MemberFacehuggerMay-23-2017 8:04 PMI never knew this scene existed. Play the youtube video in the link below.

MemberFacehuggerMay-23-2017 8:11 PMArticle where the screenwriter gives his opinions about what transpired with the direction they went.

Bubba Zanetti
MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 2:16 AMI wish what the Engineer said in the film would not have been cut.

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 2:38 AMYea, the engineer speaking scene should've been left in
I think they should've kept the alternative mutated fifield too, that was scary looking!

Bubba Zanetti
MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 2:39 AMNice Adam, agree on that too. That mutated Fifield was creepy looking.

MemberPraetorianMay-24-2017 3:12 AMagreed here on Fifield and the Speaking scene.
The roid-raging space-caveman fifield just....doesn't work.

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 4:01 AMThe other two scenes they cut which I thought could've been added (with some work) were when Fifield and Milburn find the familiar shedded alien skin and a few large worms he puts into metal containers.
There was also the Shaw VS Engineer scene, which I have mixed feelings about.
I remember reading a comment by, I think Ridley scott on why it was removed (that a weakened shaw was able to fend off the engineer), but still, seeing him entering the lifeboat, gently examining the crystal chandelier with his hands and reaching out to the big movie screen with the girl playing the violin, shon a different light on the engineer.
There was also a photo of him crouched down, looking at the contents of a book.
They should've somehow added those scenes back in and removed some of the ones I found pointless, like the awkward scene between Vickers and the captain and him asking if she was a robot, I would've much rather seen the engineer speaking, than that pointless scene.

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 6:39 AMI liked the Engineer vs Shaw scene! I liked the reaction the Engineer has to the crystal and the screen...like he was mesmerized

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 7:06 AMWe could really use an epic 3-hour Director's cut of Prometheus with all scenes intact!