10:00 min. Alien Covenant footage from Alien Day screenings. Good Quality.
22153 Views70 RepliesArachon
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 9:43 AMWell its phoned but still very decent quality. Just download the moviefile. I donloaded it. It is a .mov file.
MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 2:10 PMcouldn't open link. Cut/paste into browser didn't work either. :(
MemberPraetorianApr-27-2017 2:12 PMJust did the link so it's clickable, thought to save you folks from having to do the amual copy-paste to the URL window
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 2:35 PMThanks for the feedback and all the appreciation and thanks.
But this recording and the link is not mine. I just found it on reddit while i was looking for someone who actually did record it.
All the thanks go to a reddit user called pokemonhandjobs. So thanks to your dedication and effort putting yourself in risk to get thrown out of the theater.
Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 2:42 PMI'm surprised that so many would actually want to see the first 10 minutes of the film on some crappy handheld bootleg like this leaked on the internet. I'd rather experience it on a proper screen.
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 2:44 PMhttps://www.facebook.com/ObscureMammal/videos/1464148493645052/
someone put the footage on his facebook. so until it gets deleted due to copyright reasons.
this way there is no need to download it.
MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 2:46 PMI told myself that i'd be out of here a week ago, because of all the spoilers... And I ended up watching this today! Holy crap!!! This is going ro be THEE movie of the Year!! Or the decade! The ALIEN-feel is back big time!!!! Oh man! 20 days.....
"Bees have hives, man"
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 2:50 PMSo, figure running behind hanging comm deciphered, check.
Loved that S. This is only the baby carnage! :D
Moar Moar Moar!
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 2:51 PMWho ever posted this - I love you and hate you. Cause now it is really going to be hard to wait till the 19th. Thanks so much. it was awesome. They movement of the Morphs are so fluid its insane.
MemberChestbursterApr-27-2017 2:52 PM@neomorph
YES...the acting is LOADS better all the way round! Of course, a great script never hurts!
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 3:09 PMMy slight worries about this movie are now gone after watching this. Thank you.
MemberChestbursterApr-27-2017 4:34 PMStarlogger there we go, better script = better everything.
MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 6:43 PMThe link doesn't seem to be working for me. I think I'm the only one on here that hasn't seen the footage yet
MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 6:46 PMRule #1 on my ship - maintain quarentine protocol. No point of entry access. Remote access granted by no less than 2 people with codes. Lockout - tag out.
Why are arms remote located? Should be everywhere. Every room should be pressurized, so you can cut pressure to eliminate threats. Table steaks.
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 6:54 PMI must say I was pretty happy seeing the scenes. They are intense for sure. I just hope this not the final scene. The CGI wasn't that impressive.
MemberPraetorianApr-27-2017 7:08 PMdidn't, and won't lol! XD
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop
MemberTrilobiteApr-27-2017 10:40 PM
I had to download MEGA through Google Chrome using BWW's hyperlink above. It took about 40 minutes to download. It took some doing but it finally worked. Decent quality but a sore neck from having to watch it sideways. Hope that helps.
MemberTrilobiteApr-27-2017 10:43 PMWell, that was a fast ten minutes! Thanks Arachon.
My only was issue was the woman telling the other she couldn't open the door because the room was quarantined- even though she was just there and got sprayed in the face with blood.
Game Over, Man
MemberOvomorphApr-27-2017 11:08 PMJust watched it. Looks great overall, but am I the only person disappointed by the hokey-looking CGI?
I realize this is phone footage, but the physics seem off and the neomorph moves in cartoony, overly exaggerated ways. To me, it looks like something from a video game and ruins what would otherwise be an awesomely realistic horror scene.
Hopefully I'm wrong. Either way, I can't wait to see the rest of this thing!
MemberTrilobiteApr-27-2017 11:14 PMI was ok with the CGI. I hope most of the movie isn't paced like that- it will lose impact if not balanced with some slower scenes imo.
MemberPraetorianApr-27-2017 11:40 PMGonna experiment with the vid and see if I cannot turn it right-side up...
MemberPraetorianApr-27-2017 11:52 PMOkay, here's a site with the software and such to turn a sideways video right side up.
It's free, it's online, simple to work with.
Rotate video online, for free
MemberTrilobiteApr-27-2017 11:56 PMBWW- I may check that out. Thanks. Fortunately I used a laptop and could physically rotate Flintstone style. The desk top would have been another matter.
MemberPraetorianApr-28-2017 12:07 AMYw :) I figured it'd help those, like myself, who don't really have any clue about vid-editing and such.
I'm VERY new to such, so lots of learning ahead, and it's a fast-fix for many fellow members here who wanna see it NOW. :D
MemberFacehuggerApr-28-2017 4:12 AMI hate/love all of you hate because I was hoping I would be unable to find it thus giving up on trying to find it and enjoy it with the full context of the scene(s) but you had to find it, and love because I hear it was phenomenal.
Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair
MemberOvomorphApr-28-2017 5:18 AMJust saw it. Man this will be intense to see it on the big screen.
After I finished watching the clip I was shaking. I hope that the movie will be shown with D-Box motion seats the back bursting will be even much more intense then.
I can`t wait to see it on May 9th in France.
MemberFacehuggerApr-28-2017 5:53 AMUnfortunate that they have something stored in the cargo hold, that when shot by the onboard small arms munitions, blows up the entire ship...
MemberOvomorphApr-28-2017 6:12 AMI uploaded it to Vidme so you won't have to download it
yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why
MemberChestbursterApr-28-2017 6:27 AM@Spearfish
[Neomorph butthurt fanboyism activated]
B...b..but I don't think the crew had any plans to -especially when in severe stress (and thereby lack of rational thinking)- attempt to shoot a lightning quick little creature that happens to run around close to the gas tanks that were not meant to be shot at.
Argument also supported by the Hollywood rule of mandatory explosions XD