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Black spores:Indigenous or created

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MemberPraetorianFeb-21-2017 2:47 PM

In the Fire and Stone series,we learn that LV-223 has become over run By black goo,causing the moon to go through radical changes in it's climate.It's first discovered during the event of Aliens,roughly 90 years after the events of Prometheus.Of course in Alien Covenant,David and maybe Shaw have been there for an average of 10 years.The spores suggest some kind of black goo contamination much like in Fire and Stone.So what if David isn't the cause of all this?What if,like in Fire and Stone,the engineers used the black goo as a sort of teraformer and the planet eventually destroyed them,not David.What David finds is a planet that has already undergone drastic changes.Perhaps he's not the creator,but is just simply using what is already there.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

61 Replies


MemberFacehuggerFeb-21-2017 3:27 PM

Yah, there's a youtube video explaining everything in Prometheus and one thing is that they were creating parasitic lifeforms with the black goo, but these creatures need a host... at the beggening of Prometheus we see an engineer drink the black goo... he was getting the planet ready for xenomorphasis. By creating life for the parasites to feed and thrive off of, they would do this with the black goo... thats why its so powerful. Not only can it create an extremely dangerous and perfect parasitic organism it can also create the food with it... wiping out planets... possibly even star systems.


MemberPraetorianFeb-21-2017 4:04 PM

That's a fascinating angle.Fire and Stone showed of its creative power.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterFeb-21-2017 5:00 PM

Have to admit, that's a pretty intriguing concept. The story angle could do much worse...


MemberPraetorianFeb-21-2017 6:36 PM

It's reasonable in my opinion.After all not to many believe David is responsible for whatever may have happened to the engineers.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-21-2017 10:56 PM

from what I understand the substance consumed at the beginning of Prometheus and the black goo are 2 different substances. they have very different effects on basically the same genetic structures. one dissolves and breaks down the engineer, the black goo morphs fifield. id like to see this theory though. paradise is an objective quality. to us the hell the engineers create on this planet is paradise to something else. if the synopsis is literal then its more likely the planet is what we would consider paradise and it is infact david who destroys it, as ridley has stated before, 'david brings death'.


MemberNeomorphFeb-21-2017 10:58 PM

plus ridleys choice of words could be key. shaw remarks about the juggernaught taking off 'its carrying death' and ridley states that in AC 'david brings death'. one can assume he means the same substance that was on the juggernaught in Prometheus


MemberPraetorianFeb-21-2017 11:01 PM

Good theory ali81.What ever the substance the engineer consumed was meant for creation.The black goo is for destruction.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphFeb-21-2017 11:53 PM

Created most def, i'm assuming the plant in its natural form is some how parasitic and attached itself to another plant and used it for nutrition, the black goo must have altered it's DNA instead of seeking out another plant it now seeks out Human or Animal host...if you look at all the creatures derived from the goo we have seen, they all seem to have a pale or see-through skin(even the Deacon we saw is a light blueish grey colour) and it looks like the neomorph will be be the result of the ear impregnation, my question is, why is the Xeno dark in colour?, because the engineers could also use a tan...know its a silly question but its always bothered me.


MemberPraetorianFeb-21-2017 11:57 PM

Indeed on the palor.The Xenomorph initially supposed to be a lite color

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 12:02 AM

good theory fishy, I like the idea of it feeding off of other plant life and the goo transforming it into a ravenous S.O.B. it may have been a form of fungi which is what I got from the spores. maybe the spores themselves have been mutated into individual life forms which then seek out hosts when disturbed?


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 12:08 AM

Another good theory ali81.In fire and Stone someone pointed that the black goo seemed alive.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 12:10 AM

yea I saw that xeno, def the way id like it to be


MemberOvomorphFeb-22-2017 12:17 AM

I didn,t Know that @ninXeno426 wow...

@ali81 yeah, fully agree with that coz from what we have seen the spores only become active after the shell has been stepped on and broken... and im assuming they wouldn,t really mind the form of impregnation(Mouth Nose, Ear) as long as they can reach the chest area and start germinating.




MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 12:19 AM

Highly recommended.It will described as if it couldn't make up it's as to what it was.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphFeb-22-2017 12:24 AM

@ninXeno426 wow i really need to get myself these fire and stone books Asap. Biological weapons that are "alive", just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen...


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 12:26 AM

fire and stone and the out of the shadows series r must gets fishy. and yes, as far as the spores will be concerned, every holes a goal lol


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 12:33 AM

I read them online fishtoes.If you'd like the site and proper reading order i'm more than happy the help 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 12:53 AM

I tend to think the Engineers somehow accidentally created the spores, while David ended up creating the eggs that contain the facehugger (by experimenting with the spores). Neither evolutionary line would be completely indigenous to the planet, yet each of them hybridizes itself with indigenous lifeforms.

In my perspective, the eggs came about sometime after the Engineers were exposed to the spores.  Daniels is a gardener type, so she may know about hybrid theories of evolution (or be able to see stuff like White-Hybrid King types coming).

Many of the early hominid lines were capable of interbreeding. The ability/inability for parallel evolutionary lines and hybrids to interbreed may be an important part of Dr. Shaw's thesis. The Company would steal Dr. Shaw's and Holloway's previous research to begin forming their own hypotheses about stuff.   


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 12:56 AM

interesting theory. so u believe that david is on the derelict at some point?


MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 1:08 AM

Not sure about the Derelict from the original film, but yeah, I think he was at least involved in the one we see on this planet.

It's complicated.  I'm not too sure if David himself boarded that ship, but I believe there's a way that this could in fact be LV-426 before the environment undergoes a very sudden and drastic change.  The Engineer remains are found in a "miraculous state of preservation," and too much radiocarbon has been replaced by other elements, causing it to appear as if the fossilized/mummified remains are older than they actually are.  A few of the Engineers would have been flash petrified and are hiding out there in the Stone because of what the Fire does.  It would tie into how black goo causes the environment to rapidly change in the Fire and Stone comics. 


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 1:12 AM

definitely a good theory. gna be interesting to see how ridley ties everything up but as long as we get a fitting account of what happened ill be happy, well happy-ish depending on the outcome haha


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 1:14 AM

not shooting down ur theory caryn, its def a plausible theory for what happened, but the mural just popped into my head. it depicts the egg I believe. could be 2 different sub-species of the original organism?


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 1:24 AM

 The mural in Prometheus ali81?Do we have a picture to work with?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 1:27 AM

I don't have a pic but ill try to get one. its the mural that's in the giant head/ vase room I believe


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 1:29 AM

David did not create the Xenomorphnot clear in this one but I believe there r eggs at the bottom of the mural


MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 1:41 AM

The eggs themselves could come from DNA inside the urns, so I'm definitely going with a theory of different types/subtypes evolving on the planet.  The Eggs in the mural would predate the Urns, and it becomes the ultimate goal to re-create them.

All I really want is an explanation that accounts for all the data. That's what'll make me happy too lol. My theory about Shaw's carbon reader giving inaccurate dates is just one possible way of David being involved with the original Derelict crash.

Like many other fans, I'm against time travel being used to explain anything in the ALIEN series.  I'm unsure if they'll still want the planetoid to be revealed as LV-426.  Originally, the studio wanted one of the planets in the untitled prequels to be revealed as it.  There could be other ways of connecting it all, since "Gods don't build in straight lines."  The creators of the series might have made it even less straightforward by approaching things the "back way" when introducing us to the parallel lines of DNA evolving on this planet.  We'd learn that both types of the creature are evolving towards perfection.

Big things usually have small beginnings; however, David has learned that it really depends which planet you're on.  Smaller things can sometimes have big beginnings, because the conditions in the environment may favour, or make it necessary, for the smaller types to emerge. The Neomorph might continue with its unique method of implanting the spores, since being that small allows the creature to easily bypass human defenses.  The facehugger, on the other hand, is adapting to the size of the Engineers/humans and developing finger-like digits (and opposable thumbs), which it uses to manipulate its environment to a greater extent.    


MemberPraetorianFeb-22-2017 1:45 AM

I've never seen the mural quite like that ali81,thank you.Outstanding theory CarynDelacroix,you can post thread with that one.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 1:48 AM

I stole it from one of the threads for quickness. id never seen it like that before either and tbh first few times I watched Prometheus I completely missed 90% of the mural. I caught the top half but missed the engineers and huggers. seems to me the mural will be very old


MemberFacehuggerFeb-22-2017 2:02 AM

I'll try to locate some of my old posts to add to the theory later.

I've been out of the loop for a while because I lost the email that was attached to my old account (my earlier posts were as CarynParnall).  I still believe there's more hard science to it than we know involving ideas about hybrid evolution.  It turns out that Daniels is in charge of "gardening" instead of security.


MemberNeomorphFeb-22-2017 2:07 AM

I would def go with more to come involving the creation of different forms of species in the xeno world. yea I guessed daniels wouldn't be security or anything like that, shel have something to do with terraforming or on food detail

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