My fan poster

MemberOvomorphAug-08-2016 1:56 PMHi,
I've just made this fan poster for the upcoming Alien Covenant movie and would like to know what you think:)
The main photo comes from the Alien Isolation trailer.

AdminEngineerAug-08-2016 2:47 PMNot bad! I like the tagline you chose.

MemberDeaconMay-17-2017 1:59 AMIndeed i like it and very nice Tag Line
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianMay-28-2017 1:26 AM^ this is why we cant have nice things. vulturous spammers.
MouslimPrometheus Great poster, well done! Captures the atmosphere of the final climatic scene in A:C well.