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Alien Evolution

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MemberPraetorianJun-09-2017 5:22 PM

The first image shows the evolution of the Xenomorph, the second one is about the Deacon, and the third one describes the evolution of the Neomorph.

The last image shows them together. Copy them, save them, enjoy them!

14 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 6:04 PM

Why did they use the AVP xeno.. 


MemberDeaconJun-09-2017 6:04 PM

Thanks for these ATI ;)

I would have loved to see what a Adult Deacon would look like, and i wonder what kinds of Evolution it has when its a Adult.

Certainly would be about 18ft mark if it grows at the same rate/ratio as a Mammal

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterJun-10-2017 12:15 PM

Great content ATI 

the spores seem to be the  most effective version from the goo. they make more sense than the ovamorph / facehugger and for me are the most dangerous.

although the facehuggers in a:c were very good.

As for the Deacon and its size, well the trilobite got huge and the Engineers are very tall anyway. Then you got a potential  increase in size of a good few metres tall?

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberPraetorianJun-10-2017 5:59 PM

Jeri.theSOB - I don't know.

BigDave and sherris - I'm glad you like them.

'I would have loved to see what a Adult Deacon would look like, and i wonder what kinds of Evolution it has when its a Adult.' - The same here, Dave.

I think the spores (the Motes) have the same role as the facehuggers, they inject eggs (with the help of a tube) into the victims, that's why I named them 'earhuggers' some months ago. However, the movie shows a 'nosehugging' as well, so this name is not so good.



MemberPraetorianJun-10-2017 6:07 PM

The charts show official Fox info:

If you look at the Xenomorph section, you can see that the Queen and its role is included! So it is not true that the Queen is not canon anymore!

I think Scott is planning to show the origin of the first Queen in the next Alien movie. Probably it will be a little bit different and shocking compared to the Aliens queen...


MemberFacehuggerJun-10-2017 6:34 PM

Good article Ati. Speaking of the deacon, I wonder if we will ever see it again...? Seeing that they are trying to rid the franchise of most of the Prometheus linkage (except I-Robot, David..), I suspect we will not see it again unless we get a new director/production team..


MemberPraetorianJun-10-2017 6:42 PM

Thx, just for you. :)

Three movies - three different children.

I'm sure the next Alien movie will reveal the next child and this one will be the worst of all.

I want only Ridley Scott. /Fox! Give him enough money!/


MemberOvomorphJul-22-2018 11:25 AM

I feel like sometimes they add too many sub-species of Xenomorphs... I want more sub-species but I also want at least a good nice chunk lore for each of them... like the newborn 


MemberNeomorphJul-23-2018 4:06 AM

Thanks for posting the image Ati, I like it.

Ho ho ho! Neomorph, I imagine Neo from the Matrix bursting out through the chest and says:

“Here’s Neo!” (A reference to the Shining for those that don’t know and I also got the Matrix in here, whohoo!!)


MemberChestbursterJul-24-2018 2:54 AM

Good article. But I don't think what hammerpede is a part of Deacon evolution. It's separate species - from earthworms.


MemberNeomorphJul-24-2018 3:30 AM

think ati is just showing us all species that evolve from the goo tbh which in a way connects them, assuming the goo is used in the process onboard the Covenant????


MemberNeomorphJul-24-2018 3:31 AM

sorry, got that wrong. assuming the goo was used in the creation of the face huggers that r on on the covenant


MemberPraetorianJul-25-2018 8:12 AM

Great catch Leto.

The hammerpede was clearly raised from the worms and part of a separate evolution that Milburn could teach a biology class about his contact with one.

Yes ali81, it is hard to nail down what the black goo can do because of the assumed many examples of this mutagen shown in Alien: Covenant.


MemberDeaconJul-25-2018 1:32 PM

"Good article. But I don't think what hammerpede is a part of Deacon evolution. It's separate species - from earthworms."

Indeed they are both different outcomes to the Black Goo infecting TWO different forms of Organic Life Matter...  Worms, and Sperm/Egg Cells.

The Black Goo was more simple to understand in Prometheus, especially when we look at the Alternative Concepts and then more so when we compare it to Jon Spaights Nano-Scarabs (Alien Engineers draft). However those at FOX have added little changes here and there after Prometheus that has Complicated the Substance and made it a bit of a McGuffin.

I think the CONSTANT we have to look at when connecting to ALIEN is we are shown a Parasitic Life-Style.  Lets look at these for what we Definitely have seen in the Prequels and Davids Workshop, before i END with the Hammerpede.

While we had Mutant Fifield who looked more like the Toxic Avenger (some concepts we saw more Xenomorph DNA) the MAIN Xenomorph DNA we see in the Prequel Franchise in Order came from.

*The Trillobite (Cuddles) clearly a Hybrid Organism, that we see has a Connection to the Xenomorph via how it acted as a FACE-HUGGER leading to the Deacon Chest Buster... so indeed a Parasitic Life Cycle as with the Xenomorph.  Only these Face Huggers Evolved from Dr Shaws Egg Cells (likely) or was a Parasite that Hijacked her Womb to Grown.. so Dr Shaws Reproductive Cycle allowed for the Creation/Birth of this Face-Hugger type Organism.

*Neomorphs again we see these Organisms Gestated/Grew inside a Human Host but there was NO Face Hugger Stage, instead the Spore Casings released Tiny Spores/Parasites which then Grew/Evolved/Combined to give us our NEOMORPH a Organism with Xenomorph Traits and a Parasitic Life Cycle.

*Various Experiments by David, some based on the Parasitic Spores that created Neomorphs, and David had done a lot of Mixing of Various Organisms infected with the Spores and Black Goo, until he used Engineer Bodys and likely Reproductive Cells to Produce something between a Neomorph and Xenomorph. 

*Proto-Morph... the Xenomorph we see in Alien Covenant, based of the Near Perfected Results of Davids Experiments, that he used Dr Shaws Reproductive System to Produce more Desired Results.  This Xenomorph and its Life Cycle are pretty close to that in ALIEN.

All of these Events/Organisms have a Parasitic Reproductive Cycle were a Organic Host is required to Gestate the Xenomorph related Organisms.  Deacon, Neomorph and Xenomorph.

However we dont see this with the HAMMERPEDES while we can clearly see Xenomorph Traits with this Organism and some of its Genetic/Aesthetics are similar to a Face Hugger.  So we can Ponder HOW would this Procreate?

Most Worms Procreate via Eggs, some are Asexual and Do-Not need there Eggs to be Fertilized but some are Hermaphrodites (Earth worms too) and so TWO Worms will Mate and BOTH will have Fertilized Eggs.  So the Question is... do the Evolved with Black Goo Worms (Hammerpedes) Reproduce still after the Infection/Evolution and would they Procreate as the Original Worms do?

I think when looking at one of the MAIN things about the Black Goo and Organisms it infects, is they become Parasitic in their Procreation and so i do think its LOGICAL to assume that the Hammerpedes can PROCREATE but does their Egg Stage get Hijacked by the Parasitic Nature of the Black Goo?

The Spore/Motes are Hijacked to Produce a Xenomorph related Organism.

Dr Shaws Reproductive Cells, likely Hijacked to Produce the Xenomorph elated Parasitic  Trilobite, and latter Eggs that Produce the Parasitic Face Hugger. 

So maybe we can Wonder/Assume of the Hammerpedes Egg Cells will become a Parasitic Organism that takes Traits off a Host?  Maybe there was a REASON the Hammerpede went into Milburns Mouth? 

Prior to Alien Covenant and the Neomorph Life Cycle, i was drawn to the HAMMERPEDES being the most likely Candidate to the Chest Busted Engineers in Cryo-Sleep in Prometheus.

I think this does fit with the Parasitic Effects/Life Cycle.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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