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What is the Covenant?

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MemberFacehuggerMar-03-2017 11:29 PM

So, what is the covenant, and who is it between? Did somebody break it?

Did the Engineers break their agreement with their creators and get punished?

Is David the breaker? Has he broken his 'agreement' with his Human creators?

7 Replies


MemberNeomorphMar-04-2017 8:51 AM

Well, the Covenant is understood to be the name of the colonization ship that arrives to Paradise/hell.

Likely, covenant also refers to societal troubles in the Engineer home world, but I'm sure it won't be directly mentioned as such.

As with Prometheus, the title can be loosely interpreted in the story-line.


MemberOvomorphMar-04-2017 9:29 AM

My favorite story about Old Testament God is the Tower of Babel.

But why would God knock humanity down? Surely we mortals pose no real threat to Him.


MemberPraetorianMar-04-2017 9:50 AM

SpiteHouse, David 8 is a perfect example of the Tower of Babel. He is fluent in all known languages and is a stairway to unreachable places for those who created him.


MemberFacehuggerMar-04-2017 1:55 PM

Given that there are numerous parallels that can be drawn from what the word “covenant” can infer, my most perplexing, direct and shortest answer which is based on a loose biblical parallel, that runs along side the mythology of the Fire Goddess Pele. (It’s just a theory)

 Shaw’s daughter, because robots don’t eat wheat.


MemberDeaconMar-04-2017 6:22 PM

Indeed Covenant could have more than one reason...

it is the name of the Ship... The Covenant and the cast have mentioned this ship is like the Noahs Ark.... but this does not mean that it means the Ship is the Ark of the Covenant because it does not contain what the Ark of the Covenant did.

Covenant Theme will no doubt apply to a deal and we may see a deal made and broken on more than one level...  This Covenant could be between.

*Engineers and Mankind

*Engineers and their Creators/Hierarchy

*Their Creators/Hierarchy and Mankind

*Engineers and David 

*Their Creators/Hierarchy and David

The above but replace David with Shaw

*Between David and Shaw

*Between Walter and David

*Between certain members of the crew and companies Agenda.

Its really quite open but i think we would see at least 2-3 of those being at play.

A Covenant in Biblical Terms is a deal between God and his people, this can apply to Engineers and Mankind not only in their relationship as Creator/Creation but also could be between those above the Engineers.

It really comes down to who they could class as the God/Top of the Hierarchy as far as where they are going with this movie.

The Two Biggest Biblical Covenants are between God and Noah where he saved Noah and his Family because God deemed him worthy, loyal and clean and Just and Noah would worship God and follows his Rules.... in return God made a Covenant that he would never Flood the Earth again.

The second Covenant was between God and Moses as once again God Saved Mosses and the Jews as God chose them as his most loyal subjects and a people who he thought would carry out Gods will and live by Gods command... in return for this devotion to God and obeying his 10 Commandments, God had aided Moses and the Jews to be set free from Slavery by the Egyptian Pharaoh 

I think these could loosely be played out in Alien Covenant

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-04-2017 6:25 PM

"But why would God knock humanity down? Surely we mortals pose no real threat to Him."

Well the Biblical all Powerful God was a God who demanded Worship Outright to the Letter and those who try to do things that God deems are UN-Godly and against his will and intentions will be punished.

In context to the Franchise the Gods are not as powerful beings, they are just a more Ancient and Wise and Advanced Race, and they would have fear over Mankind just as Mankind should for David 8 and other Androids due to a potential Terminator Scenario.  When AI becomes Sentient and Rebels against its creator and sees itself as more superior.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerMar-04-2017 8:10 PM

Why would God knock humanity down? From a Biblical reference, it’s a good question and one that the genocide of the Midianites will answer, who were guilty of the Heresy of Poar. So make no mistake when mankind has taken a wrong turn, God’s wrath has been extreme.

From another biblical point, the Ark of the Covenant was a container for artifacts, one being the rod of Aaron for example. But it is thought to have the power of destruction.

Putting the Bible aside, why has nobody as yet look at the mythology of the Goddess Pele ? Prometheus was about fire and so is Pele. Also, why have a trailer that goes to all the trouble of using the Hawaiian centrepiece?

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