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Alien: Covenant Forum Giveaway: Embroidered Weyland Patch!
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AdminEngineerFeb-03-2017 10:17 PM

This giveaway is open to all members of these forums and Scified collectively! Please read on for contest info.


Minimum 15 XP (what's this?)

The Prize

Weyland Corp. Embroidered Patch

How to Win

1. Log into the forums using your email and password.

2. In a reply to this topic, post your favorite scene from Prometheus and what you're looking forward to most in Alien: Covenant.

Exclusions & Limitations

- Account must not be currently banned

- Account must not have any warnings

- Must be at least 16 years of age


There are no regional limitations. After 10 days, a winner will be selected at random of those who have replied to this topic correctly. Posting more than one reply will not increase chances of winning.

Contest closes on February 13th, 2017.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
40 Replies


MemberPraetorianFeb-03-2017 10:58 PM

My favorite scene in Prometheus has to be Elizabeth Shaw's emergency C-section.In my opinion,it was the best scene of it's kind since the original chestburster.What i'm the most excited about in Alien Covenant is the return of the xenomorph as well potential answers on where they came from,whether they were created or found.I'm also pretty excited about the Neomorph.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerFeb-03-2017 11:18 PM

I have to admit, sitting in the theatre with the sound cranked to 11, as the Prometheus landed on LV-223 gave me goose bumps. The whole entry/descent was pretty awesome, and definitely built a level of anticipation, but the actual landing scene - awesome!

What I'm looking forward to in AC - one word - 'Fassbender'!


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 12:29 AM

Favourite scene in Prometheus - "big things have small beginnings"

What I'm looking forward to in Alien: Covenant - the evolution of David's supposition in Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 12:39 AM

My favorite scene in Prometheus would have to be the engineer's "Sacrifice Scene" it was so well done and adds to the dreadful feeling of the movie. 

The most exiting part for me about Alien: Covenant is the new cast and different forms of the alien such as the neomorph. Fleshing out the alien universe with more species is really what we need and what I, as an HUGE alien fan, have personally been dying for.

Drop Ship

MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 1:07 AM

 "Hands up!" scene. Barely caught it the first time I saw it in the theater, but stands out more, every time I watch it, now. The holographic armillary scene was great in IMAX 3D, also.

I want/hope to see how the original Alien characters are connected to the prequel characters and events...and Blade Runner


MemberTrilobiteFeb-04-2017 1:36 AM

My favorite scene was the deleted scene of the Engineer looking at the human books and observing the hanging objects and large viewer screen- seeing that there was more to humans than mere inferior creatures to destroy.

I look forward to David's development for good or bad because I think that will be a huge part of the plot.

Thanks for the opportunity, Chris.


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 4:31 AM

Favorite scene was the snake like critter going into the guy's suit, unexpected and very creepy!


Can't wait to see how Alien covenant stitches the story closers to the original aien.


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 6:09 AM

My favorite scene in Prometheus would have to be when the Pilot Chair arose from the depths of the Juggernaut and the Engineer climbs in and takes a deep breath before the suit encapsulates him. 


I'm looking forward to EVERYTHING in Alien:Covenant. New creatures, familiar creatures, horror, claustrophobic corridors, Engineers, David, Walter.......Paradise....Its going to be so awesome, I can feel it in my....chest!


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 9:10 AM

My favorite scene in Prometheus would be the first scene with the murals in the urn room.

My favorite part of A:C would be finding out what happened to the Engineers...


MemberNeomorphFeb-04-2017 9:39 AM

My favorite scene in Prometheus would definitely be when the Engineer head combusted on-board the ship's med-lab. Incredible special effects work!

For Alien: Covenant, I'm most looking forward to seeing what happened to Shaw and David since their departure from LV-223.


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 11:21 AM

The map room. Without a doubt.
I'm most looking forward to the return of the face hugger!


MemberOvomorphFeb-04-2017 11:44 AM

Hard to choose one, but definitely when David is first playing with the controls in the room with the map. When he first sits in the chair made for the Engineers, he looks very much like a child in the large chair. His expression is very gitty and excited. I'd imagine I'd feel the exact way in the same situation.

I'm most looking forward to finding out more about the origins of the Xenomorphs, where they come from, and what environment would sculpt such a creature. 


MemberFacehuggerFeb-04-2017 7:56 PM

The scene where David activates the orrery. Saw it in 3d in the theatre and it was amazing. I still watch that scene ocassionally on my 3d tv. 


Looking to learn more about the Engineers and what drives them.

Want some candy?


MemberChestbursterFeb-05-2017 3:34 AM

My favourite scene in Prometheus was the ship slowdown as it approached LV-223, with the cue balls hitting the side of the pool table and the aisle floor lights illuminating to guide crewmembers towards the flight deck. Typical fantastic attention to detail by Ridley.

It was the peak of my excitement in the film as it built up the tension along with Fassbender's Oscar-worthy robotic performance (before the film was brutally mauled by the remaining characters, acting and the writing) 

What I'm mostly looking forward to in Alien Covenant is a great sci-fi horror film that doesn't have to be a pure fanservice experience. 

Specific things I'm looking forward to is how the Xeno and Neo will turn out and David clarified. 


AdminEngineerFeb-05-2017 8:30 AM

Great responses so far guys, thanks for taking part!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphFeb-05-2017 8:41 AM

I think the landing scene, when the Prometheus first touches the surface of LV-223 is my favorite. One of the things about Prometheus that I love is the sense of being transported to another world. While its obviously a common thread in science fiction, very few movies have made me feel that sense of _being_ there like that scene and the ones immediately preceding it did. I didn't like Holloway, but I shared his excitement at that moment.

I am most excited for the same sort of thing in Covenant - for the _atmosphere_ of otherness that comes from these movies. To me, the title Alien is about more than the creature.


MemberOvomorphFeb-05-2017 10:58 PM

My favorite scene in Prometheus was when David was in the Orrery. It was visually beautiful and left me in awe. 

I am looking forward to seeing xenomorphs and Danny McBride in Alien Covenant. 


MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2017 7:04 AM

Read the small print, you need 15XP to qualify for the compo.

Nice little clique going on.


MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2017 7:08 AM

Landing - “God does not build in straight lines.” 

Sets things up nicely.

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-08-2017 7:53 PM

My favorite scene in Prometheus is when it went to the end credits and the movie was over. I am looking forward to Katherine Waterston the most in Alien: Covenant! And I can't wait to just see every single thing that happens in Alien: Covenant! Shit, I'm probably not gonna win cause of the Prometheus comment, oh well it's how I feel.


MemberOvomorphFeb-09-2017 8:55 AM

My favourite scene would have to be David's introduction. It's pure visual storytelling; we get to know a character with barely any dialogue as he goes about his business. We understand his desire to be human and be accepted as such (and later on his bitterness at not being so), that he has human traits - he gets bored, he idolises, has an idea of self-image. He's nosy. Ridley also attempts to set up his storyline as a translator. All of this done almost wordlessly, save for "the trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts". However, we later learn that David does hurt and is probably more fallible and human than the rest of the crew.

I'm looking forward to seeing more character development from David in Covenant, and how he relates to his twin. Will he have become harder in isolation? Does he miss human life? Has he dropped the pretence entirely? All questions that are probably more interesting to me than any of the lore surrounding the Engineers or Xenomorph.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-09-2017 9:31 AM

My favorite scene from Prometheus was the scene where Janek, Chance, and Ravel sacrifice themselves to stop the Juggernaught from taking off....I'm a sucker for those type of sacrificial moments in movies.

I'm mostly looking for a more substantial link to the Alien universe from Covenant. I don't think it will happen in this movie, but hopefully it will do well enough to make another that will connect all the dots.

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberFacehuggerFeb-11-2017 7:17 PM

My favourite scene is when Vickers reveals that Weyland is her daddy. It was like when Vader tells Luke he is his father. Such a profound and pivotal moment which goes on to impact the plot in so many ways.

I'm most looking forward to learning that Shaw is finally dead -- and not a minute too soon.


AdminEngineerFeb-12-2017 8:24 AM

One more day to rake part! Contest closes tomorrow. 

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 8:34 AM

I love when Janek asks Vickers if she is a robot. lol "And if you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with." But my all time favorite part is when that alien placenta bursts after-birth juice all over Shaw! P.S. I still don't get this exp. point stuff??? Been active here for little over 3 months & NADA!?


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 8:46 AM

Like the last comment, my favorite part in Prometheus is Shaw's c-section!  That was quite original.  She did not hesitate to get that thing out of her!  But it gave me more chills to see how big it grew at the end of the film.  I need to see if Covenant will bridge the gap for me.  I need to know what the Engineers were planning.  And of course I hope to see new kinds of Aliens.


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 8:56 AM

My favourite scene from prometheus was the scene where shaw removed the trilobite. Really gritty and unpleasant. I'm most looking forward to the new characters :)


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 9:27 AM

Favourite scene is the jockey chair rising from the floor, and ship making its way for take-off. In Covenant,most looking forward to seeing David get his head re-attached. 


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 10:59 AM

I love the opening vista visuals and planet design of Prometheus. I'm most excited to see a merging of Prometheus and Alien design and themes!


MemberChestbursterFeb-12-2017 12:13 PM

Stan Winston (deceased)

A prime example of how to NOT make a plot twist. Ridiculous scene 

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