MemberNeomorphFeb-09-2016 8:34 AMFor some reason I find the topic of robots to be interesting. They can be used to replace a lot of hard work, they have been portrayed in many ways (Alien, Aliens, Prometheus, I Robot, Robots of Dawn and so on).
I would like to see new robots in Alien Covenant. Sure David was interesting but if we will let the Weyland corporation have a role in this then maybe they have designed other robots than David. Robots can be used for many things so maybe the Engineers have been creating robots also.
The whole idea of technological advancement is interesting so is there anyone that has any ideas about this (robots and artificial intelligence in Alien covenant)?

MemberDeaconFeb-09-2016 5:54 PMYes its interesting and a nice idea....
Yes Mankind would have created many advanced kinds of Robots compared to today, we could even had Star Wars Style Robots, more C3PO kind of Androids and like I-Robot..... before we get to more Human like Androids.
The Weyland background does seem to sugest that Yutani and Weyland had a series of Law suits of Android Patents and Weyland Won a Patent for a Material that allows its Androids to be more Human looking... i.e like Terminators... and so Yutani may have Androids that look less Human as far as Skin etc.. like Star Trek Comander Data etc.
will we see any in Alien: Covenant? I doubt it, i think we would see David 8 Androids... but maybe they could have a supprise Synthetic like many speculated Vickers could have been?
As far as the Engineers or their Creators and Robots.... we cant rule out maybe either had created or been created by... a Life Form that is Synthetic.... maybe they created Bio-Mechanical Machines that are more Mechanical/Sythetic in the past?
We have to ask where does the Xeno-morph get its Bio-Mechanical look from... the Alien one especially looked more Mechanical than the Aliens and onwards and also the Engineer Ships in Prometheus looked more Mechanical than the Xeno in Alien and the Derelict.
Ridley hinted that we would find out why the Xeno was Bio-Mechanical....
And i hope they are not going the route because a David 8 Android or other Earth Android was used in that process....
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017