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The Covenant is heading for LV-426. It just isn't called that yet.
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MemberChestbursterMay-10-2017 12:42 AM

Just sayin...

38 Replies


MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 6:54 PM


MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 6:55 PM

@Bubba Zaneti.  Someone is a Mad Max fan lol.


MemberChestbursterMay-28-2017 8:17 PM


Compelling case. At this point I could see it go either way.


MemberFacehuggerJun-04-2017 7:43 AM

Origae-6 is not in the Zeta II Reticuli system. Not even close. Both LV-426 and LV-223 orbit the same planet in the ZIIR system, a gas giant called Calpamos. There is another moon orbiting the planet, but it as yet has no name. Either way, it certainly wouldn't take Covenant seven years to reach a system it only took Prometheus two years to reach, 10 years before the events of Covenant.

Let's face it, there's currently 18 years between Covenant and Alien 1, so whatever David is planning has plenty of time to reach Origae-6, and back again...


MemberNeomorphJun-04-2017 8:07 AM

lv426 was tiny so I very much doubt that this is origae6 and their initial destination. it seems far too small a planetoid to have an earth like ecosystem capable of sustaining humans. I believe the term scientists use to describe an earth like planet is a goldielocks planet and lv426 does not fit this description


MemberFacehuggerJun-04-2017 8:14 AM

Not to mention that LV-426 becomes the Acheron of Aliens. They wouldn't need to colonise a place that they've already 'in theory' colonised with the Covenant occupants.


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2017 1:08 PM

No need for time travel. Yes Dallas does mention that it "appears" that the space Jockey is fossilized and that the derelict ship has been there for millennia but they based that on the back that the space jockey was a fossil which was an assumption. In reality now that we know the space jockey was presumably an Engineer in an exskeloten it is possible that the derelict has only been there years or months. From end of Covenant to beginning Alien we have 18 years in which to develop a plot and connection. All signs point to David being comforted by not only the Engineers but the Company seeking to get their hands on his research for Bio Weapons Division in the next installment. More than likely somebody takes off from Origae-6 and ends up crashing on LV-426 or David simply reroutes Covenant to take him back to the Zeta 2 Reticuli system back to where the Engineers have there Weapons Cashes and bases in order to continue is experiments on the colonists. He is clearly able to command M.U.T.H.E.R even identifying as David as seen in the final scene of Covenent. Honestly anything other than that would be an over complication in my opinion.



MemberDeaconDec-25-2017 5:02 PM

Indeed some good points raised RehabJip

I have covered similar a few times, particularly the 18 year Time-Frame which when we consider Origae-6 will be about 7 years 4 Months Journey this means no soon as David and the Covenant Ship arrive at Origae-6 it will be 10 years prior to the events of ALIEN

The OT makes some good points as far as seeing connections to Origae-6/LV-426 with a neat little find, and while we cant rule this out, the Problems i see with this depends on what is CANON anymore, the Weyland Viral Site and Marketing connected LV-223 and LV-426 in the same system,  who knows what they plan now, but both Alien and Prometheus the distances are similar and other clues do connect them to being related.

So if Origae-6 is LV-426 then the main Problem is when the Prometheus went out to explore LV-223, how did they miss the fact that near by was a World that is Habitable, also if we are talking the same system, then why would one place be LV-223 the other Origae-6.

The only logical way around this would be that what if LV-223 is Origae-6 and becomes LV-426, so that the aftermath of Prometheus eventually turns LV-223 into a Habitable World that has Plant and Organic Life, this is pretty much the route the FIRE AND STONE comics went and then if they go this route, so that Origae-6 is what becomes of LV-223, then some Tragic Event has to render Oriage-6 to become the Baron World of LV-426.

The Problem with this is time-frame....  Alien Covenants movie/marketing etc indicated that those behind the Covenant Mission had spent 10 years researching Origae-6 for it to be a viable world to colonize, which means it CAN-NOT be LV-223  because well 10 years prior is when the Prometheus was on LV-223, and for the same reason it cant be LV-426 if this is in or near the same system... because this would mean Origae-6 would have been detected on route to LV-223 by the Prometheus and the distance would surely not take the Covenant Ship nearly 9 years to reach unless its Technology was far behind Prometheus.

We have to look at the set up, RS claims the next movie will feature less Xenomorph but be about AI more, and RS also mentions what kind of a World David will build, and future movies will move away from the Xenomorph.   To me this means we will not be going to the Zeta 2 System but we will go to Origae-6 but at some point between Alien Covenant and Alien and so after Alien Awakening we will have to explain HOW/WHEN/WHY Davids Creations end up on a Engineer ship that crash lands in the Zeta 2 System.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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