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Why didn't the Xenomorphs attack the Newborn in Alien: Resurrection after it killed the Queen?
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AdminEngineerMar-08-2016 12:37 PM

Something I've always wondered about Alien: Resurrection was why the Xenomorphs didn't immediately attack the Newborn after it randomly killed the Alien Queen. In ALIENS we learned how connected the Alien species was with one another - one hive mind and all. We learned that the Alien Queen could control her workers and kept them at bay when Ripley threatened to burn the Eggs in her chamber. But even so, the Queen tried to outsmart Ripley and have a few Warrior Aliens sneak up on her. Once Ripley decided to set the nest ablaze, the gloves were off and the Aliens along with their Queen went all out in an attempt to stop and kill Ripley.

In Alien vs. Predator this behavior is once again exhibited by the Aliens as they are called by the Queen to aid in her escape and then were ordered to attack the Predator(s) in hordes to defend their nest.

Why is it, in Alien: Resurrection do the remaining Xenomorphs not mount a last ditch attack against the abomination known as the Newborn after it literally mangles the deffenseless Queen? We know those Aliens were close as they dropped Ripley off to the Queen prior to the Newborn's birth. We also know there were still plenty left on the ship prior to its explosion. 

I'm sure the Queen wanted some one-on-one time with Ripley, but once the Queen was dead, would instinct not take over and the Xenos attack anything that could threaten their existence?

I'm not too knowledgable when it comes to trivia for Resurrection, but after viewing it recently I wondered if there was some explanation for this odd behavior. Any thoughts?

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-08-2016 1:16 PM

I always assumed that it was a kind of passing of the tourch. A new queen would kill an old queen, and so on. The "newborn" although not like the other aliens, would be considered the new queen... I guess? I don't actually feel like there's a lot of logic to Alien: Resurrection. Fun movie, but in my mind the franchise stops at Aliens. lol


MemberFacehuggerMar-08-2016 4:48 PM

Assuming we're taking plot convenience out of the picture and assuming the people behind Alien Resurrection had some reasoning I'd have to agree it was a passing of the torch, in a way. The Xeno has shown it's very species oriented rather than self in the movies. The hive shows it has no qualms dieing for the sake of the species. Maybe since the filmmakers seemed to assume the Newborn was an advancement of their race, killing the reigning Queen who was #1 before as proof to the audence. Since the Newborn seemed recognizable but possibly stronger the Xenos left it alive thinking it was an advancement of their species rather then a danger.


Of course most likely and I mean very likely like 99%, it's plot convenience


MemberOvomorphMar-08-2016 7:04 PM

I agree with every one here, Newborn was next in line for the throne. When you see some one bitch slap the Queen-B, you fall in line! Ripley was also part Queen and the Newborns' mother, true mother since the Newborn was slightly more human than Alien.


MemberOvomorphMar-08-2016 7:11 PM

I agree with every one here, Newborn was next in line for the throne. When you see some one bitch slap the Queen-B, you fall in line! Ripley was also part Queen and the Newborns' mother, true mother since the Newborn was slightly more human than Alien.


MemberChestbursterMar-09-2016 4:23 AM

The other Xenomorphs could have been stunned. With their Queen suddenly killed, they would have no direction. They may have been confused by the Queen's death and unable to act. That or there weren't any Xenomorphs near the Queen's chamber when she was killed.

\"SKREEONGK!\" -Godzilla


MemberXenomorphMay-30-2016 5:05 PM

There weren't any Aliens in the hive when the Newborn killed the Queen.


AdminEngineerMar-05-2017 8:59 AM

Surely the Queen would have a few standing by to protect her at all times, no? Especially while she's in a vulnerable state? 

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 9:39 AM

Wait how could the New Born's true mother be Ripley? The Xeno Queen gave birth to that abomination, would the birth mother be the true mother? I mean the whole thing with Ripley getting captured and all was extremely weird... Is she the father of the abomination, like did she get the queen pregnant somehow?


I Meme Everything

MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 9:42 AM

Because Alien: Resurrection is a bad movie

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 9:46 AM

^ Yes, a very bad movie just like AVP


I Meme Everything

MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 9:48 AM


"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberXenomorphMar-05-2017 1:46 PM

"Surely the Queen would have a few standing by to protect her at all times, no? Especially while she's in a vulnerable state? "

Best estimate is there was only two other Aliens on board at that point, and clearly none were around to attack the Newborn. In earlier drafts, there were a number of Aliens in the hive and they sided with the Newborn.


AdminEngineerMar-05-2017 1:48 PM

I really wish they would've gone with that earlier draft concept. Lol

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
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