Is this MOTHER on the Covenant?

MemberPraetorianApr-24-2017 10:29 AMIs this “Mother”?
Captain Arthur Dallas would go to a secure room in Nostromo’s cavernous recesses to ask “Mother” (MU/TH/UR 6000) questions but Mother could also be accessed through the intercom system.
Walter is told by Mother to “Report to the bridge immediately.”
Walter then responds with “on my way Mother”.
Same image on the screen.
Tennessee is recording a message home when the same image comes up on the screen behind him.
Upon acquisition of the signal, the screens are all the same and then the Covenant crew is woken up to investigate the signal.
Is this “Mother” on the Covenant ship?

David 7
MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 10:43 AMYup. That's Mother and the rumor is Sigourney Weaver is the voice behind her.

AdminEngineerApr-24-2017 11:52 AMI don't believe Sigourney is providing voice over for MUTHUR.. That wouldn't make sense. Unless at the end of this series we learn Ripley was an A. I. Like David!!!!! What if she is the embodiment of Weyland-Yutani and an advanced, super synthetic. Oh man... The possibilities.
Nice catch though, Ingeniero!

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 11:54 AMIf the voice is Sigourney's, I would think that would just be a fun Easter Egg, and not part of the Storyline...

Grinning & Dropping Linen
MemberFacehuggerApr-24-2017 12:09 PMi agree Starlogger....anything beyond an Easter Egg with Sigourney would be a mess i believe

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 12:31 PMNow that I think of it, it is very logical that MUTHUR would exist in this movie. That would answer the connection (more or less) between the current android ambitions and those of Ash later in the series.
Imagine if David hides within MUTHUR a message for other androids .... about this perfect organism etc etc ...... see where I'm going?
Given that - I have a hunch that Walter gets "used" somehow - MUTHUR gives us a gateway to get our key xeno info back to our future characters like Ash

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 1:00 PM"... we learn Ripley was an A. I. Like David!!!!! What if she is the embodiment of Weyland-Yutani and an advanced, super synthetic...", how's that supposed to work, considering her having a daughter? o.O Unless Rips is an invitro....
Not to mention the xeno-infection (A³) and the cloning (A:R). That'd need some serious scifi mumbo jumbo. XD
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberDeaconApr-24-2017 2:31 PMIndeed seems to be the case...
And it appears with this one its like MUTHUR is Watching Everywhere!
As far as the voice, it does sound like Miss Weaver, but this does not have to mean at all the MUTHUR in AC will be in anyway connected to Ripley at all...
Just a unrelated Computer that she may be voicing that would give a nice little Easter Egg
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

AdminEngineerApr-24-2017 2:44 PM@Tiwaz, I know there are too many variables hahaha it wouldn't hold water.

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 3:31 PMDoes anyone else think that the Scream poster seems to use this yellow colour hue in the open mouth of the scream??? Intriguing!!

Micro changes in air density
MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 3:40 PM@BM. I think it's just a take on Alien and it's blood.
But I do believe weyland are guiding the crew to David for experimentation and return of a zeno. Muthur is watching. Same old stuff all predictable. But we love it.

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 3:56 PMHe does say the EGGS were await my for Mother.... ie MUTHER. I BELIEVE LV 426, as Muther stated is a weapons testing site for the Company, not the planet itself. Say LANDING VECTOR 426, code 426. It's always a programmed code into a Ship to drop off crew of many ships. I also doubt the Nostromo was the only ship to pass the site that was colonised. It was coal need... so it had to have many people survey it. The always knew what was there for a reason.
Now the Derelict Space Jockey, may not be an Engineer at all

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 4:04 PM@Micro could be, not sure why xeno blood would be in the poster so I'm sticking with intriguing!

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 4:37 PMThank you Ingeniero. Nice captures! Definitely MUTHUR 6000, different style to Hall 9000, but she is, the interior guidelines of MUTHUR are the same as everybody knows, Crew Expendable mission as NOSTROMO, my question is about Franco s death, maybe knew something?, or will see him again at the end of the movie as Peter Weyland in PROMETHEUS. No Spoiler!

MemberPraetorianApr-24-2017 5:14 PMMother's voice was provided by Ellen Ripley's mother. - Enigma solved! :D

MemberPraetorianApr-24-2017 5:19 PMThank you Chris. I thought about it a while back and the newest trailer material kind of cleared it up.

MemberTrilobiteApr-25-2017 12:46 AMA bit OT but I hope Weaver is not the voice of MUTHUR with all due respect.
She still gets her digs in like this:

MemberDeaconApr-25-2017 2:00 AMHa ha yeah saw that ;)
I think its not bad for a bit of a Goof, does highlight however her Anticipation and Disappointment at Alien 5, because i guess she feels its a Good Story and gives Everyone a more Happy Ending (as she had said) as some fans was disappointed how Alien 3 killed Newt and Hicks off... And i guess if they are to do a Sequel that includes Ripley, maybe they do feel instead of carrying on with Ripley 8 (who we have to maybe assume due to Xeno DNA maybe would not Age?).
And so a Retcon Sequel to Aliens was maybe a decent idea, if they intended to bring Ripley back
But looking at her now, time is not on her side and so i can see the Frustration she may have at having to wait indefinitely for Alien 5
for it to be done any justice i think it needs to be done in 5 years, with a bit of Anti Age CGI/Make Up.... leaving it 10 years would be hard to pull it off unless we going full Star Wards Rogue One Tarkin Overlay.
But it kind of Bugs me that Weaver feels she has a given right to be in the Franchise, its a bit arrogant and if i am honest her Acting work Quality is not very good since the turn of the 21st Century.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017