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Let's talk about stupid: let's talk about Dallas...
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MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 2:40 PM

People say the guys from "Prometheus" and "Covenant" are stupid. I say, it is just how the very first Alien came aboard, Dallas - with a little help from Ash, who just needed an excuse.


Please, let's talk about stupidity from the very and lovely start :)

38 Replies


MemberChestbursterMay-31-2017 9:24 AM

Guys Fifield wasn't stupid for failing to navigate the cave. He was stoned. He was doing exactly what any stoned person would do when trying to navigate a new area. (no stereotyping intended. I think this may actually be what was meant to be conveyed to the audience. Cocky asshole gets high at the wrong time. Can't do his job at all.)


MemberChestbursterMay-31-2017 9:25 AM

Also, I should clarify, in spite of my comments about Dallas' stupidity, I still loved him as a character. It's also pretty hard to not jump on the "Dallas was Dumb" bandwagon when the OT has that doofy picture of him. I laugh every time I see it.


MemberFacehuggerMay-31-2017 9:37 AM

Yes but you only know he was going to be stoned in the previous script... it's all taken out in the film so basically it doesn't make any sense.  Also the fact that anyone would get stoned on an alien planet when he's already really scared really does not make sense if you have ever been stoned it really doesn't. I would understand if he were a heroin addict and literally was cold turkey couldn't do it on the ship or something so HAD to do it or go mental :) . But stoned hmm...naff even if you do believe it happened that way which well basically doesn't happen in the film. 

Prometheus is 9 out of 10 fifield is more like a 999999999999999 out of 10 illogical beyond reality :O .

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberChestbursterJun-02-2017 11:41 AM


I'm confused what you mean about them not showing it in the movie. I thought we had a moment where Milburn says "what's is that tobacco?" Then Fifield takes a hit which you can hear bubbling and exhales as he replies "yea......tobacco".  


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2017 12:44 PM


You are absolutely right, it is shown and heavily implied in the final movie he is stoned. It's not a cut or deleted scene or a directors cut version, it's in the original.


MemberOvomorphJun-02-2017 1:49 PM

ALIEN definitely has its problems, but we don't think about them that much consciously because it's been branded as a classic movie and because of nostalgia.

I've said this before, but if it were held it to the same standards as Alien Covenant you could easily make it sound like shit too. The problem is that fanboys RATIONALIZE. We've already seen it in this thread "they're just truckers in space" <- they're the crew of a huge interstellar mining ship. They're supposed to be competent. 

Another character that kind of annoys me is Lambert. Her passiveness during her death and the whole "paralyzed in fear" trope was taken to frustrating levels.

Overall though, it's probably still my favorite movie ever...


MemberFacehuggerJun-02-2017 1:58 PM

I liked Dallas. He wasn't perfect, but he wasn't dumb either. He wanted to break quarantine protocol to save a man's life (Kane). Then, when faced with a decision about the facehugger he left it up to Ash because anything science related was left up to the science officer to handle (protocol developed by WY for instances just like that perhaps? ;-)) Then when it the Alien was loose, who went into the tunnels to try to kill it....himself! He could've left it to someone else, but he wanted to protect his crew. Dallas was literally one of the best written characters in the franchise (in my opinion). 

Prometheus and to some extent AC are victims of pacing and time constraints. Alien - there were only 7 characters in a 2+ hour movie with a small scale story to tell (10 little Indians in space) so of course they were better developed. Aliens had 20 + characters, plus a mythos that was being developed and a bit longer of a run time. A3 again had a larger supporting cast but a similar feel to the first Alien (people trapped, picked off one by one). Not even going to touch Resurrection lol.

Prometheus had the problem of establishing a new mythos within an already prominent one AND introducing new characters we need to care about. All of them pretty much had some good character flaws...AC continued that tradition unfortunately. 

It's not that these newer characters are dumb, they're the victims of poor writing and too much trying to be told in a 2 hour flick.

Dallas. The man. The myth. The legend. LOL.


MemberFacehuggerJun-02-2017 4:38 PM

Ah ok... i had to use my long term memory as i can't bear to watch it again... i thought  it was a cut scene or the main part of it was cut no?... and not very obvious it means anything though anyway even with that ( so got a tiny bit stoned?)'s been a long time :s . Ok so he freaks out on an alien planet with dead aliens and leaves early to get back and has a friend. Then decides to start getting stoned and it's only about 4 rooms and a 5-10 minute walk to the entrance... he would only just start to feel the effects in that time and no were near enough to get lost! Unless it was something really strong but they were not acting out of it at all really. Just doesn't add up. Sure if they were rolling around finding it hard to stand up and focus i would buy into them getting stuck. And why would anyone smoke cannabis in that situation anyway it makes you paranoid :s . And then he's got a 3d map that could act like Google literally pointing arrows to the way out probably even saying turn left at the next junction... or your going the wrong way. And people in the ship in contact... hmmmm ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

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