Scott of all people make another dyed in the wool Alien sequel, or prequel for that matter? It's beneath him. He understood there was no way to repeat the jack-in-the-box thrills of Alien. I mean, you could try, but why? It's been done and done.

I also don't buy the von Däniken parallel. Sure, it's there if that's what you want to see. But there are a cornucopia of other parallels and references as well, a wealth of subtext deftly interwoven into the story. I don't think there was a single hack at the top of that production ladder, or any crass decisions made in the name of money, with the possible exception of shortening the run time. And with that, Ridley himself was clear that moviemaking is a business, without money there would be no movies.

Nobody was misled about anything in Prometheus. As the intent (prequel or not? Alien or not?) changed, all that information was available long before the movie was released, from Scott, and Lindelof. If you didn't know you weren't paying attention. And trailers are commercials. Period.

A lot of people out there want more Alien, and after so many years since there's been a good one, I understand. They want an SJ as mysterious and frightening as the first, and I totally understand that as well. But how do you present such an abstract concept as a moving part of a 2 hour movie? The SJ worked in Alien because it was dead, and its history was unknown. The Engineers are far enough removed from that being that they don't really contradict it's existence. It's still part of the story, independent of whatever the Engineers are. Another clever move. What's not to love?


MemberXenomorphApr-24-2015 5:57 AM


Yes, I agree on all points.

If you put a Facehugger on a very large humanoid, mold them in plastic, you get the shape of a Space Jockey. I don't think you have to introduce another nasty alien. I think the idea was to make the Engineers a 'Cult Of Facehuggers' or something along those lines.

 The Space Jockey is the perfect union of humanoid and beast.

Death awaits all.




MemberDeaconApr-24-2015 7:43 PM

Nobody was misled about anything in Prometheus

At first they said they was working on a Alien Prequel and until Lindeloff came on board to re-write Spaights draft the movie was a Alien Prequel. once shooting had finished Ridley said that Prometheus is a Prequel to Alien but it would run as a Parallel and that if they did a sequel this would steer futher from Alien.

Ridley did say it was a prequel but he also did not say too much before its release as he cant exactly say by the way the movie wont give answers to the Xeno it wont show the Space Jockey that was on LV 426... reasons well this would get people upset before they even saw it.... they knew they had to get bums on seats...

In interviews after the release and Premier Ridley said that the movie was a lose Prequel and it is not a direct literal prequel to the events that lead to Alien in anyway.

so he was kinda clear, but after the release he was 100% clear....

Is Prometheus a Alien Prequel?  Ridley said the movie could be considered as a Stand Alone movie... (but i beg to differ... in a way.. ill come back to that last).   Yes Prometheus is a Alien Prequel its set before Alien it has events that are to do with the future and past Alien Franchise...... Inc... The Origins of Weyland Idustries as we are introduced to the companies founder... We get to see Early model Androids....

As far as the Space Jockey, Alien and Derelict and Eggs.......

The movie did cover who the Space Jockey Race was, it never covered the Space Jockey on LV 426 because its not rocket science to what happened.  It showed a connection to the Derelict by showing us it is the same or similar to the Juggernaughts and thus Engineers and Juggernaughts are connected somehow to the Space Jockey and Derelict,  Scale Aside.... it was trying to show us they are very related if not one of the same... Ridley even said they are BROTHERS

The Eggs and Xeno..... yes these was not covered... Ridley wanted to step away from the Xeno and not give away too many clues..... but there was clues.. just many would not get or understand them.... it takes a lot of viewing and also pause button and also discussing on sites like this before Clues become more clearer...

For all intensive purposes they did show us that the Juggernaught is a Bio-Weapon Cargo Ship/Bomber and thus this to a degree confirms the Derelict and its cargo had the same purpose or at very least carried Bio-Weapons... or something that could be used as such.

There was suptile hints that the Engineers and Xeno are connected, in the past they have played some role together.... we are shown that the Goo on LV 223, Well that which was in the Temple they visited has a connection genetically to the Xeno, it can produce via varied applications Organisms that have Xeno traits...  the Money Shot being Shaws  Baby that was basically a Human and some part Xeno DNA Face Huger Hybrid that led to a Human/Xeno Chest Buster that would take on some Engineer traits.

There was that connection... the Xeno and Deacon at the end are connected...

We had the Mural, which showed us a Xeno-Esque Organism it also had two Face Hugged Engineers by two kinds of Face Huger... this is enough to sugest that these Engineers at the very least carried out experiments on some Organism or DNA to produce a number of different Face Huggers....

But if these was merely Easter Eggs then it does not help us, but logically the experiements conducted on LV 223 must be connected to the Mural Xeno-Esque Organism the results of contamination in Prometheus lead to Xeno DNA Organisms... and low and behold LV 426 is a short hop away and so logic would tell you there is a connection.

More clues was from the Frescos.... these are not Easter Eggs, they are meant to be a part of the connection..... We see a Xeno Egg (only partial in the movie) this shows the Eggs was known before the events of Prometheus... we see a strange Creature that shows some signs of Xeno DNA this Organism in next to a Engineer and it is very similar to the God and Adam Fresco in the Sistine Chapel... This does not mean this is a similar representation but it would sugest its a set of Frescos to highlight the Engineers connectons to Organisms related to the Xeno and the connection to the Eggs...

But these conections are vague and i think some wanted more clearer answers... within Good Time once Prometheus 2 and if they do a 3 and the Alien 5 movie come out we should get clues to answer those questions a little better.

There are other suptile clues which include Chest Busted Cryo Pods on the Juggernaught, there is not answer to these... the movie has a lot of things that could connect but then not as thats just how Lindeloff likes to keep things... very very ambigious... or incoherent depending what side of the fence you sit on.

But at the very least it shows that at some point... either before the Outbreak that killed near all the Engineers off or after....  we must have then come to the Chest Busted Engineers but we may never get a explantion... the move is so Ambigious that we can not say that the Juggernaugt was even docked on LV 223 at the time of the outbreak... it could been after... it could have been way before...

I think what got a lot of people was they expected a Alien Prequel and by that a movie that would show us at the very least where the Xeno came from and what connection the Space Jockey Race had with it.... and it has given some what clues to the connection, showing there is one... but it has not spelled out exactly what or how it came to be.....

Maybe those fans wanted the answers may get it down the line.... as far as seeing the Space Jockey on LV 426 and how the Eggs got on board... future movies may give us more clues but i dont think we would ever see a direct Prequel event showing what happened to the Space Jockey before he got infected with his cargo...


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-24-2015 7:53 PM

Major Noob

Yes good points and you are correct...... Alien was a one off... it was something a bit Original (but not completely). But it certainly merged elements from some other movies and books to give us something quite Original and the Xeno and its Life Cycle and Traits... from the way it looked to Acid for Blood were all something never seen before...

The movie tried to give us a tense claustrophobic Survival Horror Movie.... like The Thing did but the Thing was more of a psychological Horor and Alien Monster Horror....  Alien went the unknown, unseen claustrophobic route.....

Both movies was unique.... and when The Thing (2011) attempted to give us a Literal  Prequel it failed to recapture the Magic of the first movie, yes some parts was disapointing but you always face that when trying to re-make a movie. But the most part the movie was the same as the First only without the Suprise and Suspense...

So yes we can see why Ridley did not want to go the route of doing another Alien movie, to a degree Alien 3 was similar to Alien.... but again as with the Thing 2011 compared to 1982.. Alien 3 was just not the same as Alien.. even though the same concept was used...

Ridley would not want to do a Alien Action movie with hundreds of Monsters... we have seen the Xeno done like this in Aliens and Alien Resurection never mind the AVP movies.

Even if Ridleyw as to show us new Monsters... i dont think he would to do it in a way like Aliens or Alien Resurection.....

With Prometheus Ridley wanted to try and show us something different, what he attempted was very Bold, with a now Potentially Huge Scope but a Poisoned Challace.... and so maybe they may try and tone down some of the things they was going for in Prometheus for the sequel...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphApr-25-2015 7:37 AM

     I don't know how I would do a Alien prequel. Xenomorphs/facehuggers/pods are probably millions,if not billions, of years old. Their origins, like ours, are in a biomolecule soup on some rock orbiting a star...not very gripping stuff.

     Without a human element, I don't think you have much of a story(aliens creating aliens to kill another aliens...aliens killing aliens and aliens trying to stop aliens from killing other aliens, etc....).

  Xenomorph race finally became interesting when they infected humanity and if the Nostromo was first contact..then who really cares about their past(alien versus alien versus alien)? Maybe first contact was in the middle ages of Earth? Does anyone want to watch Xenos ripping apart 8th century turnip farmers? "Zeke! Grab yer pithfork! We got that xenomorpf trapped 'n the barn!".....I myself, would like a space opera setting and unless it involves time travel...thats 2030 and up.

Making a movie about the Space Jockey was Ridleys idea, I don't think you need the SJ to do a Alien prequel. The SJ/derelict was probably just another spaceship of thousands/millions that suffered the same 'hand' of fate.

What if the Nostromo crew was android, would you care for their safety?

What if the Nostromo crew was Borg, would you care for their safety?

What if the Nostromo crew was Klingon, would you care for their safety?

What if the Nostromo crew was Gungan, need to answer!

Probably need to go with humans and that's what Prometheus is trying.


MemberOvomorphApr-26-2015 7:36 AM

Re Prometheus positive reviews.

"Fanboys who just wanted to watch a rehash of Scott's own claustrophobic and suspenseful Alien or maybe Cameron's actioner Aliens, are convinced Prometheus has weak writing, is "pretentious", "dissapointing" and "themtically null", well that's an opinion."

I resent being labelled "A fanboy who just wanted to watch a rehash of Scott's own claustrophobic and suspenseful Alien" I have provided perfectly valid, well thought out reasons for my dislike of Prometheus in my "Why Prometheus was an Epic Fail" post. In regards to it being "pretentious", "disappointing" and "thematically null", I found Prometheus all of this, and yes that is just my opinion. Like my Ma used to say: "opinions are like arseholes, everybody's got one and most of 'em stink", but we are each entitled to them.

Alien 3 was a rehash of Alien and Alien Resurrection was a rehash of Aliens and they were both godawful films. I was expecting to see a film which captured the feel of Alien/Aliens (and why would you not expect that? that's not unreasonable from what was announced as being an Alien prequel). I was expecting a dark, sinister horror film, and the preview falsely raised expectations for Prometheus being just that.

In Alien it was established that the Space Jockey was an "Alien life form, looks like it's been dead a long time" nothing in later films contradicts this and I reiterate "If it's not onscreen it isn't part of the canon" no matter what Ridley Scott says, there was never any doubt about it, why make them human steroid abusers? Laughable, and lazy. this is not Star Trek.

One thing that is a stone cold fact though is the "weak writing". The script is fucking ludicrous (even people who like Prometheus admit the script had numerous problems) and really should have had a last minute rewrite to fix up all the illogical bits before filming. As all the dumb moments in the script take you right out of the film as you scratch your head and go W.T.F? 

Just a few examples of Prometheus' idiotic screenplay are:

Milburn and Fifield get lost? Why, when they are in constant communication with the ship, which has a bloody great holographic map of the pyramid complete with icons showing ALL crewmembers locations in said pyramid. Why didn't they just call the ship? "Prometheus we are lost, can you guide us back to the entrance" Ludicrous and definitely bad writing.

I would like to quote a few more from 11thCommandment's awesome blog "The Prometheus Code" he or she rips Lindelof's pathetic script to shreds.

" 37.30: It's a well known fact that all biologists are scared of dead bodies, get over it and watch the film will you"  (this totally contradicts Milburns later behaviour when he tries to get cuddly with an Alien Cobra).

"51.00: 100 percent DNA match? But their eyes are black and their skin is white and they stand well over 8 feet tall in bare feet"

"1.46.30: And here it is finally, the scene you've all been waiting for. I know you're shouting at the screen, you're shouting: JUST RUN TO THE SIDE! YOU ONLY HAVE TO TAKE THREE STEPS AND YOU'LL BE CLEAR OF IT! DON'T RUN AWAY FROM IT! IF YOU WANT TO AVOID A BULLDOZER YOU JUST RUN TO THE SIDE! EVEN BUGS BUNNY KNOWS THAT!. Well stop shouting coz you're wrong, they had to try and outrun it, you weren't there man, you weren't there"  (on Vickers and Shaw trying to outrun the crashing juggernaught). totally ludicrous.

For the full, very humorous analysis of the bad screenplay: 

It's definitely bad writing when your characters have to do stupid things to keep the plot moving forward. I say again Lindelof's script was shite.

 I also strongly resent "Superficial knee jerk reactions by people who are butthurt? they didn't get what they wanted in 2012"  My objections to Prometheus are anything but a "superficial knee jerk reaction". I have perfectly valid reasons for not liking this film, and have explained them all. You don't have to resort to this sort of name calling, present your own reasoning why you think Prometheus' nay sayers are wrong. I am quite happy to give other's opinions some thought and will totally admit if someone presents facts that refute my arguments. Irrespective of whether or not you like the film, I would be totally amazed if anyone can present evidence that Lindelof's script isn't a total load of shite though

Lastly on the issue of Positive Reviews, I saw that piece of crap Oblivion on the strength of a 4 star review in Empire magazine. Obviously the reviewer had never seen Moon with Sam Rockwell, as Oblivion is a blatant rip off, and I would rate Oblivion 1 star only for visual effects. Usually, if a film gets a positive review it doesn't automatically mean it's going to be a good film. I've also seen some films that got bad reviews that I quite enjoyed. Reviews are just one persons opinion and you gotta take most of 'em with a pinch of salt. I will trust the opinions of friends and family who have seen certain films as to the quality of those films and whether or not I will see them, over any film critic's opinion these days.


MemberDeaconApr-26-2015 10:32 AM

It's definitely bad writing when your characters have to do stupid things to keep the plot moving forward.

Sadly this is the case with most movies especially those that are Horror Based to a degree, people need to die for the plot... how many horror movies can you look at go, if they had not done this or that and in real life they would not be so stupid.... well they have to be in order to show us death scenes and to allow the plot to move along..

Even Alien has its moments..... yes letting Kane on the ship was Ash's Agend because of his Special Order 937....  Brett we can be forgiven because he did not know the Organism would  grow as large as it did, but it was still as foolish to look for a Small Alien Organism that has Acid for blood, just as foolish as Milburns tryingt to pet the Hammerpede... maybe Milburn has less of a excuse as a Biologist!   But Dallas well having known how deadly the Alien was, he was stupid for going through those tunnels after it...

But i agree the Draft that Lindeloff did was good but needed someone else to add some final touches and changes... but is that not the job of Fox and Ridley?  And was it not Ridley who had the responsibility to translate that Draft to Screen.... Ridley had added and removed scenes from Lindeloffs final draft.

Its  a shame as a few ideas added would have made some Scenes better.... Milburn and Fifield... have them freak out and then Fifield fall over and Damage a Communicator on the his Wrist that shows the Map... he then tries to find the way out and take a wrong turning or Milburn enters a passage and touches something that closes as a Door, that seals them off to the easier route out that they came...

The Static from the Storm, getting sealed behind a door that cut off the path they came, and the damage to Fifields Map Tracker would all have given a more valid excuse to get lost...

Vickers Death....  i kinda feel she panicked and fell.... but i do feel that getting killed by the Juggernaught was not the best way to had delt with Vickers Death.... if i had changed the draft i would have had her hurt her knee and Shaw thought she was gone... then have Vickers aproach the Life boat only to be caught by the Engineer....

There are minor Ambiguity things and a few more les cheesy and silly thinks that if changed would have made a better Movie... but saying that... Ridley is the one who puts it to Screen and he and Fox are the ones who sit down and Cut and Edit and re-arange Scenes which also added to how the pace of the movie never felt right... so its not 100% Lindeloffs fault.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-26-2015 10:48 AM


Yes you are correct a movie has to have Humans in for it to work.... i do think we could care about Robots... i mean look at David the Robot Boy from AI. There are other movies where we are drawn to Care about a None Human Robot or Cyborg, but i understand you mean if the Crew was entirely Robots....

Humans or at least Human looking cast members are needed to draw us into a Movie so we see a relivance and feel drawn into a part of it.....  Take Humans out of Star Trek, take them out of Babylon 5, Farscape etc...   And would the movies and TV shows work as well?

Even ones that dont have people from Earth.... but for all intensive purposes Humans, so Star Wars and Battle Star Gallactica... could they had worked had they had Humans (human looking) cast replaced by Alien Races?...

Nope.... would Predators had worked had no Humans been caught but some other humanoid Alien Race... not as well.

So yes having Human cast is what gets us pulled into the Movie/TV Shows...  Its for this reason i thought it would be odd and hard to pull of Paradise if the movie was to just feature Shaw and David and what ever Engineers they find and other related Races...  The movie had to have a larger cast.. be that Humanoid looking Alien Race... created by the Engineers also, they could be a bit Alien but not too Alien looking so like how a Vulcan or Romulan or Bajoran look as opposed to Klingon, Cardassian or Ferengi look... but even so i guess a race that is Humanoid but a little Alien like those 3 could work.. 

Otherwise they would have to show some scenes from Earth/Weyland and a return mission to LV 223, rather than a Shaw and David and a bunch of Engineers who look the same...

Anyway about the above... i have had some more info Thursday from that person again, its stuff they kinda never told be before.. again not sure if its True but it relates to the above a bit and also Below...  I will post latter as be busy in a bit..

"Xenomorphs/facehuggers/pods are probably millions,if not billions, of years old. Their origins, like ours, are in a biomolecule soup on some rock orbiting a star...not very gripping stuff."

And yes why not.... but i had been told a few things that could shed a once of light on this.... and the Goo... ill post latter...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-26-2015 11:53 AM

I know what you're saying about people doing stupid things to drive the plot, and if they didn't there wouldn't be a film. But it's really not hard to try and come up with logical reasons for your protagonists to do those things e.g. your rationale for Milburn and Fifield getting lost, smahed map unit/communicator, it makes sense and you would accept it straight away. 

Or Vickers and Shaw running away form the crashing Juggernaught, they only had to run sideways and they would have been in no danger at all. To get around this and still have them in peril you could have them run sideways, then Vickers falls over as the Juggernaught stops spinning and starts to fall over flat you coulld have one of the arms falling straight for her.  Just a quick idea off the top of my head it might not work, but it goes to show(as does BigDave's smashed map unit), if you think about it you can figure logical explanations for stupid script  malfunctions and a good script doctor could have fixed all the stupid points for the final shooting draft. So why wasn't this done?

Dallas going after the big nasty when he was fully aware of what it could do. I figure that he really didn't want to do it, he was scared shitless, but that was the only plan they had to get rid of the Alien from the ship and him being the Captain means the responsibility fell squarely on his shoulders. He even realises he's made a big mistake and tries to bail, but too late. This wasn't a total W.T.F.? moment for me unlike 90 percent of Prometheus.

Finally MonsterZero you're not getting quite what I mean. I know you have to have human protagonists in any Sci Fi film, preferably strong, well written characters who you can care about (unlike any of the characters in Prometheus). My objection is when as in Star Trek the Aliens are just humans with lumpy heads, they all have recognisably human societies and they all seem to speak English. A truly Alien Species/Alien Society would be so completely Alien to us we couldn't begin to comprehend Them/It. Having humans be the "Aliens" is lazy and uninventive. So I'm not against having humans as protagonists (we need something to identify with) and a film containing nothing but Xeno's or Space Jockeys would be pretty stupid. I just object to making Aliens appear human.


MemberXenomorphApr-26-2015 2:04 PM


Think I get where you are coming from and I applaud it. Not being happy with a piece of art is usually how all writers/artists/thinkers get started. If you want something done well, do it yourself. ...That being said.....I'd much rather you/bigdave work on your own original sci-fi stories and get them published or submitted....and become the next Scott, Lucas, Cameron, etc.


Yeah, never liked Star Treks stupidity...but it moves the story

Many Star Trek episodes start with the freaking captain of the ship transporting to the surface of an unknown/possible hostile planet....he/she gets kidnapped(captainnapped) beaten tortured and a couple of red shirts dead. Not very smart.....but it gets on with the story. Real life they would send dozens of probes , then androids to the surface, then send in some explorers/marines to secure the a month  send down the scientists/regular crew to set up the base....about 6 months later the captain of the Enterprise would transport down to meet the crew and inspect the base, after an hour would be back aboard the Enterprise.

Prometheus is the same...should have sent probes in first...then David to check everthing...then the rest of the crew....then a month or two, when the mounds are fully mapped and secure...send Weyland in to talk to the Engineer(Who is surrounded by heavily armed troops). But that would be pretty boring.


With a crystal ball or a time machine you can make the perfect movie, win the lottery, etc....George Lucas wouldn't create Jar Jar or introduce Midichlorians....he'd recast Jake loyd...ect... Mistakes are going to happen when you have a deadline and the actors are hired and the sets are made and the budget is tight and daylight is burning.


MemberOvomorphApr-27-2015 8:04 AM

My plan is definitely to write an original story/screenplay as this is something I have never done before, writing an Alien story (and the Max one) was a good starting point.I'm writing these as practice, trying to teach myself pacing, building suspense, story structure etc. I have a few ideas for some original stories: A Steampunk SF one, a post apocalyptic 1984/Brave New World type story.

It's really hard coming up with original ideas as just about eveything has been done before. Talking to a writer friend, he says that all you can do is try and put a fresh spin on an old concept, and whilst I am writing the fan fiction stuff I am trying to come up with some fresh ideas for my original story.

So MonsterZero hopefully one day you will be able to read an original story by me.



MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2015 10:37 AM

I hear you about the stupidity Jamie. All this stuff had been bashed out a thousand times over in these forums. It was most funny back just after the film came out...people being banned and heated arguments. I have to agree I have not met anyone of these i wanted xenos that's why it was bad fan boys. All the haters I've seen just think exactly like you that it was just badly made. Most love the over all idea but cry at how utterly muddled it all was.


And monster he had something like 34 years to come up with this film don't pull the it was hard to pull off with limited time card lol. That's just it as well I thought he must of had this amazing master plan working on this over the years but it all just turned out to be rushed unthought out thrown together type film making.


But of course part two will be the sucker punch they were all mind controlled of course all that meant to happen in such contradictory muddled stupid fashion!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-27-2015 1:09 PM



Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphApr-27-2015 8:51 PM

This posted 3 times for no good reason, this site is random somtimes posts disappear entirely and now this one posted thrice W.T.F.? Can't seem to delete 'em either

@James it has a reason, do no press ADD REPLY button more than once. and that is.

The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberXenomorphApr-28-2015 1:15 AM



I know what you're saying about people doing stupid things to drive the plot, and if they didn't there wouldn't be a film. But it's really not hard to try and come up with logical reasons for your protagonists to do those things e.g. your rationale for Milburn and Fifield getting lost, smahed map unit/communicator, it makes sense and you would accept it straight away.

End quote

i hear ya.

But consider this from the following link:


page 39 and 40



Grand Central Station.
They open the case. CAMERA PROBES tumble out: spheres the
size of softballs, studded with lenses and sensors.
Tiny lights come on as the probes awaken. They roll off,
dispersing to investigate every passageway. Bumbling into
walls and pillars, reversing. Exploring by random walk.
Let’s check the feed. Gimme the map.
You had the map unit.

You don’t have the map?
They stare at each other.
Are you serious?
He trudges back the way they came, in disgust.
Come on.

End Quote

They forgot to bring the map unit and left it with he rest of the group and when they went back to get it they got lost. In Lindeloff's draft (whom I prefer over Spaights draft) they simply left it out like they changed the engineer commiting suicide by deliberately allowing his head to be decapitated to simply being infected and as he is dying falling into the way of a closing door and being decapitated. 

They just choose to change the entire meaning and simply made it into something different or just made it hang in the air.

Who decided this and why is what concerns me ....


But you are correct

I think the movie still is shall I say Ok. Me peronally i still love it.  


Welcome to the forum !!


You can scan thoughr these 3 pages of this thread it might help alleviate some of the "stupidity" issues.


MemberDeaconApr-28-2015 3:43 PM

Yes oduodu

Spaights draft was more coherent, everything was thought out more.. before hand and so it never had that make it up as we go along, kind of feel that most of Lindelofs work has.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianApr-29-2015 2:24 AM

I was surprised and shocked after I first saw Prometheus. How many movies can you say that about, especially nowadays, as everything tends to be a remake or a reboot? It was totally unexpected.

Ridley could have made another Alien-type franchise pleasing movie, oh, we all would probably have loved it, but it would most likely have rung hollow, as we are now too familiar with the concept.

If Ridley had made a straight Alien sequel/prequel it should have been right after ALIEN. But of course he was never given the opportunity, and the passage of time and the less than satisfactory manner further movies in the Franchise took.....well, he wouldn't have touched it with a barge pole!

Instead he took a chance and made a pretty bold move. Very few directors would have done that, if any! Prometheus is not a crowd pleaser, nor is it a conventional movie. Ridley Scott may work within the Hollywood system, but he is not a 'conventional' director. His whole raison d'etre comes from outside of that. In some ways I think this makes him an outsider, a maverick, an auteur. 

It's time to stop all of the blame and finger pointing. So people didn't get what they wanted or expected. Well lets revel in that, what we did get is a work of art, by a highly skilled visionary director. The passage of time will prove kinder to Prometheus.


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-29-2015 3:35 AM

Big Dave- When you think about it though, all Lindelof did was eliminate certain bits of exposition. I mean, yes, he changed the story significantly but was still truer to Spaights' basic frame work than most give him credit for, there was little or no contradiction to the action as Spaights had written it, just a trimming of the fat.

I always had the impression that they figured most of the simpler points could be figured out by the audience themselves.

Lone- Yep that was my experience too, and it was also emotional given how much bad press I had read before hand. I was really happy and really mad, that such a unique, brilliant movie would be so relentlessly s**t on is inexplicable, with the exception that one was perhaps disappointed about it not being more Alien.

Otherwise, really fun movie experience. Subtle, sinister, mysterious, really really cool looking. Great audio, new Morb biology, really creepy living liquid, ghastly robot surgery, the Juggernaut, freakin David alone was worth the price of admission. But that hive-like hatred will follow it for years to come, maybe forever, and those yet ignorant of Prometheus' charms will be influenced by it, and that just ticks me off!


MemberXenomorphApr-29-2015 4:13 AM

Major Noob


I mean, yes, he changed the story significantly but was still truer to Spaights' basic frame work than most give him credit for, there was little or no contradiction to the action as Spaights had written it


I always had the impression that they figured most of the simpler points could be figured out by the audience themselves.

End  quote

Totally agree but it seems that people just sees this as stupidity and then ignores the movie as crap as is evidenced by Jamiethebastard which is why i question the decision.

Why this level of Ambiguity ?? 

Maybe a liitle less so that suspension of disbelief can function ??

Or maybe that was the point - total ambiguity like Lost ??

This really is the only thing  in the movie that people can point to as perhaps a plothole or nosencical.

As to what happened to the engineers they had to find something to replace the Space Jockey mystery(who was the guy in the suit ??) etc. as it was originally the big mystery or at least half of it(the other half was why he had those eggs). As such I assume it(what happened to the engineers) is better left unsolved.

This ofcourse hinges on the Weyland Industries website being canon and not an easter egg.

Anyways I still love Promethues. It is a work of art and something new.

Also Prometheus is also i believe a way to re market the whole franchise again.

And they got me hook line and sinker.

I like the way you talk of Prometheus being crafted and made with love . That sounds like Ridley Scott. and makes me believe again.


MemberPraetorianApr-29-2015 6:43 AM

Major Noob~ " I was really happy and really mad, that such a unique, brilliant movie would be so relentlessly s**t on is inexplicable" 

Hear hear, well spoke!

It's the shock of the new! Change is what was needed and it's a natural human instinct to be reluctant about, suspicious of and stubborn towards change!

Ridley put his heart and soul into Prometheus, filled it with respect for Gigerverse and Star Beast, [as well as a plethora of other SF classics.] He has created a new canon, encapsulating a far wider universe. It's the dawning of a new era for the Alien mythology.



"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphApr-29-2015 8:26 AM

With respect to this whole ambiguity thing yes, maybe that was among the reasons DL was brought in.

Like the SJ from Alien, I think they wanted to make something mysterious, that had to be unravelled and examined, but also something unknowable. The whole idea was these jokers were in way over their heads, facing things well beyond their ability to grasp, and it would follow that challenging the viewer's ability to grasp what was happening would add to the tension.

I knew the movie inside and out before I saw it and still got that dread of being trapped with forces ( David, pretty much everything on LV223 ) that can't be understood, or even survived.

And yes Ridley poured himself into it and that's part of what makes me mad, that he should have is ass handed to him for such a stellar effort. Maybe if he didn't try so hard, or if he did make it purely to sell then there would be more satisfied customers? 



MemberXenomorphApr-29-2015 11:27 AM

Getting to see a Space Jockey suit up and then fly(and crash) a Juggernaut!! Made the movie for me. 

OMG I'm so pumped for Prometheus 2!


MemberDeaconApr-29-2015 3:27 PM


He came in to change some elements, and what he did was evolve some of the stuff that ended up being better, the route to go the way they did instead of a more Xeno and Engineers running lose movie was a very good move...

Only while Lindeloffs ideas was good, i feel it needed someone else to then look at potential problems and silly moments and cheesy dialect.... and add a few bits to it and we could have got a better movie...

But in Lindeloffs defence... the movie that was fully shot was slightly different to his Final Draft...  and the Movie Cut we ended up with is even more different to Lindeloffs draft.  Lindeloff cant be blammed for that....

To a degree Ridley cant either, i have a feeling that someone at Fox was pulling a lot of Strings.... seems Lindeloff had become a scapegoat and Ridley had taken the Can on his own head..

But alas as i have said, they should have taken critics on board, they would have a better idea of what to do, and not to do.... Why is it taking so long, yet they had drafts completed before even the Martian entered pre-production.....  They are simply trying to GET IT RIGHT and i am sure once Prometheus 2 and 3 if they need a 3rd are finished then we would have more peices to the Jigsaw that we can then finally add it all up together to give us the BIGGER PICTURE

I have high hopes that after seeing Prometheus 2 that Prometheus 1 will grow more on people and make more sense.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-29-2015 3:46 PM

Now i will finally post what i was meant to as my first reply to this post ;)

Prometheus had some negative as well as positive reactions... what we need to understand is everyone is not the same.... Casual Critics and Viewers would not view the movie the same as Sci Fi Buffs, and Casual Sci Fi fans would view it different too, and then you have Ridley Scot fans and Alien Fans....

So every group has different expectations and interpretations....

Lets start with the Casual Viewer...... some of these would not maybe know there was ever a connection to Alien, they would not know the Juggernaught and Space Jockey Chair was from Alien....

For these fans if the movie was slightly better done, and more tidy as far as ambiguity and how it was edited... people would have left seeing a new kind of Sci Fi movie and some may liked it others may have not.

I have spoken to a few and by that 6 casual people who have viewed it and only one of them kind of understood it a bit..... The rest was  "What the Hell was that all about"  and even thought it was a very Random movie...

Then we have the Alien fanboys, and some of them may had wanted to see Xenos, may had wanted to know what happened exactly to the Space Jockey, and how those Eggs came on that ship.... they would have wanted to know where did the ALIEN come from...   Some may have also been disapointed at the Space Jockey being Humanoid Bald Terminators lol...

Then we have the other Alien fans who actually would not have been as disapointed but would have wanted to had seen less ambiguity and a few more clues, and maybe some better designs as far as the Monsters... Especially Fifield and the Deacon....

Then we have casual and hard core Sci Fi people again some may had enjoyed it others not so much, i feel that some could see what they(Ridley and Fox)  was trying to do and view it on its own merit as a movie on its own and not a Alien Movie.

Sadly the movie is a Alien Movie its is a lose prequel but one all the same, i know they are trying to view and tell the Story and History of the Space Jockey and avoid a Alien Xeno Flick.... but this is always going to be hard to avoid if they introduce Mankind into the fold.... but we cant have a movie that has no Humans can we?  so it had to be done in a way to connect it all..... This is why the Engineers maybe was shown as playing a hand in creating us and visiting us....  so as that to give some reason for why Mankind would find a Space Jockey outpost on LV 223.

I think they did a good thing, be not covering the Xeno a lot... we have seen the Xeno over and over and over, we have not seen our Space Jockey, the Derelict... what Race was this where was they from... etc etc...

But alas there was still one other Mystrey with Alien... that was why and how come these Space Jockeys would have the Xeno Eggs Cargo and where did the Xeno come from.... and while they tried to give some clues... and steer away from this....

I feel this is cause for some of the disapointment.... and maybe more clues that would hint to more of how the Engineers came across the Xeno and why and what connection LV 223 had with the Eggs etc.... if this was done more...  they could then had CLOSED THE DOOR on the Xeno...

And had freedome to explore the Origins of the Space Jockey and what else they had been upto in the Galaxy apart from experimenting on stuff related to the Xeno on LV 223 and also using Xeno Eggs as Bio Weapons or transporting them to be experimented on for Bio-Weapons...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconApr-29-2015 4:41 PM

I will one day when i have time, go though Lindeloffs draft and edit it how i would if i was brought in to finalise the draft and change stuff....  The draft would be based of Lindeloffs some things would be changed and removed, some of Spaights draft added to it and some things re-aranged as far as Scenes and also some Scenes added...

The result hopefully a more coherent draft, thats less cheesy, has some logical reasons for some of the silly things people complained about....  add some more slight Xeno DNA and parts added to the draft including Dialog that adds to make for less Ambiguity but keeps a lot of it.

New Scenes added, that should give a what 3 hour movie well a 33-50% increase in how long compared to Original Draft but it would still be for the most part a movie similar to Lindeloffs i recon that about 60-70% of his would remain intact... 10-20% of Spaights added as far as ideas... and then what total that gives i would added about 30-40% of my own stuff..... these be just suptile Changes...

Such as for example... i would have had Fifield damage his Map Communication device and also have them take a turn down a area and Milburn touches something and a Door Shuts on them... so they have to find another route out... but dont


Now Spaights Draft explained why they got lost..... 

Let’s check the feed. Gimme the map.


You had the map unit.

You don’t have the map?

They stare at each other.


Are you serious?

He trudges back the way they came, in disgust.

You would be suprised a few of the little things like that, that Spaights draft had taken out would have made a better end product...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminPraetorianMay-11-2015 7:03 PM

Gustavo, you do realise that 99% of the people in this site love the movie, everyone else left long ago. I think maybe 2 that disliked it stay in the forums and post, and even they don't outright hate it. You are preaching to the choir here.

For the record, I much prefer Lindelofs script/re-write.

I'd also like to point out that we (as in myself and my moderators) have never let members that disliked the movie bash the members that did, we ask that everyone treat each other with respect when discussing the movie. The use of the word "fanboy" here is disrespectful and I would hope you refrain from using it in future.

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