Raining Urns (spoilers)

MemberPraetorianMay-01-2017 8:39 PMThe Engineer Juggernaut is a true War Machine
BigDave, the urns delivery room (below) doesn't necessarily need to be the same room as the pilot's chair and navigation.
One point is the intact navigation board and pilot's chair where the Covenant crew activated the Dr. Shaw hologram below. This is supposedly after the bombardment and the bay door opening is in another area.
There may be multiple rooms (six without the pilot/navigation room) that deliver urns through an opening like this below.
This bay opening is still open (below image) while the pilot's chair and navigation board in the Dr. Shaw hologram room (above image) are still intact on the floor of the chamber.
The floor is intact but the walls are similar to the urn delivery room above. I believe the areas you have marked as "C,D,E" may be the urns' delivery rooms on both arms of the juggernaut. See below enhanced hologram zoom.
The "C,D,E" rooms in your diagram have the same architecture as the urns' delivery room (see below zoomed holograms). Thank you again BigDave for the labeled juggernaut hologram below.
The below image is the left arm (right side of original image). See the similar entry door, walls, and circular floor. See the "D" room in a different image during the hologram turn below.
This hallway connects the compartments with similar door openings shown in the holograms.
David 8 may have stood and watched this attack from one of six rooms like this delivering urns to those below.

MemberPraetorianMay-04-2017 1:54 AMGiven the spiralling pattern we see induced on the urns, and what we have heard R. Scott say about the Engineers having a level of under standing re; Magnetic forces that is very far above our own...I'm thinking the urns fan out, suspended and arranged in the air until they are in Optimum pattern, then detonate in mid air, which would ensure much wider and more efficient coverage of a given target area.

MemberChestbursterMay-04-2017 3:27 AMIngeniero: I’m not sure about “the trumpet” but I agree that it is likely that the pathogen becomes an aerosol spreading with the wind and the engineers then inhaling it. They will then mutate, become aggressive and attack each other? This would also affect the whole planet through rainfall, winds and waterways, hence no sounds when The Covenant crew arrives (no birds or other “normal” animals)?

MemberPraetorianMay-04-2017 9:59 AMOh, I know chli, you're correct.
I keep building on my projections in regards to the weaponry because the visuals become more fantastic as we close in on the movie's release. The DNA-like strand structure of urns dropping over the large opening in the larger ship begs for theory.
Each detail of the Engineer's technology seems to come into focus when David 8 is shown expressing his great disappointment above in what he found out in regards to the Engineer's ways.
Things that may have been unclear in Prometheus are beginning to show their significance in the story.

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 2:48 PMIn one of the Asian TV spots, you see people dropped dead or turning black as the goo affects them, but this one guy seems to be different, for the few frames that he's in it for, the goo seems to be adding armour or biotech to the guys head, like it's converting him into something else.

MemberPraetorianNov-12-2019 8:47 AMWhat you described above Blackwinter-witch is very close if not exactly what is seen in the sequence in Alien: Covenant.

MemberDeaconNov-12-2019 4:35 PMThere Certainly seems to be Some Anti Gravitational Force Applied in the Cargo Hold, we could Wonder if this Force/Event is what Activates/Primes the Urns until they are Ready and then Released... this Priming Method is what would Cause them to Explode and then Rain down the Pathogen in the Manner we see in the Bombardment.
Indeed the Internal Layout of the Juggernauts appears to be a Bit Different, but thats NOT to say that NO TWO Ships need to be the Same Internally ;)
I did this for another Topic... where it shows where i assume the Prometheus Crew Enter to the Cargo Hold then Pilot Room. This image also shows where the Covenant Cargo Bay was and it appears that the Tunnel from this Cargo Bay must Snake Around on a Incline and Leads to the Pilot Room that appears to be at a Higher Level in this Ship.
There is NO Reason why the Ship Internally cant Change Shape/Size and Levels... maybe its NOT beyond the Technology as the Cargo Hold Hole in Alien Covenant does appear from a Area where there is NO such HOLE.... so their Technology maybe allows for the Material to Morph/Change Shape.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianNov-20-2019 9:04 AM"There is NO Reason why the Ship Internally cant Change Shape/Size and Levels... maybe its NOT beyond the Technology as the Cargo Hold Hole in Alien Covenant does appear from a Area where there is NO such HOLE.... so their Technology maybe allows for the Material to Morph/Change Shape."
The Engineer technology seems to do this BigDave.
The opening that the urns passes through seems to be the product of multiple layers peeling back, mechanically, folding into perfect recesses.
The same thing can be said regarding the opening on Planet 4 below. It is the Engineers' motif.