MemberFacehuggerJun-29-2017 1:29 PMSet to the beat of Nuthin But A G Thang
And it's actually "Fire"
Xeno: The Mixtape coming soon
Cleaner than Earth Actually

MemberTrilobiteJun-29-2017 1:42 PMThanks for sharing- pretty funny and accurate!
Here is a clickable version

MemberFacehuggerJun-29-2017 1:45 PMThey knew that Resurrection was bad
Cleaner than Earth Actually

MemberTrilobiteJun-29-2017 1:48 PMFor different reasons, I would say I liked AR way better than Prometheus but I think we wore out that debate a while ago.

Capt Torgo
MemberFacehuggerJun-29-2017 7:08 PMI'll back you up DK on AR although I have Prom ranked at #3. AR is a fun movie with awesome practical effects. It's well made and has amazing characters which I cant really say for the recent mess. Seeing Sigourney in prime physical shape and hellboy plus the cute girl from scissor hands. I guess folks have to pick a runt of the litter which I unabashedly pick Covenant.

MemberTrilobiteJun-29-2017 7:11 PMAnd don't forget that awesome real reverse basketball shot! Yeah, I really like AR. Maybe AC will be a movie that gets better with age like A3.

MemberChestbursterJun-29-2017 8:51 PMLol, that was hilarious! I wish they did a longer re-cap of Covenant, though!