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Different shadow directions on Engineer city images
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MemberOvomorphApr-19-2017 12:37 PM

We have seen two images: first one with two ships, and another one about bombardment. I just noticed that shadow directions are different. So, there are probably two different scenes, or planet 4 has very fast rotation. Any thoughts?

7 Replies


MemberFacehuggerApr-19-2017 1:34 PM

Good catch! Its possible that planet 4 has a fast rotation, this is a Ridley Scott film we're talking about.

What's the story, MUTHUR?


MemberOvomorphApr-19-2017 4:58 PM

David is just facing us in the larger picture with the scorpion ship, putting the "sun" to his left in the inset picture.


MemberDeaconApr-19-2017 6:43 PM

Not 100% sure what you mean, i think this World would have a Rotation of 18-28 hours this is a guess though lol

The Shadows are actually tiny tiny Engineer/Humanoid beings.

The whole Courtyard appears to be about 2 Miles in diameter but i could be slightly off with this but its massive.

I made a few topics on this so i will just give it a quick reply with my conclusion.

I will assume give or take.... that both Ships Merge where the (X) is and the Arrow is the approximate view we see from the shot where David is standing as the Bombardment begins.

I think this logical assumption is about 80% accurate to what we shall see.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-20-2017 1:16 AM

@BigDave, i mean the shadows from sunlight.

Look at the picture with two ships: sun is opposite to the citadel.

But when David deploys bombs (the citadel is also visible at the right upper corner), sun definitely has another position.

I think, there are 3 variants possible:

1. There are shots from different scenes.

2. Planet 4 rotates very fast.

3. Image with two ships is specially for Empire magazine and not from the movie.

This is high-res version of the topic image. 


MemberFacehuggerApr-20-2017 1:18 AM

or maybe more than one sun?  Binary system?


MemberDeaconApr-20-2017 8:55 AM

Not quite sure i am seeing anything.

Its a limited view from the Bombardment where we see David and the center of this view is about i have made this image which may not be 100% Accurate.

The Orange/Yellow areas are to show the areas between these is where we can see in the Scene the OT was referring to, is where we see Sun Light is hitting, it is obscured in some parts by maybe the Ships and Clouds.

The blue is approximately the area that could be seen from the viewers point of view of the Bombardment Image with David looking over, i can kind of see that the Sun Pattern has moved.

This is either a Oversight Mistake by those working on the movie, or we could explain it away by Clouds as this World is very Cloudy.

I dont think the World has a Quick Rotation i would assume and it appears to be a mistake again by those working on the Movie that this World they have listed as having a Mass Greater than Earths by around 30% yet the world is 5th the size of Earth.

Such a World would not have 7 Moons, so i assume its a mistake.

I would assume that this Worlds Days have to be 18-28 hour mark.

I think regardless the point is to ask are these two shots in the OT taken at different times and i will have to say NO they appear they are only moments apart.

I will safely assume that the Juggernaught enters the Atmosphere and flies towards the City, where it is intercepted by this other Ship and Dock Together and then unleash the Bombardment.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterApr-20-2017 12:00 PM

The difference between the shadows cast by the pillars/statues is roughly 90 degrees. Assuming Paradise has similar rotation speed like earth that'd make a time difference of several hours. I guess it's just an mistake. 

But we don't know what happened neither before the drop nor after. Judging from the Empire-pic with the "Engineers" I'd say whatever happend was past noon. Because the sun seems to be quite high in the Engineer-shot.

Or, again, it's just an oversight.

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

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