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Prometheus fan backstory

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MemberOvomorphMay-23-2015 2:27 AM

The Necronim: Verge of Godhead



The necronim are a very ancient and advanced race, they mastered space travel and had traversed the physical universe over eons, mastering molecular genetics. Their civilization is billions of centuries old, they have long since learned to see in more dimensions as we do. Their art and culture exist on planes imperceptible to our human senses. Where their immense constructions and architecture would look dark and grim to us; the necronim have reached a point where they see things on an entirely different plane.

           Ages ago the necronim evolved to a point where they had abandoned sex and gender, reproducing by more abstract methods (through experimenting with their own genome) and in recent millennia they had ceased to reproduce altogether. The necronim resorted to cloning themselves to continue as a species. The necronim created a identical cloned race known universally as “engineers”, but cloning does not add to their gene pool and the engineers became almost slaves, a servant race to the necronim carrying out duties sometimes dangerous that the necronim themselves deemed unworthy. Individual necronim live for up to one hundred-thousand years, and the oldest was a necronim elder called Dai’Kun.


         Dai’Kun was a very wise necronim considered to be a leader of his race, his teachings on hierarchy and the Order of Creation became the principal basis throughout necronim civilization.

   Although natural necronim were becoming fewer in number, Dai’Kun believed his race were on the verge of Godhead; a transcendence in which they would abandon their physical body, and take flight into the ten-dimensional multiverse as non-corporeal beings, where their perception would extend beyond space and time. Dai’Kun mysteriously disappeared for a millennia only to return one day with a great discovery for his race.


   While on his journey of re-discovery Dai’Kun had retrieved a giant piece of rock from a comet he claimed had originated from the centre of the universe. The comet held a unknown element deep under its crust, a black liquid/goo-like substance that Dai’Kun theorized was the building block for the origin of life, “the blood of the universe!” Dai’Kun hypothesized the creation of a ultimate God-like DNA/gene code, synthesized from the powerful mutagenic black liquid, which would put him and his (dying) race on the path to their transcendence into Godhead. It was through the experimentation of this powerful, evolutionary elixir that would become his greatest creation and would eventually be transformed into a devastating biological-weapon.

                 Dai’Kun proposed that this substance be replicated, reproduced and at first spread out throughout galaxies, and that he would sacrifice himself, combining his own DNA with the black goo-mutagen in the final act of completing his great experiment.


     Dai’Kun’s molecular structure was consumed from within by the black liquid, from then on it was believed Dai’Kun had made the transcendence into “God-head.” But not everyone agreed or believed that the great Dai’ had succeeded.


From this point on the Engineers were tasked with terra-forming different worlds, where many necronim followed the great Dai’s teachings, and began to sacrifice themselves to the black goo. Particular necronim individuals of their society would be granted the honour of seeding specific worlds (selected for them) with this powerful substance, basically spreading their God-like gene throughout the universe.


Having mastered the known universe over eons and having never once found any physical proof of a ultimate creator for all life, the necronim had come to the realization that there was no “God”. No universal reason for their existence, evolution was their religion and for all his life Unius Rei had grew up with this same belief as his people. But deep down he had always wondered, and had been looking for something to believe in, a meaning of life, the perennial “why are we here?” But the only answer he could find in that question was that the meaning of life is to be “top of the food chain”, and the point of existence was evolution and to evolve.


     Unius Rei was a highly respected scientist of his race and head scientist in charge of the experimental work carried out on the black goo. He believed that over several millennia the necronim had not altered and that his race were no longer evolving. The necronim had become a evolutionary dead-end, but such beliefs would be considered heresy among his race, so Unius would keep such thoughts to himself for the time being. Even though there had not been any problem of malnutrition and diseases were a thing of the distant past among his race. Unius Rei believed necronim were still not perfect and most certainly not destined for any kind of “transcendence to Godhead”.


     As Unius Rei researched the mysterious black goo further, he found the genetic makeup of the black goo contained something ancient, and Unius became determined to unlock its source-code DNA, Unius Rei hypothesized the “perfect organism” from the black goo. One that would be top of any food chain, a organism that is intelligent, can withstand any manner of temperatures or environments and adapts quickly and most importantly “evolves”. But along the way, Unius Rei’s theoretical organism would become revered as a “God” by his people.


   Possessing the technology (as masters of molecular and bio-mechanical engineering), the necronim set about creating this perfect organism. Under the guidance and leadership of Unius Rei, the servant race of cloned engineers were tasked with creating this terrible serpent-like creature. The facilities used to house the necronim-engineer’s holy DNA/organism would also become shrines/temples, decorated with elaborate and elegant murals in honour of the great necronim elder “Dai’Kun” the original discoverer of the black goo.


The necronim continued following ancient sacrificial rituals, in honour of their great leader. While Unius Rei ordered the seeding of a natural planet the necronim had not terra-formed, which already contained some very basic early Cambrian micro-organic life-forms; this planet was Earth. The necronim under instructions from Unius, hastened intelligent life on this world, with the use of their powerful evolutionary mutagen (a strain of the black goo) which resulted in the human-race. Unius Rei would allow life to evolve naturally on this primordial world, then eventually the necronim would return millennia later, knowing their creations had come to fruition. Unius had other plans for these creations.


The necronim spearheaded the human race toward sentience and civilization, teaching humanity’s teachers the very first ancient civilizations of humanity (Sumerian, Babylonian etc). In time they believed humanity would be ready to receive their unique, vast knowledge, and move through the universe just as the necronim did before them. Perhaps someday to even reach their level.


But as the necronim regularly checked on their creations, some were not pleased with what they saw. Man was steadily becoming more reliant on the Ideal of monotheism, and the implications of this to cause wars, where man would end up killing his brother.


A research station was set up on LV-426, a moon in the Zeta II Reticuli star system, where the elders would study the problem of humanity. The benefactors of man were gravely concerned that if humans could eventually stop worshipping them as Gods, and instead turn away from the necronim to pray to a abstract, non-corporeal deity, of which would have many names and forms (Christ/Allah etc). Unius Rei became concerned that this was a step too far away from the necronim’s fundamental world-view of the physical world and everything in it, to do with his race’s admiration of bio-mechanics and genetic engineering.


       So the necronim elders came up with another plan for mankind, they would substitute their sired children (the human race) for their perfect organism, that (to them) embodied the ultimate pinnacle of evolution, the serpent/biomechanical creature. Mankind would be offered up as one big great sacrifice to their intended God, the “Xenomorph”.

                         But not all necronim elders agreed this was the best course of action to take regarding their human creations.


This plan of action also fitted perfectly with Unius original plans for mankind, his method was deliberately designed to allow a (semi)natural evolution. For the necronim to in essence, scatter the building-blocks and fragments of their own DNA onto Earth, and allow things to happen naturally, assured that in millennia the human race would come to fruition. Along with this, the rest of life on earth. Only Unius could not share his true intentions because of what had become his race’s over zealous quest to worship this perfect organism they had revered as a “God”. Unius had seen how this belief system had nearly torn apart the necronim home world.


Because of the trouble that had started on their homeworld, the necronim had not planned for the human race to go unchecked for so long, and even to actually develop the ability to travel through space, or the ability to make new synthetic creations of their own (androids), similar to what the necronim had done with their engineer clones. A military base was established on the nearby moon LV-223, where a group of necronim scientists and engineers headed by Unius Rei, created a synthetic viral variation of the Xenomorph creature, as a bio-weapon to be deployed to earth 2000 years ago.


A pay load of billions of urns were created and housed in the 223 facilities, practically one ampule for every man, woman and child on Earth. The urns/ampules were a medium for storing and deploying both the “seed” (black goo inside the urns), and the genetic material of the Xenomorph (contained inside the ampules). When these urns were either dropped/smashed or placed down, reacting with the atmosphere, the seed and xenomorph’s genetic material would mix, creating a viral genetic mutagen that would eventually result in the birth, development and gestation of the xenomorph organism into any indigenous ecosystem.

   Unius Rei’s ultimate plan was set in motion, phase 1 was the seeding of Earth, where necronim had hastened evolution upon that world.

   Phase 2 was the “harvest“, where once the necronim DNA had asserted itself and spread across the seeded planet of Earth, the race of children (humans), of the necronim would then be targeted by the engineers for harvesting, deployment of the seed, combined with the xenomorph’s genetic material, among the species to produce the xenomorph, through either infection or sexual transmission.

   Phase 3 the collection - Once the xenomorph had propagated its species, eradicating the entire planet of suitable hosts and subsequently died out. It would leave behind its unborn young eggs, where the engineers would then return yet again to collect the specimens.


On the surface and to his people, Unius Rei’s plan meant basically creating millions/billions of clones/children in his race’s image (humanoid), using necronim DNA only to later sacrifice them to their “Apex God”, in essence wipe them out using the xenomorph.


   Unius had extensively researched the xenomorph organism for centuries and had learned that when gestating inside a host, xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, which in essence adds to their own genome and enables them to adapt to any environment and ecosystem, they have been deployed into. It was this fundamental trait of the xenomorph that Unius believed held the key to his own race’s survival.

       While his other fellow scientists and certain necronim benefactors, who had grown slightly sentimental over the human race, some even intrigued by how much they had changed in such short amount of time. Unius was neither startled or concerned about these factors, Unius was only concerned about one Issue concerning mankind. How the human race had evolved from and continued to evolve from the necronim’s genetic material.

             Humanity’s genetic material, man’s genome is almost identical to that of the necronim, and Unius Rei would oversee that this same genetic material would be extrapolated by the xenomorph, a deadly and bio-mechanical creation already held in high regard by his race. A race that didn’t truly want to face the truth that they were not on the verge of a “transcendence” but more on the verge of extinction.


Man’s genes/DNA/Genome, was the crop with-which the necronim were in dire need of, and the Xenomorph would be the means by which the engineers would use to harvest that precious genetic material for their masters the necronim.

                   Unius Rei knew that in order for his species to continue to evolve, they required the fresh input of genetic material into their gene pool. Without that fresh genetic material the result would be inbreeding, which would only lead to sterilization and ultimately extinction, so the necronim needed man’s genetic material to continue their evolution, their development.


As the team of engineers prepared to deploy their vast cargo of urns/ampules to earth, they found themselves deceived by one of their own comrades, as their own viral creation was unleashed upon them. Dozens of engineers became infected, some at a cellular stage, others on a more direct impregnation level, resulting in chest-bursting xenomorphs emerging from their bodies. Several engineers survived the vicious viral outbreak, and piled up the bodies preparing to purge their ill-fated crew but were chased by newly born xenomorphs as they tried to quarantine the entire base.

       The last group of surviving engineers tried to escape into cryogenic stasis of their ships, but three of them had unknowingly already been impregnated with xenomorphs, which resulted in Deacon-type xenomorphs breaking out of their chests and out of their cryo pods. Only one survivor miraculously managed to escape from the chaos and carnage that ensued at the base, the captain of his group managed to seal himself off away from the outbreak, inside his Juggernaut ship, but overslept (in cryo-stasis) by 2000 yrs.


The calamitous outbreak was caused by one of the original necronim who had previously visited earth (Isle of Skye cave painting), and was part of a group who had been carefully trying to teach the early civilizations of mankind. This necronim had struck up a bond with humans and grew to care for them, he had always resented the mission to earth, to change the course of human history and therefore set the chain of catastrophic events in motion, to cause mayhem and thwart the mission as a way of preventing something he strongly disagreed with.

               The necronim knew that any future replays would show his actions (himself unleashing the black-liquid resulting in the outbreak) in the main science labs, as all necronim are plugged into the network via their bio-suits. This was not his concern but more that anything “non-engineer” or necronim, would not be displayed, so parts of the recorded footage would not show any evidence of the newly created xenomorphs that had spawned from the outbreak in the holographic replays.

             He then managed to suit up and escape by another ship, he made it out of the tumultuous events and cataclysm he had caused on LV-223. This necronim was benign and ultimately altruistic to humankind, and although he had intervened to save humankind, he found out that he himself was already infected/impregnated. He ran into difficulties and quickly landed his ship on the nearby LV-426 moon, before sending out a warning beacon for others to stay well away, the necronim died of a heart attack.


In his death the odd mix of flesh and the synthetic material that comprised his organic body with his biomechanical “chair-suit”, would at first take on the appearance of him becoming fossilized. The two components had fused together and after some time, a xenomorph had ripped its way from his abdomen. But the xenomorph that emerged from the nerconim was very much different from the others that had spawned on the 223 facility. This xenomorph looked very similar to its predecessors, the pure-form xenomorphs, but had also took on the characteristics of the biomechanical structure and architecture of the “derelict, Juggernaut” space craft that its host had been symbiotically connected to when he flew it.  

                 Furthermore this xenomorph actually had the ability to create its own offspring, when it escaped the ship, and crawled off down into the cavernous structure of the underground 426 facility, and spent its lifetime laying thousands of eggs, making it a rare “Queen” category Xenomorph. It would eventually die but the eggs would survive as the 426 facilities automatic life-support functions would activate to keep the eggs in stasis.


The ultimate Irony would be that mankind’s intended saviour gave birth to his prospective destroyer.

The Necronim: Verge of Godhead




The necronim are a very ancient and advanced race, they mastered space travel and had traversed the physical universe over eons, mastering molecular genetics. Their civilization is billions of centuries old, they have long since learned to see in more dimensions as we do. Their art and culture exist on planes imperceptible to our human senses. Where their immense constructions and architecture would look dark and grim to us; the necronim have reached a point where they see things on an entirely different plane.

           Ages ago the necronim evolved to a point where they had abandoned sex and gender, reproducing by more abstract methods (through experimenting with their own genome) and in recent millennia they had ceased to reproduce altogether. The necronim resorted to cloning themselves to continue as a species. The necronim created a identical cloned race known universally as “engineers”, but cloning does not add to their gene pool and the engineers became almost slaves, a servant race to the necronim carrying out duties sometimes dangerous that the necronim themselves deemed unworthy. Individual necronim live for up to one hundred-thousand years, and the oldest was a necronim elder called Dai’Kun.


         Dai’Kun was a very wise necronim considered to be a leader of his race, his teachings on hierarchy and the Order of Creation became the principal basis throughout necronim civilization.

   Although natural necronim were becoming fewer in number, Dai’Kun believed his race were on the verge of Godhead; a transcendence in which they would abandon their physical body, and take flight into the ten-dimensional multiverse as non-corporeal beings, where their perception would extend beyond space and time. Dai’Kun mysteriously disappeared for a millennia only to return one day with a great discovery for his race.


   While on his journey of re-discovery Dai’Kun had retrieved a giant piece of rock from a comet he claimed had originated from the centre of the universe. The comet held a unknown element deep under its crust, a black liquid/goo-like substance that Dai’Kun theorized was the building block for the origin of life, “the blood of the universe!” Dai’Kun hypothesized the creation of a ultimate God-like DNA/gene code, synthesized from the powerful mutagenic black liquid, which would put him and his (dying) race on the path to their transcendence into Godhead. It was through the experimentation of this powerful, evolutionary elixir that would become his greatest creation and would eventually be transformed into a devastating biological-weapon.

                 Dai’Kun proposed that this substance be replicated, reproduced and at first spread out throughout galaxies, and that he would sacrifice himself, combining his own DNA with the black goo-mutagen in the final act of completing his great experiment.


     Dai’Kun’s molecular structure was consumed from within by the black liquid, from then on it was believed Dai’Kun had made the transcendence into “God-head.” But not everyone agreed or believed that the great Dai’ had succeeded.


From this point on the Engineers were tasked with terra-forming different worlds, where many necronim followed the great Dai’s teachings, and began to sacrifice themselves to the black goo. Particular necronim individuals of their society would be granted the honour of seeding specific worlds (selected for them) with this powerful substance, basically spreading their God-like gene throughout the universe.


Having mastered the known universe over eons and having never once found any physical proof of a ultimate creator for all life, the necronim had come to the realization that there was no “God”. No universal reason for their existence, evolution was their religion and for all his life Unius Rei had grew up with this same belief as his people. But deep down he had always wondered, and had been looking for something to believe in, a meaning of life, the perennial “why are we here?” But the only answer he could find in that question was that the meaning of life is to be “top of the food chain”, and the point of existence was evolution and to evolve.


     Unius Rei was a highly respected scientist of his race and head scientist in charge of the experimental work carried out on the black goo. He believed that over several millennia the necronim had not altered and that his race were no longer evolving. The necronim had become a evolutionary dead-end, but such beliefs would be considered heresy among his race, so Unius would keep such thoughts to himself for the time being. Even though there had not been any problem of malnutrition and diseases were a thing of the distant past among his race. Unius Rei believed necronim were still not perfect and most certainly not destined for any kind of “transcendence to Godhead”.


     As Unius Rei researched the mysterious black goo further, he found the genetic makeup of the black goo contained something ancient, and Unius became determined to unlock its source-code DNA, Unius Rei hypothesized the “perfect organism” from the black goo. One that would be top of any food chain, a organism that is intelligent, can withstand any manner of temperatures or environments and adapts quickly and most importantly “evolves”. But along the way, Unius Rei’s theoretical organism would become revered as a “God” by his people.


   Possessing the technology (as masters of molecular and bio-mechanical engineering), the necronim set about creating this perfect organism. Under the guidance and leadership of Unius Rei, the servant race of cloned engineers were tasked with creating this terrible serpent-like creature. The facilities used to house the necronim-engineer’s holy DNA/organism would also become shrines/temples, decorated with elaborate and elegant murals in honour of the great necronim elder “Dai’Kun” the original discoverer of the black goo.


The necronim continued following ancient sacrificial rituals, in honour of their great leader. While Unius Rei ordered the seeding of a natural planet the necronim had not terra-formed, which already contained some very basic early Cambrian micro-organic life-forms; this planet was Earth. The necronim under instructions from Unius, hastened intelligent life on this world, with the use of their powerful evolutionary mutagen (a strain of the black goo) which resulted in the human-race. Unius Rei would allow life to evolve naturally on this primordial world, then eventually the necronim would return millennia later, knowing their creations had come to fruition. Unius had other plans for these creations.


The necronim spearheaded the human race toward sentience and civilization, teaching humanity’s teachers the very first ancient civilizations of humanity (Sumerian, Babylonian etc). In time they believed humanity would be ready to receive their unique, vast knowledge, and move through the universe just as the necronim did before them. Perhaps someday to even reach their level.


But as the necronim regularly checked on their creations, some were not pleased with what they saw. Man was steadily becoming more reliant on the Ideal of monotheism, and the implications of this to cause wars, where man would end up killing his brother.


A research station was set up on LV-426, a moon in the Zeta II Reticuli star system, where the elders would study the problem of humanity. The benefactors of man were gravely concerned that if humans could eventually stop worshipping them as Gods, and instead turn away from the necronim to pray to a abstract, non-corporeal deity, of which would have many names and forms (Christ/Allah etc). Unius Rei became concerned that this was a step too far away from the necronim’s fundamental world-view of the physical world and everything in it, to do with his race’s admiration of bio-mechanics and genetic engineering.


       So the necronim elders came up with another plan for mankind, they would substitute their sired children (the human race) for their perfect organism, that (to them) embodied the ultimate pinnacle of evolution, the serpent/biomechanical creature. Mankind would be offered up as one big great sacrifice to their intended God, the “Xenomorph”.

                         But not all necronim elders agreed this was the best course of action to take regarding their human creations.


This plan of action also fitted perfectly with Unius original plans for mankind, his method was deliberately designed to allow a (semi)natural evolution. For the necronim to in essence, scatter the building-blocks and fragments of their own DNA onto Earth, and allow things to happen naturally, assured that in millennia the human race would come to fruition. Along with this, the rest of life on earth. Only Unius could not share his true intentions because of what had become his race’s over zealous quest to worship this perfect organism they had revered as a “God”. Unius had seen how this belief system had nearly torn apart the necronim home world.


Because of the trouble that had started on their homeworld, the necronim had not planned for the human race to go unchecked for so long, and even to actually develop the ability to travel through space, or the ability to make new synthetic creations of their own (androids), similar to what the necronim had done with their engineer clones. A military base was established on the nearby moon LV-223, where a group of necronim scientists and engineers headed by Unius Rei, created a synthetic viral variation of the Xenomorph creature, as a bio-weapon to be deployed to earth 2000 years ago.


A pay load of billions of urns were created and housed in the 223 facilities, practically one ampule for every man, woman and child on Earth. The urns/ampules were a medium for storing and deploying both the “seed” (black goo inside the urns), and the genetic material of the Xenomorph (contained inside the ampules). When these urns were either dropped/smashed or placed down, reacting with the atmosphere, the seed and xenomorph’s genetic material would mix, creating a viral genetic mutagen that would eventually result in the birth, development and gestation of the xenomorph organism into any indigenous ecosystem.

   Unius Rei’s ultimate plan was set in motion, phase 1 was the seeding of Earth, where necronim had hastened evolution upon that world.

   Phase 2 was the “harvest“, where once the necronim DNA had asserted itself and spread across the seeded planet of Earth, the race of children (humans), of the necronim would then be targeted by the engineers for harvesting, deployment of the seed, combined with the xenomorph’s genetic material, among the species to produce the xenomorph, through either infection or sexual transmission.

   Phase 3 the collection - Once the xenomorph had propagated its species, eradicating the entire planet of suitable hosts and subsequently died out. It would leave behind its unborn young eggs, where the engineers would then return yet again to collect the specimens.


On the surface and to his people, Unius Rei’s plan meant basically creating millions/billions of clones/children in his race’s image (humanoid), using necronim DNA only to later sacrifice them to their “Apex God”, in essence wipe them out using the xenomorph.


   Unius had extensively researched the xenomorph organism for centuries and had learned that when gestating inside a host, xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, which in essence adds to their own genome and enables them to adapt to any environment and ecosystem, they have been deployed into. It was this fundamental trait of the xenomorph that Unius believed held the key to his own race’s survival.

       While his other fellow scientists and certain necronim benefactors, who had grown slightly sentimental over the human race, some even intrigued by how much they had changed in such short amount of time. Unius was neither startled or concerned about these factors, Unius was only concerned about one Issue concerning mankind. How the human race had evolved from and continued to evolve from the necronim’s genetic material.

             Humanity’s genetic material, man’s genome is almost identical to that of the necronim, and Unius Rei would oversee that this same genetic material would be extrapolated by the xenomorph, a deadly and bio-mechanical creation already held in high regard by his race. A race that didn’t truly want to face the truth that they were not on the verge of a “transcendence” but more on the verge of extinction.


Man’s genes/DNA/Genome, was the crop with-which the necronim were in dire need of, and the Xenomorph would be the means by which the engineers would use to harvest that precious genetic material for their masters the necronim.

                   Unius Rei knew that in order for his species to continue to evolve, they required the fresh input of genetic material into their gene pool. Without that fresh genetic material the result would be inbreeding, which would only lead to sterilization and ultimately extinction, so the necronim needed man’s genetic material to continue their evolution, their development.


As the team of engineers prepared to deploy their vast cargo of urns/ampules to earth, they found themselves deceived by one of their own comrades, as their own viral creation was unleashed upon them. Dozens of engineers became infected, some at a cellular stage, others on a more direct impregnation level, resulting in chest-bursting xenomorphs emerging from their bodies. Several engineers survived the vicious viral outbreak, and piled up the bodies preparing to purge their ill-fated crew but were chased by newly born xenomorphs as they tried to quarantine the entire base.

       The last group of surviving engineers tried to escape into cryogenic stasis of their ships, but three of them had unknowingly already been impregnated with xenomorphs, which resulted in Deacon-type xenomorphs breaking out of their chests and out of their cryo pods. Only one survivor miraculously managed to escape from the chaos and carnage that ensued at the base, the captain of his group managed to seal himself off away from the outbreak, inside his Juggernaut ship, but overslept (in cryo-stasis) by 2000 yrs.


The calamitous outbreak was caused by one of the original necronim who had previously visited earth (Isle of Skye cave painting), and was part of a group who had been carefully trying to teach the early civilizations of mankind. This necronim had struck up a bond with humans and grew to care for them, he had always resented the mission to earth, to change the course of human history and therefore set the chain of catastrophic events in motion, to cause mayhem and thwart the mission as a way of preventing something he strongly disagreed with.

               The necronim knew that any future replays would show his actions (himself unleashing the black-liquid resulting in the outbreak) in the main science labs, as all necronim are plugged into the network via their bio-suits. This was not his concern but more that anything “non-engineer” or necronim, would not be displayed, so parts of the recorded footage would not show any evidence of the newly created xenomorphs that had spawned from the outbreak in the holographic replays.

             He then managed to suit up and escape by another ship, he made it out of the tumultuous events and cataclysm he had caused on LV-223. This necronim was benign and ultimately altruistic to humankind, and although he had intervened to save humankind, he found out that he himself was already infected/impregnated. He ran into difficulties and quickly landed his ship on the nearby LV-426 moon, before sending out a warning beacon for others to stay well away, the necronim died of a heart attack.


In his death the odd mix of flesh and the synthetic material that comprised his organic body with his biomechanical “chair-suit”, would at first take on the appearance of him becoming fossilized. The two components had fused together and after some time, a xenomorph had ripped its way from his abdomen. But the xenomorph that emerged from the nerconim was very much different from the others that had spawned on the 223 facility. This xenomorph looked very similar to its predecessors, the pure-form xenomorphs, but had also took on the characteristics of the biomechanical structure and architecture of the “derelict, Juggernaut” space craft that its host had been symbiotically connected to when he flew it.  

                 Furthermore this xenomorph actually had the ability to create its own offspring, when it escaped the ship, and crawled off down into the cavernous structure of the underground 426 facility, and spent its lifetime laying thousands of eggs, making it a rare “Queen” category Xenomorph. It would eventually die but the eggs would survive as the 426 facilities automatic life-support functions would activate to keep the eggs in stasis.


The ultimate Irony would be that mankind’s intended saviour gave birth to his prospective destroyer.

The Necronim: Verge of Godhead




The necronim are a very ancient and advanced race, they mastered space travel and had traversed the physical universe over eons, mastering molecular genetics. Their civilization is billions of centuries old, they have long since learned to see in more dimensions as we do. Their art and culture exist on planes imperceptible to our human senses. Where their immense constructions and architecture would look dark and grim to us; the necronim have reached a point where they see things on an entirely different plane.

           Ages ago the necronim evolved to a point where they had abandoned sex and gender, reproducing by more abstract methods (through experimenting with their own genome) and in recent millennia they had ceased to reproduce altogether. The necronim resorted to cloning themselves to continue as a species. The necronim created a identical cloned race known universally as “engineers”, but cloning does not add to their gene pool and the engineers became almost slaves, a servant race to the necronim carrying out duties sometimes dangerous that the necronim themselves deemed unworthy. Individual necronim live for up to one hundred-thousand years, and the oldest was a necronim elder called Dai’Kun.


         Dai’Kun was a very wise necronim considered to be a leader of his race, his teachings on hierarchy and the Order of Creation became the principal basis throughout necronim civilization.

   Although natural necronim were becoming fewer in number, Dai’Kun believed his race were on the verge of Godhead; a transcendence in which they would abandon their physical body, and take flight into the ten-dimensional multiverse as non-corporeal beings, where their perception would extend beyond space and time. Dai’Kun mysteriously disappeared for a millennia only to return one day with a great discovery for his race.


   While on his journey of re-discovery Dai’Kun had retrieved a giant piece of rock from a comet he claimed had originated from the centre of the universe. The comet held a unknown element deep under its crust, a black liquid/goo-like substance that Dai’Kun theorized was the building block for the origin of life, “the blood of the universe!” Dai’Kun hypothesized the creation of a ultimate God-like DNA/gene code, synthesized from the powerful mutagenic black liquid, which would put him and his (dying) race on the path to their transcendence into Godhead. It was through the experimentation of this powerful, evolutionary elixir that would become his greatest creation and would eventually be transformed into a devastating biological-weapon.

                 Dai’Kun proposed that this substance be replicated, reproduced and at first spread out throughout galaxies, and that he would sacrifice himself, combining his own DNA with the black goo-mutagen in the final act of completing his great experiment.


     Dai’Kun’s molecular structure was consumed from within by the black liquid, from then on it was believed Dai’Kun had made the transcendence into “God-head.” But not everyone agreed or believed that the great Dai’ had succeeded.


From this point on the Engineers were tasked with terra-forming different worlds, where many necronim followed the great Dai’s teachings, and began to sacrifice themselves to the black goo. Particular necronim individuals of their society would be granted the honour of seeding specific worlds (selected for them) with this powerful substance, basically spreading their God-like gene throughout the universe.


Having mastered the known universe over eons and having never once found any physical proof of a ultimate creator for all life, the necronim had come to the realization that there was no “God”. No universal reason for their existence, evolution was their religion and for all his life Unius Rei had grew up with this same belief as his people. But deep down he had always wondered, and had been looking for something to believe in, a meaning of life, the perennial “why are we here?” But the only answer he could find in that question was that the meaning of life is to be “top of the food chain”, and the point of existence was evolution and to evolve.


     Unius Rei was a highly respected scientist of his race and head scientist in charge of the experimental work carried out on the black goo. He believed that over several millennia the necronim had not altered and that his race were no longer evolving. The necronim had become a evolutionary dead-end, but such beliefs would be considered heresy among his race, so Unius would keep such thoughts to himself for the time being. Even though there had not been any problem of malnutrition and diseases were a thing of the distant past among his race. Unius Rei believed necronim were still not perfect and most certainly not destined for any kind of “transcendence to Godhead”.


     As Unius Rei researched the mysterious black goo further, he found the genetic makeup of the black goo contained something ancient, and Unius became determined to unlock its source-code DNA, Unius Rei hypothesized the “perfect organism” from the black goo. One that would be top of any food chain, a organism that is intelligent, can withstand any manner of temperatures or environments and adapts quickly and most importantly “evolves”. But along the way, Unius Rei’s theoretical organism would become revered as a “God” by his people.


   Possessing the technology (as masters of molecular and bio-mechanical engineering), the necronim set about creating this perfect organism. Under the guidance and leadership of Unius Rei, the servant race of cloned engineers were tasked with creating this terrible serpent-like creature. The facilities used to house the necronim-engineer’s holy DNA/organism would also become shrines/temples, decorated with elaborate and elegant murals in honour of the great necronim elder “Dai’Kun” the original discoverer of the black goo.


The necronim continued following ancient sacrificial rituals, in honour of their great leader. While Unius Rei ordered the seeding of a natural planet the necronim had not terra-formed, which already contained some very basic early Cambrian micro-organic life-forms; this planet was Earth. The necronim under instructions from Unius, hastened intelligent life on this world, with the use of their powerful evolutionary mutagen (a strain of the black goo) which resulted in the human-race. Unius Rei would allow life to evolve naturally on this primordial world, then eventually the necronim would return millennia later, knowing their creations had come to fruition. Unius had other plans for these creations.


The necronim spearheaded the human race toward sentience and civilization, teaching humanity’s teachers the very first ancient civilizations of humanity (Sumerian, Babylonian etc). In time they believed humanity would be ready to receive their unique, vast knowledge, and move through the universe just as the necronim did before them. Perhaps someday to even reach their level.


But as the necronim regularly checked on their creations, some were not pleased with what they saw. Man was steadily becoming more reliant on the Ideal of monotheism, and the implications of this to cause wars, where man would end up killing his brother.


A research station was set up on LV-426, a moon in the Zeta II Reticuli star system, where the elders would study the problem of humanity. The benefactors of man were gravely concerned that if humans could eventually stop worshipping them as Gods, and instead turn away from the necronim to pray to a abstract, non-corporeal deity, of which would have many names and forms (Christ/Allah etc). Unius Rei became concerned that this was a step too far away from the necronim’s fundamental world-view of the physical world and everything in it, to do with his race’s admiration of bio-mechanics and genetic engineering.


       So the necronim elders came up with another plan for mankind, they would substitute their sired children (the human race) for their perfect organism, that (to them) embodied the ultimate pinnacle of evolution, the serpent/biomechanical creature. Mankind would be offered up as one big great sacrifice to their intended God, the “Xenomorph”.

                         But not all necronim elders agreed this was the best course of action to take regarding their human creations.


This plan of action also fitted perfectly with Unius original plans for mankind, his method was deliberately designed to allow a (semi)natural evolution. For the necronim to in essence, scatter the building-blocks and fragments of their own DNA onto Earth, and allow things to happen naturally, assured that in millennia the human race would come to fruition. Along with this, the rest of life on earth. Only Unius could not share his true intentions because of what had become his race’s over zealous quest to worship this perfect organism they had revered as a “God”. Unius had seen how this belief system had nearly torn apart the necronim home world.


Because of the trouble that had started on their homeworld, the necronim had not planned for the human race to go unchecked for so long, and even to actually develop the ability to travel through space, or the ability to make new synthetic creations of their own (androids), similar to what the necronim had done with their engineer clones. A military base was established on the nearby moon LV-223, where a group of necronim scientists and engineers headed by Unius Rei, created a synthetic viral variation of the Xenomorph creature, as a bio-weapon to be deployed to earth 2000 years ago.


A pay load of billions of urns were created and housed in the 223 facilities, practically one ampule for every man, woman and child on Earth. The urns/ampules were a medium for storing and deploying both the “seed” (black goo inside the urns), and the genetic material of the Xenomorph (contained inside the ampules). When these urns were either dropped/smashed or placed down, reacting with the atmosphere, the seed and xenomorph’s genetic material would mix, creating a viral genetic mutagen that would eventually result in the birth, development and gestation of the xenomorph organism into any indigenous ecosystem.

   Unius Rei’s ultimate plan was set in motion, phase 1 was the seeding of Earth, where necronim had hastened evolution upon that world.

   Phase 2 was the “harvest“, where once the necronim DNA had asserted itself and spread across the seeded planet of Earth, the race of children (humans), of the necronim would then be targeted by the engineers for harvesting, deployment of the seed, combined with the xenomorph’s genetic material, among the species to produce the xenomorph, through either infection or sexual transmission.

   Phase 3 the collection - Once the xenomorph had propagated its species, eradicating the entire planet of suitable hosts and subsequently died out. It would leave behind its unborn young eggs, where the engineers would then return yet again to collect the specimens.


On the surface and to his people, Unius Rei’s plan meant basically creating millions/billions of clones/children in his race’s image (humanoid), using necronim DNA only to later sacrifice them to their “Apex God”, in essence wipe them out using the xenomorph.


   Unius had extensively researched the xenomorph organism for centuries and had learned that when gestating inside a host, xenomorph embryos extrapolate genetic material and traits from their host, which in essence adds to their own genome and enables them to adapt to any environment and ecosystem, they have been deployed into. It was this fundamental trait of the xenomorph that Unius believed held the key to his own race’s survival.

       While his other fellow scientists and certain necronim benefactors, who had grown slightly sentimental over the human race, some even intrigued by how much they had changed in such short amount of time. Unius was neither startled or concerned about these factors, Unius was only concerned about one Issue concerning mankind. How the human race had evolved from and continued to evolve from the necronim’s genetic material.

             Humanity’s genetic material, man’s genome is almost identical to that of the necronim, and Unius Rei would oversee that this same genetic material would be extrapolated by the xenomorph, a deadly and bio-mechanical creation already held in high regard by his race. A race that didn’t truly want to face the truth that they were not on the verge of a “transcendence” but more on the verge of extinction.


Man’s genes/DNA/Genome, was the crop with-which the necronim were in dire need of, and the Xenomorph would be the means by which the engineers would use to harvest that precious genetic material for their masters the necronim.

                   Unius Rei knew that in order for his species to continue to evolve, they required the fresh input of genetic material into their gene pool. Without that fresh genetic material the result would be inbreeding, which would only lead to sterilization and ultimately extinction, so the necronim needed man’s genetic material to continue their evolution, their development.


As the team of engineers prepared to deploy their vast cargo of urns/ampules to earth, they found themselves deceived by one of their own comrades, as their own viral creation was unleashed upon them. Dozens of engineers became infected, some at a cellular stage, others on a more direct impregnation level, resulting in chest-bursting xenomorphs emerging from their bodies. Several engineers survived the vicious viral outbreak, and piled up the bodies preparing to purge their ill-fated crew but were chased by newly born xenomorphs as they tried to quarantine the entire base.

       The last group of surviving engineers tried to escape into cryogenic stasis of their ships, but three of them had unknowingly already been impregnated with xenomorphs, which resulted in Deacon-type xenomorphs breaking out of their chests and out of their cryo pods. Only one survivor miraculously managed to escape from the chaos and carnage that ensued at the base, the captain of his group managed to seal himself off away from the outbreak, inside his Juggernaut ship, but overslept (in cryo-stasis) by 2000 yrs.


The calamitous outbreak was caused by one of the original necronim who had previously visited earth (Isle of Skye cave painting), and was part of a group who had been carefully trying to teach the early civilizations of mankind. This necronim had struck up a bond with humans and grew to care for them, he had always resented the mission to earth, to change the course of human history and therefore set the chain of catastrophic events in motion, to cause mayhem and thwart the mission as a way of preventing something he strongly disagreed with.

               The necronim knew that any future replays would show his actions (himself unleashing the black-liquid resulting in the outbreak) in the main science labs, as all necronim are plugged into the network via their bio-suits. This was not his concern but more that anything “non-engineer” or necronim, would not be displayed, so parts of the recorded footage would not show any evidence of the newly created xenomorphs that had spawned from the outbreak in the holographic replays.

             He then managed to suit up and escape by another ship, he made it out of the tumultuous events and cataclysm he had caused on LV-223. This necronim was benign and ultimately altruistic to humankind, and although he had intervened to save humankind, he found out that he himself was already infected/impregnated. He ran into difficulties and quickly landed his ship on the nearby LV-426 moon, before sending out a warning beacon for others to stay well away, the necronim died of a heart attack.


In his death the odd mix of flesh and the synthetic material that comprised his organic body with his biomechanical “chair-suit”, would at first take on the appearance of him becoming fossilized. The two components had fused together and after some time, a xenomorph had ripped its way from his abdomen. But the xenomorph that emerged from the nerconim was very much different from the others that had spawned on the 223 facility. This xenomorph looked very similar to its predecessors, the pure-form xenomorphs, but had also took on the characteristics of the biomechanical structure and architecture of the “derelict, Juggernaut” space craft that its host had been symbiotically connected to when he flew it.  

                 Furthermore this xenomorph actually had the ability to create its own offspring, when it escaped the ship, and crawled off down into the cavernous structure of the underground 426 facility, and spent its lifetime laying thousands of eggs, making it a rare “Queen” category Xenomorph. It would eventually die but the eggs would survive as the 426 facilities automatic life-support functions would activate to keep the eggs in stasis.


The ultimate Irony would be that mankind’s intended saviour gave birth to his prospective destroyer.

14 Replies


MemberXenomorphMay-23-2015 6:53 AM

Yes, I like that! Seems to work.

If I could make a few suggestions?

Change:  'Their civilization is billions of centuries old' ---->  'Their civilization is billions of years old' or Earth years old...I suppose their centuries might be 1 month on Earth? But a billion centuries is older than the universe.


 Change: 'While on his journey of re-discovery Dai’Kun had retrieved a giant piece of rock from a comet he claimed had originated from the centre of the universe.' -----> While on his journey of re-discovery Dai’Kun had retrieved a giant piece of rock from a comet he claimed had originated from the centre of the galaxy.'  or 'centre of a distant galaxy.' (The center of our galaxy is extremely violent, entire stars/planets are being ripped apart and feeding giant black holes. probably a perfect place to find strange objects!)

Not sure about a base on LV426? Don't think you even need to mention was just a crashed spaceship site. Just a ship of Engineers going somewhere to seed a planet and were caught by their own 'seeds'.

Lv223 is where the action begins.(and probably ends.)


MemberDeaconMay-26-2015 11:36 AM

Very interesting ideas, some of these are similar to how i saw the Engineers and Elders but some parts differ to what i had vissioned for them...

I would also like to add you seem to have posted this 3 times in a row in one post, maybe need edit it.

Once again very well done... some parts i dont think fit so well, such as how the Engineers become infected with Chest Busters and Goo, i would think for a Chest Buster you would need to had been Face Hugged, but for the most part yes very well done and it could be used as a explantion to what was going on...

The other thing is to use the Xeno to optain our Gene Pool.... maybe they did this but i would have thought they would just need to capture Humans and use their Gene Pool that way but i guess if the Humans was unwilling then this could prove difficult but not as difficult as Xenos....

But i guess the idea is the Xenos would die off eventually to leave Eggs, and maybe under certain circumstances the Eggs could be optained and transported... even though Cargo of Eggs had caused problems for the Engineers in the past....

But saying that your idea is that the Eggs was produced by the Chest Buster Queen...  i also think that we cant be sure but also cant rule out that Goo dropped on Earth that infects Humans would lead to a Queen to lay Eggs....

But interesting ideas none the less.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMay-30-2015 2:24 AM

Thanks very much for your feedback, I didnt know it got posted 3 times lol, i used the "Ctrl/Alt/#" method that the computer advised because I couldnt seem to post it any other way. This was written up from one of my word documents fro my laptop (I think I need to update my word processor lol).

The Issue with the chest bursters yes I do think I needed to go into more detail on that part, its really quite hard trying to work out exactly how even the chestburtsers came about and fitting it logically in with the black goo. There have been interesting ideas on here about that green-crystal like object sitting at that altar of sorts, and that may have contained the original genetic material of whatever the "Xenomorph" organism may have been. Theories went onto to describe a kind of "Jurassic Park" style extraction of how the engineers could have replicated the Xenomorph creature from it. I was thinking of using that but chose not to in the end.

    I kind of got more focused on trying to set up the two characters "Dai Kun" and "Unius Rei" has each representing different ends of the spectrum to do with Creation and Evolution, two of the biggest themes in the film.


I will tweak this bk-story now but I need to delete the other posts first thanks again!


MemberDeaconJun-01-2015 6:15 AM

That is one of the tricky Questions as far as the Face Huger Origins...

If we use Star Beast as a answer it kind of helps, as it takes out the Space Jockey Cargo of Eggs and where it comes from....

Spaights draft showed us our Engineers was experimenting on many Organisms related to the Xeno in different forms..

But if we only use what we see on screen, and Prometheus then we do see in the Mural two other kinds of Face Huger that are attached to what looks like Engineers, this shows if we consider it Canon, that the Engineers use themselves or even other Humanoids as part of a Ritual Sacrifice to play a part in the Life Cycle of these related Organisms....

This could be a hint that like Spaights draft they was working on some DNA related to the Xeno but we dont know how 100% they obtained that DNA or if the Xeno was the Original Source or just a result of a Experiment with the Original Source...

The Mural could be symbolic of a Sacrifice of a Xeno related Organism or even the perfected result of experiments to then be broken down into the Urns for Mass use of seeding this DNA.

There are Chest Buster holes in some of the Engineer Cryo Pods, this can only have occured either by Face Huger or some other implantation of a related Embryo... or that somehow infected DNA is able to Produce a Chest Buster from within.... like with Shaw.

But as Shaw was the only Chest Buster related Organism we actually saw, the process of which seems to imply the Xeno DNA infected a Egg of Shaws that as it has little Human DNA as the Egg could be a blank canvas for DNA manipulation so that there is less DNA to be changed and thus we end up with something that has more Xeno DNA than if the Goo infected a Adult Human or Organism.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-01-2015 8:28 AM

That does make alot of sense, and you mentioned Star Beast, it would be awesome if they used that Ideas from that book in the sequel, e.g. another crew heading to 223 to discover the fate of the Prometheus mission, getting into a tangle with the Deacon most of the crew dieing in the process, but eventually they manage to bring the Deacon bk to earth.


Also yes I did notice those holes in the cryo pods, Infact that was one reason that got me to go bk and watch the film in the cinema. Now the bluray comentary is very interesting because at that scene where David activates the Orrery, Ridley Scott even says, "originally there was supposed to be four of them , but 3 died something happened I dont want to get into it" and then he just carries on casualy talking about how they made the movie lol. I always find this very interesting because it kind of shows us that Ridley and his writing team did have the whole bk-story of the 223 outbreak all planned out in the first place then. Which would put to bed everything how some ignorant fans keep moaning about they've made it up as they go along, just because they cant take how ambiguous the film is. But yes those holes.

 I think they could have been made by Deacon-style creatures, at the end of the film, the deacon uses the point of its head to burst out of its engineer host, Im wondering if a similar prcoess happened to the engineers in those 3 cryo pods, because if you look closely the cryo casing apears as if its been pushed outward. The only little nag here is that the bodies seem to have been evdiently removed. Amditted its rather masterful the way Ridley shot that scene, he shows so little, but just enough.

"somehow infected DNA is able to produce a chestburster from with Shaw"  That makes sense I like that idea.


MemberDeaconJun-02-2015 9:25 AM

This image shows the Cryo Pods are supposed to have 3 Chest Busted Engineers, Ridley did not want to mention it as he felt the Clues was there enough to be able to work out what happened...

That is Chest Buster Event X3....

When did this happen we cant be sure, maybe these are what the Engineers was running from, however the Pilled up Engineer Boddies seem to had been infected by Goo that broke them down and made them explode... I have gone into detail on this in another post before.

How was those Cryo Chest Busted Engineer infected, again following the Franchise and Prometheus it appears and maybe until we are shown otherwise we may have to accept that a Chest Buster Occurs after a Face Huger Event.

Now the Holes in the Engineer Props inside the Cryo Chambers are about the size of the one made by the Deacon at the end of the Movie... its a bit smaller but not much.. it is larger than a Alien Xeno Chest Buster..... However the hole in the casing appears to be too small for something the size of the Decon at the end of the movie to escape from.

I would assume that the Organism that Chest Busted was smaller than the Human/Deacon Hybrid at the end of the movie.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2015 6:30 AM

Have not seen this pic before, very interesting, if this was a Deacon-like creature I wonder if it might make a appearance in the sequel.


MemberDeaconJun-11-2015 7:18 AM

Not really sure if we would see the Deacon well Deacon/Human Hybrid in Part 2,  as well there was no signs of what ever Chest Busted out of the Space Jockey in Alien but then this event was thousands of years prior to the Nostramo picking up the Signal.

I would be suprised if after Ridley has finished with Prometheus 2 and Part 3 if there is to be one, if by then the company has not sent out a mission to LV 223 again.   As by the events of Aliens we have to ask how come they send a Colony to LV 426 and the company wants the Organism yet why have they not gone back to LV 223.

So there would be potential to discover the Deacon Grown up but i doubt we would see that even if they go back to LV 223.

As far as what Chest Busted out of those Engineers in Cryo Sleep i think it could be a Organism related to the Xeno, maybe its the one on the Mural and so slightly different to the Deacon that we saw at the end of Prometheus and different to the Xeno also.

I would assume what ever Chest Busted from those Engineers would look more like what we see in this picture..

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-15-2015 9:48 AM

The Fire & Stone comics, well those creatures actually look suspiciously alot like Deacons.


MemberDeaconJun-15-2015 10:34 AM

Yes they do a bit.... there is no explanation in the Comics for those mind....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJul-05-2015 2:52 PM

Yeh I guess there would not be, I think they're not canon, but it does give a nice Idea of what a fully grown Deacon could look like.


MemberDeaconJul-07-2015 8:30 AM

I am going to say they are not to be considered Canon..... but the potential of lifeforms like this are Canon.... i.e like the Pred Alien is not Canon but the effect of how it is created and looks is Canon as far as a IF a Predator got infected.

As far as how the Deacon at the end of the movie looks i think it is different slightly, the arms, shoulders and upper torso of the ones in the image above are more closer to the Xeno than the Deacon at the end of the movie, the one at the end of the movie is more Human looking..

Because its DNA comes from a Xeno DNA/Human Face Huger i would assume...

I would also assume has it has Human DNA (this is why it was born with a Placenta, and why it has Human Hands and Feet instead of the Xeno Digits etc) that it will grow like a Human Child does, and thus from Birth to Adult there would be few differences, mainly it would look more Agressive and Less Cute and its head would be smaller in proportion to its body as a Adult.

I would thus assume the Adult Deacon would look like this image... only a 15-18ft Tall one...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2015 8:43 AM

Yes that is a detailed and accurate Idea of what the fully grown Deacon could look like, I also like a image thats on the actual main page of this site, basically about Prometheus fan art, its of the Deacon (full size), but looking very muscular. It gives a nice Idea of how it could have mutated further after rolling in vats of the black goo from the crashed Juggernaut.


MemberDeaconJul-31-2015 6:39 AM

Yes i think the image i posted is pretty much what we could expect, apart from the feet the feet look like a birds but the Deacons was Human looking like its hands.

Here is another which i think the Adult Deacons proportions would look like, a lot of people may not have found the Deacon to look as Scary as the Xeno.... and it does look even less of a threat than the Alien Resurection New Born...

But i say to these bare in mind the Deacon at the end of Prometheus has more Human DNA than Xeno related, it is a Mammal to a degree.. i will make a post one day that will explain in depth the Deacon and also potential outcome of it as a Adult including how it would precreate.

But surfice to say does this look threatening..?

Or this....

Compared with...


You get the picture.....  if you look at the most horrific looking Murderer out there say one mean looking 6ft 4 280lb killing Machine..... then think of what they looked like as a baby...

So indeed i see the Deacon growing to become 15ft tall and maybe it gains some Muscle definition but for sure its head would lose its rounded shape at the front and the proportion compared to body would be smaller and it would gain a more Agressive look... basically how most Mammals change from Baby to Adult inc Cute Cudley Fluffy Bears to giant deadly Grizzly or Polar Bears.

So yes a Adult Deacon would be menacing to say the least, the interesting thing would be how does it procreate? or does it not.... but having it being unable to do so in terms of carrying on it species if it was ever explored would be very limiting.

The Alien Franchise shows us 2 ways of Reproduction.... Mamals have just 1, but there is nothing stopping something more Original yet connected to Xeno/Human Hybrid that could be disturbing.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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