MemberChestbursterFeb-28-2017 9:23 PMSo, yay the trailer is out and it is awesome! I just had a thought though.
This shot here, with David (presumably) walking among the dead...things...It is tough to tell the scale of the bodies. I thought they were Engineers, but Apex_Predator commented on another thread that they look human sized. I can't truly tell, but that sparked a thought for me.
What if this planet was another human inhabited planet? Maybe the Engineers tried their creation of humans on at least on other planet than Earth? I would assume that this was a previous attempt at creating humans. It could also be that Earth and this planet were created at the same time, but Earth lucked out when things on LV_223 went bad however many thousands of years ago (and this planet got the Balck Goo treatment). Also, finding the same crops found back on Earth is a possible sign of human residents (former residents apparently.) Engineers do have the same DNA, so maybe they eat like us, but I don't really know.
I guess this is actually Paradise though, with the trailer's title cards throughout (the way to Paradise is through Hell). Still, maybe there were Engineers and humans, OR it was only humans. David may have been mistaken about the Engineers home world, or he decided that going there was best for whatever reason.
Not a map, an invitation
MemberOvomorphFeb-28-2017 9:34 PMI'm kinda glad there's some confusion about this shot/scene from the trailer. Something makes me think that the inhabitants of this Area he's walking in were attracted to this open space then wiped out...
There's another short scene in the trailer where the camera is tracking over the bodies... Hard to discerne if they're human or enginner (still human), but all of their bodies look burnt in poses, like a nuclear weapon was used
MemberFacehuggerFeb-28-2017 10:02 PMYea the bodies look human, so it's interesting, perhaps "Paradise" was the planet we saw in the Prometheus film being seeded by engineers and not earth after all.
Perhaps the body we see dissected in David's "lab" is one of the natives from this world and David unleashed one of the urns after his experimentation.
Maybe he was studying them, hence the drawings on the walls (unless that wasn't davids lab heh)
MemberFacehuggerMar-01-2017 6:25 AM@birdman
I had first thought the same thing when I first saw those screenshots a few months back. The poses they were in and the condition of the bodies suggested a nucleonic type weapon.
Many of the bodies even look frozen in place like they were caught in mid-step. If aliens were unleashed on them then they would be in different states.
I wonder if David or someone else unleashed hell on these poor souls. If so for what purpose...? They don't look like they were experimented on. If David was looking for hosts for his experiments, then he jacked that up if he was the one that caused this.
So many questions and so little alcohol...
Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerMar-01-2017 7:24 AMYeah, they look remarkably human.
Can't wait to see where this goes.
Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)
MemberNeomorphMar-01-2017 9:28 AMwhat if over the millennia, when the engineers visit earth, they take some humans when they leave? this could be the planet the put them on?
Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMar-01-2017 9:36 AMI posted something like this on another thread, does anybody else think that the engineer race is extinct? The bodies found on LV-223 were from thousands of years ago. A lot think they were trying to destroy humans, their creations, and what stopped them from continuing this mission, a civil war among themselves. Some say there are ones who opposed the ones who wanted to destroy us. But what if all those bodies in the trailer are from an apocalyptic event, or genocide. And not David's doing, how would he have survived all that time on that planet with these beings being there. Wouldn't they have killed him? Was he hiding from them? Did he earn their respect and then turn on them? I think they have been dead for a long time.
MemberChestbursterMar-01-2017 9:54 AM@Dr. Curt, yeah I think I agree that the Engineers are extinct and were so before David arrived. Well, I think it is possible that David was the one to deal death to them, but it is hard to imagine David and Shaw surviving very long with a planet populated by some Engineers.
I guess I could imagine the a situation in the prequel book that is coming in which David and Shaw set down and end up finding some Engineers, like, less than 10 who were on some sort of mission to the planet or the last few that were surviving there.
There could be a good cat and mouse type of game between Shaw and David and them.
And @ali81, that's an interesting point! This may well be an engineer inhabited world, but some selected people were brought there. Even if they weren't, like, there to live happily along with the Engineers, they would need nourishment.
Not a map, an invitation
Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMar-01-2017 9:57 AM@cuponator3000 Yeah that would be very interesting for sure.