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Thoughts after second viewing...

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MemberChestbursterJun-01-2017 7:30 PM

I have finally watched the film a second time and was surprised by how much I enjoyed myself in spite of all the frustration I felt after the first go round.

My conclusion is that it's a great story, but poorly told. As a vehicle to deliver the story, I give the film two thumbs down. Music and visuals were excellent (except for certain shots of the xeno). In spite of the characters being poorly developed, I really did enjoy the performances. Pretty solid acting from most of the cast. I am still not sure how I feel about the idea of David creating the xeno. I do believe in spite of what is in the book, this is what Scott want's the origin to be. I don't think he realizes that to us fans, just because the pathogen may be ancient it's not the same as the xeno (eggs, huggers, big chap) being ancient. At this point I think I would prefer he fixed this and firmly established David as simply recreating it, but I don't know if he will. If he doesn't I've pretty much grieved already so I don't think it'll be a huge problem for me.

Ultimately my come away is this. If you only saw it once and it rubbed you the wrong way, you MAY feel a little better about it after a second viewing. I definitely did, though I will continue to harp on it's weaknesses.

15 Replies


MemberTrilobiteJun-01-2017 7:34 PM


You know what? Your post actually reinforces my holding out until the blue ray comes out. I will see it after the buzz dies down and I can just take it in at my own pace.


MemberNeomorphJun-01-2017 8:48 PM

QueenElizabethShaw Unfortunately, I felt even more sore after the second viewing, and my score stays at 5/10. I actually felt bad for the actors, even Fassbender is forced to say ridiculous lines just to justify some stupid problem created by the script. To me, it looks like an authentic B movie, Roger Corman style, where you can laugh at the shortcomings of the production. For instance, the fact that you have a second act entirely shot in studio sets (the cave), the fact that they show you drawings of David's experiments on Shaw instead of flashbacks: that's what you do when you don'y have money. I don't understand where all those 97 million dollar went then.


MemberChestbursterJun-01-2017 8:59 PM


I can't deny, I would love to see a breakdown of how the money was spent


MemberPraetorianJun-01-2017 9:39 PM

:D --- One has to start somewhere:


MemberNeomorphJun-01-2017 9:49 PM

Ati yea hehe and he also made that movie about the flying piranha. Francis Ford Coppola worked with Roger Corman too.


MemberOvomorphJun-01-2017 11:35 PM

I completely agree, QueenElizabethShaw. I've seen the movie twice now and liked it much more the second time around. That being said, there were some feelings I had after the first time I saw it that were reinforced after the second time. Namely that RS wrote the movie he wanted and then threw in some gore and scares to appease movie goers. Also the intentional/unintentional humour between David and Walter (namely the erotic flute lesson) didn't seem like it truly came off as intended. I guess what I'm trying to say is the first time I saw the movie all I could focus on was the parts that felt forced and tacked on, and the second time I was able to look past those and enjoy the moments that seemed to flow together.  



MemberNeomorphJun-02-2017 12:41 AM

for me the whole point of this saga, which RS himself confirmed, was to address the derelict scene in alien. Prometheus was a good start imo to see into that side of the universe. when I think of the derelict scene I think and wonder at the possibilities of that ship. its pilot and cargo and how they all fit together. the events on lv223 only stirred these feelings up more when thinking what happened to the engineers and was it all connected. now to think that david is responsible rather than some ancient long since past event changes the entire way I view the derelict scene in alien and frankly ruins it for me. if this comes to pass then ill never be able to watch that scene in the same way again. anyone else feel that way about that scene?


MemberFacehuggerJun-02-2017 12:43 AM

Hmm, I am going to take a pass on the second viewing and use my hard earnings to enjoy Wonder Woman this weekend.  92% on rotten tomatoes!!

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphJun-02-2017 1:00 AM


I watched Wonder Woman last night, its good but could have been better and it sure as hell isn't a 92%. 

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberOvomorphJun-02-2017 1:01 AM

On topic though, I also enjoyed Covenant the more I watched it.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

Michelle Johnston

MemberChestbursterJun-02-2017 3:58 AM

I agree with you about the second viewing. Once you know what is missing you then focus on what is there. The second viewing was also Imax so the dialogue cut through better.

However the overarching failings of the movie affect ones long term interest in it. 


That we are now further away from LV426 answers then ever makes the whole prequel backing in feel a bit like the Hobbit Trilogy. The latter story could have been told in an exciting way in two films equally the backing in to LV 426 could be done with now. If your going to do prequels you need to have a single piece of paper in front of you with one sentence on.

Does this help the original !!!!

It was pretty simple

Weyland origin story.

Who is the Jockey Race.

Who would create such a thing (the cargo) and why.

Film 1  You set the scene give some hints and find them - but dead, with a puzzle in outline to be filled in. To go one step and wake an Engineer was perfect you then leave open the obvious question for the second film.

Film 2 You go the source and get your answers.

Objective make ALIEN even more powerful.  

David should be the narrator of the story rather like the Crossing not THE story. 


MemberNeomorphJun-02-2017 4:17 AM

michelle, I agree david makes for a very good antagonist but he is becoming the sole focus of the saga which isn't how was meant to be according to RS. travel with him along the way to answers about the engineers, their history, relationship with the xeno and to us by all means but to make him the focal point is missing a huge opportunity imo and greatly diminishes the potential for this saga and its ability to do the original masterpiece justice. I hate the idea of david having any hand in the derelict ship, it spoils the wonder and room for imagination that the engineer story holds. Prometheus opened the door for the possibilities and tho many dislike it, I think many of those same ppl would rather RS had continued down that path and at least now can see the value in the questions left open after Prometheus. AC has imo has done nothing to add to the universe. and to add to that piece of paper should be

Original idea for who the jockey was and STICK TO IT

what was their connection to the eggs and STICK TO IT

then work back from there to an origin point and join the dots in an entertaining way. for me Prometheus did a good job as a jump off point but id say RS has sold out when it comes to AC.


MemberChestbursterJun-02-2017 6:18 AM

@QES Ridley probably got 20-25% of that budget himself!

drop your linen

MemberOvomorphJun-02-2017 8:59 AM

I went to watch it again hoping I'd like it the second time around but still came out of the cinema feeling disappointed. 


MemberChestbursterJun-02-2017 11:33 AM

I have been quite strong with my feelings about a:c

When you invest a lot of time into the franchise, debating, theorising etc.. you expect that if you are putting the work in, the makers would do the same and it simply did not happen.

Yet Fox knew there were no answers coming and still promoted this as a sequel to Prometheus!

This is one of my biggest issues.  

Before the A:day footage, RS mentioned it is a sequel to Prometheus, it was marketed as such.

Why pump it up to be something it is not?

Surely, given what they had, the correct way to deliver it would of been to say that it wasnt a direct sequel. It doesnt follow the mythology, it goes into another area.

Then at least we would of accepted their honesty, however hard to swallow, then went on to enjoy an action flick that happens to be set in the Alien universe, which is pretty much  what it is.

Theres nothing wrong with that, it can stand next to Aliens 

Then at least we would willingly want them to have another shot.

Whereas now, some of us are wondering if it is worth it?

I bet there are rewarding franchises out there.

Trouble is they not Alien. Is it time we reluctantly move on?


Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

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