Favorite part of the movie??? (Spoilers)

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 3:02 PMI literally just got out of the cinema and the one part thst stuck with me was when T and Daniels were setting the trap for the photomorph in the hanger, whe david opens the door it walks out on two limbs not four, the camera angel used had shades of alien isolation, i really enjoyed that.. share your favourite moments.

MemberOvomorphMay-20-2017 4:52 AMThe scene with Faris and the first apparition of the neomorph, the directing was incredible ! The way the camera was moving,It's was extreme, horrific and stressful, I liked the rush apsect, like someting was chasing after you. And the framing create a feel of clostrophobia, even if the nenomorph was locked up in quarantine !
Entry of the Gods Into Valhalla

MemberFacehuggerMay-20-2017 5:10 AMWhen David said "I'll do the fingering", a lady a few rows back yelled "You can finger me!"