Admin Message: Posts containing Spoilers.

AdminPraetorianMay-02-2017 9:10 PMIn an effort to avoid the movie being spoiled for anyone, we ask that posts containing spoilers be clearly marked so that members know they contain details that might give away plot points. (Ex: **Spoilers**)
The same goes for titles, please avoid putting any spoilers in your post titles and clearly mark *Spoiler Warning* into the title.
Also, super important, please don't post any images in the posts that contain spoilers because even though the thread is marked with a spoiler, the images show up in the sidebar of Scified.
Leaked and bootleg footage of the movie is forbidden and any links will be removed.
This is only until the end of the month, so members and staff can see the movie without having it spoiled.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and understanding, you guys are awesome! x

MemberFacehuggerMay-07-2017 6:02 AMOh thanks Lily, that is an awesome poster and I truly want to see that movie! Maybe it will pop up on TCM one day...

AdminPraetorianMay-07-2017 6:10 AM@Qubism Thanks, and here you go!! Movie: The Spoilers (1955)

MemberFacehuggerMay-07-2017 6:27 AMThanks so much, they have loads of 50s movies on there. Is it because these are so old they're out of copyright?

AdminPraetorianMay-07-2017 8:54 AM@Qubism, You're very welcome! Yes I believe they can post them for exactly that reason.

MemberOvomorphMay-20-2017 12:17 PMHi, I submitted a discussion topic earlier and didn't think about putting a spoiler warning in the title until I'd already posted it. I wanted to go back and edit it so that I could mark it as having spoilers, but there didn't seem to be any way to do that. Now it's disappeared from the thread. Is there anyway for me to get my original post back so that I can edit it and re-post? Thanks!