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WOW! @ the new A:C poster over on A:C twitter

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MemberChestbursterMar-23-2017 6:11 AM

WOW! At the new poster image on

53 Replies

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 2:00 PM



It has baffled investigators for decades but after a some considerable squinting and because "its what i choose to believe"...i feel the man on the grassy knoll was indeed closed ;)


MemberXenomorphMar-23-2017 2:13 PM


Nope thats Inquisitor Fifield with an ungun.

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 2:17 PM

These Shaw and "ungun" sightings make me grin on the inside


MemberXenomorphMar-23-2017 2:58 PM

On a serious Note I see what looks like 3 alien queen images above the top facehugged engineer.  I have included 2 images below

Pair of Queens Image (look at teeth)

Queen Comparison Image (compare teeth and double cartilage on side of jaw) 

2nd Comparison Image


Now I may catch some flack from this, but the images are undeniable.  I've been sitting on the fence regarding a Queen, but I'm starting to think there may be one in this.  I know everyone from the Cameron camp is going to argue that Ridley didn't come up with the idea of the Queen, Cameron did so he won't incorporate it.  The Ridley Camp is going to say Ridley, did say he liked the idea, and we all know if Ridley likes something he'll take it and incorporate it in later.  Then we have the Egg morphing camp say Egg Morphing is scarier and the Queens takes away from the nature of the beast being alien.  True, regarding the egg morphing but may take from the overall pace of the film as morphing takes time.  Regarding the Queen taking away from the alien nature I don't think so it gives more depth to it.


Phallic Jaw

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 3:48 PM

Sorry for being stupid and/or having bad eyes but could somebody point out the supposed Alien Queen head in the poster.  I just don't see it. I see everything else just not that one thing. 

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.  I watched Androids blow and finger each other's flutes.


MemberXenomorphMar-23-2017 3:58 PM

Phallic Jaw,

Not her head, but her head crest.  Its right above the Runner looking alien in the middle.  IF you look at my post above you see 2 queen faces side by side. I included some Queen images for comparison. 

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 4:01 PM


not trying to be a smart Alec but in your opinion how does the queen add more depth. Although I loved her on screen I just felt it simplified the species to that of an insect, I felt she was more like a big boss in a video game. I personally didn't feel it allowed for depth but if you have some ideas how they could use the queen for depth vs the mutation and ancient cosmic sins occurring I'd love to hear them, after all that's what these boards are for to exchange ideas and spark imaginations about this film universe we all love.

one idea I placed on another thread related to use of the queen is that they could still have queens and egg morphing and mutations with black goo. A single organism would still be able to take over an ecosystem or a population of victims through egg morphing and mutation but once there is a large enough numbers of Xenos in one location perhaps by design one of the Xenos is birthed and develops a further mutation into the queen, and her purpose would be to secure the success of the hive once it attained a large enough size.

just spit balling but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this or your own ideas on how to use a queen to add depth to this universe .



MemberXenomorphMar-23-2017 4:18 PM

Ok, as a predatory species there are 2 things that drive.  

1. Reproduction

2. Hunt

Each aren't exclusive to or of the other or are in order

Like you said once you start getting larger numbers together we need to streamline and start introducing other drive mechanisms. e.g.; Group protection, hierarchy, group hunts, etc.  Think of them as social pack animal vs insectoid hive mind creatures.  A lot of people overlook the social pack dynamic that I think they get from their human DNA counterpart.  By adding a queen or Pack leader you get this depth of different drive mechanisms that we don't fully understand.  Don't forget there is always a "leader" in large groups it doesn't matter what creature it is we're talking about.

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMar-23-2017 4:33 PM

WOW , This is just crazy and right on ,,,,were can i order one , Chris>>>> you need to get a bunch to sell ,,,,,,,,,,,



MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 5:10 PM

Its very similar to crucified xeno wall mural in prometheus but massively gigeresque grotesque, kind of the next evolutionary stage of the xeno's.


MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 5:17 PM

Those two heads definetly look like queens heads, the shape and length of the teeth are undoubtable, anyway by the looks on the engineers faces i bet they wish they took their annual vacation to some tropical island on a planet in a galaxy very far away.


MemberXenomorphMar-23-2017 5:22 PM

lol, The Force is with me and I am one with the force....uh wait The hugger is in me and I am one with xeno.


MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 5:54 PM

@Rick, lol! and that engineer is thinking "oh craps".


MemberOvomorphMar-23-2017 6:09 PM

Left hand Xeno - slithering up next to it's neck. Is it just me, or does that look suspiciously like a Hammerpede?


MemberXenomorphMar-23-2017 6:14 PM

Very reminiscent of the back of the head of a hammerpede indeed


MemberChestbursterMar-23-2017 7:29 PM

There is absolutely NO Alien "Queen" in that poster and there is no way that anyone could possibly see such. Ridley is NOT going to use that mechanism.


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2017 7:36 PM

It is hard to believe a queen would be in AC, but those teeth definitely are larger and the jaws look more squared off than the others.


MemberOvomorphMar-23-2017 9:41 PM

Agreed. Even before I read these comments, I thought those two looked like queens. Not saying that the queen concept will be in there. But that is a queen without the flamboyant head. But then again, there are 3 different types of xenos in there. And that does look like a hammerpede.


MemberFacehuggerMar-23-2017 11:52 PM

Well, this is amazing.

Conversation with the wife describes my reaction quite well-

.In walks the wife.

Wife: My god, What are you looking at?  What is that?

Me: Porn my dear wifey, porn.

Wife: *Rolls Eyes* You're such a nerd nerd



MemberDeaconMar-24-2017 2:03 AM

This image is very ambiguous but luckily not as much as the Prometheus Mural.   It is something each of us can choose to make what we want out of it, like a Cloud Formation but at least this time its more clear.

Those Queen like images do look different to the 1979 Xeno and Aliens ones, but then they look much more like the Alien Resurrection Xenomorphs and AVP ones...  but i agree the longer teeth are similar to a Queen.

This does not mean they are Queens, i think this Poster shows us numerous kinds of Xenomorphs could have existed and evolved.

As far as the Queen in the top of the image, i think this part looks more like the Trilobite ;)

Its like this Hellish version of the Trilobite has connected and formed part of the background and one of its Tentacles has attached itself to a Engineer.

Another thing to notice is the Xenomorphs are larger than the Engineers, this could be however because they are birthed or mutated from Engineers.  

And not that these beings are smaller.

But this ^^^^ is something we cant rule out




R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerMar-24-2017 6:02 AM

well if you're going by teeth size there are two more Xeno heads with those sets of many queens are there supposed to be? I always thought just one, especially if theyre a hive or pack of some kind. But like BD stated ( not in these words) we see what we want to see.

personally I hope the eggs come from a "thing" biomachine.


MemberOvomorphMar-24-2017 8:18 AM

@BigDave ya your right about that. The mandibles are just like the xenos from Resurrection. 


MemberFacehuggerMar-24-2017 9:34 AM

@ Grinning - love that grassy knoll shot.  Clearly that case is now closed

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