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Another undeciphered distress call?

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MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 1:55 PM

From the trailer we can infer a few things. If David sent the distress call, it could be because Shaw was alive when it was sent and he wanted to get her out of there. He would have no reason to bring people there, other wise.  The implication has been that they were surprised to find him anyway.

It is either exceedingly brief, or is indecipherable because they "don't know what the f*** is out there." When Daniels makes sure the Captain wants to go.

1: Did David send it? Why? 

2: Did Shaw send it? Did she live long afterwards?

3: Do all Juggernauts broadcast the same message when their xenocargoes are compromised as an automatic fail safe? Is that the transmission they receive?

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

70 Replies


MemberNeomorphJan-05-2017 4:05 AM

remember the queen was not the way ridley wanted to go, the directors cut of alien is the way he wanted to go with humans becoming eggs, the queen is camerons idea and the way he went with it.its the old chicken or the egg question tho


MemberFacehuggerJan-05-2017 8:16 AM

Ridley actually LIKES the queen concept. In the commentary on the Alien special edition he just says that the queen doesn't rule out egg morphing. Both can be true.


Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberChestbursterJan-05-2017 11:14 AM


I will say, at this point, I think your average viewer who isn't a die hard fan but just enjoys the franchise would probably be turned off if egg morphing was introduced these days (and I think Ridley knows that)

Bringing egg morphing into the picture could be a high risk move. I think Ridley is attempting to reach a wider audience with these films and don't see him putting success on the line to resurrect an unused concept like egg morphing when he's already asking the viewer to understand black goo, the difference between neomorphs and xeno morphs, trilobites vs facehuggers, etc. If your average viewer sees some egg morphing in AC the reaction will likely be something like 

"wait what? I thought the eggs came from a Queen.

Oh you are telling me if there is no queen, a drone can just spin up an egg out of a little goop and a body? Yeeeeah that's dumb. This movie is dumb"


MemberFacehuggerJan-05-2017 3:00 PM

Exactly.^^ plus for me david..or not...making the proto egg for the proto xeno in covenant its already a bit dumb...because we have aliens movie..that scene where ripley looks back..and see the queen laying the eggs is one of the best scenes in film history..and its the big reveal..." ohh so the eggs came from there" so we think...a queen spawns from the space jockey melts the ground and lay the eggs thousands of years ago on the derelict crashed in lv426...ok i could buy that....but then it wasnt ...the eggs are cargo..well the eggs are not proto eggs are classic xeno engineers created the queen(perfect organism) and used them for laying eggs..the queen was created from black goo chemical mixed with the original beast...i could buy that also...what i dont buy at all is that the perfect organism is being replicated by david..and its not a the queen aleatory spawns after...that for me is a bit dumb concept.considering the education the movies gave us.

Unless we have....

Xeno spawn from eggs but a queen can only be impregnated...wich by previous movies they impregnate normal xeno too..and conveys its aleatory process we are left in the same spot..a big mess of concepts they cant fix.

If david is in fact trying to make the classic xeno and using humans for it..because classic xeno is the final product. Why its it the perfect organism? I dont buy it.

Deacon would be more its a god spawned they keep messing the ideas to a point where wont be no return as a die hard alien fan to buy it



MemberXenomorphJan-05-2017 3:20 PM

 The Deacon would likely have spawned from a human just as same as it did from an Engineer.


MemberFacehuggerJan-05-2017 5:24 PM

Given the similarities in our genetics espoused in prometheus I'm inclined to agree with S.M.

It would likely have come out one of us sooner given the size difference, but fundamentally the same.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberChestbursterJan-05-2017 7:32 PM


You just presented me with perhaps the only way I MIGHT be willing to buy the introduction of egg morphing.

If Ridley and the writers decide to present the natural xeno method of reproduction as egg morphing (thus giving all xenos the power to reproduce) and then write the queen to be a product of dipping a xeno in black goo (thus making Queen's ovipositor method the black goo induced turbo version of xeno reproduction) I wouldn't hate it as much as if they just say "oh yea egg morphing is the species natural failsafe in case there's no queens around"

I like the idea that the queen is the product of souping up a xeno with black goo and then as a result, more queens naturally arise out of her lineage.

That being said, I do still think Ridley would find egg morphing is too risky to introduce in these films.


MemberFacehuggerJan-05-2017 7:49 PM

For exemple could buy a theory that theres no protoxeno...thats the real egg and thats the real alien..but they blend with the environment they in a spaceship...tubes and a forest they get the current appearence..but this would clash with what we have seen before..we always saw them that way




Thats the only way i also see egg morphing. They turn their victim in egg morph process...i can also see a queen being responsible for law and order within the at some point wheres enough resources and workers the organism spawns a queen to lead. I also only believe the xeno is more advanced then deacon if david makes the egg with shaws ovaries help..and infuse engineer dna and goo on her while shes in hyper it has god dna i could buy that..more evolved.

Altho i have a very strong feeling that the king will be canon in next alien movie 5 and that 3 and 4 will be made canon by making ripley waking up from her hyper sleep stasis was all a dream..hicks and newt are still alive.and space jockeys are a race that time space travel the universe wich explains mural and lv 426 derelict That would do it for me witouth screwing stuff even more xD


MemberFacehuggerJan-05-2017 10:50 PM

I really hate the king concept in general. The sculpture is beautiful, but there is no logical role for a king to play in a hive society. An Ur-Queen or high queen, if you will, I can get behind, but not a king. Not in this context.

Egg morphing doesn't bother me as a temporary fix until a queen is born, but black goo has nothing to do with making Queens unless alien 3 really is a hypersleep dream. I'm actually not opposed to that since cloning is just as lazy as a dream, to me.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberXenomorphJan-06-2017 12:38 AM

Yeah as things stand, Kings don't serve any purpose.

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