Do you think that the Trilobite from Prometheus will be in Alien: Covenant?

MemberFacehuggerFeb-05-2017 1:24 PMWe now have proof thanks to Chris, that a Trilobite is in the script and seen on set in Alien: Covenant [see here]. Thanks to AVP galaxy, we all know that Neomorphs are scripted to burst of infected crew members. Now we all think that from the trailer, the guy getting his back exploded... well that's a neomorph. But what if it isn't. We also know there is your everyday unfriendly xenomorph in Alien: Covenant (also thanks to AVP galaxy) is going to be in the film, so what if the result of a Trilobite infecting a human (or engineer) is a queen? I think the reason why the Deacon looked different and birthed different, cause it was bred through an engineer. The engineer is a complete different species (although we are closely related), so there is definitely going to be another result if a Facehugger or Trilobite peregrinates a Engineer, and maybe the Deacon is a queen. We never got to see the "Natural Birth" of the Trilobite, since Shaw removed it in Vicker's medpod, So do you think that we'll see the Trilobite in Alien: Covenant?!

MemberFacehuggerFeb-21-2017 10:30 AMI also wanted to point out that the holes in the pile of bodies from the engineers could possible be from Trilobites and not hammerpedes... what do ya think about that... in infestation of Trilobites. That would be gruesome.

MemberOvomorphFeb-24-2017 7:05 AMWhat is coming out the back is a Neomorph and there is another one coming out somewhere else :-) The trilobyte i guess was a one off accident. Something in between the cycle we see later on with the face huggers. Its the pre-facehugger. Like in normal evolution, there are some beginning stages that only occur once during their life evolution. At some point the most sufficient means of procreation and so forth manifests itself. But thats natures course, to genetically alter and overcome those boundaries is still open to debate.