David's Hair! ( Poss split ends, I mean spoilers )

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerApr-14-2017 2:14 PMAnyone else think when David de-cloaks following his false rescue of the remains of the landing party, he will just have dark short hair?
Lets face it, convenience stores and hair products in general, a bit thin on the ground.
Or does Shaw have a bum bag with hair products in and becuase she won't lend it him, he turns her into a monster?
When David shows the Cap his prize eggs, I think he just has his battered old Prometheus suit on, with short hair of course!

MemberXenomorphApr-14-2017 3:04 PMGTiH, I think I discussed this a while back that he was probably stealing Shaw's hair supplies with his torsoless head. I mean that's all he has left to fix (that was attached I mean) was his hair. You know I think Shaw probably hooked bluetooth up between his head and his torso so he could start repairs.

MemberPraetorianApr-14-2017 7:52 PMIf David 8 could somehow gain access to a Weyland-Yutani Corporation Bio-Replicator pod, then he could generate a panoply of botanicals that he could apply to his polyurethane hair.
That is very funny regarding bluetooth Rick.

MemberPraetorianApr-14-2017 8:01 PMActually, the bluetooth, or advanced equivalent isn't that far-fetched, and would actually make a LOT of sense as Shaw is not an expert in Robotics, but according to David's Product Brochure info he can carry out his own repairs...

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerApr-14-2017 10:43 PMRick - I tried to find the discussion, however I lost my head in the process, so started over...
Who knows what David and Shaw got up to in ten years and indeed collected, they could have opened a country and western record store?
I know the shot of David in the field could show a whisp of blond locks and looking at the Sound Track, the Neo attack is 11 and Facehug seems to be 16
David could have indeed popped into 'Len for men' on the high street to make himself more presentable for his new victims?

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerApr-14-2017 11:04 PMDK - If Shaw and David do indeed have a romance, it could end up in a bath of black goo,with Shaw not looking too hot after the bath and David quickly ending the relationship...

MemberTrilobiteApr-14-2017 11:10 PMGDT- There had better not be any romance imo. The bath idea is interesting though.

Don Digimon Farrakhan Magic Juan
MemberOvomorphApr-14-2017 11:41 PMDavid's hair as clearly explained in the blu-ray features is maintained in emergency situations by way of a secreted resin. Although many have asked "secreted from what orifice?" This question remains one of high contention and debate, as does the means by which the secretion is achieved. (-_o )
Something about Mayland? er.. Weyland?

MemberTrilobiteApr-14-2017 11:49 PMPersonally, it is interesting about the hair details but is a little too anal for me. If I worry about every little detail I will not enjoy the movie. To each their own.

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerApr-15-2017 5:50 AMWow, it does appear David pays a visit to 'Len for men' in between his rescue of the crew and the egg reveal
David 007 - Awsome

MemberDeaconApr-15-2017 6:49 AMWell if David 8 can grow his hair as the image a few posts up show and he dyed his hair in Prometheus then its possible as time goes by that his brown hair would grow through.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerApr-15-2017 6:57 AMThere will some kind of self grooming in between his first appearance and the egg reveal, but as starlogger has pointed out on another David 007 thread, whilst bombing he has short hair?
My head is spinning like a barbers chair