Alien Franchise Rule Book: for Members by Members

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 1:36 PM“The Scified Alien Covenant Unified Rule Book for Future Movies in the Alien Franchise”
I ran this thread from 23-30 March. I may have edited to maintain flow so I hope it somewhat orderly.
I would first like to thank contributors alphabetically: Apex_Predator, BigDave,, Blackwinter-witch , chadsbrothermatt, Dk, Grinning & Dropping Linen, IRaptus, LV226, ninXeno426, and Parkerparrot
Here is the original link:
Rules in no particular order:
- to have characters written and developed well with no wishy washy whimsical religious zealots.
- Do not put too much emphasis on technology like holograms and such.
- No romance whatsoever in any alien movie.
- No stupid characters such as fifield and milburn (posted X 2)
- No time travel (mentioned X 4)
- Put Chris and BigDave on the pay roll as consultants/writers with possible cameos. (Dave chose a mutated Jabba)
- No more than 3 rewrites of the script. Pick an idea, flesh it out, and make the best version of that idea possible rather than trying to incorporate old versions into some new vision by some new writer. (mentioned X 2)
- there is no place for corny over the top cheesy/corny dialog and sequences in this film universe (aka anything similar to Resurrection would be banned)
- No predators in the alien film universe, they are both cool but tonally too different to share a film and it be worthy of either,,save that stuff for the comic books (mentioned X 2)
- not everything has to be explained ,keep some mystery in this universe so we have something our minds can run wild with (mentioned X 2)
- NEVER turn it into an Avengers where our protaginists are just taking our hordes after hordes, it would be silly....even though Aliens went with the action/war vibe it still kept some of the bleak tone and impending doom and terror
- Ripley is done, done done never again shoehorn her into a sequel or prequel
- Keep the main focus on morphing and mutating as the genesis of the species but still allow an occasional queen ...there is just more ghastly horror to play with when it comes to mutation, but the queen IMO is limited, she looks good our hero fights her thats it, having her on the screen dosnt really open up any storytelling doors for us other than a cool action scene
- Im fine with tech but make it look used or serviceable, if its too "bright and shiny" it takes away the tone and feel of the movie
- I do not ever want to see Weyland Yutani weaponize the xenomorph.If you want to know why,just play Colonial Marines.Enough said
- R rating only (mentioned X 2)
- No main character kids
- Defined chest-burster gestation period(s). To paraphrase, consistent time lines yet allow some wiggle room for hosts with mentioned physical conditions that may explain gestation time variations.
- Xenos not used as cannon-fodder that run around in open spaces, or broad daylight; Ambush/stalking predator only.
- No quotes from Ripley as a fanboy nod to her like 'that's not exactly out of the manual' or 'get away from her, you bitch'.
- Stay true to H.R Giger and his nightmareish world and design.
- No comedy. (Dark humor is OK here and there but not to the extent of Resurrection)
- Never, ever again a newborn or anything that resembles that abomination. (I am fine with neomorphs though..) (mentioned X 2)
- No "up in the blue, infantile dopehead" ideas in scripts or drafts like wooden planets ur sutch. Alien worlds yes, but please not stupid.
- No fan boy service other then set pieces and or details about the alien universe that serves to expand the world
- Never 100% CGI, always a mix of practical effects
- Dont rely on Ripley storyline
- Don’t have more than 2 years between movies.
- I just hope they have it all planned out A-Z even if we dont see every part of A-Z as long as they know what a A-Z would be and stick to things that wont contradict it, and so also to tidy up the mess that has been left before.
- Projectile weapons preferred, yet allow for Laser-based weapons as they are making steady progress with them in the real world
- NO stupid-looking weapons like the blue and orange (present-day Target-match pistols) weapons seen in PROMETHEUS. They looked like kid's toys.
- NO MORE FLAMETHROWERS!! At least not pre-assembled ones in the armory/ready-for-use ones like we saw in PROMETHEUS. It is the absolute height of mindless and suicidal stupidity to fire one aboard a starship, they're cliche`, have no real practical use aside from menacing an Alien, and the last thing you want is an alien running amok, on fire, acid bleeding from multiple and increasing places where it's skin has burned through/sloughed off, and setting even more of the ship on fire and burning holes in the ship all along its path.
- Do NOT even TRY to 'Star Trek It Up'...this is the ALIENverse, it has its own distinct feel, flavor and mien. There is NO Central Monolithic Unchallengeable Federation of Planets as The Prime Authority...and there NEVER will be. There are NO Government starships out 'patrolling the sector', and when you're between star systems, you're on your own.
- Characters should act and inter-relate like people do in reality, not by way of artificial/idealized 'Niceness'. Watch ALIEN for some great scenes between Ripley and Parker and their friction-points in personality
- People drink beer, some likely carry whisky/liquor flasks, they smoke, and have pin-ups all over the place. These are people, not Idealized Human Federation Citizens

MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 10:07 PMI offer NO criticisms, I use it myself to keep Glaucoma in-check. I have a friend with an insanely aggressive case of arthritis, and it's the only medicine that's ever helped him. :)

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteApr-09-2017 10:12 PMBLACKWINTER-WITCH - I understand. I have never partaken of such fare. Yet, I understand (to a limited degree) its vaibility as a source of treatment for various malodies. I am no botonist or chemist, however; I can not speak to the actual benefits provided. Even so, I certainly hope something natural is considered before something that has been chemically-altered in a lab. Nature provides us with all we need to remain healthy. We must simply learn to listen to her and look where she points. :)

MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 10:24 PMPre-Glaucoma diagnosis, I'd never had any chance to try it. And it took a while to find the right blend to suit me exactly, but since that got figured out, it's kept the problem very nicely in check and eliminated any risk of my eyes being damaged. :)
I tried some prescription drugs first, and will never ingest those again, the side effects were awful.
Only side-effect of Marijuana is I get snackish, so I timed it so that I have it before dinner, and problem solved. :D
My friend had been losing so much sleep due to pain that his health was very seriously at risk, as well as no appetite/not eating from pain. But, with his use of it, the pain's controlled, he's sleeping properly, eating properly.
I agree with your points on Nature, very wholeheartedly!

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteApr-09-2017 10:31 PMBLACKWINTER-WITCH - I am pleased you and your friend have found a remedy for your troubles. I utterly despise the thought of human suffering - especially when the means to cause its remission can be easily grown and harvested. As such, a plant's consumption is, in my opinion, a fine recourse for those who can benefit from doing so. My only concern (and it is a negligible one at best) is the risk of dependancy. With that being said, however, I believe the aforementioned flora is not as taxing upon one's system as cigarattes. :)

MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 10:39 PMDependency is always a risk, as some folks can get addicted to Pepsi, as example. I have one small dose every other day, and it equates out to about three 'tokes', that's it, that's all I need to keep the problem at bay.
Marijuana has many benefits, in-general and for people suffering specific conditions. I had my doubts initially, but as it saves my eyesight and the side-effects only result in a greater enjoyment of dinner, I have no complaints. :)
For my friend, it literally saved his life, he'd have been long dead by now had he not given it a try.