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Better Ideas for Alien Covenant - What Could Have Been
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Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 6:43 AM

Here's a better idea they could have gone with for this film:

I think every alien fan would have wanted to see a home planet of the xenomorphs. The Engineers seed worlds, right? So why didn't they just dedicate a whole planet to the xenos? They could have seeded it with xenos and the xenos could have evolved on that planet and the Covenant could have quite unfortunately stumbled onto it and go from there. Then Shaw and David could have still gone off on their mission. Problem solved. Everyone's happy, and it's not stupid as f**k. In fact it would have been better because there would have been a lot more aliens. You could even still have plenty of stupid horror tropes with it, too. But to see a world inhabited by the xenos would be a fan's wet dream. It wouldn't even really matter what you do beyond that. Just seeing it would delight every Alien fan.

That way they wouldn't have to kill off Shaw and make David a stupid mad scientist with daddy issues and it would make for some amazing visuals and imaginative and very Giger-esque production design. It's just with the imagination that's possible with today's technology they royally f**ked Alien: Covenant up. To me the Alien series is dead now.

So please, share your thoughts on this idea and even share your own.

40 Replies


MemberPraetorianMay-23-2017 3:17 PM

Well, I'll keep the essence, tone, the 'feel' and mystique alive as best I can with my works.

It's all I can really do as I am finding that the fanbase is much more in-touch with the core elements of what the ALIENverse is and how it's supposed to be than the FOX execs.
Which shouldn't really surprise anyone, as a fanbase works from Love of a franchise, execs work from Money and statistical values, etc..

BUT, I will NEVER show a planet full of Aliens/Xeno homeworld, as I have a good reason why not to. :)





Working Joe

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 3:30 AM

@Patient leecher

"You could even still have plenty of stupid horror tropes with it, too"

What the hell? You dont like the horror aspect of Alien? What are you even doing here.. lol

No offence but i think your idea is terrible and sounds really boring.


MemberPraetorianMay-24-2017 3:43 AM

As for the beast being 'cooked', hardly, it's just NO one has ever really looked at it's Potential...aside from having it rampaging around with all the intelligence of a methed-up wild boar and trying to bust through things in a fashion akin to a ramhorn sheep.

Or better yet, having them attack in kamikaze waves like boring earth ants.

The Alien is more than that, much more.

And I am really glad it's fictional! :)





Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 7:39 AM


I had heard Ridley mention what you stated in the past as well. The thought of an evil ancient cosmic demi god like race playing an torturing through their experiments in space could be awesome. Then to keep it truly evil and "alien" they could be capable of unimaginable horrors or have control over uncontrollable horrors. You could still use the original style Alien but using a race of beings like this would open up the film universe to so many new horrors that could haunt us for years.

New is always scarier, each additional installment the creature that's purpose is to scare and frighten does so less and less. Movies like Jaws, Predator, Alien, all the title antagonists can not maintain their level of shock and awe or fear, its just impossible to recreate the first couple times and the reactions the first couple times those creatures were on film....thus any installment no matter how well done will always fall short due to the repetition of using the creature again and again, even if done well and in rationed appearances. That is why i do hope they explore the ancient cosmic demi-god race of beings having a hand in all of this or introduce new evils that are still connected to what we know so far, they can still use the existing creatures but they need new to capture peoples imaginations again like they did back in 1979....explore and expand the mythology  


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 6:29 PM


If they landed on a planet full of xenos everyone would die within the first 20 min. I like how the movie took an alien: isolation feel and made the 3 neos feel way more dangerous.

I love how the movie made David the creator. Made it seem like humanity brought this upon itself, and all could've been prevented if someone showed David some love or helped him get his synthetic dick wet.

Dead series? The alien franchise is ALIVE AGAIN.


MemberFacehuggerMay-25-2017 12:35 AM

"David a stupid mad scientist with daddy issues"

Lmao. That sums up A:C in short.

They killed with that mad-malfunctioning-AI-god syndrome David a really interesting story from Prometheus regarding background of the Engineers, humanity's origin.


Instead we get an illogical explanation how the Xenos are created, too dark screen time to hide the bad CGI effects/set environment.

As much as Prometheus had it's flaws at least it brought fresh air into the alien-universe which had great potential for further development story-wise.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerJun-15-2017 7:17 AM


Yes you can have xenos as side lines but you need to go further down the line what is the black goo from. I've always thought its from the demi god Ridley mentioned once...


This. Bring back Spaihts and Lidelof.


@Working Joe

I love horror. But Ridley didn't exhibit ANY creativity with this film. The lack of creativity is the problem. Well, that and he ruined the mythology of the xeno and threw out all the awesome potential set up in Prometheus. It's a f#cking waste.


MemberChestbursterJun-15-2017 7:26 AM

One better idea for Alien Covenant would have been Paradise! The continuation of the Shaw/David story from the end of Prometheus that was the original idea for this sequel.


MemberNeomorphJun-19-2017 7:24 AM

It would depend on what they would have done with the Xeno world. Having relatable human characters is more important than to have 10 000 Xenomorphs because if the amount of Xenos is the most important thing then AvP would have been great, right? Now AvP is the way it is so that shows that you need more than many Xenos to have a good movie. They should have had given the Engineers a bigger part when it came to the creation of the monsters instead of David. Hopefully David re-created it, sort of like when you make a dish from a recipe that someone else has written down.


At least we didn’t get a lot of Shaw and the characters were better in general (at least they weren’t as dislikable as in Prometheus). The movie was better even though it was not without bad things. I would not have liked to see Shaw and David go on their mission if that would have meant two hours plus of Shaw, forget that.


David was given a too big of an importance in AC, I agree. Having androids in the alien related movies is fine because it worked with Ash and Bishop. It depends what you do with them but they shouldn’t be the main focus even though it can be interesting to try new things.


Nope, Alien isn’t dead even though it could be better. The last time they released a really good Alien movie was Alien 3 and that was in 1992. AC was a sort of return to form after many failed Alien movies including Prometheus.


Spaights should be given a second chance if you ask me, but forget Lindelof.

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