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Walter name origin,
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MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 2:51 PM

Walter Name Origin

The significance of a name can be astonishing. Once revealed, the true meaning of a name and who wears it can add so much to the story. 

From a Germanic name meaning "ruler of the army", composed of the elements wald "rule" and hari "army".

Walter's name origin sheds a light on aspects of his personality that may explain his traits below.

Walter's name and origin is not a random choice that provides an accidental coincidence in deeper meaning. Germany, with it's rich and very long and distinguished history provides very deep meaning when researching a name origin.
112 Replies

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-09-2017 3:05 PM

Hmm when talking about german names and a 'ruler of the army' I would have expected Adolf not Walter somehow :D


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 3:40 PM

I was referring to Germany's history in regards to the pivotal battle won in the Teutoburg Forest 2000 years ago. European (and arguably most western tongue) language would be much different had this battle resulted in a different outcome.

John Denver's real name was German. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr. (professionally known as John Denver) was born December 31, 1943 in Roswell, New Mexico.

Is there a German connection in the canon novelizations for Alien that might explain this if it is anything? I'm rereading the novelizations now and can answer this soon but not soon enough.


MemberChestbursterApr-09-2017 4:01 PM

"... the name Armina is a common German baby name...", seriously? XD

I'm a german living in germany and never met an Armina.

I mean no offense but where did you get that from, Ingeniero?

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberFacehuggerApr-09-2017 4:21 PM

I've led myself to believe they chose the name Walter by first retroactively rationalizing the use of the name David to be an homage to one of the fathers of the franchise, in David Giler. Thereafter, it was straightforward for them to select Walter in homage to Walter Hill, who IINM, introduced Ash to the original story.


MemberDeaconApr-09-2017 4:23 PM

Maybe indeed we are not getting WalterMorph but Sir King Waltermorph.

But indeed interesting find, and who knows if there is a meaning to that Name or its Coincidence?   For example Walter is used because of Walter Hill but then we have no confirmation that David 8 was due to David Giler

So its surely something to debate about, as David is from the Jewish King as far as Origins goes too. Also means Beloved which clearly David 8 may feel he was not.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 4:28 PM

No offense taken Tiwaz. You're right, that is internet sourced fluff in response to this.


MemberChestbursterApr-09-2017 4:34 PM

@Ingeniero Ah, I see. Well, "alles Bekloppte" then. ;)

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 4:56 PM

Jesus, Ingeniero, you are dangerous. :D

Let me add your copy of this Inquisitor Fifield message here. The word autistic appears again:


MemberDeaconApr-09-2017 5:00 PM

Yep i best be on best behavior in-case Ingeniero has a screen grab of the offensive Banner on my Topic the other day lol

Joking aside (yes was not me as you cant edit Banners without Mod Privileges) indeed he offers some compelling Evidence ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-09-2017 5:00 PM

Still have no idea what u are trying to imply , only that my first comment here that you quoted was like 2months ago and regarded to a 'KingDieSektor'  

link to the youtube video with the comment since u seem to be pretty good with image editing..



MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:12 PM

Ati, not at all. I created a YouTube account with the first dozen videos and the only place I posted a link to the YouTube account was on this forum.

That day, I had two comments, one from Japan and the other from Germany. The one from Japan was nice. The other was from Armina. The math was easy when the foul language is habitual and consistent.


MemberDeaconApr-09-2017 5:15 PM

That dont mean they could be the same Person though.... and i do think that comment was made towards KingDieSektor but i do get your point ;)

Armina 1

Armina 2

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-09-2017 5:17 PM

Interesting information about Walter.

Here's my question: Does Walter/David really want to rule the Xenomorphs? 

I never really got that vibe from David.


MemberChestbursterApr-09-2017 5:18 PM

Germany? Uh oh! Wasn't me! lol

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:19 PM

Arminius was a chieftain of the Germanic Cherusci tribe and a former officer in the Roman military. Arminius used his knowledge of Roman tactics to lead an allied coalition of Germanic tribes to a decisive victory against three Roman legions and their auxiliaries in the historic Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, in 9 AD.

Modern historians have regarded Arminius's victory as "Rome's greatest defeat"[1] and one of the most decisive battles in history.[2][3][4][5][6][7] During the Unification of Germany in the 19th century, Arminius became hailed by nationalists as a symbol of German unity and freedom.[8]

Following World War II, however, schools often shunned the topic since it had become associated with the militant nationialism of the Third Reich, and many modern Germans have not heard about Arminius.[8] The 2000th year anniversary of the battle was not commemorated by the German government.[8]




MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:26 PM

Some weeks ago I got the same words from dr.swojd in a personal message: ...kill yourself obsessed reta...

So there is a high probability that Inquisitor Fifield, dr.swojd, the choco dildomorph anomaly performer troll and Armina Keum are the same person? You hint that, Ingeni?

Regular Parrot

MemberOvomorphApr-09-2017 5:26 PM

Could the name be from Walter the Wobot...the service droid from Judge Dredd in 2000AD?  Every time I read Walter I think of Walter.  Walter was servile and domesticated.

Today I have been dedicated to post on as many topics as possible until I pass out from drinking too many beers. 


MemberDeaconApr-09-2017 5:31 PM


The only way to disprove that was if they was all in the same Location at the Same Time lol

Mind you in Comics and on Film we had TWO Supermen and a Superman and Clarke in the Same Location LOL

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:33 PM

To sum it up, since the name from youtube is a female name, we have just discovered that Inquisitor Fifield is a female person??? You hint that, Ingeni?


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:36 PM

Ingeniero, aren't you a detective? :)

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-09-2017 5:38 PM

i just realized the name 'Armina Keum' sounds an awful lot like and maybe is a ambiguious wordplay of the common turkish&arabic insult 'Amina Koyim' (found this while googling i dont understand a word what hes saying)

are you saying that to me or what?

Ok i can take it, and I'll pass it right towards Ati, who keeps on narrating something of Doctors and Dildos since weeks and i havent got a clue wtf he or she wants from me :D


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:38 PM

Dave, this is a four in one pack. :D


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:51 PM

One more fact, Ingeniero. One day before dr.swojd got banned, her avatar changed to an image showing the rainbow flag burning or something similar. This obvious opinion about gay people can be explained by the discovery regarding the armina-arminius-german nationalists connection.

Congratulations, Ingeniero! :) You solved the enigma.

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-09-2017 5:52 PM

Why are you insulting germans all the time?

Are you germophobe racists?


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 5:57 PM

Don't think he's insulting Germany Fifield

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterApr-09-2017 6:00 PM

*grins shaking his head* Oh je.... 

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 6:01 PM

No, Armina, I'm not. :) It's too late to try to manipulate the others, don't you think?

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-09-2017 6:11 PM

still waiting for a link to the alleged video/comment, so try to troll me all you want kids

*also who, without an autistic disorder, would ever use his real name for a youtube troll or insult account?


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 6:13 PM


MemberPraetorianApr-09-2017 6:17 PM

Stan Winston (deceased), thank you for that. I didn't realize that regarding the writers names David Giler and Walter Hill. Excellent connection.
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