MemberOvomorphJan-03-2016 4:22 AMI was pondering on whether the pregnancy of Shaw was the first stage of her transformation? Being in the late stages of the film and her dramatic recovery from a c-section perhaps she is altering in other ways; 10 years on she could be something completely different all together - and perhaps either closer to the mama of the original alien (film wise) or something that introduces another (or more) deacon(s) / xeno(s) to the engineers that will in turn wipe them out..... leaving David as a synthetic the only not alien survivor of the Prometheus mission. With whispers of time travel theories this could partly introduce the concept of humans meddling in the engineers grand design and the share hostility and hatred they have towards us, albeit before this accidental act of genocide, brought about by their experimentation with Mother Nature. David already being a sandwich short of a picnic or pre-programmed to obey God / Shaw could then lure other humans in an attempt to populate this new species...

MemberDeaconJan-04-2016 9:02 AMI have discussed this before recently and started to in Totally premature Alien Covenant theory
I think that we would have to be shown somewhat what becomes of Shaw from when she and David left LV-223 in the year 2094 and the time the Covenant arrives on the World they find David after the year 2104......
Shaw is in the movie, she will play a smaller role... the Synopsis omits her.... yet she will be a part of the Movie..... There is in the Synopsis a Gap Between how does David manage to Pilot the Juggernaught without Shaws help, and what happens between leaving LV-223 and getting to the Place the Covenant finds David alone some 10 years after.... nevermind the premise that the sequel was always set up to explore... that is what became of the Engineers, why did they create us and why then did they want to destroy us and why and how with that Evil Biology that they was working on LV-223 with.
The only logically answer is that Covenant will in most part focus on events post David arriving at Paradise (or where ever the Covenant find him) the main Plot will be set 10 years after David and Shaw left LV-223 (if Shaw left with David?) or even was onboard the Juggernaught when he arrived at the destination that the Covenant crew find him...
But Shaw will feature.. this would either be a small scene, set prior to the Covenants arrival or after...... and regardless i dont think Ridley and Fox will throw away Shaw as there was some interesting dynamic between her and David and a interesting set of scenes to explore the relationship because without Shaw we have to assume David is going no where.... will they pass this by?
I doubt it... i think this would be explored in the next movie after Covenant, and remember the reason Shaw wanted to get to Paradise... are they going to drop the Engineers and all those questions? I hope not and i doubt it...
I think its a simple case of Covenant will be set after 2104 but we would get some scenes, that are set before this, and even thousands of years before it... but these will be a small part and parts that would be explored in depth in the next movie thus Alien: Covenant is set mainly after the events of the next movie and 3rd in this new Franchise (2nd Alien Prequel).
Reason is to cover this aspect first so that Alien 5 can go ahead without stepping on the toes and spoiling what Ridley has instore as far as Engineers and their Tech etc.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphJan-25-2016 1:21 AMI don't think that Shaw was that interesting but David was a well done character. If they have Shaw in the movie then I hope that she has a smaller role this time. They seem to have a new female lead in Alien Covenant which could be a good thing depending on how they will write that character.

MemberDeaconJan-25-2016 9:52 AMI would still think that Shaw would play a bigger role in a Sequel... as the premise for the next movie was about the Engineers, where did they come from what was their Agenda and why did they create us... to then want to destroy us....... we know along the way they had played a big role in the Xenomorph and its Origins but we knew that anyway.... If we looked at Alien we knew one of the reasons for the Xeno in relation to the Space Jockey was that it could well have been a Bio-Weapon that they had created or at very least had came across and used as a Bio-Weapon. The bigger Question was who was the Space Jockey and Prometheus Answered this but in a way that gave rise to many more Questions....
which is what the Sequel was to lead up to......
Now they have this U-Turn... does this mean they are going to do away with Shaw and we wont see what happened to her, or a second movie may explain it but she wont get much Screen Time... i.e something happened to her on that Ship and she never made it to Paradise..
But what becomes of the Engineers and Answers to those Questions? I dont think this is something they are giong to ignore... and not cover.. I cant see and hope we dont see, them cover the aftermath to Alien Covenant in another 2 movies that just show us more and more of the Traditional Classic 1979 Alien.
There is a lot more Potential than that.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphJan-25-2016 10:04 AMI don't think that they will ignore Shaw totally since she had a big part in P1. To me they can explain briefly what happened to her but she doesn't have to be the main focus in the movie so to speak. Prometheus was never about her anyways. Having a movie about Shaw would be lame but also it would be bad if we would get no answers of what becomes of her at all.
The answers to the Engineers can be interesting but they got to get it right. I think that it would be cool if they would be like devils or mad scientists or something but it depends on how they choose to portray them. How they did it in P1 wasn't the best that they could have done it was like a wasted potential.