Alien: Covenant fan poster thread (Share your artwork here!)

AdminEngineerNov-13-2016 4:50 PMWith the Alien: Covenant trailer on the way, a new official poster is bound to be unveiled as well. As we lead up, I thought it would be fun to feature some of the remarkable Alien: Covenant fan art people have created, specifically the fan poster concepts.
Share any you find and credit the artists if you have a link to their website/profiles!

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphNov-14-2016 12:41 PMThanks for sharing my posters Chris.
Here are my other two:

AdminEngineerNov-14-2016 1:35 PM@Dark Nebula, yours are some of the best I've seen, happy to start this topic off with them. :)
Hawley Griffin's posters offer a really nice contrast in style, would make for some awesome Alien: Covenant comic material. Thanks for sharing those here, @Facehuggers!

MemberPraetorianNov-15-2016 6:21 PM@Facehuggers!
@Chris Pickard
thank you both kindly! I'm humbled and love this new thread! can't wait to see more from others!
@Dark Nebula those are great too!
its hard to choose a favorite :D
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphNov-24-2016 7:32 AM@123Engineer Me gusta (I like it) :)
@Facehuggers! Thats one of my old posters I created way before they changed the title and before the official plot synopsis was released,but thank you very much for sharing it.
My other ones:
1)Old one
2)My latest

AdminEngineerNov-24-2016 8:04 AM@123Engineer, love the poster! The tagline has a very X-Files vibe haha
@DarkNebula, As always - incredible work!

MemberNeomorphNov-24-2016 8:27 AMI like this thread, the poster that says "There are places where life should not exist" is really good. The way that it is mostly dark and then you see a sun in the background, it makes a very good contrast.
Hopefully there will be more fan posters, it is interesting to see what people are capable of creating.

MemberDeaconNov-24-2016 12:29 PMNice Work Guys...
Love the... There are some places where life should not exist
One think a bit different so big planet is kind of like the Egg from the Alien 1979 Post but i love the Tag Line
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphNov-26-2016 10:09 AMThank you,thank you, thank you very much everyone.
While I was making that poster I wanted it too look like the classic Alien 1979 poster,with a large planet in the middle that has a crack in it and a green smoke emanating from the crack.But I ended up making it with 3 planets and the sunlight between the big planet and the smaller planet.
And im glad you like the tagline.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 1:07 AMHi everybody! I really enjoyed Prometheus and Alien movies, and made this poster for you, while we are all waiting the trailer.

AdminEngineerDec-24-2016 7:21 AMLove to see how fans envision posters and then to see what the studios actually produce officially.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-24-2016 7:28 AMFacebook page geekology posted my poster on their page without noticing others that its a fanmade poster,soo many people went apeshit,thinking that its an official poster.
But still,it got 3.5K likes and 1K shares...Damn.I ain't even mad.
@ptzrzdfan I like it :)

MemberTrilobiteDec-24-2016 8:52 AMCouldn't be the network's Graphic Designer and give this a miss, even if it is Christmas Eve; here's something I threw together from a couple of my stock images, hope you all like...

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:36 AMThe "leave" looks so ominous. Almost more so than "Run"

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:37 AMSomeone should make a poster like the official one, but cut out the protomorph, and put in a shadowy version of the picture of the Neomorph

MemberPraetorianDec-24-2016 11:52 AM
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-24-2016 12:47 PM
Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-26-2016 7:25 AMGot bored so I tried to create my own version of the egg from the teaser trailer,starting from scratch.
This is the final result.

MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 4:30 PMHi Alien fans! I have just made my new Alien Covenant poster for you. I hope you like it.

MemberNeomorphDec-27-2016 4:56 PMAh, that's actually quite nice! I love how everything is so comfortably blended together into one seamless poster :)
Nice work!